Aldo wanted a spray job on his motorcycle that would really mean something. Ron van Zyl painted a magnificent story on his bike. This DVD shows a little of the progress of the spray job and also the story of the paintings by Aldo himself and also by Ron.
The Bike was used as a great ministry tool. Aldo took it to rallies and told people the Gospel of Christ. The bike was in an accident and it does not exist any more. The DVD shows the magnificent paint job.
Ron still does Airbrush work on order. You can contact him regarding this.
A guy named Floris wanted a spray job on his motorcycle that would really mean something. Ron van Zyl painted a magnificent story on his bike. This DVD shows a little of the progress of the spray job and also the interpretation of his spray job by Floris himself and also the real meaning by Ron. Both Floris and his Motorbike is long dead but the DVD still shows the amazing story of what Christ came to do for us on earth with this paint job.
Ron van Zyl still does spray paint jobs for people and you can contact him regarding this. Also leather tool work for seats etc.
Ron van Zyl het ‘n groep kinders verduidelik hoe die gewete van ‘n mens lyk op die wit bord deur prentjies te teken. Op ‘n eenvoudige manier verduidelik hy dat die mens se gedagtes die Hart is en dat God ‘n rein Hart of ‘n skoon gewete kan seen.
Dis ‘n eenvoudige DVD wat enige iemand kan verstaan.
Features: Dr Ron van Zyl explaining how to dream again. We have lost our ability to imagine and in this seminar he explains how important our minds are to God and how to bring us back into child-like faith. Because of the work that Jesus did on the cross we can once again have the same relationship Adam and Eve had, in the Garden of Eden with God.
Tydens hierdie drie uur lange seminaar het Ron van Zyl deur middel van amper ‘n 100 eenvoudige prentjies die geestelike Skepping van die Mens en die verduideliking van talle Ou en Nuwe Testament stories verduidelik. Dit is ‘n baie leersame en interessante DVD. Dit is eenvoudig en enige iemand kan dit verstaan.
Features: Dr Ron van Zyl explaining the Garden concept using 10 large paintings which he painted under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The book which accompanies this DVD is Book 3 The Garden.
Pictures of the Painting explained and shown in this DVD can be seen further down on this page.
Duration: 1 Hour
All of the above paintings are used in the Book The Garden and the DVD The Garden. Full explanation of each can be found in the named resources.
Single disc: R100.00 (excl postage) Also available in Afrikaans now!
Features: Dr Ron van Zyl doing a guided tour through the man-made Cave which he built himself. See the page on the CAVE for more information and watch a short PowerPoint Presentation video. if you would like to see what it looks like, or read about it in the first (Book 1 – The Line) and 8th book (Book 8 – The Conscience).
The Power of the Cross features a seminar conducted by Dr Ron van Zyl, at The Shoe Ministries. In this double disc he explains how the cross becomes the division between soul and spirit, the sharp two edge sword of discernment between the Kingdoms of Light and Darkness and the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. By understanding the cross we can now boldly enter into the presence of God with a pure heart and a clean conscience.
On the second disc he also explains the ’Twelve Room Prayer’. This very successful prayer method brings about order in our thinking and in our lives. There is also a booklet on ‘The Twelve room prayer’ method.
Duration of DVD about 2.5 hours
The Twelve Room Prayer booklet can be read for free on this site or it can be downloaded free of Charge.
This is the entire booklet. You can read it right here or you will find a PDF download link at the bottom of this page.
If you are suffering from some illness, depression, poverty, or emotions that come and go at will, then this booklet is for you.
The following booklet is an extract from the seventh book, “The Twelfth Room”. As you read, you may not understand some of the statements because you might not have read all my books. All seven books were written in exactly the form I received revelation from the Lord. All the books are full of photographs of sculptures, paintings and sketches that you, the reader, will have need of, to understand the spiritual realm.
The question most asked is: “Why does God not help us—Where is the blessing?”
Most of the prayers of Christians go unanswered. Most Christians are the broken-hearted and the captives. If you had to make a list of all the disappointments that have happened in your life it will be a long list; where are these disappointments right now? They are still in the subconscious, we were never taught to take them to the cross. You see Jesus came to save us from those thoughts out of the past that still makes it into the mind. It is the failures, embarrassing moments, hurts, and the lust of the flesh that we need to be saved from. These old thoughts are strongholds and cause sickness and poverty. This little book is designed to introduce you to the way Jesus saves us. There is a lot of information you are still in need of, but at least you can learn what sin actually is, and how to cope with it at the cross. After 40 years of personal intensive study, I have discovered that it is the state of the conscience that dictates whether God can bless us or not.
We are all born with the same conscience and realize that it functions with moral laws, which are the commandments of God. Without these laws, there is social chaos.
Luther said: “How can there be sin if there is no law”. F.B. Meyer says: “The conscience is the most delicate instrument in the universe and the slightest speck of sin on the conscience causes it to be seared or clouded.”
I will try to explain: Most of us say that our conscience is clear, as Paul also states; but God is the judge.
The moment we give our lives to Christ Jesus the light of the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in us. Do you remember when you first gave your life to the Lord Jesus? The person, who prayed with you, led you to ask the Lord to forgive your sins and wash you with the blood of Jesus. Immediately your conscience was cleared and you felt light and release from darkness, little miracles began to happen and everything was wonderful. But it did not last long for sin, in the form of offense, worry and all the other things listed in Galatians 5 made it back onto your conscience.
God could be described as a sun who shines all the time; the moment sin comes onto the conscience, His light can no longer shine through into your being, therefore your dirty conscience causes the blessing to be cut off.
The conscience is like the surface of the sea, when the sea is stormy, dark and murky the light cannot penetrate into the deep. We are ‘the deep’ on which the Spirit of God moves and says: “Let there be light!” Genesis 1.
But it doesn’t stay this way for long because we allow the deep to come back on to the surface.
The word ‘deep’ is translated as ‘wicked, sorrow and ignorant’, it is the part inside of us that we are ashamed of.
This lower emotional state inside us is sometimes described by the Bible as being ‘animal, lust and jealous’. This lower nature inside of us is the breath God blew into Adam and he became a living soul.
When these lower emotions rule in the mind; the beast is on the sea.
The twelve rooms I am about to introduce to you is proven logically in the sixth book, ‘The Spiritual Sea’, but we would much prefer if you read all the books before reading the sixth.
Because ‘The Twelve room prayer’, has helped so many people, we have decided that everybody should know about it and use it for the enlargement of their territory.
It stands to reason that the mind is very large and can be divided into twelve sectors or areas and for the purpose of my study I am referring to the mind as a twelve-room house. We are the house of God; and just like all other houses, the house is divided into different rooms. A house has an entrance hall, kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom and so on. The arrangement of your personal house is your own choice but the first four rooms are arranged according to the route the priest had to use to enter into the tabernacle.
First: The Altar, Outer court.
The outer court is where sin in the heart was dealt with. In the New Testament, Calvary is our outer court. This is where we become a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1) as Jesus showed us to do by being crucified physically. We follow His example in the spirit.
Secondly: The Wash Basin, Outer court
Still, in the outer court, it is not really another room. We wash at the wash basin. We need to be sanctified with the blood of Jesus.
Heb 10:22: “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.”
Thirdly: The Holy Place
We enter the Holy Place. This is where we honour the Holy Spirit
Fourthly: The Holy of Holies
Fourthly we enter the Holy of Holies. We can actually go to our Father in heaven if we follow the rules. The rules are don’t go to God with troubles. Crucify the things of the flesh. (Gal 5:24)
Make sure you leave all that made you tired and heavily laden in the cross. Make sure that you have forgiven and that your conscience is sanctified and blood washed. It is the Holy Spirit who shows us what to die to. When we get to the Father we are only thankful. This is the state of grace. Because of Gods merciful goodness we can die to the flesh, leave the troubles and worries in the cross. Then we go to God to be thankful. We are now on the saved side of the cross, in Christ, free, saved and above. This is where we live graciously with a thankful heart. Of course we have things we would like to discuss with our Father. In the past we took everything to one place. We are learning that God is a God of order. God wants to create space in our thoughts; this is the territory in us that has to be enlarged.
Pro 4:23: “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
The issues of our lives are things like our safety, relationships, our tasks, health, finances and so on.
We have to learn to guard our hearts so that our issues could be from God. We are going to create different spaces in side our thoughts where all of our issues are organised. These spaces inside us lay dormant and need to be opened and cleansed by the Holy Spirit. So the first 4 rooms are the 4 steps I just described.
The reason why I chose Finances as my fifth room initially is because the first four disciples Jesus chose were fishermen and the fifth was Mathew the tax collector. However this has changed because safety is our first consideration.
The reason for the number twelve is because it is used so frequently in the Bible; Twelve tribes, twelve disciples, twelve manner of fruit on the tree, twelve gates to the heavenly city and so forth. We also found twelve main nerves in the brain. Once again all these are discussed in depth in ‘The Spiritual Sea’ book number six.
Do you not agree that it would be like heaven if we could keep our minds for one day?
But we are open to the sea of emotions that come and go at will into the mind. The mind is of course the prize, and the highest place. Whoever controls the mind today is ruling and seated on our throne.
Rev 3:21: “Unto him who overcomes I will give to sit with me on my throne.”
The holy war within us is ongoing and when we make Jesus the Lord of our lives, He is the captain of the soul. He is the leader of the heavenly armies who fights for the blood washed conscience. The enemy is our lower emotions the will, intellect and feelings. When these win the day, the blessing is gone, but we have the cross and the blood, and tomorrow the fight goes on as we overcome and become free. We will no longer be slaves to feelings. We become spiritual!
I have been using the following arrangement of my twelve rooms with great success and are enclosing it for your personal scrutiny and perhaps adding to your own rooms. Remember you can add rooms as your needs change. The idea of this booklet is to give you an example on which you can build your own house. The reason why certain things are done in certain rooms is because our minds must be ordered. God is a God of order and discipline; we need clean and orderly minds.
Doing introspection
When I wake up I might start with Psalm 103. In my own words: This is the way I take thoughts captive.
2 Cor 10:5: “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me!
I am commanding all that is within me to bow before the Lord God. I am exalting God into my highest place, above all else and I think of nothing else but the fact that all the mind must humble itself before God. Even the problems must bow, every knee will bow every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord. (Php 2:10)
Thank you Father I am your dwelling and your temple!
The fact that the same Creator who created all the earth and the marvels that happen in it, the sun that rises on time every morning, the babies that are born continually with marvellous individuality, the sea that roars, the creator of all, lives inside me. My mind must look like a rising morning sun now and I imagine the sun that rises over the ocean.
Please forgive me! (v3)
Now we consider the state of the conscience, because I have sinned. Here I begin to take all of yesterday captive, and recall if worry has made it into my mind, anger or envy, worry or fear and so on. I ask God to bring to mind sins I might have committed unknowingly. These thoughts are death thoughts, the Bible calls it carnality Rom 8:6 they cause toxic branches in the brain. It means that the beast is on the sea, and the Holy of Holies is defiled, the conscience darkened and the house does not fully belong to the Lord. The accuser can accuse.
Please heal me! (v3)
I am dying because toxic thoughts have made a stronghold in my mind, all sickness and poverty comes out of fear-filled thoughts; the conscience is clouded. I need to be a tree of life.
You redeem me from destruction you crown me with loving kindness and tender mercies. (v4)
You save me so I can walk above. You make my mind saved and fenced. This is a good place to put on the armour (Eph 6) and meditate the safety the thorn crown brings and makes you a sheepfold. Now we wear a crown of glory.
Who satisfies thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (v5)
The mind is now calmer, I begin to imagine, and I can see the cross and the Christ crucified on the brow of the hill. Jesus is also there waiting to clear the conscience; it is of utmost importance, we must take thoughts captive!
At other times I could use the Lord’s Prayer to calm my mind. The idea is to do introspection with a calm mind seeing the way your mind has worked out of a neutral perspective.
I will now walk through all the rooms with you to show you what to do in each room.
Room number 1: Calvary or The Cross
This room is about dying. 1Cor 15:31, Luke 9:23-24. Rom 8:36. Dying to the sinful nature so the life and life abundantly of John 10:10 may dwell in us.
We wake up below, even if you feel you are at peace, we still have every chance that lower emotions will take the mind today.
We go to the cross with our sins, perhaps you felt a tinge of envy or dwelt on disappointments or judged and so on. We name the sins by name. Were you offended?
I look to the hill in front of me and walk on to Jesus who is waiting there for me by the cross. Jesus helps me to bring to the cross all my shames, sorrow, grieve, weaknesses, distress, pains, afflictions, worries, disappointments, embarrassments, irritations, hurts, the lust of the flesh… (add all yours)
Fear of lack of finances, all other fears and cravings. I come to die! Pride must die.
Fear causes toxic thoughts, which cause death. Our minds must become a tree of life. We become a living sacrifice it is our reasonable service (Rom12:1).
We ask the Lord to bless the wine and bread and then we eat the flesh of Christ and crucify all the above, taking our time so all these hurts and sins can be crucified as they surface one by one, we are dying to self.
When we drink the wine the sea of emotions inside us becomes the Red Sea and Pharaoh and his armies drowns, and we are SAVED from the roaring of the inner sea. We are saved from ignorance and lack of knowledge, the voices and imaginations.
Take your time and experience the drowning of the problems. This is what Jesus does for us, Thank you Lord. You seal me from the below.
When Pharaoh drowned the sun came up, reminding us of what the mind must look like, the mind is the Promised Land. Imagine how the sun rises and the calmness of God fills your whole being.
Two common mistakes
No.1.Feeling bad about yourself and staying at the cross. Always follow Jesus. Yes we die but then we rise as He did and then we go to the Father. This is the truth about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Always remember that rooms have doors.
The doors of the rooms of the heart must be sealed with the blood in the same way the Israelites had to seal the doors of their homes so death do not enter.
Gen 4:7: “…sin lays at the door”.
Ezekiel tells us that the doors of the temple are closed but the water flows from under the threshold.
New inspiration will flow from the rooms of the heart as they develop.
Room number 2: Washing or the Wash basin
Whenever we talk about Jesus as being Lord we are really referring to His Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit or Christ Spirit? Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father while His Spirit is working in our hearts.
2 Cor 3:17: “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
We go to the washing, Jesus is waiting and He immediately sprinkles our thoughts from an evil conscience, (Heb 10:12) the conscience is the Holy of Holies, the heart, faith and imagination. Other metaphors for the mind or the conscience is; House of God, dwelling, temple also territory. The territory is being cleansed and enlarged. Jesus is healing us and makes us the blood washed, our garments are white and our heads lack no ointment, we receive beauty for ashes, and we rise and shine because our light has come. (Is 60:1) Joy comes in the morning (Ps 30:5), we are in the Promised Land, we walk through the trees of the mind and see how Jesus prunes and removes a toxic thought branch, we experience the breeze (Holy Spirit) in the trees who brings new knowledge so that we can grow and bring forth life—you must imagine and meditate these truths daily and add to your rooms.
In the washing we must become aware of thoughts that cause dark patches in our minds, we take strongholds to the Lord, He is the Gardener, trust Him.
When I look back, I see that old man of sin (2 Thes 2:3) crucified and dead while I am raised in Christ.
We also meditate the armour of Ephesians 6. Because our sins have been dealt with we are now the saved—the helmet of salvation, we are the righteousness of God, the truth of God, the peace of God, we are the Word of God and the faith of God. We are new creations.
Room number 3: Praise or the Holy place
Here we do not thank God for what He did for someone else, this is the wrong room.
The Holy place is where we honour the Holy Spirit for teaching us to transform the thoughts, renew the mind and be a living sacrifice. Rom. 12:1-2
Thank you FOR SAVING ME! I am a new creation, thanks for allowing me to experience this mountain of Zion, thank you for teaching me your Word, thank you for Jesus, and the cross. Because of the cross I can walk on the sea with Jesus, I am now in Christ, and Christ in me, I have died and are raised in Christ.
Sing a song of praise to God, it cools the mind and the imagination as we thank God for His goodness and mercies, we worship Him, and become very cool. God spoke to Adam in the cool of the day, we are going to keep our cool all day because of the cross and blood. We are sealed with the blood of Jesus, where a king wears a crown, the mind is blood sealed, and we rule over emotions as a good king would, we deal with rebellion of emotions immediately. Thanks Father! Our territories are being enlarged daily; we have better memory and have greater selfcontrol and our peace increases daily as we grow into a better understanding of God in us.
Room number 4: Holy of Holies
We are entering the Holy of Holies.
When we go to our Father in heaven we do as the elders did and cast down our crown. This crown is mentioned in Rev 4:10 as the elders cast their crowns before God saying: “Holy Holy is God!” The crown is also mentioned in Rev 12 where it has twelve stars which are the twelve areas of our lives that need enlightenment. Our minds are like the present physical night sky. Mysterious and infinitely large. We need to be recreated in our minds.
Imagine all God’s throne inside your centre, we are in the Garden. Imagine the throne as Ezekiel 1 and Revelation describes it. Jesus came to take us to the Father. God the Father, God the Son on our centre with waters flowing out of the throne breaking into four heads. (four gospels, four beasts) Surrounded by the seven Spirits.
Isaiah 11:2: “And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;”
All these are now at our disposal for the conscience is clear.
Is 33:21: “The glorious Lord will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams.”
Surrounding these are the thousands of angels and behind these the spirits of just men made perfect (Heb 12:22). You can visualize the garden painting, God is in you, and you are standing in His river. Rest a while and sit in the throne with the Father, the Son and all of heaven; we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. (Eph 2:6) We have died in Christ and are now risen in Christ. We have overcome. (Rev 3:21)
We have a Christ mind, ONLY when we have this Christ mind, can all the promises be ours.
Begin to imagine the river flowing into your future dreams. I see that I am completely filled with the Spirit of God, I see the entire house filled with the Spirit, and there is no darkness in me. Our Creator is the light who created us. To be in the light is to
be enlightened in every part of our being.
We ask the Father to show us His will for our lives as we enter the other rooms by His Spirit.
Room number 5 : Security room
Whenever entering a room always make sure that you are not entering with any part of yourself. I do not want to pray to God with any part of my sinful nature. Be sure that it is not your will intellect, feelings and emotions that are praying here.
Be sure that you are in Christ and not in self.
When I enter these vast rooms I see a coffin in the shape of a cross laying there on the floor. When I look inside I see the man of sin laying there. I ask the Holy Spirit to sprinkle me with the blood. I have the confidence that I am in Christ. I then enthrone the Father Son and Holy Spirit as I see one of the walls of that room change into the throne room. I go to stand upon the Holy stones and pray on whatever the subject of that room is.
In the past we prayed all over the place and hoped our prayers were heard.
We spoke the promises of God confidently yet the Spirit wanted more from us. He wants the gospel to happen inside us. The understanding of what happened at the cross so the flesh can be dealt with daily. In this way the Holy Spirit increases within us as we are gradually filled with the Christ Spirit. Jesus has risen, He is at the right hand of the Father but His Spirit wants to fulfil us completely. You see the Christ must come within us so we can be led by the small voice daily. He is causing the trails in our lives so we can see which part of ourselves has to become a living sacrifice so that our thoughts can be transformed into the Christ mind. The coming of Christ is not a one day far in the future event.
In the security room I confidently pray on the matter of security. I see that the heavens move on my behalf because all of heaven is there, hearing my prayer. When I walk away from the throne and seal the door of that room with the blood of Jesus I see a cross appear over that door and I am aware that power is increasing in this part of my brain as I see that water begin to flow from under the threshold.
Sealing the doors is important so the enemy cannot go back. Also if you don’t have time for the rooms the rest of the week you do not have to worry for the doors are sealed.
Room no 6 – Finances
Entering this room as shown before be sure that you are free of worry. Worry is fear and belongs in the cross. Fear is one of the seven deadly sins. If we pray our last prayers at night before we go to sleep with just the slightest bit of worry—there is no power. It means that the same throne of the heart we have given to God now belong to worry.
Mat 26:41: “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
The temptation to be in the flesh, to worry or be angry or judge others for instance.
Learn to be aware of what has happened in the thoughts. In this way we learn what our weaknesses are. Because we don’t want to go to the cross with the same sins over and over we ask the Holy Spirit to show us how irritations started and what our weaknesses are so we can walk away from those situations. Not be tempted to answer anything without thinking.
When it comes to finances its best to start with a clean slate. I asked God to take all my previous understanding away from me concerning money. He made money for His purpose, everything belongs to Him. All I have to do to make sure that this heavenly knowledge comes to me is to guard my heart. God will open and shut doors. If He should choose to take your job away when you have prayed this way, be sure He is opening new horizons. Be careful what you pray for.
Imagine you are standing in the great river or next to it as Revelation says; begin to discuss with Father the state of your finances. In this room, all will be revealed to you; past mistakes and the way we work with money. Begin to meticulously state all financial possibilities and wait for revelation and wisdom, take your time and let the waters wash over your mind as you wait for the voice that sounds like many waters. Here I start seeing my tithes, donations, new sculptures and paintings, everything that generates money in my life. Here heavenly ideas will flow into us; we can expect ideas that have never been seen on earth to be revealed as we get holy inspiration. I am opening myself for ideas the earth has never seen and wait expectantly.
My conscience is clear; I have the power of a holy conscience. Let thy Kingdom come let thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Remember to seal the door.
Room number 7: Relationships
In this room all of heaven is still present, look carefully and you will see the people you must pray for and you will experience guidance as to how to pray. Perhaps you also have a list of dear ones, but the idea of interceding functions in this room as you perform the task of a priest and seal, pray and intercede for every person you think of. Some might be sick and you can bring them to the river along with the hurt, pain, broken heartedness and captives and so on. Here we also thank God for others and what He has done for them. List your names here…
We don’t see the problems. We do not look at the peoples shortcomings who we pray for, we look at them through the eyes of Jesus. We see them already healed, bound up and happy. The rooms are not to be used for complaining or moaning. We are in Christ, the problems were left at the cross. We walk in authority and walk and talk like Jesus.
Remember to seal the door when you leave.
Room Number 8: Tasks
This is where we bring the day which lies ahead while mentioning all the possibilities of the day before the Lord- we imagine; Safety, laughter, peace, joy, right weather, how we will keep our cool all day, going through the familiar motions of the day, planning, knowing what to say in every situation and to always talk softly, we have wisdom, counsel, and recognize emotional manipulation and emotional rape at a glance. All of heaven is involved everywhere we go, angels go before us as we get the parking and have the wisdom and humour for all circumstances. We know that nothing is going to upset us, as we visualize being at the right place at the right time, also taking careful note of the kind of thoughts we are having. If we have not cleansed the mind completely at the cross this morning, the day will still be full of yesterday. This means we have to take the cross much more seriously. Surrounding us is a wall of peace that makes space for us wherever we go; we are self controlled! People recognize the presence of heaven in us.
We bless each other, speak calmly and experience full protection from the accuser, treachery, judgment, gossip, theft and accidents. Supernaturally we experience that we are always led to the right people at the right time and circumstances are always in our favour, we have self control and discipline. God’s will is accomplished in our life.
Room number 9: Language
Col 4:6: “Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.” (Message)
Col 4:6: “Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned (as it were) with salt, (so that you may never be at a loss) to know how you ought to answer anyone (who puts a question to you).” (Amplified)
Heaven is alighting on my speech like a dove; my speech is sharp, fresh and full of council wisdom and creative language.
Ps 103:5: “You fill my mouth with good things”
I speak a heavenly language full of Word, humour, eloquence, fluency and effectiveness. Keep adding your own… purity, antiseptic, and sparkling like the Book of Proverbs, playful wit, a bright repartee…
Languages come from God. We are told not to worry about what we will say to people because the Holy Spirit will do the talking.
There are times that I struggle to find the right words. It seems as if I am stumbling over my own tongue. This is when I see how God meets me and opens that one twelfth channel in my brain where speech comes from in this room. I can stand and speak to large crowds and be in the river where language comes from.
Make sure you seal the door.
Room number 10: Kitchen or the Health Room
This is where we bring the sick for healing.
Once we are sure that we are no longer hampered by the sinful nature we are free in Christ to pray the prayer of faith. Pray over your own body, command illness to go. Then we need wisdom to know what caused the illness. Am I tired, is it my eating habits. Find the cause and be disciplined.
My youth is restored like the eagles.
We need the heavenly wisdom in our eating habits, and greater discipline to stay healthy and do our part so the body can heal itself. We bless the water we drink and the food we eat and know we have to avoid fatty foods. The food in restaurants is normally unhealthy and we need guidance and wisdom. As you wait here still sitting in the river, ask the Lord for revelation on your personal diet and discipline; you will receive instruction, perhaps through books, dreams or other people. Good things will come to you.
This is also the healing room. I know some people who never get their healing. Perhaps it is because they never close the door.
This is of course where we bring the sick for healing.
Room number 11: Bedroom
The house has a bedroom and even here the river of God is flowing. All those intimate details should be open to the Lord as we pray our final prayers to our Father who is in heaven as we go to sleep in the quiet rivers. Here we also wakeup and your first morning thoughts will make it clear what is going on in the mind. Here we should wake up with: “Bless the Lord all my soul”. If we wake up with worries it will show the state of the mind that must be crucified. We already begin to take authority and cast down imaginations. F.B. Meyer says that married couples should obey the words of Deuteronomy 24:5 that he may cheer up the wife that he has taken. It is of great consequence that love be kept up between husband and wife, and they continually agree, and that everything be very carefully avoided which might make them strangers.
Room Number 12: Information and Filing
This is where we file all the new knowledge of the Word we have received by spending time with God on His throne. Here we meditate the Word and file new knowledge under divisions, making sure all new knowledge has been dissected by the two edged Sword of the Spirit.
No new revelation will come if the previous knowledge has not been filed and dissected and meditated properly, even if new information comes we will not recognize it as new, for the old has not been processed.
This is the office and needs to be especially tidy; papers lying around in an office is a sign of an untidy mind. God is a God of order and expects us to have orderly minds. When we see the state of a person’s home, we know what his mind looks like.
The orderly arrangement of the mind is a Godly principle and we must learn to copy God’s character and live tidy lives. This will lead to a soft and pure conscience where God can rest inside us, with His presence in us we are now the blessed of God. To keep a diary of your new revelation and knowledge is a good idea, by doing this you can always refer back and find out if you can still remember it, for it was given as a stepping-stone to understanding the following knowledge.
During the recent drought the level of our borehole was dropping. I found myself worrying about this in which case there is no power in my prayers. I then got the idea to make a Water room. This worked so well that the power of my prayer life increased. I am saying that rooms can be subject to change.
Perhaps you may need an Authority room. If you are a farmer you will need a Weather room.
Authority Room
The reason why Christians have to die to self is because in ourselves we have no authority, for this reason we die daily to the flesh and rise in Christ as a new creation having laid down our “life”. We rise in Christ as in Isaiah 60. Arise and shine thy light has come the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee. We are no longer sinners but saved and blood washed, free and the righteousness of God in Christ to take authority in the earth and say how things will be in our lives. The reason why many Christians are powerless and always want others to pray for them is because they do not understand this work of the cross.
Many want to cry when they are in the Lord’s presence which means they feel guilty, unsaved, unhappy, unfulfilled and perhaps unorganized. I personally know many Christians who do not understand their rights as God’s sons and being kings in the Kingdom of God. Crying is not one of the fruits of the Spirit. In this room we talk to the problem as in Mark 11:23; we name the problems and speak to them in authority. We prophesy over them and see the problems resolved, removed as Ezekiel prophesied over the dead bones. We speak life into dead works caused by the state of our conscience. In this room, victories are seen and achieved in the Spirit as we call things which are not as though they are, and speak and call these things in the presence of all of heaven. This is the twelfth room and our minds are organised as we know what we need to pray, and speak out boldly.
Isa 54:17: “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.”
As Joshua, we do not fear for the Lord our God is with us. (Josh 1:9)
2 Cor 10:4: “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
Firstly there might be strongholds of fear or pride that must be dealt with in our own minds, and then we have words that are spoken against us in judgment, curses and spiritual wickedness that must be cast down and out of high places. There are other religions who use soul power against Christians to gain world domination. They are taking charge of world finances and want to enslave Christians by making them emotional. We stand in righteousness against spiritual wickedness in high places in every walk of life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We stand against witch doctors, spells, curses, negative words and imaginations. Some institutions keep people in darkness for the sole reason of projecting their personal spirits to manipulate them with fear. We pray for these people by casting down this wickedness and sealing them with the blood, so that the light of God can penetrate the previous dark mind and bring life into their hearts. In this way we are praying constructively and are not sitting in judgment. Some are waiting for God to take authority, and I have tried this, it does not work. Christ is in us, this is the hope of glory, and the day of the Lord is here. It is not theologies or doctrines that will make these personal, God given dreams come true. Things happen in the spiritual realm because we say it, and look at it permanently with praise and thanksgiving for it is to the glory of God. I have lived by faith for 35 years and nothing happens if you are waiting for God to do it. God will not let you win the lotto, or let the ship come in. One person looked at the way we work for a living, shook his head and said: there must be an easier way!” I believe in heaven and angels but they did not put one stone on top of another where I built. In actual fact if I did not guard over the stones they would disappear but when the building was finished, the glory belonged to God. People who walk out in faith in a blood washed conscience are the bringers of testimonies.
Rev 12:11: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved no their lives unto the death.”
The blood provides not only atonement but also the sealed condition in which we receive revelation and inspiration to know what God’s will is for us to do, and then we do it with all our might. We can see by the way people walk and talk whether they are Spirit led and inspired. Whether you can see the future and that of the country, and if you are getting up at night to take authority over the dark voices that say; “You will never make it!” We do not want to achieve empty materialism but only that which the Spirit opens the door to do, and when we look back in life, we will see how His amazing plans built the impossible puzzle. That truly brings God glory. We are looking for the Godly people who are willing to stand up and say with authority that the impossible situation will disappear in God’s name. We rise to the challenges. Life would be boring without them and each mountain we climb makes us stronger. I can never stress the fatality of sitting at the cross too much. It sounds holy to dig around inside yourself but the devil will walk over you, for we are powerless if not rising in Christ to have authority in the earth.
I personally take thoughts captive towards the evening then I know how it will be at the cross tomorrow morning. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and if there are strongholds to be dealt with He will keep it at the top of the list in your mind. If the time is right for sanctification of this area in our mind, you will think about it, then deal with what is on your mind, crucify it and go to the washing. It is more important to deal with these strongholds that to mourn about the past. Some who are reading this book might be severely ill, or poverty stricken, later we will be looking at this. Illnesses and all problems are caused by the way we think and it is these thought patterns that must be dealt with by Jesus, The Gardener. Where we used to think death we now have to work on the renewal of the mind – in Christ! We need to be saved from the flood of old thoughts as Noah was saved from the flood in a sealed condition.
Mat 24:37: “As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (Amp)
When all the mind has been dealt with and every dark nook and cranny has been aired and brought into the light of the gospel, the mind becomes the Christ mind, and looks like the morning sun. Why, for what reason is all this necessary? So we can take authority in the earth, for the earth is waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. Where is the victory in waiting for one day? Take authority over your situation, it does not matter how much you know if you’ll only implement what you know. Every bad thing that happened to me as a Christian was in times I was passive, and tired. But the moment I put my foot down and claimed the promises, the situation turned for the better and there was a testimony. The work of the cross made it possible that we can talk to the future in a saved condition above the flesh and take the Promised Land into possession. We can make a decree in the spiritual realm and God will shine a light and show us how to get there. (Job 22:28)
And example of the authority we have in Christ is an elderly gentleman who came to the cave with arthritis in the knees. After applying these principles, he spoke to the knees and he was healed. My question is who spoke to the knees? The man did, but really it is God- in the man.
Col 1:27: “…what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
1 Cor 2:16: “…but we have the mind of Christ.”
Php 2:5: “Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…”
(Rom 12:2) John 10:34: “Jesus answered, is it not written in your Law, I said, You are gods?”
Ps 82:6: “I said, Ye are gods, And all of you sons of the Most High.”
Very few have the boldness to speak God’s Word in the face of apparent defeat, they always want someone else to do it.
Heb 10:22: “…let us draw near with a true heart in fullness of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience; and having our body washed with pure water.”
John G. Lake was a man of enormous faith, he would dress well and stand in front of the mirror, pointing to his reflection he would say: “Inside that man lives God.”
Our people are standing around in groups discussing the price of fuel, the government, rape, murder and the state of the roads. It is understandable; they are worried about their children. But can you see the damage done to the conscience? How powerless we have become because we are in the flesh and not in the Spirit. Let every person rise, hold fast to the cross, and obtain the blood washed conscience for we have to take the Promised Land into possession and slay the giants of the flesh, in Christ.
Bible history teaches us that when the people turned away from God and worshiped other gods, God would turn His face away and they would lose their land.
But we say: We do not worship other gods!
Yes we do! We worship gods of rage, fear and pride because they are ruling on our thrones.
God will protect us, but there is the serious business of the conscience, for we have become fleshly. Romans 8:1 makes some interesting reading. The NIV, GW, ASV and the Message read as following:
Rom 8:1: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
But this verse is not finished! The King James finishes these famous words with: “There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, But for those who are after the Spirit and not the FLESH.”
This means we are condemned for we are fleshly or emotional.
That tune we wake up with in the morning is the music in the house. Perhaps you may need a Music room.
Some days we get only as far as the cross, we humans have many ideas and wants, and as we pray for things we do not receive, our frustrations mount. We have heard how Abraham had to wait a hundred years for the fulfilling of his dream of having a son. Sometimes we will wrestle with God as Jacob did and try to force our will because of mounting frustrations. Why can those people have it, and not I?
These days will come and then we have to go to Gethsemane as Jesus did and pray: “Father take this cup away from me, never the less, let thy will be done”
Then we go to the cross, take up our cross as Jesus did and die to self. Those frustrations have to be crucified, those persisting worries and those things we seem to pray about forever and get no answer. The Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) includes longsuffering and patients. If our lives are not bringing forth the Fruit of the Spirit the beast is still on the sea. Self is still firmly entrenched in the seat of the heart.
In Christ, we overcome and go to the washing as joy comes in the morning.
Although many have read the forgoing eight books on the subject the LINE which is the conscience, it still takes lots of meditation on the new found knowledge to cause the paradigm shift we have need of to lead successful lives in Christ.
The word ‘paradigm’ comes from the Greek. It was originally a scientific term, and is more commonly used today to mean ‘a model, theory, perception, assumption, or frame of reference’. In the more general sense, it’s the way we “see” the world; not in terms of our visual sense of sight, but in terms of perceiving, understanding, and interpreting.
Because we are created as the old creation and have to grow into being the new creation it is necessary that our frame of reference of the past life, out of Christ, be renewed.
Except for the Ten Commandments that are written on our hearts we have no other frame of reference when born into the earth. Everything we are today is because of the way we were taught. Some of this teaching goes on without the help of others. When you burnt your hand for the first time, that knowledge went in to the bank of knowledge of things you must not do, automatically. This is for self preservation. To be prepared for the ordeals of life however is another matter. The instructions we receive from teachers will form our frame of reference. This may or may not be correct for they might not have been taught correctly no matter how pure their intention.
The fundamentals of success are things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity and modesty.
In a materialistic society the above is discarded for the empty wasteland of self. Self-denial is not in their vocabulary except if it is to exalt self.
The Christian walk should be as 1 Peter describes, in my own words; If you are a slave and are treated unjustly, and you bear this ill treatment with patience for the sake of your conscience then God is pleased with you.
J.F.B. on patience: “Endurance. “The word of My endurance” is My Gospel word, which teaches patient endurance in expectation of my coming (Rev 1:9). My endurance is the endurance which I require, and which I practice. Christ Himself now endures, patiently waiting until the usurper be cast out, and all “His enemies be made His footstool.” So, too, His Church, for the joy before her of sharing His coming kingdom, endures patiently. Hence, in Rev 3:11, follows, “Behold, I come quickly.””
As we read and are led by the Holy Spirit to understand the word of God these preformed paradigms will be changed if we are willing to be patient. Forming, this time a solid foundation from which to move in faith in all areas of our lives with great God given authority. The power of the transformed mind being under His control, as we learn to die to our will and except His will. We are to become His Kingdom His power His glory.
Rom 12:2: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
This renewing of the mind goes on continually if we are willing to have the mind dealt with. In a Christian’s case we are striving to have the mind of Christ. All of this has been explained many times in the previous books.
This book is aimed at cementing the new found knowledge onto the knowledge of the rock of ages through bringing about a paradigm shift that will annihilate the previous old creation thinking.
Ps 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” (spiritright— literally, “constant,” “firm,” not yielding to temptation.)
Ps 66:18: “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:”
Ps 69:32: “The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.”
Ps 112:7: “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.”
Ps 119:10: “With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.”
The Ten Commandments are written in Exodus 20. We received the knowledge of the commandments written in our hearts very much the same way Mosses received the original laws written on stone. By the observance of these original laws the heart would be strong and impregnable as a fortress on the rock. Moses is said to be an educated and humble man who breaks the commandments at the sight of the people worshiping an idol. By this act we see that he lost control and places the idol of self back on his own throne. He took it personally. Going back to God he wanted another set of laws for he had broken the first in a fit of rage. This time however he had to carve them by hand, a slow painstaking process. In this same way these laws have to be re-chiseled into our hearts as we seek the Kingdom of God. We Know the laws, but break them and then have to rediscover the Ten Commandments and the fact that they are Holy and given by a Holy God. We know these laws. This book however will take us into the area of identifying how we break the spiritual Ten Commandments.
Chapter 2
Although we have a thorough understanding of what sin is it seems that we will have to delve deeper into the heart for there are many who are still struggling to see in the garden. For this reason I am writing on the subject of the heart. The heart is the most delicate instrument and also the most tender and fragile instrument in the universe. It is the conscience, which must be kept free from sin. Each of us has the same conscience and it functions with the Ten Commandments. If you love God and do not keep his commandments you are a liar. (1 John 2)
He says in this verses that he gives us no knew commandment but to uphold the original commandment. Furthermore all of the word is for the perfection of the saints
1 Jn 2:5: “But whoso keepeth his word; in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.”
Bengel: “Love and obedience. There is a gradation: 1Joh 2:3, “know Him”; 1Joh 2:5, “we are in Him”; 1Joh 2:6, “abideth in Him”; respectively, knowledge, fellowship, abiding constancy.“
Our steadfast prayer should be to be fulfilled with God. Whenever we long for some person it could be that there is a part of us which needs to be fulfilled. The longing should not be toward people but to be fulfilled with God. We cannot expect people to fill the gap in us; they are not capable of fulfilling the heart, THE HEART BELONGS TO GOD. Remember you gave your heart to God! Our study should be to keep the heart free from sin of any kind by the guidance of the Holy Spirit who lives in the heart. However the presence of the Holy Spirit departs the moment sin enters, perhaps in the form of worry. This is when David would beg God to not let His Spirit depart from him. We are to keep the heart, as was the original commandment to Adam Keep the garden! The garden, heart and conscience are therefore the subject of the Bible. The heart needs to be fulfilled with the knowledge and love of God. When we give our hearts to God we long to read the Bible, we long to be fulfilled with the word of God. Unfortunately we come into contact with others who are trying to understand the Word with their intellect and not the Spirit. They cause the pure fountain of the Word of God to become the bitter waters of Marah. All the arguments of different doctrines lead us into the wilderness away from the original knowing we had within us concerning the truth, for the Spirit lives inside us and will guide us to all truth. Rom 8:14: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
In order to be Spirit led we have to abide by the first law.
Deut 6:5: “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
To love God is the greatest of all commandments, for the simple reason that when we keep His commandments we are His dwelling place in us. We are the tabernacle of God. Naturally God cannot live in a sinful heart, for this reason when we give our hearts to God He forgives our sins, and His Spirit comes and lives in us. After this we are to keep the heart free from sin with all diligents for out of it flows the issues of life. (Prov 4:23) Paul however says that there is no good thing in us, in other words we still have to overcome our lower fleshly nature in Christ.
Notice how Paul puts it in the following verses:
Rom 7:19-23: “For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.”
This warring that is going on is the flesh that constantly trying to take back the throne of the mind, but Paul teaches us to take thoughts captive and to die to them daily. We die in Christ and then rise in Christ to take authority as Christ would have, in the earth. However, the heart must be sinless and free from the flesh. The reason why many struggle to see in the garden is simply sin in some form. You might say that you have died and understand atonement but there might be an unknown sin which you are not aware of. (Lev 4) For this reason I recommend that the communion should also enhance the unknown sin as the sinner of old, placed his hand on the head of the lamb to be slain, we also place our sin on the lamb that was slain once and for all. Imagine the crucified Christ, then go and place the unknown sin on His head and receive forgiveness. In this way we understand that Paul wants Christ to be crucified in us. (1Co 2:2) This is our only hope and the cross becomes our center! In this way the heart becomes holy and sanctified and like the imagination of a child. As the child is able to imagine, so will you. As we die to sin even to the unknown sin we die and rise on the life side of the cross. We have entered in because of the cross and blood. The study of the character and love of God will only increase in such a heart. To understand our Father in heaven should be our ultimate quest. We grow ever nearer to God as we are willing to be sanctified. It might be preconceived ideas of right and wrong that cause error in the heart. Perhaps you thought: “well this person is not using this thing and has no need of it and for this reason I will use it and bring Glory to God by creating something useful with it.” It sounds logical but it is theft in the eyes of God. If we disregard the commandments and precepts of God we do not love the Lord our God with all our heart, which is the first and greatest of all the commandments. If the heart is soft enough it will pick up that the Spirit is not approving. If we obey, all will be well but if not the Spirit departs. After this the heart begins to harden and we can no longer pick up movement in the Spirit, let alone see. It might be just a little pride or obstinacy. You might be thinking; “No Lord, forget it, I will not ask for forgiveness on this subject, I was right.” Our goal should be to die to self; our horizon should be humility, “Thy will be done not mine”. Our horizon should be discipline and self control. God placed us in this world to overcome the evil one –in us; in Christ. Keep the garden; do not allow the flesh to rule. Take thoughts captive and hold them to the light of God’s word. If the heart is pure the blessing will not depart. Please understand that good things will not simply come to you because the heart is pure. We still need to live by faith, more on this in the next chapter.
To have a mind garden should be natural to all God’s children. We are created in the image of God who creates with His imagination. Everything man could possibly imagine in the Spirit has already been created in the physical. For instance, the tales of King Author and his magical sword that lives in a city on a hill called Camelot was a story a person conceived in his spirit and told as a story for the entertainment of listeners. The sword is the two edged sword of Heb 4:12 it is the word of God which helps God’s children become kings in the spirit. Camelot with her high towers and walls of defense compare with Matthew 6 where Jesus calls His church a city on a hill. Below in the dark valley live the dark evil forces that want to posses the city on the hill. As in many fairy tales we see how the once joyful place filled with laughter, flowers and water becomes dark, dirty oppressive, and tear-filled. This is exactly the two different mind sets any person on earth can have. The challenge is to live in the above by self-control and discipline and not allow the darkness any rule in the thought life.
Physical fountains, waterfalls and gardens compare to the language the Bible uses in the book of Songs for instance. The character of God and that which has for each of His children, who will grow into kingship, is overflowing abundance of understanding of the love of God. Imagine being fulfilled with the nature of the same creator who creates flowers and sunsets and stars with His thoughts and words.
At rebirth we all experience a little of the miraculous when we give our hearts to God. The heart is gradually filled with the wonder of prayer and a craving to read the Bible. We pour our hearts out before God and feel more spiritual than others. We talk of God all the time, we pray and receive miracles. However this closeness to God soon disappears. Many Christians tell me that they would do anything if only that wonderful original feeling could come back again. I can think of two reasons why that feeling will never come back again. Firstly, God wants to train us to live beyond feeling –in the spirit, and not feeling. Feeling will lie to us and lead us back into pride. Remember we have given our hearts to God and must not give it to pride. The second reason is that God will lead us out of the rule of emotions into the realm of the Spirit. We will learn to discern whether we are ruled by the flesh or the Spirit. This deception of the below forces which are within, as Paul describes will go on as long as we live and will keep the Christians mind in utter chaos if the rules are not obeyed. The first rule is to love the Lord our God with all our hearts—and not allow the emotional self any space in the heart which is the dwelling of God. We are not to allow the rule of fear or worry or any lower emotion. It’s of great importance that the Christian learn to discern between emotional rule and that of the Spirit. We can never trust the inner voices. It may sound like a revelation from God but it could be the voices of other gods of self. My pride, what about me or the poor I… In order to have a personal garden we have to go through the wildernesses of life in order to have personal revelation on whether we are fleshly or spiritual. It takes time to learn which spirit is ruling in our hearts. We gave our hearts to God but were not taught to keep the heart, the garden or conscience. The heart must become soft and pure, but only under the guidance of the Gardener, which is the Christ Spirit. As we obey the still small voice spiritual growth commences. As we disobey, the Spirit distances himself from us. It takes time to firstly be saved from the rule of emotions, and then to be saved from the hurt full past that was pushed down into the crevices of the subconscious. We were not taught to take problems to the cross, we forgave and forgot, but it is still inside, and not crucified to the cross under the direction of the Gardener. We have a dark side that needs to be faced and dealt with at the cross. The sub conscious is too complex to be cleared by humans; it must be dealt with by its Creator, and the one who died to save us of its devastating effects on the nervous system. The suppressed hurts of the past does cause a hard heart, out of which comes all illnesses, chaos and accident. The heart, all of the heart must become the house of God. I wish this process could have happened faster but no use trying to hurry the Lord. The story of the Israelite’s who died in the wilderness is the story of many dear Christians who never learned to die to self. Until we learn to trust the Lord with all our hearts we will never have a garden mind. The heart must be blood sprinkled so it can be the mercy seat where the voice of God is heard, between the wings of the Seraphim which really is the spirit. The mercy seat is the conscience.
We have to learn to use physical things to understand the spiritual. Another example would be the rock of ages hymn sung by many. “Rock of Ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. Let the water and the blood, From Thy river side which flowed, be of sin the double cure, save me from its guilt and power”; The rock of ages is Jesus Christ that was slain and the water and the blood that came from His side is the river, is for the sin of all mankind. This particularly refers to the rock Moses was to speak to, but struck and out flowed water out of a rock in the middle of the wilderness. Madam Goyuon tells in one of her books how to use a physical thing to experience the garden. She recommends that one should imagine going to a small harbor where a small rowing boat is tied to the pier. Now climb down into the boat, loosen the rope, and use the oars to push yourself away from the pier and row calmly out of the harbor. Once outside the harbor go hoist the little sail and experience the gentle wind rushing the boat through the water. As an ex sailor this helps me a lot, for nothing can compare to the sense of calm and freedom of sailing away. As I did as she described, I hoisted the sail, and when I turned to go to the rudder of the boat, Jesus was sitting there. I asked what I must do. He said “do nothing”, but I call coil the rope I said. He said “come sit with me”. Together we became one as we sailed the oceans of the blood washed heart. I have written on the subject of the garden in the book called the Garden. I used the scriptures out of all of the Bible and twelve paintings to cover this area. The mainspring is the heart that must be cleansed. It is a daily process of dying to self, but remember to not stay at the cross. Go to the cross with all the problems and sins you are aware of while eating the bread, and then drink the blood, and rise in Christ. A Christian should rise and take authority over all situations in Christ. Say how thing are going to be today. (Mark 11: 23), speak to the mountain; prophesy over the problem as faith rises in your heart. We only have faith if the heart is pure. There is no point to quoting Bible verses and calling good things if the heart is not pure. If one uses these techniques it will result in soul power. It must not be by might or power it must come out of the spirit. There must be an awareness that God is in this thing that we believe for. There must be no doubt. This thing that you believe for must be seen clearly as if it has already appeared in the physical until it does come in the physical, it takes discipline and determination. If your mind keeps wondering, if the eye is not single it cannot bring forth the things you believe for. You have to stay focused and remain in praise and thanksgiving all the time. However, the main spring is the state of the heart.
I always go to my beach garden in the morning for the sea shows me the state of my conscience. When I enter in and see the sea is calm I wait there until the sun rises and experience the painted skies with the Lord. Here I read the Bible and wait for inspiration and guidance for the day. If nothing comes, that’s fine for I have the peace that all is well. When the sea is stormy I know there is sin in my life in the form of impatiens or worry. In this way I have learned to take thoughts captive and die to them so the heart can be blood washed and sanctified. One morning the fog was covering my sea and bus stop shelters were in my way, I could not see the ocean. This was a result of me being involved in a project for too long. I was tired and I was losing contact with the Lord of the heart garden.
F.B. Meyer: “Their obedience: As soon as they understood the words they heard, they began to put them into practice. No wonder there was joy, for in the keeping of God’s commandments there is great reward. It was during the Feast of Tabernacles that our Lord spoke of the Holy Spirit entering the heart to remove its thirst, and to pour forth as rivers to a dying world (John 7:37-39). We cannot do much apart from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Only through Him can we be right with God; only through Him can we be really glad; only through Him can we pass on joy and comfort to others.”
Although I have been a Christian for many years I have always had this one little sad corner in my heart and I always wanted the Lord to fill it. With the knowledge of this book a feast of tabernacles came to my heart
“How much more shall the Blood of Christ, who through the Eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?” Heb 9:14.
The greatest spirituality a Christian need to achieve is to always be aware of the state of the personal conscience. It should be like walking on a crystal sea right into the morning sun.
(Our burdens are the trespasses against the conscience.)
Allot of the drawings that you will find in all our books we give thanks to the Strong’s concordance, Strong was also criticized for his work because he was not fluent in Greek and I know that there is a school of thought who rejects his work. I do hope however, that the many proofs that I have received from God in the form of drawings prove themselves over and over again. I also hope it will strengthen those who use this concordance, for I believe Strong was Spirit led.
Strong’s Concordance was created by J. Strong (1822 – 1894) he was an American Methodist biblical scholar and educator, Professor of Exegetical Theology. He did not construct it by himself but with the help of more than a hundred colleagues.
A short biography of Ron Van Zyl
This book was written by an artist who gave his life to God at the age of five and saw heaven for a moment. From that day he was conscious of the difference between a heavenly and earthly life but had no one to guide him into these truths. The traditional teachings children received at that time were of no value in his quest to find that place again. He recalls the calm of the heavenly place which he saw and it was as if he received the message, that to be calm in all situations is what God requires. Unfortunately, the environment he grew up in was not acquainted with self control.
After six years as a sailor in the South African Navy he established himself as a road side artist close to his family in the Eastern Transvaal on the tourist route, which today is called ‘the Panorama route’. Conversations with tourists whilst on holidays, always led to the subject about God. Questions like, why do so many good people die? What was the reason for wars, cancer and the uncertainties in life? Thus it came about that the author set himself the goal of finding the answers to these questions.
He created the 15 meter rock sculpture depicting HELL on the one side of the rocks face and lots of other works for tourist attraction, not knowing that all this would eventually be part of the answer to all the questions he was seeking. There after he met Yvonne and married. The two of them set about living an experimental life in faith without outside interference and preconceived religions and traditions.
Ron had nothing but he built a house for his wife with his own hands out of indigenous rock. He made sculptures and she played house while learning to cook, which would come in handy later when they built the guesthouse at the SHOE. In the meantime they had no water or electricity. Nevertheless they were content. The year was 1975, and together they learnt life’s lessons. After a few years of living there they had to break down their home. They rebuilt it on land a farmer gave them in a nearby area. This time they actually had water and electricity. Together they built a wooden house and also a roadside store out of which they sold Ron’s sculptures and curios. Here Yvonne patiently listened to the problems people shared and offered advice out of their personally acquired experiences during a time when financial crisis’s were setting into SA.
While sitting outside one night he saw a cave in a vision that he had. It was so real that it felt as if he was personally walking through a cave that explained the spiritual world. He saw people moving through the rooms which were lit with many colored lights. They would walk in with a frown and walk out with a crown. It never occurred to him that he could create such a fantasy for they did not own any property and no sure income.
Their children Aldo and Michel were born into these unique circumstances and in 1990 the family bought the property where they built the SHOE and guesthouse. When all was in place and there was no debt, Ron felt that he was released to dig and build the cave. The only problem was that he was so tired after all the building and construction of the cave, together with his carving to provide for his family. He was by this time going through the actions of creating without being personally involved, which turned out to be the door through which the Holy Spirit would create a work of art which no person at that time understood. The size of the cave rooms depended on finances. To Ron’s disappointment, the rooms were large enough for only twelve people at a time. The children were still young but helped as they could and three and a half years later they had build and completed seven underground rooms with what their own physical powers allowed.
Aldo at the age of thirteen guided the first group of people into the cave over an Easter weekend. People cried and others were upset because it was not possible to satisfy everybody. The Van Zyl family suffered much criticism. However, much praise also greeted them and this was the encouraging factor. At first there was confusion as people would unload their burdens and bring their problems to the Shoe Cave. The family worked hard for they were alone. There were never people who understood their criteria and mission from God. For this reason it was impossible to get help even if there was enough money to afford help. Eventually they decided to try and sell the place. They believed that anyone could tell the story that they thought was in the cave. They were so convinced of this move that the children left their parents for jobs in England and Johannesburg for they were sure the place would sell, but it did not. After the children experienced life outside, they came back. Shortly after this Ron painted the first painting and God revealed “THE LINE”. A spiritual division between the two spiritual Kingdoms! This revelation led to the cave and the work done in it by the Holy Spirit to be understood for the first time. This also led to masses of revelation which eventually earned Ron a Doctor’s degree in divinity. The children also followed with pastoral degrees and the ministry is evolving and becoming a Bible school. The family was trained by the Holy Spirit and also rewarded by the Holy Spirit. With personal revelation throughout the years of abuse, slander and judgment by the public, in the midst of this they stood their ground for the Kingdom of God. Together they have a vast store of information on every doctrine, theology, religion, tradition, every person’s philosophy and mythology that could be dreamt of. They are open to the public and will talk to anyone earnestly looking for solutions.
This book is written as a summary of all the information received up to date, but for deeper insight you need to read all seven of the books that were written in the way revelation was imparted to the family. These books will give you the only shortcuts there are to sanctification, spiritual awareness and it will lead you into the Kingdom of God. This is the great commission— Mat 6:33 “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (KJV)
Part 1 – The Line by Michell
It was amazing and a life changing experience to grow into this painting with my family. We guided in the cave for 6 years before this painting came and when it did it changed our entire tour. The sculptures and paintings never change but as we grow in the Spirit so we understand more. We are actually the ones who learn the most here. We are three guides in total and all three of us have developed our own unique ministry. I, myself like to keep things as simple as possible so that even a child can understand. So I am asking the reader to accept what we say in this book with your spirit, and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you. Just as He has and still is revealing to us. The first thing we learnt was that the Bible was written for children and being intellectual about it won’t get you anywhere. After my Dad painted this painting we learnt that there is a picture language in the Bible and without it we couldn’t understand the Bible. As you can see the centre on the painting is Jesus, the cross and the mountain (A). This mountain is called Mount Zion. Mount Zion is a spiritual mountain. It represents the hard times of life. If life could be compared to climbing a mountain we would all agree that we are aiming for the top. We want to become kings of the mountain. I asked the Lord once, “Why is it that He doesn’t place us at the bottom of the mountain so we can immediately start to climb”? He answered “We should all choose if we want to climb this mountain”. Once again it is a matter of choice.
We started studying the Psalms. Psalm 1 says that we are trees planted by streams of water. This is the tree with the water pool at number E on the left of the painting. Just above it you see the hand of God in the cloud. We come from God, and through his hand we are born into the world. The cloud represents the water with which we were surrounded in the womb. Through God’s hand we are born into this world and we start off at the Psalm 1 tree.
Ps 1: 3: “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
I remember that Psalm 1 was one of the Psalms we used way back when I was still a youngster. I also remember that we never really understood the meaning of it, until we started learning about the picture language of the Bible. God taught us that the tree represents us, and the water is the Word of God. When we are rooted and grounded in his Word (water) the hard times (A-mountains) would come but we would continue to bear fruit in season. The Psalm made sense for the first time. Then the Holy Spirit started leading us through the Psalms and revealed Psalm 2 to us:
Ps 2:6 -9: “Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the degree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”
In my own words the Psalm says that we will become kings of mount Zion (M) and we shall rule over the earthly things (G). We all understand that God wants us to rule and become kings of the mountain but we are still at the Psalm 1 tree. We think that the desert (I) will be a shortcut to the mountain but in fact we get lost in the desert. We asked the Lord “Why is the desert such a hard place”? He answered, “Because I doesn’t really want you in the desert”. That is why it is a hard and terrible place but He never leaves us and you can see the hand of God (J) once again in the cloud above the desert. This time there is thunder and lightning underneath the hand. At the bottom of the painting on the left are examples of things that happen to us in the desert. At the letter (H) you see a deep waterfall. There are two main types of people being described by this painting. The first type is the ones who are always looking for the truth. They would call themselves ‘the seekers’. They use to camp out by the Psalm 1 tree. They tried to understand the Word of God but couldn’t, and so they went in search of other truths. At the deep waterfall they found ‘deep truths’ when they started studying other religions and eastern philosophies. The other type is the ones who stay in the materialistic world (G). They are the ones who try to be good and go to church, hoping that they too will understand the Word of God. They spend their time accumulating earthly things but with these earthly things the roaring lion comes along and causes terrible problems. Sometimes these problems get too much and like the guy in the painting would run to the pub each night hoping that he would at least sleep peacefully. In the end he lost his head. (Bottom left)
All of this is what happens in the desert. We only mentioned two examples here but we have all experienced some kind of desert before. Eventually we realize that we shouldn’t be in the desert we should be climbing the mountain! We fall off the cliffs and start to climb the mountain from the bottom (K). For instance we would go to church but then we would meet all these demons, they live in churches too! Here in the picture above you see (1) judgment, (2) accusation and (3) sickness. These things keep us from climbing the mountain, but eventually we do get past the first stage and we get to the halfway mark (L). This seems to look like a prison or jail. When I asked my father about it he said it represents the Pentecostal and Charismatic church. I didn’t grow up in a church. Living out here far away from towns and cities; I had no idea what he was talking about. When I prayed about it I was told that it was like the church service that I liked to watch on TV. So I went back to the TV and this time watched my favourite church service, the whole time thinking to myself; what would make this a prison? When the service was over the Holy Spirit asked me if I would physically go to that church and why? My answer was, “Yes I like the music”. I know this sounds funny to others but my personal reason for going to church would be for the music. I ended up in my room with the same music in my CD player and I was worshipping God. By the third song I was standing in worship and suddenly saw myself on top of a high mountain and the cross was there with me. (M) After discussing this with my father he pointed out that the mountain in the painting is not only Zion but it also represents Golgotha because of the cross standing on it. The word ‘Golgotha’ means ‘the skull’. With this in mind my dad said, “Imagine the cross is standing on a skull”. Now I say, “The blood is atonement for the soul.” He said it a few times because I couldn’t understand it. Eventually he said to me that the blood of Jesus is for the forgiveness of the mindof man! The blood of Jesus fell on the skull to bring forgiveness to the mind of man. (Lev 17:11)
We ended up making a study of the word ‘soul’. A guy once said his soul is in his big toe. Very few people understand what it is. The complete study can be found in book 2, The Short Sword, in the series The Line, written prior to this book. The study comes down to this: The second time the word ‘soul’ is used in the Bible is when God blew breath into Adam and Adam became a living soul. (Gen2:7) This word ‘soul’ is translated by the Strong’s, Hebrew and Greek dictionary as will, intellect, emotion, lust and animal.” This sounds terrible.
Then the word ‘breath’ of God is translated among other things such as: “spirit and soul.”
We made the conclusion that God blew into Adam the ability to be spiritual minded and to be soulish. In other words, God blew into me, life. This life gives my mind the ability to hear the voice of God and to be like God, dwelling in his presence and He in me. With this very same mind I can think dark thoughts and have evil imaginations. This is the reason why the soul (mind) of man needs to be forgiven. To be blunt; if you are soulish, your mind is dark, but if you are spiritual your mind is focused on God. This is actually what Jesus came to do on the cross. He came to save you and me from dark thoughts.
We only learnt this much later on. At the time I asked my dad what happened that I was able to stand on top of the mountain when I was in worship? He explained that if we focus our entire mind on Jesus and awe Him (look only to Him), we become a king of the mountain. Just like in Hebrews 12:22-26: “But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.”(KJ)
The only thing we knew at that stage was that if I wanted to be a king of the mountain I had to focus my mind on Jesus. This would make me a king. It was not difficult to be a king. It was difficult to stay a king all day long for we can’t keep our minds on Jesus all day long. An hour after my quiet time in the morning I would be off and about fighting with my brother. Going to church helps us in the sense that it brings us into the presence of God. In other words it makes us a king of the mountain because we are all focused on God while we are in church. After the service we return to our normal lives down at the bottom of the mountain. We started realizing that God was calling us higher. He wants us to become holy as He is holy. He wants our minds to belong to him as well as our thoughts. I remember someone once said that we can’t say what we want but we can think what we want! In this case God is saying I sent my Son to die for your mind so that your mind can be a holy place which belongs to Me! (Amen & Selah!!)
The problem was that we knew we were supposed to keep our minds on Jesus but we had no idea how to do it. I became frustrated because I knew I was spending more time at the bottom of the mountain than what I was at the top. One morning I threw a tantrum at the cross. I said to God that I intended on staying here at the cross in worship until he showed me how to stay a king all day. Hours later Jesus came and picked me up off the floor, where I was begging him to do something, at the foot of the cross. He took me and hooked me onto the cross so that I was hanging on it just as He did. As I said before I didn’t know anything about the soul yet. Jesus just told me that He is the way the truth and the door to the Father, and told me that if I wanted to live at the top I had to give him my mind, and that He would keep it safe for me. As I surrendered to Him on the cross, giving him my mind, I became like that breath of God and I passed through the cross like a breath into the chest of Christ.
The next moment I was standing in front of the throne of God (N) looking like this man (O) wearing the armour in the painting. We once thought we knew what the armour (Eph 6) meant. We had to learn that we put Jesus on, every piece represents Jesus. We are now in Him, and we look like him, that is what the armour is for. Jesus started washing me with His blood which was dripping from the cross above me. There I was standing right in front of the throne of God and actually God looks at us through the armour and the blood with which we are washed. He doesn’t even see us as we see ourselves, He sees us as His son. We look like Jesus to Him. The next moment the Holy Spirit represented by the long hair of Father, came and sat around my hips like the belt of Truth. He said that He was going to lead me and teach me what righteousness (breastplate) means. I was just about to start complaining about not wanting to learn a lesson right now…when suddenly my mind started wondering off and thoughts of what I was going to do later that day entered into my mind. Thoughts of what I would cook for lunch, thoughts of yesterday and the movie that I saw the previous night, when the Holy Spirit very gently reminded me that I was now back at the bottom of the mountain. Thinking to myself how impossible this is to keep my mind, I asked the Spirit what I should do now. He replied that I should return to my previous state. I then started to fill my mind with God and His wonders, the next moment I was back in my position in front of the throne. Amazed at this, I asked the Spirit how this was possible. The Holy Spirit led me into a study of righteousness. During the study I found out that the word ‘righteousness’ means ‘to stand right in front of God’. He taught me that because I entered in through the cross-door. I was forgiven and able to stand right in front of God all day long and that nothing could keep me away from this position. I entered into Christ and that makes me the righteousness of Christ. Righteousness means that even if I did allow my mind to wonder off into darkness, I could come back just as easily and continue as if I never left. This way I am able to be a king all day long, but tomorrow morning I make sure that I enter in correctly, through the cross again.
At that stage my dad told us that he had dreamt about the horizontal sword of the angel on the far right side of the painting. We studied the sword but couldn’t see anything. Eventually we noticed that the sword of the angel on the right of the painting and the cross beam of the cross makes an exact straight line if it were to connect them. As you can see in the picture, here it seems like the painting is now divided into half. All the heavenly images are at the top and all the earthly dark images are at the bottom. That next day we woke up with: Heb 4:12: “For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing apart of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
There is a division between the Kingdom of Light (heaven) and the Kingdom of Darkness (earth). This division divides between soul and spirit! We wanted to know where this division came from. We could understand that there should be a division because in Genesis it says that God made the light and the dark then divided it from each other and it was good. Then after reading Hebrew 9 we understood that the blood of animals was sprinkled for cleansing. Just like that Jesus entered into the heavenly (spiritual) un-seen tabernacle. There He sprinkled His blood for the forgiveness of all man’s souls. This line that you see in this small picture is the blood of Jesus.
Now we can get some perspective. In other words when we wake up in the morning we wake up at the foot of the mountain. We are naturally dark, we are flesh. The word ‘flesh’ means ‘dark inner nature’. The thing is we try to be good and holy. We immediately start to pray when we wake up but we are mostly praying about the problem. Our minds are dark! We are thinking about the problem while we are in the problem. We have no power down here at the foot of the mountain. We are not in Christ and we have not died or risen yet. Therefore what we should do when we wake up in the morning is to fill our minds with Christ. Personally I like to worship him and think about how wondrous He is. By doing this I am climbing the mountain and when my mind is completely focused on Jesus, I become a king of the mountain. I have just conquered the mountain. I have just conquered my own self and pride, therefore I am mount Zion. Do yourself a favor and go read through Psalms, you will see that God loves Zion, He abides in Zion and His habitat is Zion.
In order to stay a king today I must enter into the cross-door. I can only do so by dying the same death Jesus died. I will then rise in Him and live the same life he lives. I go and hang on the cross and put my head there where Jesus’ head would have been. I also crucify all my problems here, as well as the things that caused me to look down the previous day. As I surrender all the problems and my whole mind to God there on the cross, the blood of Jesus comes and sits under my chin, the blood of Jesus now seals my mind from the below, dark world. My mind becomes a Holy Place in which God comes and lives. The whole right side of the painting of the throne now resides in my mind. If we look at the picture of the first painting, the size of one’s mind there on the cross is only tiny. The whole top part of the painting fits into my mind that is because it is as big as we can imagine! We are His image and were created in His likeness. Yes, we are allowed to imagine all of heaven in our mind. We are now the Kingdom of God. It is amazing to see how all this new knowledge about the line, has changed the way we think and do things.
Prov 23:7: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:”
This word ‘heart’ used in this text above has the Strong’s number of H5315, and other than the fact that it means almost the same as the word ‘living soul’ in Genesis, it also means ‘mind’. The ‘heart’ God refers to and the ‘heart’ we speak of are two different things. The whole study on this subject “The heart” can be found in the 5th book: A Room with a View. This heart the Bible speaks of refers to the centre of our minds. This is also the most important place, for it is suppose to belong to God. The very first commandment says we should love the Lord our God with our whole mind and our whole heart. It is also this very first command that we fail to obey for our hearts belong to our pets, family, friends and money. When any of these things depart from our lives we are heartbroken.
We need a complete new mind! Therefore it is essential for us to die to all these things daily. Then rise in Christ and rule over them. When I enter in through the cross I have the boldness to stand in front of the throne of God because I know that the blood of Jesus has washed me and sealed me from all the darkness below, I am righteous, I am crowned with loving kindness and I am protected. While I am standing here in front of the throne we use Psalm 103. When we read the Word here in this protected position, the Word finds entrance into us and our souls are quickened. We understand the Word of God. When we speak the Word of God here in this position of authority and righteousness our Angels will do everything we command them to do. The last verse of Psalm 103 says that the Angels listen to the voice of God’s Word. I look like Christ when I am standing here and therefore I sound like him too! I give my Angels charge over myself to protect me and I declare that I am an overcomer. When I do this, they go and make my enemies a footstool for my feet. This causes every knee to bow (R) and every tongue to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This changes our whole perception because if I try to fight the enemy I allow them into my mind. Therefore it is not my job to fight the enemy but it is my job to stand in authority, righteous in front of God and rule by looking like Christ and abiding in Him. Some people would ask, “But what about the sword which is part of the armour of God?” The sword resembles the knowledge that I have of the Word of God. The more my knowledge the longer my sword will become. No, the sword is not for fighting, the sword is for dividing. The sword of the Spirit will help me to divide between soul and spirit, to know when I’m looking down and when I’m looking up.
As we were learning these things we would try and come to the throne daily. One day I stood there in front of the throne, and as I spoke the Word of God, my angels started running off into all directions. I saw how they brought down the strongholds and suddenly I thought to myself: “But what am I suppose to do now?” As I turned to Jesus with this question, He answered that I should come and sit with Him, just like the child in the painting. He said that He missed me and wanted to spend time with me. I realized just how selfish we really are. We run into the throne room of God, give our orders for the day and go on with our day. In the meantime Jesus longs for a relationship with us. He made us in His image and therefore only we can be His friends. He longs to make us like Him and to have fellowship with Him. Here Jesus taught us how to love. We were reminded that love is the biggest and yet the most important principle of this entire truth of the cross.
Here on His lap we discuss with Jesus the day that lies ahead and we become totally calm about all the tasks we must go and do. After giving the day to Jesus, we go and do the things in calmness and we experience how everything goes according to plan. Here I sit with Jesus and share with Him my heart. (You know what the ‘heart’ means now.) Here I would sit with Him and He would ask me what the desire of my heart is, because He wishes to give me all the desires of my heart. How would you know what God’s desire is or His will for you? Since we have learnt how to enter into this fellowship through the cross we have entered into a deeper and higher will of God for our lives. We simply sit here and imagine. At first we will imagine how we drive that amazing car, but later that will become less important and we would start to imagine how we help other people. Now that is the will of God for your life. It is also here on His lap where we learn how to hear the voice of God. We came across a book written by Madam Guyon – In this book she suggests that one should go sit quietly by yourself and read the scriptures back to yourself as if God is saying it to you. By doing this we learn to recognize the voice of God and later on we won’t need to use this method. You will be able to hear His voice because you have grown to know the character of God. We always read books or listen to sermons of people who had an encounter with God, and then we wish we could have that too. Unfortunately we tend to walk around with a dark conscience and even when we do come into the presence of God we feel that we are not worthy of Him and we have a dirty conscience for we lack the knowledge of the blood of Jesus. Now we can all have these encounters with God. These people who we hear of or who’s books we read, they humbled themselves to God in such a way that He allowed them to enter into this place above the line, and they saw God. Now we have the knowledge of the cross and we understand that it is the cross and the blood of Jesus that saves us from our dark nature, so that we too can dwell with Him above in His presence.
One day I came to sit with Jesus and even after been to the cross with this problem I had, I still felt like I needed to do something about it. I started talking to Jesus about this person who is giving me a hard time and it was like He was turning His face away from me. I immediately stopped and asked Him what I did wrong. He said that we should not bring the problem into this Holy Place above the line. The cross is where we leave the problems when we come to Him we should come in faith. Faith is to see that which is not as if it is. In other words, I am to sit with Him and then together with Him I will imagine how this person walks up here with the Holy Spirit blowing over him and how his entire attitude changes. We will see how he loves the people around him. How he reacts towards them and me with kindness. We see the end result as to how we want this person to be. A week later that very same person came to me and apologised for his behaviour. The same thing with the things we need. We will see it up here with Jesus. Personally I like to imagine a pond of water here. I have big trees and beautiful gardens with plants and flowers I have never seen before. As a family we refer to this place as the ‘Garden’. Remember it is as big as you can imagine! This is also the same place to which Jesus referred when he told the parables. Each parable started with, “The Kingdom of God is as…” a sower who planted in the different soils. The good soil refers to this place above. Whatever we sow in the good ground we will get a hundred fold in return on earth. This place is the vineyard he spoke of and can be compared to a mustard seed. When Mary saw Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane after his resurrection she called him the gardener. He is the Gardener of this Garden place, it is under the shadow of God’s wing. It is called the Kingdom of God and has many other names. All these names can be found in the fifth book, ‘A Room with a View’. What we can see up here in the Kingdom of God is what we will have down there on the earth. As we think so will our lives be (Pro 23:7). We should seek first the Kingdom of God and the rest shall be added. Whatever this person in the painting see’s and speaks up here, flows into him like streams of living water, then flows out of his belly and fills the earth (bottom right corner) with God’s glory.
This knowledge of the line has changed my life! I remember how I use to get up in the morning determined to be like Jesus and make a difference in the world. Just to be overpowered by my own emotions and dark thoughts at the end of the day. I also had ‘blue Mondays’ just like anybody else and I made no difference at all. I use to feel defeated and lousy. How is it possible that I call myself a Christian but my life is no different from any other person’s life? The answer is: before I had no knowledge of the blood of Jesus and I didn’t know that the blood seals my mind so that the darkness from below cannot enter into my mind. Now I understand what the blood of Jesus does for me and I make sure that I die to self and my own pride on the cross, so that I can rise up in Christ and rule over the darkness below. The Holy Spirit will help me to divide between soul and spirit and continually call me back up and remind me to look to Jesus.
One of the biggest mistakes we made was to run past the cross straight to Jesus. The time we spent with Him was so wonderful that we couldn’t wait to get to the Garden. These experiences in the Garden just became hard work again. If we don’t die to self we won’t be able to adhere to the leading of the Spirit and our own will, will come in again. The things we do now will be Ishmaels. (Not God’s will but mine)
The cross is not a quick fix. It is a way of life – a new mind set. If we don’t use the cross we will end up praying, imagining and doing all the things we do down there at the foot of the mountain. Our prayers will be prayed in our own will. It won’t have power or authority. Only a clean conscience can pray the prayer of faith.
Now Ron will explain the painting and also show you how this line runs all the way through the cave.
Because I have to make an immensely controversial statement in this book it is necessary to present the before going conclusions, in the form of a summary of the past six books.
I do not expect that anyone who has not read the six previous books will understand this summery. It is however necessary to go over all the events that took place in order to once again see the hand of God in revealing knowledge of the glory of the Lord without us being aware of it.
In the first painting, the “line” was revealed to us in a miraculous way. The “line” divided the “flesh” from the “spirit” and this is accounted for in the book ‘The Line’. We were taught by the Spirit of the Lord about highs and lows, above and beneath. Jesus said to Nicodemus “you must be born from above” (Joh 3:3).
During tours through the cave, on the subject of the Line, we were excited to see how sick people could be healed by looking up. By having the natural mind, changed into the Christ mind. We also learned that it must be at least two who agree concerning any matter (Matt 18:19).
We learnt about “looking up” and began to discern about when we were looking down. In this way families began to find out how to help each other to look up, by loving each other and learning to tell each other about dreams they wanted to achieve. Things that were hidden in our deep recesses were beginning to submerge as we told each other intimate details of un-achieved dreams and needs. It became a family matter to look up together, and see how the Lord provided when these basic principles were applied. At the same time it glorified the Lord as we learnt about disciplining the mind to look at the solution and not the problem. To “overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimonies” (Rev 12:11). The reason why the church does not walk in victory is because the last part of this verse was not understood and applied… “And they loved not their lives unto the death”. We have to partake of the dying process, which will be explained in this book.
The first painting helped many people for it explained that the horizontal beam of the cross, which divided the painting into two halves established that the LINE is, the blood of Christ. We learnt that the above state of mind could only be held through the work of the cross and the blood. We learnt that this above state of mind where one can be safe, in a fenced estate, is the garden and is the dimension lost by Adam. We understood that to live in this above state we needed to have the mind of Christ. Also we realized that our minds would have to be transformed by disciplining ourselves to look up. The horizontal beam of the cross explained that, the garden (above) which have been lost by the first Adam has been once again made accessible by the last Adam. If man would understand Calvary he can once again live in the presence of God.
Next we found out that the “line” was already drawn inside the cave, that was created by the artist and his family, without their knowledge six years before the line was discovered. We found that the line was inside the cave and ran true throughout all the rooms, dividing flesh from spirit.
The artist and author of these books built the cave under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I was so overworked that I was physically dying. Because of this physical state, I was usable by the Spirit, and the cave was built as a monument of dividing flesh and spirit, because this important message of Romans 6 is hardly preached (Figure 1).
As the knowledge of the “line” increased by applying it to the Bible, much of the Bible that could previously not be understood, was suddenly clear. This resulted in many paintings and the two books ‘The Garden’ and the ‘Short Sword’. These studies went on to prove that the Bible is not only prophetically, archaeologically and historically correct, but that it is spiritually correct. By drawing the human form onto the plan of the tabernacle it was found, that we are the tabernacle of God, exactly as the Bible says. (Figure 2) (1 Cor 6:19).
In this way it was possible to see that the fenced garden that was lost, is the Holy of Holies. We also see that we are as a three story temple where we grow out of the outer court into the Holy place and then into the above, where the presence of God is in the Holy of Holies. Also this compares well with the three stories of Noah’s ark. To understand even more of this truth we have to start at the Genesis creation. In the beginning, it was ‘dark’ (wicked, sorrow, ignorant, (Strong)), and when God said “Light” it translates as ‘morning sun, happiness and lightning’. (Figure 3)
This brought about the Genesis sketches, where it is proven that when God created the earth, he was saying how our spiritual growth would be created out of chaotic darkness, in to the seventh day lifestyle, in the rest.
Furthermore it showed the reason for the thorn crown. Adam was fenced, Job was hedged and lost it, but Jesus wore the thorn hedge to bring us into the sheepfold. (Figure 4)
It is into this height we enter into via the Christ mind to become kings of the Kingdom of God. During the revelation of these childlike drawings, it was revealed that we can see, as we look into the face, where each Christian is in the mountain of the Lord. This mountain shape in the face is called the A-zone by beauticians and is where the age lines are located which are to be painted out. (Figure 5) Paint however cannot hide the spirit that is ruling in a person. The shape of this mountain is used in the movie industry by Paramount pictures for instance, and is a snow-capped mountain. After the mountain is shown, little stars appear and then settle in the shape that is drawn here in Figure 6. This symbolizes that it is in the mountain heights where the imagination soars like an eagle. Other movie industries draw castles, sometimes on the mountain, and then almost as if in an afterthought the morning sun shape appears to finish the logo off, and place it in the mind. Moses fetched the commandments of the law in the mountain, Abraham sacrificed his son in the mountain, Jesus preached His first sermon on the mount, was transformed on the mount… etc.
The difference between the pyramids and the Mountain of the Lord is possible to be understood because of the comparison between the pyramids and the mountain of the Lord. The pyramid structure represents the rigid laws of the world structure. (Figure 7) Loan your money, pay back with interest or else lose all your possessions. But the mountain of the Lord (Figure 8) represents the holy presence of God which is where Zion is, which is above. We are a city on a hill, and when the sun rises over the mountains, it is a daily reminder that Jesus was a ‘crack of dawn’ person. This was also the time the resurrection took place. Joy comes in the morning and too many scriptures to mention is proof of this except for this knee buckling scripture:
Song 6:10: “Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?”
When Pharaoh drowned in the Red Sea, the sun came up.
Mar 16:2: “And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.”
The shape of the mind is the shape of the morning sun, and should always be as holy as compared to the rising of the sun. Lots of stuff became very easy to understand and there are too numerous to mention. The important thing we need to remember is that when one draws the cross onto the forehead of a person the centre appears where Goliath was slayed, Hindus wear the spot and the Jews the square box.
(Figure 9)
Nursery rhymes and stories began to fit into these drawings as for example, Jack and the beanstalk. The giant was living above, and it was slayed into the below. Notice where the wealth was!
In this case the upright of the cross is the beanstalk and the cross beam the ‘above’ that was lost by Adam, to the flesh, or giants, and conquered by Christ. After which He poured out His soul for the sin of mankind. Much more of these in the books ‘The Short Sword’ and ‘Room with a View’.
The next miraculous thing that happened was that the artist had to start painting by inspiration, which resulted in paintings that proved that all of scripture speak of the above and below in different ways. The artist painted things he was not aware of, like for instance, the spiritual sea. He started to learn that all people are like a sea of emotions, also that it is the language of the Bible. For instance the ‘beast’ or ‘dragon’ or ‘whore’ is on the sea.
As the reader may have noticed we are finding that physical things reveal the spiritual. In the sixth book, we realize that we are a sea of emotions which reaches to the neck (Is 30:28).
The Bible speaks of the sea as the flood, in the days of Noah. Noah was saved from the flood, in a sealed ark, to the tops of the mountains. This compares to the statement Jesus made concerning the flood: “the house must be build on the rock” (mountain or above) so it can withstand the flood. The flood is also the emotional storms of ‘Life’. This word “life” is the one we have to lay down or deny (Luke 9:23) and is translated as ‘animal’ and is carnality. Each one of us have the sea of emotions inside us, it comes from below into the above. We are as a rock in the ocean, continually bombarded by the storms of life. Sometimes calm, but open to the mood changes of the mighty deep. We are all in the same boat on the sea. Horror stories are made up of slimy things that come out of the deep sea, jaws is in the sea, and so are the wrecks of our past, which lay at the bottom of the sea. Not one of these sea creatures are mentioned at the throne of God, but Baal is the fish god. I will leave it to the imagination of the reader to find out which of the major religions still wear the fish shape hat during ceremonies. The point is that we are a sea of emotions, which want to rule in the above, or mind of a person.
The word emotion is not used in the Bible but it is the FLESH. To explain the mysteries of the flesh Jesus never spoke directly of the spiritual and fleshly, but left it to mankind to find the Kingdom of God, by searching earnestly, as if for a treasure of great value.
(Figure 10).
By first speaking to the physical storm and calming it, He then goes across the lake onto a mountain, where Legion is living among the graves with a thousand demons ruling him. Although He calmed a physical storm it was showing the spiritual work He loves to do in all of us, and teach us about this. After this he calmed the spiritual sea in the mad, naked man of Gadara’s mind. Notice where the demons were – they were in the mountain. Compare this to the holy mountain of the Lord in Is 14:13 and Eze 28. The demons were in the man and caused storms at will, while he lived among the graves. The man was naked as Adam became, which compares to our spiritual state. We are naked to the comings and goings of the sea of emotions. We did not know how to do anything about it. As in the nursery rhyme of Itsie-bitsie- spider. I believe it must have been a mother who was telling a child, that some days the mind would be calm but other days, stormy, and we can’t do anything about it. But this is not true, for this is what the cross was designed to do. When there is no life in the mountain, there is death, which is carnality. After this, Jesus allowed the demons to enter the swine, which went back into the sea.
The conscience – The Line, is holding true as we find the Line to be the surface of the sea where Jesus walked on. This is the Line on which the sun rises and is where we wear a crown or cap. The line is thus above the eyes and becomes the subject of the Bible in many different ways. It can be drawn as the circle inside the head and compares to the circle of the horizon, above which is the “air”. (Figure 11) Above the line is the ‘above’ thought life in Christ, and below is the emotions, intellect, will and feelings. This is also the subconscious, for in the sea lay all the wrecks of the past which Jesus wants to save us from.
When the sun rises in the morning, our Lord is asking how is your mind today, did you manage to keep it, or did the below come above again? Adam can you keep your mind?
No person on earth can keep the mind, therefore, come to the cross.(Figure 12)
As we take thoughts captive daily we are honest with ourselves and allow the two edged sword to divide between spirit and flesh. We can at this stage identify what sin is! Sin is when the below comes above. When we have sinned, we go to the cross to crucify the sin, in Christ, and be saved from the effects of what sinful thoughts had on the condition of the heart or conscience. We go to the cross daily, to die in Christ and then rise in Christ. In this way our thought life is being dealt with to be transformed into the mind of Christ. As we are willing to die to the flesh, the effects the past has had on us will also be dealt with by Jesus, who is our Gardener. He will save us from the torment of the past that destroys us daily, and make us free. This is achieved by having a relationship with our Lord, who prepares us to go to the Father by the cross and blood.
The conscience must become clear, holy and compare to a pool of clear water after the rain. Clear and tranquil and reflecting the rain clouds and rainbow after the rain. If the tiniest leaf should fall onto the surface of the conscience, we should immediately be aware of it in order to discern between flesh and Spirit.
These studies were done in the sixth book ‘The Spiritual Sea’. Incredibly, the preachers of old, also spoke this language of parallels and this author found comfort in their work, which proved that he was not alone in his thinking.
F B Meyer:
“There is the mighty ocean of power all around us, but for some reason we cannot tap it. It is like the electric current, which refuses to help us unless we have instruments precisely adapted to transmit the driving-power. Faith is absolutely necessary for the conveyance of God’s power to meet the need and sin and sorrow of the world.”
The word ‘ocean’ is used in a spiritual sense, and should really have been the word “air”, for electricity is in the lightning, in the “air”. The word ‘lightning’ is a descriptive Hebrew translation for ‘light’. When God said: “let there be light” (Gen 1:3) it is also where the power is. When we give our hearts to God, light comes, and our sins are forgiven because of the work of the cross. We are now in the “air” in Christ and the POWER surrounds us, the heart is blood washed and in contact with the heart of God. Because our sins have been forgiven and the heart is pure we have faith. BUT! We lose this exalted position in Christ, when we become fleshly or carnal again. If we do not guard the heart we become naked, naked to the sea.
Read the piece by Meyer again and you will see that he was thinking that faith alone can bring the vast ocean of power. But there can only be faith if the heart is pure. The subject of the Bible is the heart that must be kept. The word ‘keep’, is translated as ‘guard’.
Gen 2:15: “…and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.”
Pro 4:23: “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
This brings us to the garden which I believe is the heart, for the following reasons.
Physically we compare to the spiritual tree of Psalm 1. The tree is referring to a human being as a tree that is planted by waters, and will bring forth fruit, if it meditates the scriptures. The water is the word of God. We realize there are trees, but we are as a tree.
When I sketch a tree into the brain of a person, it looks like a tall tree. There are many scriptures to prove this. When we draw the leaves and branches of the tree into the brain it is a drawing of the basic nervous system. When we add all the nerves that are spread throughout the body, leading from out of the spinal cord, it looks like a tree with lots of roots. (Figure 13) Out of the brain comes the commands that are relayed by nerves to every part of the body.
I do not find it strange that the Egyptians believed the brain was to cool the blood down, for they were carnal in their thinking. The Hebrew people on the other hand were spiritual in their thoughts. Abraham for instance was looking for a city.
Heb 11:10: “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.”
Abraham was a man of faith. The God kind of faith can only come if the conscience is kept clear. He walked in a thought life that was above, while yet on earth. The Egyptians on the other hand were bringing the below into their above. Yet they were completely convinced that their Gods were superior to the Hebrew God, as many still think today.
Gen 26:5: “Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.”
Because he did this, God could bless him.
Gen 26:4: “And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed…”
The seed of Abraham became carnal in their thinking because of their slave mentality.
The thought life of man is where God makes himself a dwelling, if the commandments are kept. Because the conscience is clear, he is capable of imagining, and bringing the good things, God has in mind for all mankind to earth. (Let thy will be done…)
When the thought life becomes fleshly the tops of the brain tree dies to the things of God as a physical tree would have died. The tree leaves die, where it is supposed to breathe the God “air”, and becomes perches for spiders and vultures. In this way principalities and powers of darkness lives in our high places, and cause strongholds. The thought life is fearful and full of carnality. When the tree no longer fully belongs to God the conscience is seared and nervous conditions take over in the thought life. Where there used to be rest and calm, reassurance that God is providing, the person becomes agitated, loses assertiveness, and all kinds of ailments appear. The blessing has departed and the curse has taken its place.
The curse is not because of a witches brew, it is the result of turning away from God and His law. The commission to Abraham was:
Gen 17:9: “And God said to Abraham, As for you, you shall therefore keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations.”
This word ‘keep’ is the same word (H8104) as Adam was told to keep the garden.
Gen 4:9: “Cain replied “am I my brother’s keeper?””
As Christians we are to help each other keep the heart.
Gen 17:10: “This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your posterity after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised.”
To be physically circumcised was to cut the flesh, as we spiritually cut the flesh at the cross for the circumcision of the heart. In Gen 18:19 we find that if this covenant was kept, they would be blessed. Each time the blessing departed from Israel after this covenant, it was because they did not keep the heart. We give the heart to God at regeneration and are to keep it free from the flesh. It is however a full time occupation to keep the heart, as we can see in the following verse:
Gen 31:24: “Then God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream at night and said to him, “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.”
When we have been offended, as I am sure Laban must have been at this time, we must also consider the offence of Jacob at the same time. They both felt hurt, and this is when we lash out and offend and take offence, become emotional, and loose God’s blessings. This is why Laban was warned in the dream to say nothing, for he was in danger of losing God’s blessings, at the same time causing irreparable offence to Jacob. We say things hastily without getting counsel from God, and in this way loose the blessing. God requires a calm, peaceful, holy dwelling to live inside us. To take offence or cause offence is to block the blessing out.(Figure 14)
Pro 4:23: “Keep (guard) thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
We are to guard the heart for all things pertaining to life, flow forth from the heart.
Ps 119:2: “Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”
Once one has given the heart to God and learnt to guard it, blessings flow continually. FB Meyer explains this process in the following way:
“Salvation has three stages. It begins with deliverance from the penalty of the past. Our sins are blotted out. The penalty is remitted or turned to benediction. (Blessings) Then we are saved lower down. The process of purification goes deeper and deeper into our nature. Finally, our body is renewed through the resurrection – grace of Christ. And surely there is a sense in which the grace of Christ will ever sink deeper, giving us a profounder realization and participation in the things that will open before us in the eternal progress.”
It is an ongoing process, we are naturally created in carnality, and I will prove it. If we ask any psychiatrist or brain scientist, where emotions live, they will tell you it is in the hypothalamus. Bible dictionaries say: “the seat of emotions is the heart”. The center of man is the heart, but we are naturally fleshly and proud.(Figure 15). We are naturally slaves to emotions as Israel was slaves to Pharaoh.
We are saved from slavery if we partake of the flesh of the Lamb, and if the blood is sprinkled, we will pass safely, on dry land through the “Red Sea”, to be prepared in the wilderness, to live in the Promised Land. This also entails the three-step process Meyer mentions above. As he says: “Then we are saved lower down, the process of sanctification goes deeper”. The word ‘flesh’ that is used here is the lower emotional condition of man. The flesh is death (Rom 8:6).
To be saved is not the problem; it is the wilderness that lay ahead. During the initial regeneration, lots of miracles and things happen, but when we go to the wilderness, those miracles are forgotten in the heat of the day. Even though God is still providing for us in the wilderness, by providing all we need. We still have shoes, clothes, shelter and food, but we allow fleshly worries and arrogance to convince us that God is not providing, while He actually is cutting the flesh and providing at the same time. However the requirement for God’s provision is faith. Only a pure heart generates faith. If the fleshly doubts enter, the conscience sears and the blessing departs. We are no better than those who criticized God during the wilderness ordeal. We were also wandering around in the wilderness because we were in the flesh, while thinking we were above and open to the blessings. Naming and claiming, speaking God’s Word in the face of apparent defeat, yet the blessings did not abide. We find little bits of revelation and we soar for a while and then back into the wilderness. The mainspring is the heart, keep the heart! This is the only way to avoid the prolonged wilderness times. I remember a man who was sent from China to tell me that the Lord wishes that I prosper even as my soul prospers. The man looked past me and he said “you come out of the deep dry wilderness, but I don’t know why”.
My prayer is that the reader will understand why we spend so much time in the wilderness and not in the blessing. If it seems to you as if I keep saying the same thing over and over, it is because of my experience with groups in the cave. They nod their heads at all the right places and promise me they do understand, but they failed. This knowledge sounds easy, but it is hard to do. We naturally want to avoid the straight and narrow and then walk around the mountain one more time. By simply observing the parallels that are drawn throughout the Bible we can see that our spiritual growth, out of the fleshly into the spiritual, is the subject of the Bible.
Although we are saved by our Lord, He still has to deal with the way we thought before being saved. Because of our old thought life we still think carnally, and die in the wilderness, as that wilderness generation did. This death is the death of the conscience, the conscience is non life giving. It means that the Spirit through whom everything was created cannot bring forth life, for the flesh is ruling. This life is the power we have to change the atom through our thought life. Not only in our bodies but everything that surrounds us. The difference between the rich and the poor is the way they think. The slave mentality caused their death, even as Christians die today of every kind of sickness imaginable. I know what I’m talking about, for I was there in Egypt, I was saved as they were, but almost died in the wilderness. There was no one to help me. I heard that everybody thought they were Caleb and Joshua’s generation, but they were as fleshly as I was. I was taught that the law is a curse, and everything is grace, but I was still dying. I simply could not find out how to turn things around, until I found out that the “line” is the conscience. The man from Galilee walked on my stormy sea and He saved me! Then He taught me how not to sin.
After this He started dealing with the ship wrecks, most embarrassing moments and disappointments so I could heal. I needed healing, for the past was brewing up a great chaos up inside my deep and was beginning to kill me. He saved me, healed me, redeemed me and crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies (Ps 103). Notice the three step process.
If we would meditate the word of God constantly, we will be able to teach our children the difference between flesh and spirit by example. These are the generations that will inherit the Promised Land.
The place where children play is the imagination, it is where toys become real things, and children partake of the magical in their thoughts. The rainbow becomes the physical comparison to the mind that flies and goes into a different dimension without drugs. If only we could live this way always, if only we could “keep” our minds constantly. Well, this is the subject of the Bible. The imagination is where we receive inspiration to be creative in our particular field. Some religions are so busy being religious that the imagination is allowed no freedom. All creative abilities come out of the imagination. The outcome of the creative force in us will depend on what is in the imagination. What force is ruling in the citadel, is it from below or above? To be able to discern whether the heart is fleshly or spiritual is the constant quest of the believer. When the principles of the cross is applied; when we have died to self daily, and raised in Christ we are able to discern. When we are in the flesh, principalities, powers and rulers of darkness are ruling, and the decisions we make will end in chaos.
Col 2:10: “And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power…”
If you have died with Him, now joined in Spirit to Him, we are to abide in him!
This is where the heart is circumcised (Col 2:11) and the heart is God’s dwelling, not that of the flesh.
This is the only way to find out whether thoughts or inspiration, that come to us, are from God or not. This is what is meant by, “the Devil appears as an angel of light”. In actual fact the inspiration came out of hell and will lead us on another useless circle through the wilderness. We have to deal with the “flesh” at the cross.
Jesse Penn Lewis : “The ‘flesh’ cannot be taken into Him. It must be cast of. ‘For with Him you were buried in your baptism (into death) wherein you were also made partakers of His resurrection, through the faith wrought in you by God, who raised Him from the dead.
The severing work of the cross takes place as we abide in Him; the cutting of the ‘flesh’, even the casting off, of the whole body of the flesh takes place as we abide in Him. This circumcision is not done by human hands, for it is wrought by the Holy Ghost as the believer consents….It is the Spirit of God who baptizes us into Christ and gives the believer the power to cast off all the “body of the flesh” and to carry this out in detail.”
It takes time to deal with the flesh, even under the guidance of the Gardener, some situations will seem as if they come out of hell, which is exactly where they come from, but it is for the sanctification of the saints. All work together for good, for the fires are melting and moulding us into pure gold, so that we may live according to God in the Spirit.
2 Cor 5:17: “Whosoever, then, is in Christ, is a new creation; his old being has passed away, and behold, all has become new.”
We are going into the sphere of Christ, we leave outside the “old”. It is the Christ-mind we are being transformed into. We can discern by the Spirit, and live in the Spirit, no more mistakes; whatever happens to us, is from God.
Bad things do happen to Christians who are partaking of the “cutting”, for it is God’s way of dealing with the old creation and bringing us to the cross with preconceived religions and traditions. Most of us, simply will not listen to good advice, and have to spend time in the wilderness to learn, to hear the still small voice. This is the immature child who learns by chastisement.
2 Cor 5:1: “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”
2 Cor 5:2: “For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven.”
The kingdom of God belongs to children, and we are to seek the kingdom, then all will be added. In this same way Abraham was seeking for a city that God was the builder and architect of. This city is the “high’ city, the one Gal 4:25 speaks of as Jerusalem above. Jerusalem below is slavery, carnal, but Jerusalem above is free.
Heb 12:22: “But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels…”
This city is the “highway”; it is where we are seated “above”, in Christ. Joined to the risen One to be lifted up in the spirit, “far above all”, in Christ, however deeply it may have been “down”, under the bondage of the flesh, or mingled with the “life” of the old nature of the soul; “we are seated with Him in the heavens”. It helps me to imagine the glorious cloud formations and sunrise colours over the sea, it brings this above spiritual state of mind into perspective. The sea creatures that were previously only in the imaginations of artists are being found thousands of meters below in the deep. In the same way we are also discovering how we were ruled by the deep within. Compare this picture to the burst of light and splendour at sunrise (Figure 16).
Mal 4:2; (Ps 37:6 NIV): “The one is below, the other above.”
The line between these two dimensions is the horizontal beam of the cross. “Finally…let your hearts be strengthened in the Lord, and the conquering power of His might…”
The cross beam is also representing the conscience or heart – “let your hearts be strengthened in the Lord…” We are to “keep” the heart—but did not! Out of the deep the beast came and rules on our sea. The Lord Christ, Paul said in chapter one, is above the principalities and powers. He is not under them, and the believer is also seated with Him, “far above”. Now let us be strengthened in the Lord, be confident, be sure, know for certain the position of victory, and be strong in the conquering power of His might. If the reader can grasp who he is in Christ, he will live constantly in the victory of the cross. But to stay above is a lifelong task of constant self discipline, self control and study of who we are in Christ. The moment we think we have arrived, we fall short again. For this reason, “put on the whole armour of God that you are able to stand”. But you were seated a moment ago! Yes, you cannot fight external foes if you have a conflict within! You must be ‘sitting down’ inside!
If you lose your inward peace, you are at the mercy of the devil.
To have the inner calm we must understand the armour, by placing the state of the conscience first. We go to the cross to have the conscience dealt with. We need the ‘pure heart’ in order that God may put us in our right place. When sins have been dealt with at the cross and the blood is sprinkled, we have died and risen in Christ, we are above in thanks giving, praise and worship and can ‘enter into’ the presence of our Father. When the conscience is clear, we are saved (helmet) we are the righteousness of God (breastplate) and so on …lastly the shield is biggest of all, and is Faith.
When the conscience is clear we have faith! We can go pray the prayer of faith! Because we have died, and then risen in Christ, we are in Christ.
This book, the Spiritual Sea is written as the previous five books, in this series ‘The Line’, in diary form. After ‘A Room with a View’ was completed, Yvonne and I headed for the sea-house for some hard work, renovating and adding onto the old place. I picked up the book ‘The Spiritual Man’ by Watchman Nee and I thought, as an afterthought, I would be adding to ‘A Room with a View’ while building in Natal. However, the book was simply impossible to read. I could not concentrate for more than half a page at a time. It seemed that I would be sleepy after only a few lines. Putting it down to being tired, I would try again the next day with the same results. This cannot be happening I thought, and set out to underline each word I could understand with pencil. After which I would take a walk around the house and then reread the same lines again, lining it with pen this time and then found the meaning was completely different from the previous pencilled understanding. This experience forced me to take the matter of the book to the Lord who immediately explained that the way to understanding of this book was through the tabernacle. This changed my attitude toward the book and I would approached the book with more care, but after a while I would feel my mind could not take it in, it seemed cloaked, and this would force me back to the Lord’s leading, who explained that there were a few things we must discuss. I was of course at fault and had to rededicate my life to God all over again; then I had to learn how to listen with the Spirit and not the intellect, and leant that I was not spending as much time listening and seeing in the garden as before. I am relating these details for your own scrutiny of your personal relationship with the Lord. You know, we are so busy working for the Lord’s things; we do not get to the Lord of the things.
Watchman Nee is a Chinaman; if you have read the previous books you will know how a Chinaman called Francis Coo kick started this series ‘The Line’.
In The Line’s first painting it is the cross beam of the cross that divides between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness and to the far right there is the sword of the angel at exactly that same height, and if one draws this line the heads of all the figures involved are above the line.
This is where the spiritual division is, between the spirit and the soul. (Figure 1)
God has given the revelation of how to divide the spirit and the soul of man to Nee, who made it his business to study this important spiritual action by studying the works of people like Madam Guyon, F.B Meyer, G.H. Morrison, Jessie Pen-Lewis and Evan Roberts.
His book ‘The Spiritual Man’ was written June 25 1928, the work was of course edited by an Englishman of the time and is to say the least; the most difficult work I have ever read. After a while, I noticed that I could understand the man if I drew ‘The Short Sword’ pictures while reading his explanations of the spirit and soul. It was with great relieve that I was amazed to see that his experience of the spiritual realm was very much alike to that of my own. Lately I had been feeling lonely, and felt that I could do with the company of somebody who had seen the spiritual realm the way I did. I was thinking that I should get into the company of different theologians but I had tried that before, and was not going to go there again.
After talking to some people that read Nee’s book I came to the conclusion that his work is considered deep and people that do read it, (if they really did) feel regenerated and enlightened but still fall back into old thoughts. Let me be recorded as saying that I have heard the old preachers preach some of Nee’s words but have not heard it preached lately.
Things like: “deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me” and teachings that says that going to the doctor is not the way for the believer. Unfortunately, Watchman Nee did not receive the full revelation of the tabernacle and therefore there is a lot of talk about how we must be disciplined and capable of keeping our own minds. We however cannot keep our minds nor could Adam and Eve and this is why we must understand the cross.
For this reason, let us begin this study by recapping on the tabernacle in chapter 1.
For refreshment of the readers mind, I am quickly listing a few words that are frequently used for the ‘mind’ or the ‘place above the line in which we live with God’ if you prefer it to be explained like that we can even call it the ‘imagination’ or all of the following words:
Chapter 1
The Tabernacle
Jesus is the Gardener and only He can explain Christ crucified. In the beginning we start at the cross, we enter through the cross like a child, and in time He teaches us to die as He did, and to realise the full implications of Calvary. The tabernacle designed by God in the wilderness was the place where God’s presence was, and He spoke on the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies. The priest, when sacrificing walked into the Outer Court and faced the sacrifice immediately when he entered.
When I draw the plan of the tabernacle, it looks like this. (Figure 1, and from above Figure 2)
And when I draw an outline of a person on the tabernacle (as in figure 3) we realize that after the crucifixion we are the tabernacle of God and are His dwelling place. Where the mind is, is the Holy of Holies and it is this dividing veil that was torn and now we have full access to the Holy of Holies. Also note that the mind is now in the shape of the rising sun.
Noah built a three storey ark, and the ark saved the animals as well as himself and his family from the flood.
Thinking about it I realized that the temple Ezekiel talks of also has three storeys, and if we are God’s temple, we also have three storeys. Please consider my picture in figure 4.
When I place the mountain in the Holy Place, this Second Storey or mountain area becomes the captivity of mount Zion (Ps 126:1), because it is in the middle of the top and bottom ‘storey’s’, we grow up into the Holy of Holies from here, we must climb the mountain. (We all know by now that the mountain represents the hard times in life. The mountain can be seen in Figure 5.)
Moses fetched the law on top of the Mountain of Sinai, thus the minds of these Old Testament people were held by the law.
Noah most certainly lived in the top story from where he fed the beast within. (Figure 6)
Is this not also our story? We should live above and stay above but we feed the beast within. How else will they stay alive? Well our mission is that the sea within us shall become the Dead Sea.
Noah was saved to the top of the mountain.
George H. Morrison: “It was on a mountain that Abraham prepared to offer Isaac and that men received the Law of Moses, and from a mountainside the law of Christ. The bitterest conflict between Elijah and the prophets of Baal was on Mount Carmel. John was on a great mountain when he saw the New Jerusalem descend; and on a mountain occurred the transfiguration.
It was the very love of God that sent Moses and Elijah to the mount. For Moses and Elijah were the past. They were the spirits of the law and prophecy. Now the past hands on its work to Jesus. All that the law had vainly striven to do, and all that prophecy had seen afar, was to be crowned on Calvary.”
Another interesting point is that God spoke out of the cloud:
Mark 9:7: “And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.”
1 Cor 10:1: “Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;”
1 Cor 10:2: “And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;”
But they never touched the water for they were baptized into Moses.
Heb 12:1: “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”
The weight of sin is surely a clouded conscience, and the past that comes into the mind. It is only the cross that handles this sin.
1 Th 4:17: “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air (chill) and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
A heavenly lifestyle right here on earth while we are seated with Christ in heavenly places.
Well, we know this is true, even children know this is true but why do we not get all the things we need if God is living in us? Surely, God is good and then we should have all things we have need of, seeing that we are His dwelling place. Yes, this is correct, then there must be a reason why God cannot supply our needs. This is what this book aims to answer.
Warning: If you the reader are serious about finding out the answer to this question, be prepared for emotional upheavals as never before in your life.
It was during the writing of this book that our friends suddenly became sick and we very quickly had to extract some of the things contained in this book in short form, presenting only some of the juicy bits so that a child could understand, which resulted in “ The Short sword” Book 2. I hope you are familiar with by now.
This is the fifth book in the series “The Line”. It is written in diary form, exactly as the Lord gave me personal revelation on ‘the line’. It contains in depth scriptural studies on all controversial biblical subjects without any judgement. Full of incredible revelation the body of Christ have immediate need of.
This book is for mature Bible readers and seekers of the truth, the same Jesus referred to while speaking to the woman by the well. He said that there will come a time when they who worship will do so in spirit and in truth. It is aimed at filling all the theological gaps and placing new foundation from which to complete your own personal questions. Everything you will find in this book is within us and you will see how closely we resemble the earth. SPIRITUALLY WE GROW FROM WITHIN, FOR THIS IS WHERE GOD DESIRES TO DWELL – WITHIN. And you know the KINGDOM of God is within you.
I am using E-Sword as study reference. E- Sword can be downloaded free from If you have purchased the PDF you will find the main installation file on the disc.
Through this program you have access to all Bible translations of importance ever written and also the commentaries of Bible scholars like Wesley, Henry, Mathew and many dictionaries. Apart from this Nelsons Quick reference Bible dictionary has been of enormous value to this study. Whenever you see a ‘G’ or a ‘H’ with numbers (example: G1442 or H6643) this refers to the Greek and Hebrew translation and the number is the Strong’s Dictionary’s reference number. Using E-sword you can check on the translations of these words by using the reference number.
In order to understand the book of Revelation,I’m sure that might be where we are heading; we have to understand Genesis. I love Genesis. I would always read the rest of the Bible quickly to be able to start all over again at the beginning. I was sure that the key to understand the Word of God must be in Genesis. You will very shortly see that Revelation is revealed in Genesis.
We know that the power is in the mind, and many have brought about healing through confident suggestion to the mind. That by touching the bones of a particular person for instance they would be healed, but when the bones are replaced with a different corpse the healing still goes on. In cases like this we must conclude that it was mental suggestion and this is how many non Christians and Christians have experienced miracle healing. I am sure that you have many of these stories of your own of how people simply see themselves healed and it happens, without committing their lives to Christ, think about the things they need and it comes to them in a supernatural way. All ‘positive mind’ books will tell of these true cases yet most of these people do not even believe there is a God.
However what about us, the Christians, we want to experience our healing and success through Christ, therefore we do not study the mind and are afraid that this kind of tampering with the mind, will cause us to be demon possessed. In the meantime others are walking away with the miracles.
Can it be that we are so bound up in different traditions and religious thoughts that these simple truths about the power of the mind and the simplicity of childlike imagination has been removed from us so far and distant that it is now beyond our understanding? What is it about this statement Jesus made; The kingdom belongs to children; that we don’t get? And this one; Seek first the kingdom and all will be added. Can “all” actually mean ALL!?
I would like to remind you at this stage of the First painting in the book the Line, where we concluded that the soul is the mind.
And throughout all the following books we see; GOD so loved the world
that Jesus gave his life for the soul of man. Here is a key scripture.
Eph 3:20: “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that work in us.”
Where do we think and ask? Where is the power? I believe all agree, it must be the mind. In both the Old Testament and New Testament, the soul and heart is the mind and centre.
Then we have words like ‘conscience’ and ‘subconscious’. Eventually we will also study these words, but I believe this is what kept us from understanding the power of the mind. Therefore for the sake of this study, the mind is what you think and imagine with. (As if you didn’t know) Let’s give you an example: We say this person has an angry spirit. Why is he angry? Because of the way he thinks, we look at his face and see what he has been thinking all night.
The following is the prayer I open all studies with:
Eph 1:17-19: “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.”
We pray Ephesians 1: 17—19 that we may receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of the power (G1411, miraculous power)
Matthew 6:13: And Your kingdom power and your glory. (Also G 1411)
We want God’s thoughts for that is where the power is.
Matthew 10:1: “And Jesus summoned to Him His twelve disciples and gave them power and authority over unclean spirits, to drive them out, and to cure all kinds of disease and all kinds of weakness and infirmity.”
This power Jesus gave them was the knowledge of who Satan is. This
power the Lord gave them is G1849 which means: Force, freedom, mastery, magistrate, authority, and jurisdiction.
This is the authority with which we speak when we explain the cross to all people, first take authority, make sure that darkness bows the knee, then speak boldly. We are all veiled to a certain degree, but it is the knowledge of the truth that sets us free.
What happened to the disciples? Their minds were transformed in the company of their Lord and they learned to think high or above thoughts.
Let’s get back to the power that is in all people.
Zechariah 4:6: “…Not by might or power but by the spirit.”
In this sketch we are showing the power in us as a dash of colour in the head. (Figure 1)
Gen 2:7: “And the LORD3068 God430 formed3335(853) man120of the dust6083 of4480 the ground,127 and breathed5301 into his nostrils639 the breath5397 of life;2416 and man120 became1961 a living2416soul.5315” (K.J.V)
Gen 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living being. (I Cor 15:45-49.) “ (Amp)
The Amplified Bible calls him a living being and the King James a living soul. This word soul is H 5315 and is translated as; breathing creature can be animal, appetite, beast, creature, Fish, ghost, or lust. All this is what a living being can be like. Man now has a will and emotions. What is will and emotions? It is the breath of God! All emotions are the breath of God, we do not only have good emotions, some are bad and we refer to them as the beast within or the sea within.
In the “Short Sword” (book 2 in the series) we have shown the sea of
emotions as within, here are some scriptures to prove this truth that is being revealed daily.
Hab 1:14: “Why do You make men like the fish of the sea, like reptiles and creeping things that have no ruler (and are defenseless against their foes)?”(Amp)
Here is the comments of Vines dictionary on the sea (H3220—yam).
Vines: “ In some instances the word yam (sea) may represent the Canaanite god Yamm, ” (Job-9:8). “which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.”
Note the word ‘sea’ is a Canaanite god called Yamm. In his following passage Vines identifies the sea as the enemy.
Vines: “If understood as a statement about Yamm, this passage Job 9:8 would read: “and tramples upon the back of Yamm.” The parallelism between “heavens” and “seas,” however, would lead us to conclude that the reference here is to the literal “sea.”
Ps 89:9-10 is a more likely place to see a mention of Yamm, for there the word is identified as one of God’s enemies in immediate proximity to the goddess Rahab: “Thou rulest the raging of the sea (Yamm): when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.“
Especially note in the next verse Job is asking whether he is a sea, he is realizing that there is something terrible inside him
Job 7:12 “Am I the sea, or the monster of the deep, that you put me under guard?”(NIV)
Job 7:12 “Am I a sea (Yamm), or a whale, that thou settest a watch over me?” (KJV)(cf. Job 26:12; Ps 74:13).
Ps 74:13 “Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons”
The word ‘sea’ is translated by Strong’s dictionary as; serpent or jackal
in the waters. ‘Waters’ translated as; waste urine or semen.
For further study on Job 7:12 check Adam Clark commentaries.
Adam Clark: “Yam is used of the great basin immediately in front of the Holy Place: “And the pillars of brass that were in the house of the Lord, and the bases, and the brazen sea that was in the house of the Lord, did the Chaldees break in pieces, and carried the brass of them to Babylon” (2Kings 25:13). This is also called the “sea” of cast metal (1Kings 7:23; KJV, “molten sea”) or simply the “sea” (Jer 27:19).”
We need to be washed from the sea before we enter the Holy Place.
Yam is used of mighty rivers such as the Nile:
Is 19:5: “And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up”
As we have learned in my book the Short sword these inner emotions want to rule the mind and the challenge that is before us is, whether we can keep our minds. Adam, keep the garden for we have a sea of emotions within.
The mind is the soul. There are 682 hits on this word soul in the Old Testament and makes a vast study, for this word is not only soul, and will widen your scope to enter the biblical spiritual realm.
To have a fish mind is most probably a Dagon (fish god).
We do have a beast within us, for instance; obesity or rage.
In the New Testament we have the following:
Rom 8:6: “For1063 to be carnally4561 minded5427is death;2288 but1161 to be spiritually4151 minded5427is life2222 and2532 peace.”
Spiritually minded is (G 4151) translated as; current of air, breath, supper human angel, demon and Holy Ghost.
But to be carnally minded is death, this is why we still physical die, but the last enemy is death. If Adam eats from the wrong tree, he shall surely die. Carnal thinking is death and not life giving, we are to create
in our minds with life thoughts.
He is now a breathing creature (H5315). The power that is in him is God within. The breath of God is the power within us. He is the ‘I AM’. He introduced himself to Moses as ‘I AM!’ I am what? I am the power within you!
The name of this power is love, and He gives us everything we think.
There are people who use the power within without giving God the glory. Some bend iron, walk over coals and get healing and call it the power of the mind. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Marconi and Mark Twain asked the infinite Power for inspiration before going to sleep. They would fill their minds with whatever it is they wanted and would wake up expectantly. None of these people were known Christians. My own brother in law was a non Christian, successful, business man and we asked him to speak to a group during a weekend seminar at The Shoe.
He said there is a power within us, he does not know what it is perhaps it is God but he does not believe in God. Through personal discipline he used this Power for financial gain. He would get up early in the morning and dive into the pool, winter and summer this was to train himself to keep his mind focused on whatever he had decided to pursue. There goes my new car, and he would rub his hands in anticipation. And he would get it!
This non-Christian person made the following statement. ‘Once you have decided what the goal is, you have to look at it constantly, do not worry if there is no money, money will come’. He never envied and was not jealous of others. HE ALSO HAD NO UNDERSTANDING OF HUMILITY. He believed in being good and spoke of ‘Old Nick’ as some sort of personal chastiser. If you have read my book ‘The Mystery of the Ages’ you will have an idea of these inner wars that go on inside us. There was however a deep personal sadness inside my brother in law that could not be filled with possessions and a competitive lifestyle. In my personal studies I have not found one of these successful people to work hard physically.
They spend a lot of time looking at their personal dreams and fill themselves with it. They are also extremely competitive and have to excel at whatever they put their minds to. He was however not so fortunate in the other areas of his life like his marriage, and relationships. The purpose of this teaching is for us to have holistic prosperity.
Zechariah 4:6 “Not by might nor Power but by my spirit…”
‘Might’ is; I am going to sort this problem out today with my personal will and might.
‘Power’ is; using a positive mind set to achieve whatever we have set our goal to be.
‘Spirit’ is; going onto the mountain and receiving instruction from God.
As Christians we are not encouraged to use the power as a devil could get into us and in any case it sounds too Eastern. But we do however pray Eph 1:17; The spirit of wisdom and the knowledge of the power we possess in Christ Jesus, And in Psalm1 we are taught to meditate.
We are not taught of this power in the mind in most societies, and as children we were encouraged to loan money from the bank. They say: “You do not need God, loan your money from us and stay in dept for the rest of your life.”
Also the Bible teaches not by might or power but by My Spirit. Many power of the mind books try to explain the mind power and do use it successfully while even quoting scripture. We however know that one can prove anything by quoting the Bible. But we want to know how we can do it by the Spirit and truth.
A study of the word ‘soul’ in the Hebrew and Greek concordance led to the following discoveries.
The Soul is the ‘mind’. If I had known this as a child my life would have been far different, for as a man thinks so is he. Sigmund Freud the Father of modern day psychology is mostly responsible for the confusion; most people avoid the subject and leave it to the scholars, but at least he took us out of the dark ages and people were no longer burnt at the stake for being witches. But let’s see what the Bible says about it.
The VINES dictionary on SOUL:
Vines on Proverbs 16:2. “The word appears to mean more than just the element of life; it seems to mean “soul”:”
Proverbs 16:2: “All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits.”
Vines goes on to say that there are 28 biblical names for the soul but does not say what they are, I therefore made it my quest to find out what they are and will share them with you during the course of this book.
I found that the word mind , centre has been translated 666 times as heart
The Soul and Spirit of man is one of the most confused subjects on earth. Most people point to their chests when we ask them where the soul is, when we tell them the soul is the mind they act as if they always new it. This is ridiculous, we should have been taught these fundamental truths as children.
This word ‘heart’ is translated ‘mind’
Proverbs 4:23: “Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.”
This word ‘heart’ is translated ‘mind’ and ‘centre’ (H3820). This context of the word is used 666 times in the Old Testament, later this number might mean more to you.
Let’s read it correctly: Keep your mind with all vigilance for out of it flow the issues of life.
In other words as a man thinks so is he.
In Psalm 21:2 God gives us the desires of our hearts, but this word
means mind
Ex 7:1 God hardens the heart of Pharaoh. ‘Heart’ meaning ‘mind’, we also harden our minds when we say for example; we will never again trust a person for some reason.
Gen 6:6: “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart(mind).”
Pro 3:5: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart (mind); and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
This leads us to the most important verse. The word ‘soul’ is ‘mind’ and is the Strong’s number is H5315. Its meaning is also ‘a breathing creature.’ The same that was breathed into Adam. This word is also the same life in all living creatures. GOD’S BREATH.
Is 53:10: “Yet it pleased2654 the LORD3068 to bruise1792 him; he hath put him to grief:2470 when518 thou shalt make7760his soul5315 an offering for sin”
Sin is the way we think.
Figure 2 is what we are heading for; we want to be God’s kingdom, power and glory. Others must see we are different for the kingdom is within us.
Science informs us that we build a new body every eleven months. But if we build defects into your body by thoughts of fear, jealousy, and anger you will have no one to blame but yourself. But science can not tell us how to keep our minds.
The God power inside us is good and abundantly full of every good thing that we can imagine, think, or ask for. (Eph 3:2) It is constantly creating and pushing for ‘life thoughts’. Traditions and religions have robbed us of this constant life giving force and replaced it with fear. By studying the lives of successful entrepreneurs, great artists, poets, speakers and writers you will always find them asking the inner power to reveal things nobody knows. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dale Carnigy, Giacomo Puccini.
Johannes Brahms said: “Straight away the ideas flow in upon me, directly from God.” To mention just a few. They were not necessarily Christians and did not understand the work at the cross as we do now, although they certainly thought to be good, is good enough to take you to heaven, they did not know about the blood, but they believed in the power of the mind. Most of them say they are the captain of their own souls. Not so with us. We have a Captain who reveals all things to us by His indwelling Spirit. We are guided continually by His truth and are the new generation the earth has been waiting to be revealed (Rom 8) and the nations will come to this light (Is 55:5) in this people is the light of the world. (Matt 5:14) Therefore arise your light has come for the glory of the Lord has arisen upon thee (Is 60:1). The knowledge of the glory of the Lord has now come to us. (Hab 2:14)
In the first painting the soul and spirit has been explained, here is a refresher: The soul’s gender is female. Whenever we find a Hebrew or Greek word that refers to female this is referring to the soul realm, as we will find with the musical instruments supposedly found in the devil, (Ezek 28:13) are female, therefore he (Satan) was in the soul (mind). I am sure you understand by this time that our thoughts can be heaven or hell. If the devil is cast out of heaven it simply means that the understanding of the cross and the blood has come to a person and the soul is sprinkled with the blood. ( The Devil was through out of the mind of man, because of the blood)
Another one that comes to mind is Jesus saying cast out on the right side of the boat; ‘right side’ is female. Therefore Jesus was referring to the soul realm which is female for it is the womb of conception and where we imagine.
We are a tree planted by streams of water (word), this means we soak
in the word conceiving it in our womb of conception, (mind) and then our male part, the spirit, will react as a king.
As we think (female) so are we (male). Whatever we conceive in our mind today will be worshiped in the heart. Where is the heart? It is the place all preconceived ideas come too eventually, it is of course our centre. The Strong’s translation for the ‘heart’ in the Old Testament is ‘mind’ or ‘centre’.
The kingdom belongs to children therefore these things are not as complicated as we were led to believe. As we continue with this study it will eventually gel with everything else we have been taught the mind is.
Pro 23:7: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” This word ‘heart’ is ‘mind’.
This study was done in ‘The Short Sword’ and the word ‘heart’ is translated ‘mind’ or ‘centre’ 666 times in the Old Testament.
Here is a good example of the biblical connotation, this word ‘heart’ is Strong’s number H5315 and means ‘mind’.
This word ‘mind’ is translated ‘heart’ 162 times in the New Testament alone and should be of enormous value to read it in the correct context, for instance:
Matt 5:8: “Blessed are thepurein heart for theyshall see God.”
Replace the word ‘heart’ with ‘mind’ (Strong’s H2588) meaning: feelings, thought, mind, middle, broken hearted.
We are broken hearted when the things we believe in dearly has been violated.
Mat 5:28: “But Isay unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after herhath committed adulterywith her already in his heart”. (mind)
Oh! So the adultery is not that deep after all it’s only in the mind but who on earth can have a pure mind then? That is where Jesus comes in. He died for the mind and only His blood can keep it pure. I am making this statement based on all the foregone conclusions drawn from the previous books and paintings.
Matt 6:21: “For where yourtreasure is there will your heart (mind) be also.”
This scripture has a huge implication for Bible readers. This means what ever occupies our thoughts the most is king of the mind.
These are the first four scriptures in Matthew alone and if you continue this study it will change your life. I have never found the Bible wrong it is only in the way we interpret it.
Here is one more just to show, that you must read the Bible with a Greek and Hebrew concordance.
Mat 11:29: “Take142 my3450 yoke2218 upon1909 you,5209 and2532 learn3129 of575 me;1700 for3754 I am1510 meek4235 and2532 lowly5011 in heart; (mind) and2532 ye shall find2147 rest372 unto your5216 souls (mind).
Gen 2:7: “And the LORD3068 God430 formed3335(853) man120of the dust6083 of4480 the ground,127 and breathed5301 into his nostrils639 the breath5397 of life;2416 and man120 became1961 a living2416soul. (Strong’s translate this word as ‘mind’) soul
If I had to explain the soul the way I see it at this stage it would seem airy fairy, for this reason it is important to read this book, so the reader can get the scriptural background and then afterward understand the
simplicity of the souls function and its comparisons to nature. All this will be explained in the following book called ‘The Spiritual Sea’ where the work of Watchman Nee will be incorporated and summarised.
This is the difference between us and animals. This power GOD has placed in us to do anything we think, we can. There is power in the soul whether saved or unsaved. All people can turn to this power within and get their healing etc. There are of course many methods and traditional healers who treat their patients with dances, incantations and invocations of spirits, a person may be healed by touching relics, wearing special garments or rituals, drinking mixtures anything that will lead the thoughts away from fear and worry to faith and expectancy will cause healing. All this because we are a living soul. (Figure 3) The little sun in the mind of the sketch illustrates, what ever this person thinks long enough will flood his body, he will be what he thinks he is. (Figure 4)
POWER: They are using the power of their minds, but the word says not by might or power but by my spirit. (Zech 4)
In our case as Christians we want to achieve the above drawing. The Kingdom of GOD is called morning sun and the result of this Kingdom of God within will cause us to be completely flooded with this above light and rivers of living water to flow into and out of us.
Unfortunately there are lower emotions within us who want to rule our north (mind) and prohibit the sun from rising within.
Is 41:25: (God) “I have stirred up a king who will come from the north. He lives in the east. He will bring honor to me. He walks all over rulers as if they were mud. He steps on them just as a potter stomps on clay.”(NIV)
And worst of all is God made this darkness.
Is 45:7: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
Job 12:22, Job 30:36, 38:19, Ps 18:28, 112:4, 139:11, 139:12, Is 5:20, 9:2, 42:16, 50:10, 58:10, 59:10, Jer 13:16, Dan 2:22, John 1:5, 3:19, 8:12, 12:35, 12:45, Act 26:18, Rom.2:19, 13:12, 1Cor 4:6, 1 Pet 2:9, 1 John 1:5, 2:8, 2:9
The reason for all these references is because there are people who do not believe God created darkness.
This book will show you who the devil is and you will no longer fear him, also how the mind works according to the scriptures. It is guaranteed to make you free and to live in the Holy of Holies here on earth and will prove every statement through hundreds of scriptures and drawings.
Before exempting to understand the Bible stories and the people in it, it is necessary to understand how the geographical chart of Israel also tells the spiritual story of growth from darkness into light.
Map: Figure 5
First memorise this map and note particularly where Ararat is, this is of course where the ark came to rest, very north, and to the east of the continent where Israel will be established. This is where God made the promise to Noah that He and his descendants will live high in ‘Morning Sun’ colours of the rainbow.
The Mystery of the Ages is of course the spiritual realm. Christian churches still cannot answer the question: How is it possible that I am so holy in the morning and a demon in the afternoon? We have the best intentions, but somehow loose our cool during the day. We get sick and I have known many Christians that suffer from epilepsy, bitterness, depression and die of cancer. We believe in God, but have few answers for the world, which makes fun of us.
What is it that makes us different from all other religions?
And where is heaven anyway?
These are the some of the questions this book will answer for you.
Personally, I had been taught that heaven is on another planet, and that I would go there if I’m good. Just hold on my brother and sister, one day we will be in glory land.
The only reason why I stuck out as a Christian is because when I was about five years old my mother read me Bible stories, she said that if I wanted to, I could go on my knees and give my life to Jesus. To me it seemed that Jesus was the greatest hero of all time and gave my life willingly to the Lord. Immediately I saw this High place, it was golden and full of love. Jesus was there and it was a place where you did not worry, and could have anything. As a child I could not stop talking about this wonderful place, thinking that all people knew about it.
My mother cornered me one day and asked me about this place, I kept talking about. I explained to her that it is in my mind. She said that I should never again do this, for meditation is eastern, and of the devil.
I asked her why she went to church, at which she answered: they told me, I won’t go to heaven if they do not bury me. When I went to church the first time the preacher looked like batman and didn’t look like Jesus at all, and I was uncomfortable in that church. Looking back now, I should have tried another, for some preachers and their wives are like angels in this world. My father hated the church and called them swindlers, he invented his own religion and called it; ‘be good, do good’.
He encouraged me to clean the chicken run on Sundays, so I never attended church but still picked up religious concepts and traditions at school and so on.
I went through life searching for people who could tell me about this place I had seen as a child. I measured everybody on what I had seen in the High place.
I joined the navy and met many people throughout the world and no one knew about that place. Sometimes the elderly would understand, but could not explain how to get there, or how it works. I left the navy after six years and lived in the bush where I was completely dependent on God. If I died in the process, it would also have been acceptable, at least I tried to prove a point. My philosophy is; let God be God, and give God a chance.
It was better than living a day to day life, with manmade rules and laws, and preconceived ideas of who God was and how one should earn a living. Trouble was, I was generally sick of the social structure that had so little knowledge of how a person could survive and be happy without being dependant on the bank and a nine-to-five job, it is so unfulfilling. Does God really want us to be little puppets on somebody else’s string?
I dreamed that one could be self sufficient, do everything myself, and be completely dependent on God as my source. I wanted to be the architect, builder, plumber, electrician and carpenter of my own house. At the same time I would provide for my family with the work of my hands and in the process find out who God was.
I dreamed that my children would look at our life and say; “this is the real deal”. I wanted to live without pretence and give God a chance to be God. I believed if I could achieve this it would help the many people we met who had no answer to life and its many facets.
Later I met Pentecostals and Charismatic’. They taught me about the devil, and they would fight the devil and drive him out, but he would always come back.
If there is a devil, I wanted to know; where is he? I was taught that he could be anywhere, live in a door handle, or cause the car to break down. I was taught everything bad was the devils fault; but is it?
So I would spend days and nights fighting the devil, but this also did not help me in my quest to care for my family and help others.
One night I challenged the devil to kill me if he had so much power. But he couldn’t do that either. At least this proved he has no power, at least not to kill me. All that was left, was to find out how do so many bad things happen to me if the devil was powerless.
I tried to avoid all nonsensical teachings and live my life without religions and traditions with foregone conclusions, telling me what God says. I said: “If God is God and if He is real, let Him talk to me, and teach me His rules”.
And this is what made me decide that if I was going to devote my life to finding out life’s secrets, I needed to get to know God personally if I was going to hear from Him. I was willing to work hard and enjoyed building a house and watching God supply the building material. When I started to sculpt, I was being led by an inner knowing. It said: “If you are going to sculpt, then learn human anatomy”. I did as I was told. Strangely the right books would always be there at the right time.
I noticed that when I was willing to start a project, He would supply. When I started painting, I had to learn to put paint on the canvas, and leave it before my bed before I went to sleep. When I woke up, I would see figures and so on in the colours, and these are the things I painted. Only trouble was I started painting things I did not understand, I was doing things I had no scriptural knowledge of at that stage, and would years later realize that I was painting the Garden.
Later when I started feeling lonely I asked God to give me a wife. Firstly, I have never seen a happy marriage up until that stage, and secondly, I knew that no person could make that choice. Where would I find somebody mad enough to marry me in any case? I thought of myself as a social misfit, but convinced myself I was unconventional. But this story was told in my book ‘The Line’.
We could sense that we were being led, and together Yvonne and I went from strength to strength. Somehow however, I started working so hard physically, sculpting hard wood and building new houses and businesses, supplying for my family and listening to the problems of by passers, that I could no longer hear God, because of continued hard slog. When finally I had finished what I thought I should do for Jesus, I was tired and dying. I asked my wife, Yvonne, to agree with me that I should ask the Lord to take me home to Heaven. For I had done more in that 30 years, than 10 people would have in a life time. The Lord in His gentle way started teaching me that I could partake of Heaven right now.
At this stage we had finished building our home and business on our present property, here at the Shoe, and had finished the Cave. The Cave was helping people, and I thought I had done what I was supposed to do with my life.
Yvonne and the children could live here and carry on, being a friend to the lonely confused and depressed.
But I was tired and could not hear God anymore, and so I set out to find someone who could.
We drove all the way to Cape Town, a thousand eight hundred kilometres away, where an elderly lady folded her hands in her lap and asked the Lord why he wasn’t talking to me anymore. Eventually she looked up and said the Lord says: “Tell him I am not talking to him”. The lady said; “I have never heard of such a thing.” And so we drove all the way back home. On the way back she phoned and gave me Job 11:16, which basically say: When morning sun comes, trouble will go away. We were very confused.
I went home and built a room where I could be alone and wait for God. Two weeks later He came into that little room with a vengeance, claiming back my mind which I had given over to hard work.
He said: “I died on the cross so I could always be with you!” He had me in tears for weeks.
Since that day, I have given the first three to four hours of every day to Him, and this is how I got the knowledge I have been able to share with you in the previous books, and now finally in this book the Mystery of the Ages.
The ‘morning sun’ referred to in Job is one of the names for the Kingdom of God. (According to Strongs Greek and Hebrew dictionary) The other names are ‘happiness and lightning’.
The first time this is mentioned in the Bible is when God said: “let there be light” (illumination) Genesis 1:3.
This book will give you insight into:
What happened at the crucifixion in the spiritual world, and show why Jesus had to die. No person could ever give me a satisfactory reason for the cross.
It will show you how deep we are.
Why do bad things still happen to me when Jesus is the Lord of my life?
Where is heaven, and what does it look like?
Where is hell?
What is epilepsy?
Can the power of heaven work in my life now?
You will find all these answers written between the lines, and the Spirit who lives in you, will explain all as you read prayerfully. I promise you, many myths will be laid to rest.
his book is a result of spending a month with the Lord. I could see perfectly in the spirit how my friends and family were but did not receive any revelation knowledge during that time. This book helped me personally as I always wanted to know what happened in the spiritual realm during the crucifixion. If you feel the passion movie did not do it for you; this book will complete the picture.
It is written as if for a movie script for I was only writing down the things I saw in the spirit. I thought it was something like ‘The Lord of the Rings’, only problem was that no one could understand the book and that is why we ended up writing the first three books to explain this book. Also the painting you are about to see was given to me, because of the book and will help explain the book.
We have no problem with having demons outside us, but what happens if you look at your inside, and find you know this place all too well?
This is the mind of an unsaved person…
Man still wants to build towers and make a name for himself. It’s for self! (Pride) (Figure A1)
Is 30:25: “And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.”
This word ‘tower’ is translated by Strong’s dictionary as: pulpit, castle or flowers.
Remember Jesus comes to look at your flowers at night.
The J.F.B commentary says: (Is 30:16) “towers,” that is, mighty men (Is 2:15). Or else, the towers of the Assyrian Sennacherib, or of Babylon, types of all enemies of God’s people.
When we do not have Jesus we are self centred. We dream our own selfish dreams and set our own goals. This is the mind of an unsaved person. You can see this person is dreaming a personal dream, or have set a goal for himself. He can of course achieve his dreams although it takes a lot of discipline to keep your eyes on the goal. Such a self centred person will force his will on everybody and will have difficulty keeping relationships. Divorce will come or his family will fall on the way.
His dream is continually under attack from self. These people are so absorbed with themselves that they say they don’t need a God. Therefore give no honour to the Creator deep inside them. There is a cry and a longing for light in the dark hours.
The tower is under attack, this person might be attaining his goal but he is under attack. It might be self-doubt; it could be jealousy from another person. It is becoming more difficult to stay focused. (Figure A2)
These people are willing to live according to the world system and don’t ask questions. They see the material things and work for nice things all their lives. They measure everything materially. It is your house or your car and that must make you happy. They are in dept all their lives and don’t mind it, because it’s the world system. They live for adoration and applause because of their own achievements.
Satan is the prince of the world system. The cross is the end of this world system
– If you choose.
We used to walk in the world according to the power of the AIR. This word, ‘air’s meaning is also ‘breath’ or ‘Spirit’.Is 30:28 says: “It is my breath; it is for the sifting of the nations”.
This word ‘breath’ or ‘Spirit’ is not only good. It can also mean ‘anger’. The breath of God can mean both good and bad things. God created the earth and all in it. Things don’t evolve.
The Psalm writer says we live only a while and then die. What’s the point of life if I can’t live for a reason? Life is not about self; we have a deep longing inside to worship this Creator and live for Him and bring glory to His name. Most people want peace or peace of mind as they call it. The mind has all the power. For normal everyday people, fluttering around with different whims, fashions and self-indulgence will not get to use a fraction of the mind’s power that is available to all. Some go to extraordinary lengths to get it. They go and live in convents, where no rage or anger can affect them. But no matter how far we hide we are still stuck with ourselves. How can I get away from my own thoughts?
How can I be so holy in the morning and a devil by lunch time? Why can’t I keep my mind? Sometimes it feels as if there’s a fire inside me, and my head hurts. Mostly I can’t decide which way to go. This is the mind of an unsaved person.
And we are calling ourselves ‘the saved’, are we much better off? During times when I show these paintings in a seminar I see the dread on the faces of the people when I pull this one out, they take a deep breath and hold themselves because we all know what goes on in our minds at times.
Many people ask me: “Why does God allow bad things to happen?” This is the question that is being answered in this book. For now remember God made good and bad, the Kingdom of Light and Darkness, and we have a choice.
The Mountain on the left
Do you remember the Hebrews 12:22 mountain, (the place where we meet every morning together as the city on a hill, described in the third book, The Garden)
This Mountain of this unsaved person is off to the East where the cherub is still closing the Garden until this day. There is no water on his mountain, no revelation of the Word. (Figure A3)
Morning sun, happiness or lightning is flashing in the east. The knowledge of the gospel of the Kingdom of God is flashing in. Light is coming into the darkness.
The valley is lurking despair and the bones of dreams that never came true. It looks like hell. Perhaps it is. (Figure A4)
The corpses of unfulfilled dreams are falling out of the heaven of the mind and landing in rotting piles, where various demons crawl out of their lairs to feed on the unfulfilled dreams and excreting into the valley floor adding to the rotting mess.
The demons are hysterical because of the lightning flashes and immediately rally together to block the light out.
The temple
The temple is in the chest of this person. This is where the demons congregate every evening for the gushing. The gushing is a result of who won in the valley today. Was it fear, pride or perhaps bitterness?
Some people have conversations with their demons. And we discuss them among ourselves. We are born jealous and we know every demon personally. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a cool mind all day long?
(Figure A5)
Some people worship gods. There are so many of them. They are all different mythologies and all figments of our imaginations. If this person worships Buddha for instance, he will have to calm his demons by acknowledging that they exist and pay homage to them. They burn a candle tonight and all is calm. But tomorrow morning they are alive and well! They are placing this god in their centre (the centre of their minds) and believe for healing or wealth. Remember other religions do get miracles. All people have power in their minds.
Whatever we set our minds on we can have. It’s a matter of discipline. There is however no salvation. Only Jesus can take you High and teach you to be cool.
When we are trying to get things by some other way we are placing a foreign god in our centre.
When our minds are set only for materialism we are worshipping money – the root of all evil is money.
If I want to keep my mind, I need salvation to be saved from my enemies. (Luke 1:71)
No person on earth can keep their mind on their own, for we naturally have Babylon-minds.
Many people have asked me why they cry when they think of Jesus. It’s because you have given your life to Him but are not living for Him. You are crying below the line and he is crying above. There is a place in the Garden where I have seen Him many times standing on a rock with a sea of people below. He stands there waiting for an arm to be stretched out and will pull you up high immediately.
One morning coming into the Garden I saw the Lord standing on this rock looking down and it seemed he hadn’t noticed me at all. Then I noticed this sea of people who had these books in their hands and they were coming to Jesus, to the rock, washing up against Him in waves. It was great to see and there was a lot of joy everywhere, just as the Lord had promised me this a long-long time ago. But even He seemed amazed at the amount of people who were coming.
Tribulation in the Old Testament means; narrow, tight or sorrow, which sounds like the dark (wicket, sorrow) that was separated from the light in Gen 1:4. This painting certainly looks like this Tribulation.
Jesus said to the Pharisees; I am from above and ye are from beneath. Your father is the devil. He (Jesus) is the light of the world. They (Pharisees) were of course dark.
The mercy seat was above the ark. God met with his people on the mercy seat with people who could look up. Remember the snakes in the wilderness, and the snake on the pole which they had to look up to. If you can’t trust God at least look up.
In Jacob’s dream with the ladder, the Lord stood above. Showing him there is a High place in his mind where he can dream where God would give him the desire of his heart, if Jacob would trust God.
If you have read the three previous books you are now fully prepared, and equipped to read and understand; The Mystery of the Ages.
he following is a no-nonsense, non-thumb sucking, solid Bible based teaching aimed at getting the body of Jesus Christ into their personal Garden, to get to know their Lord and have a personal relationship with Jesus the Gardener. We learn how to enter in to the Garden and also how to get the things we need. Here in the Garden we learn how to get answers to the questions in our lives. We learn how to pray and how to visualise and to get divine instruction, intervention, and inspiration. The paintings are a result of a 50 year long search of the artist Ron van Zyl and his quest to find the garden since he had seen it as a child. These paintings are not for sale and can be viewed at their home at the Shoe where the cave is situated. There is also a DVD seminar available on this subject.
After this book you will also echo his plight that we as Christians are not religious but have a relationship with our Lord God!
Introducing the Garden
Recap on the previous two books; ‘The Line’ and ‘The Short Sword.’
The Kingdom of Light is above and is morning sun, happiness and lightning. Below are wicked, sorrow, and ignorance.
We have discerned that Jesus saved us to a high life in Christ. Meaning the cross is the door to a heavenly lifestyle where we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. As shown in the first painting in ‘The Line’. The only way a person who wishes to live this heavenly lifestyle can reach the top above the line, life in Christ, is by climbing the mountain.
The mountain makes the connection between heaven and earth. And is the mountain of the Lord, the Hebrews 12:22 mountain is where we are citizens of heaven.
Let thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. (Figure 2)
We can now draw a scull on the line painting and this will place the Kingdom of God within. (Figure 1 and 3) The cross is now our center and is where Goliath was killed and our center brain is the hypothalamus (Figure 4). If we draw a square here, (Figure 4) these measurements coincide with the heavenly city and Ephesians 3:20
Eph 3:17: “So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,”
Eph 3:18: “May have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ”
Eph 3:20: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (NIV)
We need a Christ mind and our minds are transformed during the mountain climbing experience.
To climb the mountain successfully we need to follow the following instructions carefully:
1 Pet 5:6: “Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you”
1 Pet 5:7: “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. [Ps. 55:22.]” (Amp)
You see God dwells with him who is of a humble and contrite spirit and lives with them in high and lofty places (Is 57:15).
Christ has to become the captain of our minds; we are not to think five minutes ahead without him.
Because I had seen this high place as a child, I kept searching, thinking mistakenly that I will find a short-cut for my children and loved ones. Yes, my wife and children are where I am spiritually but they still have to climb the mountain. To die to self is extremely difficult and it takes the mountain process to trust in the Lord completely with all thy heart [mind], and not to make an Ishmael. Abraham and Sara tried to help God make his promise come true, and found it difficult to wait on God’s timing, just like us. The mountain climbing process is a reality and we need to love each other while doing it.
The seven Genesis sketches (from the Short Sword) prove that we are on this planet to grow spiritually.
Why is it so difficult to give our lives over into God’s complete control?
Because we are dark and deep.
We have a mind of our own, a will, intellect, and emotions. (Figure 5)
No longer my will but God’s will. This is not so easy. We have found out that we have lots of emotions and senses; and our intellect wants to rule our minds. Perhaps the biggest problem is the past. Where do these emotions and reminders of our past come from? They come from within!
Do you remember Genesis? We are a deep, very deep, surging mass. Our emotions are constantly restless.
Gen 1:2: “The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep.”
And we were dark. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. ‘FACE’ means part that turns.
The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters. For we are filled with a sea of emotions that wants to rule our minds.
Let’s briefly remind ourselves of the Genesis sketches:
WE have a sea of dark emotions within us, that wants to rule in the mind; where the little sun is in figure 7.
The Genesis sketches show our spiritual growth out of darkness (Figure 6 A), through first finding the light (B), then understanding the Word (C) ,we go through spiritual dry places (D) to grow in the knowledge of what is within us (E) and then we become the garden dwellers (F) who still have a choice whether we will finally trust the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding, to experience a constant seventh day of rest (G).
This sea within us will eventually become the dead sea. Further explanations on this subject in the book: ‘A Room with a View’.
In the Short Sword we have found out that Adam had exactly the same problem. As long as Adam was willing to eat from the tree of Life, (carpenter, Jesus) (Figure 8) he would have a safe mind. Having communion with God causes a safe garden. The word ‘garden’ means ‘fenced’. Adam had to keep the garden mind by trusting and communing only with his Lord God.
Adam could not do this and lost the garden to the serpent, who later became so large (Figure 9) through the imaginations of man that it became the dragon on the sea. What sea? The sea of emotions, who ruled the minds of the people of Israel. (Figure 10) On the left in figure 10 the dragon is on the sea, and on the right is an Egyptian.
Spiritually we are Israel, we are slaves to our emotions just as Israel was to Pharaoh. We need to understand the blood and the pass over lamb, so the sea can turn red and then be parted so we can live in the Promised Land.
We are the seed of Abraham who conceived a star generation by believing God and counting the stars (Figure 11) to generate faith in his imagination where God’s power resides and gives you the desire of your heart (mind).
Later the law came through Moses and the mind of man was now filled with the law instead of the serpent (Figure 12).
But the enemy ruled in the minds of man constantly as it still rules ours, and it would take the life of the Son of God to clear the mind forever.
Just as Samson died (Figure 13) with the enemy so Jesus gave his life. The only difference between Samson and Jesus is that Jesus sprinkled His blood and declared that it is finished.
Now the mind was cleared, and then Jesus sprinkled His blood this high. As high as the cross bar of the cross,(Figure 14) and tore open the veil so we could not only enter in to the Holy of Holies but also live a totally safe life from the inner enemy within us.
The idea is that we will live up here in His presence constantly and receive revelation, inspiration, and safety. Just as Noah was saved from the sea, so we are saved from an inner sea to live high. (Figure 15) Noah had to stay in the ark until all the water drained off the earth. Then God gave the rainbow promise (Figure 16) which means mercy and grace. We can live in His presence constantly above the issues of life in a safe garden mind, where Jesus is the gardener.
In the past we Christians would declare victory, cast out the enemy, but somehow it came back and it would be worse than before.
This is exactly what Jesus said: we would cast out the demon and it would go to dry places, (we are the sea, outside of us it is dry) then it would come back with seven more and the last state of the man is worse than the first.
What demons are they? They are anger, pride, greed and judgement etc. Where did they come from? They come from within. When I say fear, you know exactly what I’m talking about for we all have the same sea within us.
Be honest now, is there anybody who can keep their minds? People are considered great if they can do this. Monks might have achieved this living in a monastery surrounded by brothers in total unison. Some of these monks could levitate during worship but it took incredible discipline and dedication. Is it necessary to abstain from the natural life God meant us to enjoy to reach these spiritual heights? Most agree there must be an easier way!
I have asked many groups this question; can we keep our mind? The answer is always the same: we cannot; therefore something drastic will have to happen.
We realise the Power of God is within our minds (Figure 17).
But we have lower emotions to contend with, for instance pride, jealousy etc; these emotions seek to occupy the mind with self. We can waste a lot of precious dream time by allowing these emotions access to our minds.
We are to become the generation who will understand the cross and the blood and live above our inner emotions in a garden.
This garden is not far, and it is not for the super spiritual, or intellectual, it is the place you used to play as a child.
We were created in the image of God to imagine and dream our original dreams in our ‘womb of conception’ (mind). Just as Abraham was taught by God to visualise his descendants. Jacob and his goats, and Joseph would never have become the second most powerful man in Egypt if he did not dream the God-dream to save his people from famine.
The all powerful mind is created to imagine our original dreams, more on this later in this book.
If we can look at our dreams constantly, God gives us the desires of our minds (hearts).
God is not Santa Clause. He does not give us things because it seems the right thing to do. God gives us whatever we think long enough. If we think we are sick even if we are not we will eventually be sick. This is how this power in the mind works. You already knew this through personal experience. Now we need to find out how we can keep our minds during the incubation of good things that will glorify God.
The tabernacle in the wilderness was designed by God as a place where His presence could dwell constantly. If we can be in his presence constantly, we will know what He wants us to do and all the time we will be provided for as His people. As you have seen in previous studies God always does things physically before establishing it in the spiritual. For instance; Jesus calms the physical storm and later the spiritual storm in legion.
At this point I would have loved to bring in all the hundreds of scriptures where it proves that God wants to be with us. If you are a Bible reader you will know this is true.
This craving of God to be with His beloved is written throughout the Bible starting with Adam and ending with Revelation. God wants to rest in us, dwell in us so He can provide for us
(Ps 113:13).
Whatever it is you have to do for God will flow out of you like a river, if God is present. He is the Creator and wants to create through you.
I believe that we are all in agreement; we will first have to get a God mind.
My wife Yvonne and I decided to live in the countryside and give our children a quality way of living. A farmer gave us a piece of land to live and build on. I gathered dry hardwood from the mountains and carved it, and Yvonne sold it in the roadside shop we had built. Although we were poor, we had a quality lifestyle and the hope of a bright future.
We were however not prepared for the baggage that tourists and visitors left with us.
Yvonne with her sunny personality listened to the people and would get me to talk to them and we would strengthen them by the way we handle our problems, living our lives by faith and telling of our testimonies. We encouraged them to read the Word and wear the armour of God and understand the blood. It still surprises us how many matured childrenof God do not do these basics and then blame God. We were increasingly frustrated and kept asking the Lord for a way to help all the people we meet.
Three o’clock one morning I was sitting under the stars, the next moment I saw the Spirit World in a cave, and I saw many people being helped. From that day it became our quest to own our own property and to build this cave. This we have achieved through many trials and some of them are written in our book ‘The Line’. We spent six years guiding people through the cave with our children, Aldo and Michell, after which the Lord gave us a painting and in a supernatural way proofed that there is a spiritual line between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness. For the first time we understood the cross and all the work that was done at Calvary. All our personal problems were solved because of this revelation of knowledge and we also saw our friends healed and relieved from burdens. We no longer need to go to a person for healing. THERE IS A HIGH PLACE IN OUR MINDS where we meet our Lord in the cool of the day and receive our healing and instruction to solve problems etc.
The ‘Short Sword’ is a result of us being willing to sow our spiritual growth with all people. If you sow you reap.
There are so many sick, poor, and depressed people who fear God, who simply do not seem to get a hold on what the Bible is about. This book is meant to be your short-cut to understand what the punch line of the Bible stories are, and the reason why God has put it in the scriptures at all, and also to encourage you to study the Bible and find out how every story leads to the Christ story.
Part 1
The Mind
It is general knowledge that there is power in the mind. As we know many people have used this power successfully but they are mostly non-Christians and this was what kept me from studying the mind. For Christians this is uncharted territory, because they do not want to become demon possessed.
It was therefore with great relief that I found out that the ‘soul’ is the ‘mind’ and that Jesus Christ sacrificed his soul for man’s sin. Sin is in the way we think, and this is how I came to the following conclusion – Jesus died for our minds.
As we continue these studies and you are serious about finding the truth for yourself, it will be necessary to load
E-sword onto your computer and check out all the statements and listen to what the Spirit of Truth has to say about it.
I wish we could only have done the punch line of every Bible story but I am hopeful that we will attract people on every level of spiritual growth; therefore we have to do a reasonable background sketch on every story. The idea is that this book will be a handbook to draw easy drawings or simply use it one-on-one with people you meet. I always feel so powerless without tools to help the needy. From now on if you visit the hospitaland the Lord gives you an opportunity to minister, simply whip out your ‘Short Sword’ and show them these pictures.
There is a power in the mind.
Gen 2:7 ‘Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living being. (I Cor 15:45-49.)’
He is now a breathing creature (H5315). These numbers in brackets are there so you can type the number into your E-sword where the binoculars are, and then see what the contexts of these words are in the Hebrew Greek dictionary. The Old Testament is translated from Hebrew and the New Testament from Greek.
The power that is in Adam is God within. The breath of God is the power within us. He is the ‘I AM’. He introduced himself to Moses as ‘I AM!’-THE POWER WITHIN YOU. The last is my personal observation; this power within us is God within us, and it is the only reason why our hearts beat. Without His presence within us, we will die.
There are people who use the power within them without giving God the glory. Some bend iron, walk over coals and get healing and call it the power of the mind. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Marconi, Mark Twain all asked the ‘infinite power’ for inspiration before going to sleep. They would spend a lot of time looking at their personal dream and fill themselves with it. These people were not known for their devout beliefs; they ignored the negatives and looked only at the positive. One young man of about eight years old summarised it all by saying: “Uncle, it sounds easy, but it’s not so easy, hey?”
My own brother-in-law was a non Christian, successful, business man. We asked him to speak to a group during a weekend seminar. He said there is a power within us, he does not know what it is. Perhaps it is God, but he does not believe in God. Through personal discipline he used this Power for financial gain. He would get up early in the morning and dive into the pool, winter and summer. This was to train himself to keep his mind focused on whatever he had decided to pursue. There goes my new car, and he would rub his hands in anticipation. And he would get it!
This non-Christian person made the following statement: ‘Once you have decided what the goal is, you have to look at it constantly, do not worry if there is no money, money will come’. He never envied and was not jealous of others, HE ALSO HAD NO UNDERSTANDING OF HUMILITY. He believed in being good and spoke of Old Nick as a sort of personal chastiser.
He was however not so fortunate in the other areas of his life like his marriage, and relationships. There was a deep personal sadness inside my brother in law that could not be filled with possessions and a competitive lifestyle.
If you have read my book ‘The Mystery of the Ages’ you will have an idea of these inner wars that go on inside us.
The purpose of this teaching is for us to have holistic prosperity.
In my personal studies I have not found one of these successful people to work hard physically. They spend a lot of time looking at their personal goals and dreams.
As Christians we are not encouraged to use this power of the mind as a devil could get into us and in any case it sounds too Eastern. However, we pray Eph 1:17: ‘The spirit of wisdom and the knowledge of the power we possess in Christ Jesus.’
We are not taught of this power in the mind as children and are encouraged, to borrow money from the bank. They say: ‘You do not need God, borrow your money from us and stay in debt, for the rest of your life. This may be the reason why we incur debt, because we want it now. In contrast the Bible teaches: ‘Not by might or power but by My Spirit’. Many power of the mind books do explain the mind power and do use it successfully, even quoting scripture. We however know that one can prove anything by quoting the Bible. But what we want to know is; how can we do it by the Spirit and truth and give God the glory?
In power of the mind books, many instances are quoted of supernatural things that come to pass because it was willed and waited for expectantly. My friend Trevor Thomson tells me of a time he was building a Christmas surprise for his children. To complete the project he needed hessian. On his way to search for a roll of the stuff he found an entire bail lying in the road. Now what are the chances of that happening? I can only conclude that this must be heaven providing, but Trevor is not into Christianity at all, so he must have used the power of his mind.
He said his mind felt strong during this time. He was obviously confident that what he was doing, was right, and he expected heaven to provide.
What is the point of the crucifixion if we use the power and get along without the cross in any case? For this reason let us find out what the mind is.
A study of the word ‘soul’ in the Hebrew and Greek concordance led to the following discoveries The Soul is the ‘mind’. If I had known this as a child my life would have been far different, for as a man thinks so is he.
The VINES dictionary on SOUL:
Vines on Proverbs 16:2: “The word appears to mean more than just the element of life; it seems to mean “soul”: “All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits.”
The KJV alone uses over 28 different English terms for this one Hebrew word which we will share with you during the course of this book and the big study in the book ‘A Room with a View’ which will be the fifth book in this series on the line.
The Soul and Spirit of man is one of the most confused subjects on earth, but it is after all the power of the mind that is being used when walking over coals, or bending iron with the power of the mind.
Then what is the spirit?
When a person meditates their anger for instance, we look at him and say he has an angry spirit. This means his anger thoughts are no longer merely thoughts but has become the meditation of his heart.
As a person thinks so is he, now see what the heart is.(3 John 1:2)
If you ask most people where the soul is they point to the heart.
Proverbs 4:23 ‘Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life’.
This word ‘heart’ is translated ‘mind’ and ‘centre’ (3820). This context of the word is used 666 times in the Old Testament.
Let’s read it correctly: Keep your mind (centre) with all vigilance for out of it flow the issues of life.
In other words as a man thinks so is he.
In Psalm 21:2 God gives us the desires of our hearts, but this word means MIND.
Therefore God gives us what we think in our hearts, He gives us meditated deep thought whether it be good or bad, if we think we are sick, we are sick, if we think we are well, we are well. This is why we read the bible for we want to think God thoughts, spending time with God in a relationship with Him we are led by the spirit in the cool of the day and this results in a Spirit led life. We are no longer doing it by might or the power of the mind but by the Spirit of truth. (Zec 4:6)
Ex 7:1 God hardens the heart of Pharaoh. ‘Heart’ meaning ‘mind’, we also harden our minds when we say for example; we will never again trust a person for some reason. This is a personal choice we made and not spirit led.
Gen 6:6 ‘And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart(mind).’
Pro 3:5 ‘Trust in the LORD with all thine heart (mind); and lean not unto thine own understanding.’
This leads us to the most important verse. The word ‘soul’ is ‘mind’ and is the Strongs number 5315. Its meaning is also ‘a breathing creature.’ The same that was breathed into Adam. This word is also the same life in all living creatures. GOD’S BREATH.
Is 53:10 ‘Yet it pleased2654 the LORD3068 to bruise1792 him; he hath put him to grief:2470 when518 thou shalt make7760his soul5315 an offering for sin’
Sin is the way we think
Sin is non life giving thoughts. Thinking calamity, causes calamity, if our minds has such a immense ability to produce life or death we had better start watching what we think
Deut 30:19 ‘I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:’
In Rev 1:18 Jesus Christ holds the keys of death. This means only He can give us a safe mind in which to think life giving thoughts. John 10:10.
Figure 2 is what we are heading for; we want to be God’s kingdom, power and glory. Others must see we are different for the kingdom is within us. This sun in the mind is the name of the kingdom of God (Gen 1:4).
Mat 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
When we think and speak life, we loose heaven in earth.
Did Jesus really die for our minds?
The power is in the mind therefore it is the mightiest power house on earth, but is under constant attack of non life giving personal and carnal thoughts. During the course of this book it will be proven that THE WORK AT THE CROSS WAS FOR THE MIND.
Dr J. Murphy’s book ‘The power of the mind’ says: “Science informs us that we build a new body every eleven months. But if you build defects into your body by thoughts of fear, jealousy, and anger you will have no one to blame but yourself.”
The God power inside us is good and abundantly full of every good thing that we can imagine, think, or ask for. (Eph 3:2) It is constantly creating and pushing for ‘life thoughts’. Traditions and religions have robbed us of this constant life giving force and replaced it with fear.
By studying the lives of successful entrepreneurs, great artists, poets, speakers and writers you will always find them asking the ‘inner power’ to reveal things nobody knows. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dale Carnegy, Giacomo Puccini, Johannes Brahms, to mention just a few, said: “Straight away the ideas flow in upon me, directly from God.” They were not necessarily Christians and did not understand the work at the cross as we do now, nor did they know about the blood, but they believed in the power of the mind.
Most of them say they are the captain of their own souls. Not so with us. We have a Captain who reveals all things to us by his indwelling Spirit. We are guided continually by His truth and are the new generation the earth has been waiting to be revealed (Rom 8) and the nations will come to this light (Is 55:5). In these people is the light of the world (Matt 5:14). Therefore arise your light has come for the glory of the Lord has arisen upon thee (Is 60:1). The knowledge of the glory of the Lord has now come to us. (Hab 2:14).
This book is completely out of the ordinary. It is the life’s work of a man, who, as a child, had a vision of God and His glory. Needless to say, his experiences were not understood by those around him because of the then ‘popular human perceptions’ toward anything supernatural. Consequently he was ‘shut down’ by his superiors from verbalizing his experience with God. However, the vision never faded; in fact it grew over time.
This is not a long drawn out autobiography but rather tells of a practical, down to earth,
Biblically based lifestyle lived out by a family which has proven that they can lead without bowing to the social pressures and norms of society.
You will find this story intriguing, fast-moving, spell binding, but you cannot read it quickly with full understanding, as there is simply too much information.
You will want to keep this book with you always and use it as a tool to show the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom of God’ to anybody you meet, by simply explaining the many pictures provided by the artist/sculptor.
For the first time we Christians will have pictures of the Spirit world that prove our faith, and confirm that deep ‘knowing’ that comes to you when you give your life to Jesus. You can now share it with all your loved ones, and those you could never reach before.
You will, along with all who have visited “The Shoe”, echo their findings that these revelations can only be from God. No person could ever know these things unless they had been given by God.
After so many years of waiting we can finally say, God has used Ron van Zyl and his family in an exceptional way to create a visualization of, what can only be referred to as Unique.
The Artist’s Story
When I was a boy of about 5 years old my mother told me a Bible story. The one about Samuel who as a boy heard the voice of God. My mother said that I could also give my life to Jesus and He would talk with me. I went on my knees and after giving my life to the Lord, I saw this “High Place”. It was gold in colour and Jesus was there. . It was full of joy, song, happiness and peace. It is a place where you can have anything you need. Being only five years old, I thought everybody knew about that place and so I talked about it freely all the time. My Mother finally cornered me and asked me: “What are you talking about?” I told her ‘it’s the picture I saw when I gave my life to Jesus, its here, inside my mind’!
She was very upset and told me never to do that again because it was meditation and eastern of origin, that it was from the devil and so on. My Mother had come out of a strict religious background with little or no understanding of the “Spirit Realm”, thus, any such ‘mystical’ experiences were, in her opinion, from satan, not God.
But still I measured everybody I met in life against what I had seen as a child. When she took me to the church, nothing that I saw or heard there looked remotely like what I had seen that night. Heaven is full of joy, song, happiness and peace, not so religion!
Not finding anything of substance in the everyday lives of ordinary people around me, in the town of my birth, Cape Town, South Africa. I set out to find my own space, settling in the Eastern Transvaal, now called Mpumalanga. Here I lived the solitary life of an artist. It being a farming community, I was ignored as an eccentric.
At the age of 24I decided to give my life and talents to the Lord Jesus. I joined my brother who had a mission station in the Eastern Transvaal (Mpumalanga) and together we built a Bible Sculpture Garden as a tourist attraction.
It is logical, that an artist, who remains in the presence of the Holy Spirit, will be able to reveal through drawings, paintings and sculptures, what the ‘Spirit Realm looks like’. But it was only in 1974, 19 years after my childhood vision of ‘ The Heavenly Realms’ and with Holy Spirit instruction and guidance, that I was allowed, by God, to ‘expose the spirit world’ through my art.
My first attempt was a 15 meter high rock face sculpture, completed at the age of twenty six and named “The Hell”. My brother Paul helped me build a scaffold and I started at the top working downwards behind a screen for privacy as the tourists would keep me out of my work. Because of the screen I could never stand back and look at the work. I was not able to examine it from a distance for uniformity or balance.
While I was away on a weekend trip my brother broke the scaffold down saying that at the speed I was going I would never finish. By so doing he forced completion of the work. On returning I was amazed to see that all the work was in perspective, the figures at the top were seven foot six inches (2,3 metres) tall and at the bottom five foot six inches (1,7 metres). That happened by itself and I began to recognise the Lord’s hand in my work.
This rock face is where I got rid of the frustration of not finding that heavenly place I had seen as a boy. It had taken two years to complete, as I was studying anatomy at the same time. It also put me on the path to reading scripture to find out what hell is. Out of these studies came intriguing subjects to paint and sculpt. Most people are familiar with bible stories and my art proved to be a great way to connect with tourists.
Strangely, there was not even one person who would say what they thought of it, and I began to think that it offended people, until one day my Father came to look at it and he said: “It is alright”. He was a very hard man and if he said that something was alright, that is exactly what it was. That’s the closest I got to receive any compliment, but again I recognized the Lord’s hand in it – warning me – if I wanted to work for Him the glory would always belong to Him – and Him alone! Our Merciful and Gracious Lord was protecting me from pride.
Two years later, in 1978, I married Yvonne and built a house for us. Along with my wife, we ‘created’ everything we needed with our own hands, together we learnt to live by faith. From the mountains we took rock to build our home and wood from which to carve. By means of very hard work and faith in our Creator, God Almighty, we were led through gruelling deserts of life by the Holy Spirit. We discovered that you can haveanything you need, supplied by your Father – Almighty God.
The end result is that we as a family, Yvonne and I and our two children, Michell and Aldo, have become a tower of strength to those around us in a world that has run out of answers. Through the explanations and living testimonies contained is this book you too will see how you can get anything you need, Yes, anything you need, supplied by your Father – Almighty God – it is His Desire for you.
This is the ‘Heart of God’, summed up in the words “ .. Father of mercies,3628 and the God of all comfort;3874 … “ – 2 Cor 1:3 (KJV) (Strong’s Numbers).
Check it out for yourself. The words ‘mercy and comfort’, sometimes translated only as ‘merciful’, as in ‘merciful Father’ or ‘merciful God’, carry with them the heart of God, which include, interalia, the following:
‘Pity – God pities us in our circumstances’,
‘Compassion – God has co-passion together with us in our circumstances’, and
‘Desire – God desires to give us all good things’.
Isn’t it time that we captured the ‘Heart of our Father’, who is after all God Almighty, and hence enter into ‘Life’ living in ‘His Desire’ for us?
You will quickly find out the general mistakes we Christians make. You will no longer search for your blessings in the church, but will become a blessing to the church.
The only demands on you, is a disciplined dedication to know and understand the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart.
This book is meant to take you there, step by step. We will take you through a series of sculptures, paintings, drawings, stories, and practical application to where we will watch you walking ‘high and free’ – giving God alone the praise.
We are not religious! We have a relationship! Religion is Not Freedom!
When they call us religious it is not a complement. The Sadducees and Pharisees were religious and their religion was hated by Jesus. He called them scorpions and vipers.
We have a relationship with Jesus Christ; His Spirit teaches everything we need to know.
This is our prayer for you also.
Please enjoy this book as a revelation of the ‘greater things’ available for each and every one of us in Christ Jesus.
Hier volg die hele boekie. Jy kan die boekie gratis net hier lees of onder aan is ‘n PDF aflaai opsie.
As u ly aan siekte, depressie, armoede of emosies wat kom en gaan op hul eie, is hierdie boekie vir jou. Dit is eintlik alleenlik vir mense wat die Skoen en Grot besoek het en die insig van die gewete kom leer het, saam met die kruis.
Hierdie boekie is ‘n uittreksel uit die boek: “Die Geestelike See”. Soos u deur hierdie boekie gaan lees, mag daar dalk dele wees wat u nie verstaan nie, dit sal wees omdat u nog nie die ander boeke in die reeks gelees het nie. Daar is tans sewe boeke wat ons geskryf het, in die volgorde wat die Here dit aan my gegee het. Al die boeke bevat prentjies of foto’s van beelde of skilderye wat u nodig het om die geestelike wêreld te kan verstaan.
Die grootste vraag wat die mens vra is: “Hoekom help God ons nie?” Meeste van die gebede wat Christene bid bly onbeantwoord, en daarom is meeste Christene hart gebroke en gevange in hulle eie probleme. Die persoon is tog goed, waarom laat God hom so ‘n verskriklike dood sterf? As ons ‘n lys moes maak van al ons teleurstellings in ons lewe, sal dit ‘n lang lys wees. Waar is daardie teleurstellings op hierdie oomblik? Hulle bly nog steeds in ons onderbewussyn. Ons was nooit geleer om hulle kruis toe te neem nie. U sien, Jesus het gekom om ons te red van die stemme en gedagtes van die verlede wat tog so graag in ons gedagtes inkom, en van emosionele toestande. Dit is juis hierdie gedagtes, verleenthede, pyn en begeertes van die vlees waarvan ons gered moet word. Hierdie ou, slegte gedagtes is sterk vestings in ons gedagtes wat siektes en armoede veroorsaak. Ons wil in ‘n vry, geredde toestand ons aardse lewe beleef en toegang hê tot ons Vader in die hemel. Hierdie klein boekie is ontwerp om jou voor te stel aan die manier waarop Jesus ons red. U het nog baie inligting nodig, maar ten minste kan u gou leer wat sonde is, en hoe om daarmee af te handel by die kruis. Na 40 jaar van persoonlike studie, het ek ontdek dat dit die toestand van die gewete is, wat bepaal of God jou sal seën of nie. Ons is almal gebore met dieselfde gewete, en ons besef dat dit reageer op die wet van God, die Tien Gebooie. Sonder hierdie wette sal daar sosiale chaos wees.
Martin Luther het gesê: “Hoe kan daar sonde wees as daar geen wet is nie?”
F. B. Meyer het gesê: “Die gewete is die mees delikaatste instrument in die hele kosmos, die kleinste kolletjie van sonde op die gewete veroorsaak dat dit ondeurdringbaar of bewolk word.”
Ek wil dit ook anders probeer verduidelik; Meeste van ons sal sê dat ons gewete skoon is as gevolg van die bloed, Paulus het dit ook gesê, maar God bly die beoordelaar. Die oomblik wat ons, ons lewe vir Christus gegee het, het die lig van die Heilige Gees in ons kom woon. Kan u die eerste keer onthou toe u, u lewe aan die Here Jesus gegee het? Die persoon wat saam met u gebid het, het die Here gevra om u sondes te vergewe. Onmiddellik was u gewete skoon gewas en u het lig ervaar, die donkerte het verdwyn en klein wonderwerkies het begin gebeur, en alles was wonderlik. Maar dit het nie lank gehou nie, want sonde, in die vorm van aanstoot, kwellinge en al die ander dinge wat in Galasiërs 5:19 genoem word, het op die gewete kom lê.
God kan beskryf word as ‘n son wat die hele tyd skyn, die oomblik toe sonde op die gewete kom lê, toe kon die lig van God nie langer in jou wese inskyn nie en jou vuil gewete veroorsaak toe dat die seën van God afgesny word. Die gewete is soos die oppervlak van die see, wanneer die see onstuimig, donker en vuil, is kan die lig nie die dieptes penetreer nie. Ons is die ‘diep donkerte’ waarop die Gees van God beweeg en sê: “Laat daar lig wees!” Genesis 1.
Maar die lig bly nie lank nie, want ons laat die donkerte toe om weer op die oppervlak te kom lê. Die woord ‘diep’ word vertaal as; “boos, bedroef en onkunde”, dit is die deel binne-in ons waarvoor ons skaam is. Dit is die donker emosionele natuur binne-in ons wat somtyds deur die Bybel beskryf word as: “dierlik, wellus en jaloesie”. Hierdie donker natuur in ons is die asem van God wat Hy in Adam ingeblaas het, en Adam het ‘n lewende siel geword. Die woord ‘lewende siel’ word vertaal as ‘dierlik’ in Strongs se Bybelwoordeboek. Wanneer ons donker natuur ons gedagtes regeer, sê ons die dier is op die see. Die donkerte in ons word vergelyk met die see.
Die Twaalf kamers wat ek nou aan u gaan bekend stel, word logies verduidelik in ons sesde boek, ‘The Spiritual Sea’. Natuurlik sal ek dit verkies as u al die boeke lees voordat u sommer die sesde boek lees. Omdat die ‘Twaalf kamers gebed’ my en ook baie ander mense gehelp het, het ons die uittreksel gemaak, want almal behoort hiervan te weet en dit te gebruik vir die vergroting van hul grondgebied.
Ons kan redeneer dat die ‘mind’ baie groot is en dat dit in twaalf dele ingedeel kan word. Vir die duur van hierdie boekie, gaan ek verwys na die ‘mind’ as ‘n twaalf-kamer huis. Ons is dan natuurlik die huis van die Here, en net soos ander huise, het ons verskillende kamers soos: Voorportale, kombuise, slaapkamers ensovoorts. Hoe ons, ons huis rangskik, is ons eie keuse maar die eerste vier kamers is gerangskik volgens die uitleg van die tabernakel.
Die eerste kamer: Die offer, wat vir ons Christus gekruisig op Golgota representeer.
Die tweede kamer: Die waskom.
Die derde kamer: Is waar die drie meubelstukke vertoon word in die Heilige Plek. Die sewe kandelare is waar ons die Heilige Gees eer.
Die tafel met die twaalf toonbrode representeer die twaalf dele in ons denke. Die reukwerk altaar is ons wat ‘n wel ruikende geur vir God word soos ons gewillig is om ‘n lewendige offer te wees. (Alles is in detail beskryf in al ons boeke.)
Die vierde kamer: Is die Aller Heilige Plek. As Christene will ons graag met ons Vader in die Hemel praat soos Jesus ons leer in die ‘Onse Vader gebed’ moet ons eers vergewe en vergewe word. Dit is die rede hoekom ons eers na die kruis gaan om ons sondes neer te lê of vas tenaal aan die kruis. Dan wil die Heilige Gees ons gewete besprinkel met Jesus se bloed. Daarna eer ons die Heilige Gees want dit is Hy wat ons leer wat fout is in ons denke deur beproewinge. Daarna mag ons instap by ons Vader in die Hemel. Ons is nou skoon gewas en geheilig, gereed om by die Vader te wees.
Dis ‘n plek waar ons die Vader eer dat ons in Sy teenwoordigheid kan wees. Ons het geen laste of probleme om hier af te laai nie. Dit is alles in die kruis. Ons is net dankbaar in hierdie kamer. Hierdie dankbaarheid is die regte betekenis van genade. Goedheid en guns het ons deur die kruis gebring en nou is ons dankbaar.
Die rede waarom ek ‘finansies’ as my vyfde kamer gekies het, was omdat Mattheus die vyfde dissipel was en hy was ‘n belastinggaarder. Ek het intussen besluit dat veiligheid van groter belang is as geld en het dus die vyfde kamer my veiligheids kamer gemaak. Die dinge wat vir jou as individu belangrik is word op verdeel in die oorblywende kamers. ‘n Mens wil orde in jou denke hê. Waar ons in die verlede alles in een plek gebid het gaan die daaglikse take in een kamer met God bespreek word. Daarna gaan ons stelselmatig deur die mense verhoudings kamer. Daarna bespreek ons finansies as dit belangrik is. Ek glo alle mense gaan ‘n Gesondheids kamer nodig hê. Ek het ook ‘n Taal kamer en ‘n plek waar ek die woord leer. Alle mense rangskik kamers na hulle lewens patroon.
Die Bybel leer ons dat ons bo alles die hart moet bewaak.Spreuke 4:23: “Bewaak jou hart meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe.”
Die oorspronge van die lewe is die dinge wat ek sopas bo aan geraak het. God is ‘n God van orde. As ‘n mens in iemand se huis of motors kom weet jy hoe hul denke is. Party mense is erg oor die netheid van hul huise in so ‘n mate dat dit ‘n probleem is. Dit mag dui op die feit dat die persoon graag huis wil skoon maak in die denke en dan oor-reageer in die fisiese. As ‘n mens die Twaalf kamer gebed gebruik voel dit eventueel asof jy huis skoon gemaak het, wat lei tot aardse netheid. Ons kan nou ‘n kind leer waarom hul kamers moet netjies wees want dit dui op die toestand van hul denke.
Die rede vir die getal ‘twaalf’ is omdat die getal so gereeld gebruik word in die Bybel en ook omdat daar ‘n rede moet wees vir die twaalf stamme, en twaalf dissipels, twaalf keer vrugte van die boom in Openbaring, twaalf poorte van die hemelse stad ensovoorts. Ons het ook uit gevind dat daar twaalf hoof senuwees is in die brein. Al hierdie is bespreek in die sesde boek.
Sal u met my saamstem dat om jou kop te kan hou vir een dag sal soos hemel wees? Maar ons is oop vir die see van emosies wat kom en gaan na die ‘mind’ op eie wil. Die ‘mind’ is natuurlik die hoogste prys en die hoogste plek op aarde. Wie ook al die ‘mind’ beheer, heers vandag en sit op die troon in ons ‘mind’.
Openbaring 3:21: “Aan hom wat oorwin, sal Ek gee om saam met My te sit op my troon.”
Daar is ‘n heilige geveg aan die gang binne-in ons en wanneer ons Jesus die koning van ons lewens maak, is hy ook die kaptein van jou siel. Hy is die leier van die hemelse magte wat baklei vir jou bloedgewaste gewete. Die vyand is die negatiewe emosies en gedagtes. Jou wil, gevoelens en intellek. Wanneer hulle wen, dan is jou seën weg, maar ons het die bloed en die kruis, en môre gaan die geveg weer aan soos ons oorwin en vry word. Ons gaan nie meer slawe wees vir gevoel nie. Ons word nou geestelik! Daar moet oor negatiewe emosies regeer word, want wanneer daar emosies is, is daar geen krag nie. Emosionele mense is arm en sieklik, selfbeheerste mense is suksesvol in alles wat hulle doen.
Om te regeer oor die intellek gevoelens en will kom nadat die Heilige Gees ons geleer het om met emosies te deel by die kruis.
Om uiting te gee aan emosies is nie ‘n Bybelse opdrag nie. Die opdrag is selfbeheersing volgens Galasiërs 5:22. Lees ook Job 15.
Ek gebruik al vir ‘n geruime tyd hierdie rang-skikking van my kamers met groot sukses, ek plaas dit soos ek dit gebruik vir u persoonlike oordeel. Die idee is dat dit ‘n voorbeeld is waarop u, u eie kamers kan bou. Die rede waarom sekere dinge in sekere kamers gedoen word, is om ons gedagtes te organiseer. God is ‘n God van orde en dissipline, ons het skoon en georganiseerde gedagtes nodig voordat Hy ons kan verder vat in die plan wat Hy vir ons lewens het.
Hier volg nou ‘n uiteensetting van die manier waarop ek my Twaalf Kamers besoek en wat ek doen in elke kamer. Die huis van die Here se 12 kamers:
Ek word wakker met Psalm 103; in my eie woorde:
Loof die Here o my siel en alles wat in my is loof Sy heilige naam!
Ek beveel alles wat in my is om te buig voor die Here my God. Ek verhef God tot my hoogste plek, bokant enigiets anders. Ek dink aan niks anders as dat die hele mensdom homself moet neerbuig voor die Here God nie. Selfs probleme moet die knie buig en elke tong bely dat Jesus Christus Here is (Fil. 2:10). Ek mediteer die feit dat dieselfde Skepper wat die hemel en aarde gemaak het en al die wonders wat in dit gebeur, babas wat gebore word, met elkeen sy eie individualiteit, die see, die sterre, die berge, die hoogtes en die dieptes, hierdie selfde Skepper leef binne-in my. Die gemoed moet lyk soos ‘n opkomende son. Wat het nou weer gister gebeur, of lyk jou mind regtig so?
Vergewe my asseblief.
Hier begin ons die toestand van die gewete konsidereer, want ons het gesondig. Hier begin ons gedagtes gevange te neem. Ons neem gister in herinnering en besluit of vrees, bekommernis of enige van die emosies kom regeer het. Ook vra ons die Here of daar enigiets is wat ek onwetend gedoen het. Die soort gedagtes is doods gedagtes en veroorsaak toksiese doringbome in die gemoeds tuin.
Rom 8:6: “Want wat die vlees bedink, is die dood.”
Dit beteken dat die dier op die see is, die Allerheiligste plek is besoedel, die gewete is besoedel en die huis behoort nie ten volle aan die Here nie. Die aanklaer kan nou aankla.
Genees my asseblief. Wat al jou krankhede genees.
Toksiese denke het ‘n vesting kom maak in my gedagtes. Alle siektes, negatiewe situasies, chaos en armoede kom uit negatiewe denke. Die gewete is sonder lewe en die resultaat is dat die brein soos ‘n ou doringboom lyk. Die brein moet die boom van die lewe word.
Ps 103:4: “Wat jou lewe verlos van die verderf.”
Ps 103:4: “Who redeems your life from the pit.” (NIV)
U red my van die bose gedagte-wêreld, U red my uit sodat ek op die see kan loop in Christus, in ‘n hoë geestestoestand, weg van die vlees.
Wat jou kroon met goedertierenheid en barmhartighede. (v4)
“Who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies.”
Daar waar Jesus die doringkroon gedra het, dra ek nou ‘n helm van verlossing. Ek is ‘getuin’ (omhein) en my tuin het ‘n heining om vir veiligheid teen die bose. Ek dra ook ‘n kroon van heerlikheid. Hier mediteer ons Sy liefdevolle teerheid en die werk van die kruis.
Ps 103:5: “Wat jou siel versadig met die goeie; sodat jou jeug weer nuut word soos dié van ‘n arend.”
Die King James sê: “Hy maak jou mond vol goeie dinge.” Ons getuig van die geestelike groei wat Hy in ons laat gebeur. Ons gees word vernuwe en vlieg soos ‘n arend, as ons terugkyk en sien hoe Hy ons gelei het.
Die mind is nou kalm en begin om weer te hoop vir ‘n beter toekoms. ‘n Mens sien die kruis en ‘Christus-gekruisig’ daar bo-op die Golgota-heuwel. Jesus wag ook daar om die gewete te help suiwer, en dit is baie belangrik om gedagtes gevange te neem vir die volgende stap.
Party keer gebruik ek die Onse Vader gebed om my denke kalm te maak. ‘n Mens wil introspeksie doen uit ‘n neutrale hoek. Ek moet kalm genoeg wees sodat die Gees my kan wys waarvoor ek moet sterf. In Rom 8:36 leer ons dat ons die hele dag moet sterf. Paulus se ons is soos skape gelei om geslag te word. Die vernuwing van die denke is ‘n proses. Dit neem oefening om daagliks gedagtes gevange te neem. In die volgende vers se die Bybel dat ons nogtans meer as oorwinnaars in Christus is.
Daar is ‘n lering in party kerke wat sê dat die dinge wat ek hier vir jou noem nie nodig is nie. Hulle se die werk is een keer gedoen aan die kruis, ons moet dit net glo. My vraag is waarom wil Jesus he ons moet daagliks sterf as Hy dit dan een keer gedoen het. Dan sal ons ook al die vooraf genoemde skriftuurplase uit die Bybel moet haal.
Nee die rede hoekom Hy aan die kruis gesterf het was om ons te wys hoe ons daagliks in die gees moet sterf vir sonde. Hy gee ons geleentheid om te sterf vir die vlees hier op aarde.
Ons gaan die probleem wat in ons self is oorwin in Christus, en God kry die eer. Ons gaan beter mense word. Waar ons in die verlede ons humeur verloor het gaan ons nou selfbeheer. Dit is nie maklik om te doen nie, dit is waarom dit ‘n lewens taak is om die denke te vernuwe. Lees Romeine 12. Dit is ook die onderwerp van Romeine 8. Paulus sê dat hy ook daagliks sterf. Ek persoonlik is oortuig dat die onderwerp van die Bybel is om te sterf vir die vlees.
Lukas 9:23-24: “En Hy sê vir almal: As iemand agter My aan wil kom, moet hy homself verloën en sy kruis elke dag opneem en My volg. Want elkeen wat sy lewe wil red, sal dit verloor; maar elkeen wat sy lewe om My ontwil verloor, hy sal dit red.”
Hierdie woord “lewe” wat hier ter sprake is, is die verlede wat gekruisig moet word. As jy vandag met die verlede permanent kon klaar maak dan is jy gered. Die probleem is dat geen mens dit alleen kan doen nie. Nes jy dink jy het geloof dan kom die verlede en vertel jou van jou swakhede. Jesus het gekom om ons te wys hoe om te sterf vir die ou “lewe” sodat ons ‘n nuwe lewe in Hom kan hê.
Voordat ons verder gaan wil ek die leser vra om altyd alle skriftuur verwysings in konteks te lees. Lees die hele hoofstuk sodat jy kan verstaan wat die skrywer wil oordra. Mense gebruik enkele skriftuurplase om intellektueel voor te kom. Ons het nie slimmighede nodig nie. Kinders moet die evangelie kan verstaan.
Alle mense gaan eendag alleen voor God staan, ek of die mense vir wie jy geglo het gaan nie daar wees nie. Jy is verantwoordelik vir jou gewete teenoor die Skepper.
1ste Kamer – Die Kruis of Golgota
Ons word onder wakker. Al voel dit of daar vrede is en niks verkeerd sal gaan nie, het ons elke kans dat die emosionele toestand ons kan oorneem. Ons het hulp nodig.
Hy het die vloek geword en sonde geword saam met alle siektes. Die vloek wat op die vleeslike mens, met sy innerlike dierlikheid rus, is oorwin en Sy siel uitgestort vir die sonde van die mens. (Jes. 53). Hy het die vlees oorwin en daarom eet ons Sy vlees (brood van die nagmaal) terwyl ons roem op wat Hy gedoen het. Hy het die hele bose geestelike-wêreld oorwin. Dit is hoekom ek ook in staat is om in Christus te oorwin. Ek kan nie die vlees oorwin nie, maar in Hom is ek in staat daartoe. Nou kruisig ek alles in my wat Hy nie van hou nie. Ek kom hou dit teen die snykant van die kruis, my vrees, hoogmoed en bekommernis. Hy help my en ons spyker die ou mens vas in ‘Christus-gekruisig’. Bo-op dit spyker ek nou nog al die ander probleme ook vas. Dinge wat hinder of seermaak soos bv. die verskriklike goed wat sogenaamde Christenmense van ons sê en wat diep seermaak. Moenie toelaat dat die seer daar bly nie, kruisig dit!
Onthou ook nou of enigeen van die verlede se verleenthede of teleurstellings jou weer kom treiter het. Hoeveel ons gefouteer het, en dan kruisig jy dit, en maak seker dit is gekruisig. As jy wegloop van die kruis af en terugkyk sien jy die man van sonde daar hang.
Volgende drink ons die bloed van Jesus (die wyn van die nagmaal). Dis versoening vir die siel. Ons sonde is op die lam- geslag en onthou, ons noem die sonde op sy naam. Nou drink ons die bloed en die see word Rooi en Farao verdrink. Sien al die probleme verdrink en die lyke wat op die strand uitspoel. Dankie vir die bloed! En dankie vir die werk van die kruis! Die gedagtes wat ons verslaaf het, is verdrink. Goliat se kop is afgekap. Die vyand is oorwin, eers in die nagmaal, en dan in die fisiese.
Ek het weer ‘n kans om die huis van die Here in my te bou. Die mure is gedurig onder aanval, maar die suiwer hoeksteen van ‘Christus-gekruisig’, maak dat die mure aanmekaar gehou word met die liefdes-sement van die werk van die kruis. As vrees miskien ingebreek het in die huis, dan moet die mure van die huis weer gerepareer word en ek moet hom dringender kruisig, en meer tyd by Liefde spandeer.
Jes. 60:18: “Van geweld sal in jou land nie meer gehoor word nie—van geen verwoesting of verbreking in jou grondgebied nie; maar jy sal jou mure Heil noem en jou poorte Lof.”
Ander vertalings se: Jou mure is altyd voor my, jou naam is geskryf op my handpalm. Your walls are called salvation your gates praise. Ons maak seker dat ons gekruisig is, saam met die probleme wat in die fisiese, sowel as in die geestelike gekom het. Ons neem gedagtes gevange. (2 Kor. 10:5) Stemme mag nie meer kom met hulle fluisteringe nie. Ons huis moet ‘n huis van vrede wees. Waarvan is ons verlos? Van die verlede en innerlike stemme wat gekom en gegaan het nes hulle wou. Daar is alleenlik verlossing as die gewete gesuiwer is. As die gewete skoon is, is daar geregtigheid, waarheid, vrede en geloof en dan verstaan ons die Woord. Hier trek ons ook ons wapenrusting aan. (Efesiërs 6) Ons word nou die verloste van God die geregtigheid van God, waarheid, vrede, geloof en woord van God.
2 de KamerWaskamer
Wanneer die priester klaar geoffer het, gaan hy waskom toe in die tabernakel-gebed.
Baie belangrik om op te let dat ons gesterf het en nou opstaan in Christus. Ons maak soos Hy gemaak het.
Hebreërs 10:22: “Laat ons toetree met ‘n waaragtige hart in volle geloofsversekerdheid, die Harte deur besprinkeling gereinig van ‘n slegte gewete en die liggaam gewas met rein water.”
Ons gaan nou na die waskom toe, sodat Jesus ons gewete kan besprinkel met sy bloed.
He sprinkles my thoughts from an evil conscience (Heb10:22). Hier ervaar ons kalmte en koelte vir die mind. Al die probleme is weggespoel, dis nie langer in die kop nie, maar in Christus en ons is vry. Farao is verdrink in die Rooi See (Gal 6:15). Ons is ‘n nuwe skepsel. “We are a new creation.” (Kol 3:11, 2 Kor 5:17) Jesus vergroot my grondgebied. Ander Bybelname vir die plek waar God in ons bly, is: God se huis, tempel, woning, ook verbeelding, hart en geloof. Ons kledingstukke is nou wit en ons hoof vet met olie. As die woord verbeelding jou pla lees Genesis 6:5.
Jes 60:1: “Staan op, word verlig; want jou lig kom, en die heerlikheid van die HERE gaan oor jou op.”
Alles in my, wat die Heilige Gees na my gedagtes toe gebring het en wat Hy nie van gehou het nie, is gekruisig in Christus. Ek het gesterf in Christus, maar nou staan ek op in Christus. Deuteronomium 28 beskryf al die seëninge wat na die persoon toe kom wat die gebooie van God onderhou. Kyk dan ook na die vloeke wat kom, wat die gevolg is as jy dit nie doen nie. Die ou mens het geen outoriteit of geloof nie. Hy kan nie die Here se woord onderskei nie. Hy het geen vrede en geen seën nie. Maar ons is nou vry in Christus. Die vlees is gekruisig. Daar is geen veroordeling nie, want ons is na die gees en nie die vlees nie. (Rom 8) Psalm 30:5 en 6 sê: In die môre is daar gejuig. (Joy comes in the morning) Ons is in die beloofde land. Toe Farao verdrink, kom die son op, en ons stap saam met Jesus deur die mind-tuin en geniet die plek wat Hy met Sy lewe vir ons kom oopmaak het.
Die bloedgewaste gewete is nou die Koning kryk van God. (U koninkryk, U krag, U heerlikheid) Ons is die geregtigheid van God.
Daar kom ‘n verligting oor ‘n mens en die Gees se windjie is koel. As dit nie gebeur nie, is die probleem nie regtig gekruisig nie. Jy het dan nie regtig met jou Tuinier ontmoet vir redding nie. Dis belangrik, want die volgende kamer het te doene met danksegging. Waarvoor gaan ek dankie sê as ons nie redding ervaar het nie?
3de Kamer – Dankie
Die Heilige plek is waar ons die Heilige Gees eer. Jesus is aan die regterhand van God terwyl Sy Gees in ons woon. Ons wil graag vervul wees met die Heilige Gees want dit is wat met Jesus gebeur het. Daar is drie meubels in die kamer en die meubels het te doen met die manier wat die heilige Gees ons leer om met ons sondige natuur en al sy fasette te deel en daarvoor te sterf. By die sewe kandelare kyk Hy diep in ons harte en weet wat ons swakhede is. Hy doen dit want Hy will ons help om ons denke te vernuwe Romeine 12:1-3. Die Reukwerk Altaar in die middel het te doene met die manier wat die Heilige Gees ons leer hoe om ‘n lewendige offer te word. Hy leer ons watter deel van ons moet sterf. Die tafel met toon brode het te doen met die twaalf dele van ons denke. Die toon brode is in twaalf verdeel.
Ons dank die Heilige Gees want dis Hy wat so geduldig met ons is. Dit is ook Hy wat toetse in ons lewe bring soos Hy dink ons dit nodig het. Die Heilige Gees is ‘n persoon en Hy wil graag met jou kuier en jou voor bery om in God se teenwoordigheid te wees. Die toonbrode se betekenis is dat Hy ons ‘n vertoon stuk wil maak vir die Vader. ‘n Mens moet Hom vra om jou te help om die denke te vernuwe. Ons wil bewus wees van die klein stemmetjie. As daar toetse kom weet ons dat ons geleer word om gedissiplineer en met self beheersing op te tree. As jy die toets vaal sal Hy aan hou om jou te leer tot jy jou swakhede oorwin. Soos ons swakhede oorwin is ons meer as oorwinnaars in Christus. Dit staan in Rom 8:36. Die Christus Gees is die Heilige Gees. Soos ons leer om te sterf vir ons ou natuur neem die Heilige Gees daardie spasies in. So word ons denke vernuwe, kry ons die Christus gemoed en word vervul met die Heilige Gees. Op die manier word ons grondgebied vergroot. Dit is ons mikpunt om alleenlik met die Gees vervul te wees en nie die gees van vrees of humeur ensovoorts nie.
4de Kamer – Die Allerheiligste plek
Om nou voor God te verskyn is baie vêrreikend.
Nou dat ons in Christus is, gee dit ‘n mens vertroue, ons weet ons mag hier wees. Ons het nou soos die verlore seun huis toe gekom. Ons is klaar met die dinge van die wêreld en om varke te voer. Ons is nou in die Sewende dag, ons is in die rus. Ons maak nou soos die ouderling van Openbaring en lê ons krone voor God. Ons sê soos die ouderlinge “Heilig heilig is God!” In Openbaring 12 lees ons dat die kroon het twaalf sterre. Die twaalf dele van ons ou denke lyk soos die sterre hemel in die nag. Meestal donker, geheimsinnig en vêr buite bereik. Soos ons leer om die totale huis van die Here te word verlig ons hemele en kry ons hemelse denke. Volgens die sterrekundiges is daar ‘n riem van twaalf diere in die sterre hemel. Hierdie dierlike natuur van ons gaan sterf en dan sit ons saam met Christus in hemelse plekke Efe. 2:4.Ons kry hemelse denke.
Ons Vader in die hemel is ‘n groot lig. Alles is deur Hom geskape en vir Hom. Ons staan voor die groot lig en laat die lig elke deel van ons denke deurdring. Ons het geen probleme om met Hom te bespreek nie want ons laste en probleme is vas genael aan die kruis. Alleenlik ‘n bewuswording dat jy ‘n seun of ‘n dogter van God is. Die Bybel sê dat ons mede erfgename saam met Christus is. (Rom 8:7)
‘n Mens moet ook bewus word dat God heilig is. Sonde mag nie voor Hom verskyn nie. In die kamers gaan ons elke keer verskyn voor die troon van God met die oorspronge van ons lewe.
Die kamer is ook die Liefdes kamer; in die plek is Liefde teenwoordig en ‘n mens ervaar die reënboogkleure en die warm gloed van ons Vader in die hemel. Die kruis het dit moontlik gemaak dat ons in die kamer kan inkom waar die groot fontein van God se karakter ervaar kan word. Soos ‘n waterval in volle vloed, so is Hy. Alles is in oorvloed, alles te veel, te veel sterre om te tel, te veel blare aan ‘n boom om te tel. Onder sy groot waterval gaan staan ek en ervaar die liefdes fonteine. Ek mediteer sy oorvloedige karakter. In hoe ‘n mate kniehalter ons nie onsself met self opgelegde reëls nie? Hy wil hê dat ons deel moet wees van Sy oorvloedige denke.
Joh 3:16: “So lief het God die wêreld gehad dat Hy sy eniggebore seun gegee het.” Ons mediteer Sy liefde. Moenie bang wees om te verbeel nie. Ons is geskape om te verbeel, met die verbeelding is ons in Sy teenwoordigheid en vloei die groot waters.
5de Kamer – Die veiligheids kamer
As ‘n mens se denke nie omhein is of geseël is nie is ons oop vir alles wat sleg is. Kyk God het mos vir Adam gesê hy moet die tuin bewaak. As ‘n mens met die geringste bietjie vrees in jou denke gaan slaap, dan is daar nie geloof in jou hart nie. Wanneer het ‘n mens geloof? Wanneer jou hart rein is! As jou gewete rein is het jy geloof. As daar vrees is in jou hart het jy geloof dat slegte dinge met jou gaan gebeur. Dit is ‘n sondige hart!
Wanneer ek my kamers binne gaan maak ek seker dat my sondige natuur dood is. In die majestueuse kamer lê daar ‘n doodskis by die ingang wat in die vorm van ‘n kruis is. As ek kyk daarin sien ek die sondige vlees daar lê. Ek wil nie in die kamer bid met enige deel van myself nie, Ek vra ook die Heilige Gees om my gedagtes met die bloed te was. Hierna troon ek die Vader die Seun en Heilige Gees in my hart. Die een muur van die reuse vertrek verander in die troon van God, die hele hemel is hier teenwoordig. Ek gaan staan op die heilige klippe voor die troon in Christus en as ek bid weet ek die hele hemel hoor my gebed om veiligheid vir my familie, vriende en ons belange.
Wanneer ek die Vader sy kop sien knik sien ek die engele beweeg na hulle poste toe. As ek klaar gebid het gaan ek uit en maak die deur toe. Die deur word nou geseël met die bloed uit ‘n pragtige kom wat daar langs elke deur staan. Die engele gaan dit nie doen nie, jý moet. Op die manier is hierdie een twaalfde deel van my denke geheilig, bruikbaar en geseël. Dit is nou die KRAG van God. Daar is geen twyfel in my dat my gebed verhoor is nie.
Agter daardie deur vermeerder die lig en water begin onder the drumpel uit loop. Die water is die seën van die Here wat gaan vermeerder net soos Esegiël se verhaal van die tempel deure verduidelik. As ‘n mens nie die deure toemaak nie gaan die sondige natuur weer terug.
Gen. 4:7: “…die sonde lê en loer voor die deur, en sy begeerte is na jou; maar jy moet daaroor heers.”
‘n Mens seël die deure op dieselfde manier wat die Israeliete die deure van hul wonings moes seël sodat die dood nie kon inkom nie.
Soos ons weet help fisiese heinings nie regtig nie. Dit is die mind wat omhein moet wees.
6de Kamer – Daaglikse Take
Hier ontvang ons open-barings kennis van hoe om die dag te reël. Soos ons elke kamer binnegaan is ons bewus dat ons kan sien in die geestelike-wêreld want die skoon gewete kan verbeel net soos ‘n kind kan. Die bloed-gewasde gewete is die Koninkryk van God. Wanneer ek die Koninkryk vind word alles bygevoeg.
Ons bring die dag wat voorlê na die kamer toe. As ook al die moontlikhede en dinge wat ons wil bereik en doen, maar waarvoor ons leiding nodig het. Ons weet wat ons wil doen, maar sal dit moontlik wees? Die ideaal is dat ons hier baie stil word en wag vir ‘n woord van leiding. Elke persoon het ‘n individuele lewe en het ‘n ander lewenstyl. Die idee is dat ons daardie goeie dag wil hê waar alles in plek val. Ons begin deur veiligheid en beskerming vir almal te vra, ook vra ons vir vreugde, vrede en selfs om die regte weer te sien, terwyl ons deur die normale take van die dag gaan. Ons beplan die dag en kyk of ons die situasies kan verlig deur beter beplanning, sagter woorde en om beter wysheid en insig aan die dag te lê. Ons wil emosionele manipulasie en verkragting onmiddellik herken en weet hoe om te reageer.
Waar ons ook al gaan, die hele hemel is betrokke want ons het ons bes gedoen om te organiseer en te beplan. Engele gaan voor ons uit en ons verwag om die parkering te kry en die regte woord vir die regte persoon op presies die regte tyd te bring, met wysheid en humor vir elke omstandigheid. Rondom ons begin ‘n muur van vrede voor ons uitbeweeg en vir ons spasie maak. Mense begin die verandering in ons waarneem. Al is die suiwering van die gewete pynlik, sê almal dat dit die moeite werd is. Ons geniet nou volle veiligheid en verwag dat net goeie dinge na ons toe sal kom en ervaar veiligheid teen die aanklaer, oordelaar, skinderbek, diewe, ongelukke ens. Niks gaan ons ontstel nie en ons visualiseer dat ons op die regte plek op die regte tyd is, want ons is gunstelinge van die Here. Ons gaan ook versigtig aandag gee aan die soort gedagtes wat ons het, en waak en bid teen die emosionele aanvalle. Die vyand kom in soos ‘n engel van die lig en sy teiken is die troon van die hart.
7de Kamer – Finansies
In elke kamer is die troon en Vader en Seun en die hele hemel is teenwoordig soos ons die gemoed vir die dag her organiseer en beplan. So gaan elke dag ‘n goeie dag wees.
In dié kamer kom ons as gesin byeen en bespreek met ons Vader in die hemel, die toestand van ons finansies. Hier verstaan ons die redes vir die foute wat gemaak is in die verlede, en leer ons hoe om met geld te werk. Begin om al jou finansiële moontlikhede met Vader te bespreek en wag vir openbaring en wysheid. Vat jou tyd en laat die waters oor jou gemoed was soos jy wag vir die stem wat soos baie waters klink. Hier sien ek waar om geld te saai, tiendes te betaal. Ek sien ook hoe om geld te genereer en te belê. Ek sien alles wat geld kan genereer en leer om ‘n goeie rentmeester te wees. Hier vloei hemelse idees in my in, en ek verwag om dinge te sien wat geen mens op aarde nog ooit gesien het nie. Ek verwag om deur die Heilige Gees geïnspireer te word. Ek het die krag van ‘n heilige gewete en kan God vra vir miljoene as ek dit nodig het. Maar Hy verwag nog steeds dat ons in geloof moet lewe.
8ste Kamer – Bid vir ander
In die kamer is die hemel nog steeds teenwoordig. Hier by die groot waterval sien ek die hemelse lig daar bo en in die sagte lig hier by die voet van die waterval is ‘n groot poel kalm water. In die mis van die waterval, in die waterpoel, maak ek die gestaltes uit van persone vir wie ek moet bid. Ek ontvang ook met tye kennis van hoe om vir hulle te bid.
Miskien het jy ook ‘n gebedslys, maar die idee is dat ons hier leiding ontvang, om te weet hoe om vir ander in te tree. Ons sien mense hier in die geestes-realm, maar moet nie vergeet om blomme te saai as jy hulle in die onmiddellike sien nie. Om mooi dinge van mense te sê by hul begrafnis is te laat. Ek het ook hier ‘n groot operasietafel waar ek siekes heen bring, reg onder die groot waters, vir genesing. My eie intieme familie het ek ook ‘n plekkie voor by die waters. Party mense wil ‘n mens sommer versuip, dan noem ons dit maar doop. Ander het ons dalk te nagekom en vir hulle los ons sommer om te lê in die water, sonder bene want hulle moet maar ‘n bietjie in God se hart week. Ander se koppe wil ‘n mens was, jy mag dit hier doen. Die idee is dat die mense nie in ons koppe is nie, maar in Vader se hart. Nou kan Hy met hulle werk. Ook die geestelike gestremdes en gebondes in donker, bring ek hierheen. Hulle wat gebreekte harte het, vir wie ék dalk te na gekom het. Hier dank ons ook die Here vir wat Hy vir ander doen, ens.
9de Kamer – Taal
Kol 4:6: “Laat julle woord altyd aangenaam wees, met sout besprinkel, sodat julle kan weet hoe julle iedereen moet antwoord.”
Mense wat twaalf georganiseerde kamers besit, praat nie baie nie, want hulle is rustend.
Ps 103:5: “U maak my mond vol goeie dinge.”
Goeie dinge is vir my getuienisse. As gevolg van die toestand van die hart, so sal ‘n persoon praat. Wat die hart van vol is, loop die mond van oor.
Maar Job se raad is om in die Here verskuil te bly.
Job 5:21: “As die tong gésel, word jy weggesteek; en jy hoef nie te vrees vir verwoesting as dit kom nie.”
Die ou predikante is heeltemal oortuig dat moderne Christene te veel praat.
1 Pet 3:10: “Want wie die lewe wil liefhê en goeie dae wil sien, moet sy tong bewaar vir wat verkeerd is, en sy lippe dat hulle geen bedrog spreek nie.”
In ander woorde; ‘n mens praat verkeerd en dit veroorsaak dat slegte dinge kom, geloof kom deur die gehoor. Byvoorbeeld ons praat onsself in vrees in.
Spreuke 10:31: “Die mond van die regverdige laat wysheid uitspruit, maar die valse tong word uitgeroei.”
Wanneer mense so op mekaar skree, is daar geen lewe nie. Dit het buitendien nie goeie gevolge nie en ‘n mens voel sleg daarna. Dit is natuurlik die gewete, want daar was nie selfbeheersing nie. Die frustrasies wat geuiter is moes gekruisig gewees het, dan kon almal op ‘n sagte toon die saak bespreek het en die oplossing gekry het. Gebruik die gesinsvergadering!
Sp 12:18: “Daar is een wat onverskillig woorde uitspreek soos swaardsteke, maar die tong van die wyse is genesing.”
Ek wil graag hemelse wyshede vloeiend praat en ander positief beïnvloed. Daar moet suiwerheid wees en sprankeling. ‘n Mens wil soos ‘n fontein van lewende water wees, ‘n fontein wat nie opdroog nie. (Hooglied 4:15)
Jak 3:6: “Die tong is ook ‘n vuur, die wêreld van ongeregtigheid. Net so ‘n plek neem die tong onder ons lede in; dit besmet die hele liggaam en steek die hele lewensloop aan die brand en word uit die hel aangesteek.”
Om met mense te praat oor probleme, is nie kruis toe gaan nie.
Jessi Penn Lewis sê: “Meeste ly aan ‘n onderdrukte gees, net soos die liggaam ly as dit nie oefening kry nie.” Die gees wat geoefen is om gelei te word deur die Heilige Gees, sal nie ‘n praatsiek persoon wees nie, dit is vleeslik. Wanneer ons gees daagliks gelei word soos ons gehoor gee aan die Gees, in stilte, ontvang ons hemelse kennis. Wanneer ons die kennis deel, dan maai ons kennis. Wanneer die Christen in geestelike konflik verkeer, dan word hy stiller, want die oorwinning word dikwels behaal deur ‘n stil eenvoudige woord.
Johannes 7:38: “Hy wat in My glo, soos die Skrif sê: Strome van lewende water sal uit sy binneste vloei.”
Die woord binneste word vertaal as ‘uit die maag’. Maar partykeer is dit die ‘hart’ en ‘gewete’.
Sp 25:11: “Goue appels op versierde silwerborde, so is ‘n woord op sy tyd gespreek.”
10de Kamer – Die Kombuis
My jeug is vernuwe soos dié van ‘n arend. In die kamer ontvang ‘n mens insig en kennis oor eetgewoontes. Dit is verseker bewys dat vegetariërs meer onmiddellike krag uit hul kos put. Volgens opgrawing en studie van beenstruktuur het die Romeine dit selfs geweet en hul grootste sportmanne was met heel koring en bone gevoer. Die Here het in elk geval gesê dat Hy die sade van die veld vir ons gegee het om te eet. Paulus sê ons moet eet soos ons weet ons moet, maar moet nie die vegetariërs te na kom nie. Ons wil niemand affronteer nie want dit sal die toestand van hul gewete belemmer. They will take offence, and we did cause offence. Dit word behandel in die Onse Vader.
In die kamer wil ons hemelse insig kry oor wat se soort kos ons moet eet. Die uiteet-kos is gewoonlik ongesond want dit mòèt mos lekker wees, ons betaal mos baie daarvoor. Dis eintlik ‘n bederf, maar die kos is nie goed vir ons nie. Terwyl ons hier by die rivier sit, sal ons hemelse instruksie ontvang en dan meer gedissiplineerd wees as die Here wys wat reg is. Ons ontvang miskien kennis deur boeke, drome en ander mense. Ek het byvoorbeeld in ‘n droom, ‘n sak koffiebone gesien met ‘n rooi kruis daaroor en dit het my koffie-probleem opgelos.
11de Kamer – Slaapkamer
Alle huise het ‘n slaapkamer en ‘n mens spandeer die helfte van jou lewe hier. Die rivier van God vloei ook hier. Nee, daar is nêrens ‘n plek waar ‘n mens kan wegvlug vir die Here nie en ons kan maar net sowel die lig ook hier toelaat. Die diep geheimenisse is nie meer geheim nie, want Hy het alles gemaak, ons kan Hom nie skok nie. Nee Ron, nou gaan jy darem te vêr! Alles moet in die lig van die kruis kom, ons kan. My persoonlike ondervinding is dat die dinge wat jy in die donker doen, sal in die lig kom. Alles wat ‘n mens hier voor die lig van die Here, in die groot rivier bring, sal Hy op verbeter. Dit is omdat ons sekere dinge privaat wil hou dat die Here ons nie kan help nie. Hier word ons ook wakker met: LOOF DIE HERE O MY SIEL EN ALLES WAT IN MY IS! As ons hier wakker word met bekommernis dan wys dit die toestand van die gemoed wat gekruisig moet word. Ons begin alreeds (2 Kor 10:5) “terwyl ons planne verbreek en elke skans wat opgewerp word teen die kennis van God, en elke gedagte gevange neem tot die gehoorsaamheid aan Christus.”
Baie mense is geneig om aan te neem dat jou lewensmaat jou moet vervul. Eva was nie vir die rede vir Adam gegee nie maar as ‘n hulp.
Gen 2:18: “Ons is ‘n hulp vir mekaar om die gewete te bewaak en onderhou.”
Om te sê dat die persoon het jou hart gebreek, is dan ‘n verkeerde persepsie want die hart behoort aan God.
F.B. Meyer sê dat getroude paartjies, die woorde in Deut 24:5 moet gehoorsaam. As ‘n man pas getroud is, hoef hy nie op kommando uit te trek nie, en hulle moet hom in geen enkele opsig iets oplê nie; een jaar lank moet hy vry wees vir sy huis en aan sy vrou wat hy geneem het, vreugde verskaf. Dit is van allergrootste belang dat liefde tussen ‘n man en vrou moet heers en dat hulle te alle tye saamstem want hulle is die fondasie waarop die gesin gevestig word. Die gesin gaan die hele gemeenskap beïnvloed, miskien nog die land. Die man is die priester van die huis en moet sy verpligtinge nakom om te alle tye, die vrede te bewaar. Ek vereis vrede in my huis! Alle probleme word bespreek voor slapenstyd sodat die Here dit vir ons veilig kan hou as ons slaap. M Hendry sê: “The dirty conscience is a bad bed fellow.”
Ons gaan slaap nie met die probleem nie, maar sien dit asof dit, in danksegging, reeds opgelos is.
12de Kamer – Kantoor
Kennis moet geliasseer word, voor nuwe kennis kan inkom. Om kennis by die Here te kry moet ons tyd gee.
Louis Malherbe se wenk was om die wekker te stel om op te staan vir gebed en Bybelstudie. Dit help nie jy wil agter Ma sê rug inkruip en dink jy gaan sommer in die kooi stiltetyd hou nie. Sy raad was: “Staan op, maak klaar met die nag, trek aan, was en gaan na jou binnekamer.” In die beginjare het dit gevoel of die nagte van by die Here sit, niks ingebring het nie, maar dis nou makliker met die twaalf kamers. Ons identifiseer vyandige gedagtes, kruisig hulle en die kanale gaan oop na die Here toe. In die begin neem dit baie lank om die kamers te skep en meeste mense vorder in die begin, net tot by die waskamer. Met oefening stap jy later gemaklik deur die georganiseerde huis. Kennis van die twee-snydende swaard skei tussen vlees en gees en gepaardgaande, met die ordelike mind vloei kennis omtrent aanhoudend in. Jy sal kennis ontvang in ooreenstemming met die tye wat jy saai. Dit is belangrik om die Bybel te lees, selfs die stukke wat nie nou sin maak nie, sal uiteindelik, maar dit moet gelees, en geliasseer word. Later sal die Heilige Gees verwysings maak, en kan jy daarmee assosieer, want jy het dit mos reeds in jou.
Party wonderlike mense kom vir ‘n paar dae hulself afsonder by die Here. Vir mense wat uit die stad se gejaag kom is dit baie moeilik om denke so te verander en hulle probeer baie hard om by die Here te sit. Maar as ek hulle die beginsels van die twaalf kamers wys en verduidelik, verander dit dadelik en die antwoorde kom sommer, want die gemoed is georganiseer. Dan gaan die geestelike kanale oop.
Mens maak kamers soos jou behoeftes verander. Het jy ‘n outoriteit kamer nodig?
Outoriteits kamer
Die rede hoekom ‘n mens daagliks moet sterf, is sodat hy in Christus kan opstaan en outoriteit oor die aarde kan neem. Baie Christene wil huil as hulle by die Here is, maar huil is nie deel van die vrug van die Gees nie. Hier praat ons met die Berg (Markus 11:23) Noem die probleme op hul naam en spreek hulle met outoriteit aan. Profeteer oor dit en sien dit as reeds opgelos. Sien die probleem verwyder uit jou lewe. Hier behaal ons oorwinnings in die teenwoordigheid van die hele hemelse troon. Geen wapen wat teen ons gesmee is, sal voorspoedig wees nie. Net soos Joshua nie moes vrees nie (Jos 1:9) Want die Here God is met jou, so gebruik ons 2 Kor 10:5 “terwyl ons planne verbreek en elke skans wat opgewerp word teen die kennis van God, en elke gedagte gevange neem tot die gehoorsaamheid aan Christus”. In ons eie minds is daar vestings van vrees, wat hanteer moet word en dan is daar nog die werke van die boosheid in ander mense waarteen ons te staan kom. Daar word dinge teen ons gesê, ander gelowe span saam om sielskrag aan te wend teen ons om Westerlinge en kerke te ondermyn. Hulle neem beheer oor ons finansies en wil ons slawe maak van ‘n wêreldstelsel. Ons staan in geregtigheid teen die werke van die bose, op elke gebied onder leiding van die Heilige Gees. Ons staan teen toordokters, die woorde wat teen ons gespreek word in heksery, begoëlings en vervloekings wat uitgespreek word. Daar is instansies wat mense in die donker aanhou om hul geeste te projekteer vir bose redes. Ons regering is nog nie Christene nie en ons moet vir hulle bid. Ons bind die werke van die bose, bestraf dit in die mense en seël hulle met die bloed sodat die lig van God kan inkom en hul harte aanspreek.
Jes 54:17: “Elke wapen wat teen jou gesmee word, sal niks uitrig nie; en elke tong wat teen jou opstaan in die gereg, sal jy weerlê. Dit is die erfdeel van die knegte van die HERE.”
Party mense wag vir die Here om outoriteit te neem, Christus is reeds in ons. Die dag van die Here is hier. Dis nie ‘n teologie of doktrine wat hierdie persoonlike droom van ons sal laat gebeur nie. Dinge gebeur in die geestelike realm, omdat ons dit sê, en permanent daarna kyk in danksegging. Ek weet dat die hemel en engele die waarheid is. Maar hulle het nie een klip opmekaar gesit waar ek gebou het nie. Ek moes dit doen! Maar die eer behoort aan die Here. Mense wat uitstap met ‘n heilige gewete is die getuienis-bringers, deur die bloed van die Lam. (Open 12:11) Die bloed is die geseëlde toestand waarin ons inspirasie kry om te weet wat om te doen. Dan doen ons dit met al ons mag. Ek merk aan jou stap en praat, of jy in oorwinning jou toekoms sien, en of jy opstaan in die nag en outoriteit neem oor die bose fluisteringe wat sê jy sal dit nooit bereik nie. Mense wat ewe skielik geld kry is nie gelukkige mense nie. Ons wil die dinge self bereik en ‘n getuienis hê. Ons soek die persoon wat gewillig is om op te staan, en te sê dat die onmoontlike omstandighede gaan verdwyn, want ek sê dit in die Naam van die Here. Moet nooit so pap word soos ek en lang ure by die kruis, in selfondersoek, spandeer en nie deur die kruis stap in outoriteit nie. Deur elke dag se oppervlakte te ondersoek en gedagtes gevange te neem, is genoeg. Gaan kruisig dit, dan gaan was jy en staan op in Christus en stap deur al jou kamers en kyk hoe lyk jou toekoms. Moet nie ophou tot dit gebeur het nie. Dan gee jy die Here die eer! Die dag van die Here is hier. Net soos dit was in die dae van Noag. (Mat 24:37) En net soos die dae van Noag was, so sal ook die koms van die Seun van die mens wees.
Noag is in die geseëlde ark gered van die vloed (vlees), net so is ons gered uit die vlees om in Christus te wees. Ons kan nie langer wag vir eendag, as die Here kom, om ons dan te help nie. Ons kan nou opstaan, opkyk en praat met die toekoms sonder die vlees se inmenging en die beloofde land in besit neem.
‘n Voorbeeld van outoriteit is ‘n oom wat onlangs deur die Grot gegaan het, met sy gesin. Toe hy klaar geluister het, vertel hy ons van hoe sy knieë hom slapelose nagte gegee het. Hy sê dat die dokters hom vertel het, dat dit van ouderdom en artritis was. Maar die oomhet met die knieë gepraat!Hy het die dag gemaklik deur die grot geloop, sonder enige teken van artritis. Dan moet ek hier byvoeg dat hy die resep van die kruis lankal gebruik het, sonder dat hy daarvan bewus was. Hy is ‘n oop persoon wat opreg met almal om hom, in selfbeheersing lewe. My vraag is: Het God met die knieë gepraat, of het die oom?
Eintlik is dit God in die man. (Kol 1:27,1 Kor 2:16, Fil 2:5, Rom 12:2)
Joh 10:34: “Jesus answered, Is it not written in your Law, I said, You are gods?” (Ps. 82:6.)
John G. Lake het in die spieël gekyk, sy vinger na sy beeld gewys en gesê: “Binne-in die man leef God.”
Ons mense staan in hopies en praat oor die verskrikking in ons land. Daar is geen krag nie want dit is emosie. Laat elke persoon opstaan en homself rig vir die toekoms. Want met ‘n skoon gewete, is ons die geregtigheid van God. Bid nou met vasberade vertroue en sien hoe God die gebed van die geregtigde beantwoord. Daar is beslis ‘n toekoms vir ons kinders en hulle kinders, want ons het uitgevind die gewete is God se woning, in ons.
Daar moet dissipline wees om die waarhede aan te wend.
Die Bybelgeskiedenis leer ons dat wanneer die mense afvallig geword het, het hulle hul land verloor, ander gode aanbid. Maar ons sê ons aanbid nie ander gode nie! Ja, ons doen! Woede, vrees en hoogmoed regeer op ons troon. God sal ons beskerm, maar daar is reëls. Ons is veroordeel, want ons is na die vlees (Rom 8:1)
Ons leef nie lank op die aarde nie en terwyl ons hier is moet ons heers. Ons moet soos Jesus wees, Hy het gepraat met die storm. Hy het nie op en af gespring en geskree op die see nie, maar duidelik gesê: “Vrede”, en toe is die storm stil. Die see het na hom geluister want hy het nie gesondig nie, en sy gewete was heilig, waar Hy permanent in kontak was met ons Vader.
Ek skep kamers soos ek dit nodig het. Ek het gedurende die droogte bekommerd geword oor ons boorgat se water vlak en toe het ek ‘n Water Kamer gemaak. Daar kon ek sien hoe God voorsien as daar orde in jou denke is. ‘n Boer sal miskien ‘n Weer Kamer hê. Dalk het jy ‘n musiek kamer nodig as jy wil vorder in jou musiek. Musiek kom tog van God af. Enige deel in jou lewe waar jy probleme het kan jy ‘n aparte kamer maak.
‘n Woord van Waarskuwing
Sodra ‘n persoon besluit om te onderskei tussen siel en gees is die HEILIGE GEVEG aan die gang!
Baie van die stellings in hierdie boekie mag dalk nie ten volle verstaan word voordat u nie ten minste deur die grot was, of van die seminare bygewoon het, of die boeke gelees het of na die DVD’s gekyk het nie.
Alhoewel sommige van u reeds die vorige agt boeke in hierdie reeks van Die Lyn, wat blyk die gewete te wees, gelees het, verg dit steeds geweldig baie meditasie van die nuut-gevonde kennis, om die paradigmatiese verandering wat ons benodig om ‘n suksesvolle lewe in Christus te kan lewe, te weeg te bring.
Die doel van hierdie boek is dan ook om te help om so ‘n paradigmatiese verandering te weeg te bring, ‘n totale verandering van die ‘ou’ denke na die nuwe om ‘n Christus-gedagtewêreld te kan besit.
Hierdie boek sal die leser, indien hy bereid is om deur die Gees gelei te word, deur die nodige veranderinge neem en in diegene wat bereid is om dit te doen, sal daar groot verruiming van gees plaasvind wat aan die einde van hierdie boek die geloof wat ons so dringend benodig om God tevrede te stel, sal bring.
Heb 11:6: “En sonder geloof is dit onmoontlik om God te behaag; want hy wat tot God gaan, moet glo dat Hy is en ‘n beloner is van die wat Hom soek.”
Om geloof te verstaan is ‘n moeilike en een van die grootste struikelblokke, maar ten spyte daarvan, is daar ‘n katalisator wat tot die geloof gevoeg moet word, en dit is die liefde.
1Kor 13:2: “En al sou ek die gawe van profesie hê en al die geheimenisse weet en al die kennis, en al sou ek al die geloof hê, sodat ek berge kon versit, en ek het nie die liefde nie, dan sou ek niks wees nie.”
1 Kor 13:13: “En nou bly geloof, hoop, liefde—hierdie drie; maar die grootste hiervan is die liefde.”
Om in staat te wees om in die geloof te lewe, moet die hart geheilig word. Dit is die eerste struikelblok. Hierdie heiligmakingsproses vind plaas deur beproewing en tribulasie wat ons ter wille van die gewete, met geduld moet oorkom, sodat God met ons tevrede sal wees (1 Pet 2:18). Na dit, sal geloof begin groei wanneer ons die Woord lees. In die plek waar duisternis in die verlede die troon van die gedagtewêreld beset het, kom meer lig en ons vertroue in God groei meer en meer.
Hierdie boek is vir die toegewyde Bybelstudent wat die Woord samehangend wil bestudeer, sodat vertroue die aarde kan kom bewandel soos Jesus dit gedoen het.
Hoofstuk 1
Die woord ‘paradigma’ kom van die Griekse para+deiknunai. Dit was oorspronklik ‘n wetenskaplike term, maar word vandag in die algemeen gebruik as ‘n sinoniem vir woorde soos ‘model’, ‘teorie’, ‘persepsie’, ‘veronderstelling’, of ‘verwysingsraamwerk’. In die meer algemene sin is dit die wyse van hoe ons die wêreld ‘sien’. Nie in die visuele sin van sig nie, maar eerder hoe ons die wêreld ervaar en vertolk.
Omdat ons geskape is as die ‘ou’-kreasie en omdat ons moet groei tot die ‘nuwe’-kreasie, is dit essensieel dat ons verwysingsraamwerk van die verlede lewe in Christus, hernu moet word.
Met uitsondering van die Tien Gebooie wat in ons harte geёts is by ons aardse geboorte, het ons eintlik geen ander verwysingsraamwerk nie. Alles wat ons vandag is, is as gevolg van die wyse waarop ons geleer is. Sommige van hierdie lesse gaan voort sonder die hulp van buite. Toe jy jou hand die eerste keer gebrand het, is daardie kennis outomaties gestoor in jou bank van kennis van die dinge wat jy nie moet doen nie. Dit is vir selfbehoud. Om egter voorbereid te wees vir die beproewinge van die lewe, is ‘n ander storie. Die opdragte en lesse wat ons van ons leerders ontvang, vorm die raamwerk van ons verwysings. Dit mag dalk korrek of nie korrek wees nie, want dit mag dalk verkeerd aan ons oorgedra gewees het ten spyte van hoe opreg dit bedoel was.
Die fundamentele reёls vir sukses behels dinge soos integriteit, nederigheid, eerlikheid, soberheid, moed, opregtheid, geduld, ywer, eenvoud en beskeidenheid. In ons heden daagse materialistiese samelewing word hierdie dinge verwerp, in ruil vir die barre woestynland van die eie-ek. Selfverloëning bestaan nie in hul woordeskat nie, tensy dit kan dien om die self op te hef.
Om as ‘n Christen deur die lewe te stap, behoort dit te wees soos 1 Petrus dit (in my eie woorde) beskryf. Wanneer jy ‘n slaaf is en onregverdig behandel word, maar jy verdra hierdie ongeregtigheid met geduld vir die gewete se onthalwe, sal God met jou tevrede wees.
J F B: “Geduld – ‘Lydsaamheid’. Die woord van My lydsaamheid is my Evangelie wat getuig van die geduldige lydsaamheid in afwagting op My koms (Openb 1:9). My lydsaamheid is die lydsaamheid wat ek verwag en wat ek uitoefen. Christus self ly nou, geduldig wagtend, tot dat die aanmatiger uitgewerp word en al ‘Sy vyande Sy voetstoel gemaak sal word’. En so ook Sy kerk, in geduldige, lydsame afwagting om te deel in die vreugde van die koms van Sy Koninkryk. Dientengevolge, sien ons dan in Openbaring 3:11 die volgende, ‘Kyk, Ek kom gou’.”
Wanneer ons die Woord lees en deur die Heilige gees gelei word om dit te verstaan, sal al hierdie vooraf gevormde paradigmas verander, mits ons bereid is om geduldig te wees. Hierdie keer vorm dit egter ‘n stewige fondasie vanwaar ons voort kan beweeg in al die areas van ons lewens met ‘n groot God-gegewe outoriteit. Die krag van die getransformeerde gedagtes is in Sy beheer met dien verstande dat ons sal leer om die eie wil af te sterf en Sy wil te aanvaar. Ons het ten doel om Sy Koninkryk, Sy krag en Sy heerlikheid te word.
Rom 12:2: “En word nie aan hierdie wêreld gelykvormig nie, maar word verander deur die vernuwing van julle gemoed, sodat julle kan beproef wat die goeie en welgevallige en volmaakte wil van God is.”
Hierdie hernuwing van die gedagtes is ‘n voortdurende proses wanneer ons bereid is om toe te laat dat daar met ons gedagtes gewerk word. In die geval van ‘n Christen is dit ‘n strewe om Christen-gedagtes te hê. Al hierdie inligting is herhaaldelik in die vorige boeke bespreek. Die doel van hierdie boek is om die nuut-gevonde kennis vas te messel in die kennis van die rots van die eeue deur middel van ‘n paradigmatiese omwenteling van denke om die ou wyse van denke wat spruit uit die ou kreasie finaal te vernietig.
Ps 51:10: “Skep vir my ‘n rein hart, o God, en gee opnuut in die binneste van my ‘n vaste gees.” (Vaste gees – letterlik konstant, ferm, wat nie sal toegee aan versoekings nie).
Ps 66:18: “As ek ongeregtigheid bedoel het in my hart, sou die Here nie gehoor het nie.”
Ps 69:32: “As die ootmoediges dit sien, sal hulle bly wees; julle wat na God soek, laat julle hart lewe!”
Ps 112:7: “Mem. Hy vrees nie vir slegte tyding nie; Noen. sy hart is gerus, vol vertroue op die HERE.”
Kan ons met eerlikheid sê dat ons die stadium bereik het waar ons nie meer bang is vir bose tydings nie?
Ps 119:10: “Ek soek U met my hele hart; laat my nie afdwaal van u gebooie nie.”
Die Tien Gebooie is in Exodus 20 geskryf. Ons ontvang die kennis van die gebooie, geskryf in ons harte baie op dieselfde wyse as waarop Moses die oorspronklike wette op klip geskryf, ontvang het. Deur onderdanig en gehoorsaam aan hierdie oorspronklike wette te wees, het die hart sterk en ondeurdringbaar, soos ‘n fort op ‘n rots gemaak. Moses word beskryf as ‘n opgevoede, nederige mens, wat die gebooie gebreek het toe hy sien hoe sy mense ‘n afgod aanbid. Deur hierdie daad sien ons dat Moses selfbeheersing verloor het en die afgod van die eie-ek op sy eie troon geplaas het. Hy het dit persoonlik opgeneem. Toe hy teruggaan na God om ‘n ander stel wette te kry, moes hy egter hoor dat, omdat hy die eerste stel wette in ‘n woedebui gebreek het, hy die tweede stel self met die hand moes kerf. Natuurlik ‘n tydrowende proses. Op dieselfde wyse moet dié wette weer in ons harte ingekerf word wanneer ons na die Koninkryk van God soek. Ons ken die wette maar verbreek dit van tyd tot tyd en dan moet ons die Tien Gebooie en die feit dat dit Heilig is en deur ‘n Heilige God aan ons geskenk is, van vooraf herontdek. Ons ken die wette, maar hierdie boek sal ons neem na die identifisering van die wyses waarop ons hierdie geestelike Tien Gebooie verbreek.
Die boek is geskryf deur ‘n kunstenaar wat sy lewe op vyfjarige ouderdom vir die Here gegee en die hemel vir ‘n oomblik gesien het.
Hy was van daardie dag, bewus van die verskille tussen die aardse bestaan en dié van die hemel en het homself ten doel gestel om ‘n manier te vind, waarin die eenvoudigheid van die hemel verduidelik kon word, sonder dat hy geweet het hoe dit gedoen kon word. Op die ouderdom van 24 jaar (na ‘n 6 jaar loopbaan as matroos in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot) het hy homself in die Oos-Transvaal, as kunstenaar en beeldhouer gevestig. Dit is op die toeristeroete geleë, wat vandag bekend staan as die Panoramaroete.
Geselsies met toeriste het altyd gelei tot die vraag: Waarom help God ons nie? En Hoekom verhoor Hy nie ons gebede nie? Ons is tog goed, waarom help Hy nie my kinders nie? “Ek vra die Here so mooi.” het ‘n ou dame eendag, met die traanbeloopde gesig gesê. Dan is daar die siekes vir wie daar geen raad is nie: “Hoekom gee die Here my kanker en soortgelyke verskriklike siektes?” Hierdie tipe vrae het Ron geweldig gehinder, totdat hy die antwoorde, op wonderbaarlike wyse, by Die Skepper self gekry het.
Die doel van hierdie boek is juis om u, die leser te help om ook antwoorde op u kwelvrae te kry. Ron van Zyl het met Yvonne getrou nadat hy die ‘Helkrans’- beeld teen die kranse van die berge by die Eggo Grotte voltooi het. Daar het hy vir haar ‘n huis gebou en die twee het saam besluit om in geloof te lewe sonder enige kerkverband en sodoende al die vrae omtrent die Godheid beantwoord te kry. Die idee was dat hulle op ‘n geestelike eiland woon en elke persoon moet soveel tyd as moontlik by die Here spandeer sodat persoonlike openbaring kan invloei en getuienisse tot stand kan kom.
Hulle het geen elektrisiteit of water gehad nie, maar was baie gelukkig. Ron het beelde gemaak en Yvonne het haar huis se klip- vloere blink gepoets en huis-huis gespeel terwyl sy leer kos maak het, wat heelwat later baie handig te pas sou kom in hulle gastehuis.
Een oggend, 3uur, terwyl Ron buite gesit het, sien hy, terwyl hy na die sterre kyk, asof in ‘n droom, ‘n grot. Dit was kamers wat na mekaar toe lei en beelde belig met veelkleurige ligte en ‘n stem wat alles verduidelik. Hy het gesien dat mense ingaan met ‘n frons en uitloop met ‘n glimlag. Dit het gebeur nadat hulle die eerste huis moes afbreek, na misverstande met die grondeienaar. ‘n Ander vriendelike boer daar naby, het vir hulle grond gegee om op te bou en te leef. Hier het hulle ‘n houthuis gebou en vir die eerste keer water gehad. Hier het hulle ‘n padstalletjie gebou om hul
kunsprodukte te verkoop en hulle geloof beoefen om groter dinge te bereik en meer mense te help. Yvonne het geduldig geluister na die probleme van mense by die stalletjie. Hier het hulle die raad aangebied wat hulle bekom het deur in die geloof te lewe. Op praktiese manier het hulle getuienisse gelewer om mense te versterk. Dit was baie nodig in ‘n afnemende ekonomiese klimaat waar mense hulle werk verloor het.
Die kinders, Michell en Aldo, het groot geword in hierdie unieke omstandighede. In 1990 koop die Van Zyl-gesin die grond waarop Die Skoen vandag staan. Die kinders was toe nog baie jonk, maar het hulle deel gedoen aan die bou van al die geboue wat nodig was. Die Skoen is ‘n landmerk, en die ou plaaswoning word toe ‘n gastehuis. Verder bou hulle ‘n woonhuis en geriewe vir die gaste uit lokale dolomietklip. Ron doen alles self en Yvonne beman die Skoenwinkel waar die beelde verkoop word om alles te finansier.
Die gesin het geweldig baie stories om te vertel van hoe God sorg. Maar die boek handel nie oor hulle lewe nie, maar oor hoe hulle die openbaringe ontvang het, wat ons nodig het sodat ons die Bybel beter kan verstaan en die beloftes kan aanwend in ons eie lewens.
Toe alles klaar gebou is en daar geen skuld meer oor was nie, het die gesin ervaar dat dit tyd was vir die grot. Ron was tot die dood toe moeg van al die fisiese bou en beelde kap, maar kon nie wag om te begin nie. Saam met sy twee getroue ou arbeiders het hulle die grot aangepak. Die grootte van die kamers was beperk deur die hoeveelheid finansies beskikbaar. Tot Ron se teleurstelling was die eerste kamer slegs groot genoeg vir twaalf mense. In sy visie het hy ervaar dat dit groter sou wees met heelwat elektroniese hulpmiddels. Maar die Here het niemand gestuur om te help nie, en so is die grot slegs dit wat hulle persoonlik kon vermag.
Die grot is drie-en-‘n-half jaar later voltooi en Aldo as dertien
jarige neem die eerste toer deur die grot, Michell (17) tweede en Ron die derde. Yvonne beman die winkel en besluit wie deur die grot kan gaan. So het hulle al duisende mense deurgeneem en almal wat die ondervinding meegemaak het, vertel opgewonde van hulle persoonlike geestelike groei. Tot nou, in 2010, tydens die skryf van hierdie boek, ervaar ons daagliks wonderlike getuies.
Dit was baie vermoeiende werk en alles was nie maanskyn en rose nie. Soos ons almal al egter ervaar het, sal jy nooit in staat wees om almal tevrede te stel nie. Baie van die mense val die gesin aan vir dit wat hulle verkondig. Ander laai weer hulle laste af op die gesin. Daar was nooit genoeg geld om ander mense in diens te neem nie en so is dit net die vier van hulle wat alles self moet doen.
Eventueel, het hulle saam besluit dat hulle maar die plek sal verkoop, want almal was tot die dood vermoeid. Michell en Aldo was só oortuig dat die werk by die Skoen voltooid was, dat sy in Engeland en hy in Johannesburg gaan werk het. Die eiendom het egter nie verkoop nie en stelselmatig keer hulle terug huis toe waar die Here die LYN aan hulle openbaar het.
Die ‘Lyn’ bewys die belangrikheid van die gewete en die wyse hoe om dit in tekeninge te verduidelik, sodat almal dit kan verstaan.
As gevolg van jare se persoonlike studie, het Ron boeke begin skryf wat opmekaar volg, in dieselfde orde as wat hy openbaringe gekry het. Hierdie boeke druk hulle ook self en is beskikbaar in hulle winkel by Die Skoen.
Alhoewel daar akademiese erkenning was in die vorm van grade vir Michell en Aldo, selfs ‘n doktorsgraad vir Ron, as gevolg van hulle studies, het dit nie gekom omdat hulle ander doktrines en teologië van Bybelskole studeer het nie. Hulle is beloon vir die persoonlike openbaringe wat hulle ontvang het. Wat alles bewys word deur die Woord, wat nou so maklik toeganklik is op rekenaars.
Die gesin is op ‘n besondere wyse deur die Heilige Gees gebruik omdat hulle gewillig was om hulself heeltemal oop te stel vir toerisme en elke Jan-rap en sy maat se oordeel. Hulle is bespot, afgekraak, beskinder, daar is op hulle gespoeg, hulle is verneder en gehaat. Te midde van dit alles, het hulle vasgestaan en geglo dat God ‘n magtige werk verrig en dat die hele wêreld daardeur gehelp sal word.
Deur hul werk en kontak met mense uit alle vlakke van die samelewing, het hulle geweldig baie ondervinding opgedoen en kan vandag daarop aanspraak maak dat hul kennis van die verskillende sienings van mense, wat betref, godsdiens-idees, doktrines en argumente wat daarmee gepaard gaan, van die grootste, in die veld is.
Met hierdie ryk bron van kennis skryf hulle vir u oor holistiese genesing, die belangrikheid dat elke persoon aan heiligmaking deel moet hê. Hierdie gesin gee vir u die kort paaie, want hulle het alles beproef en het die baanbrekerswerk gedoen, die foute gemaak, maar tog die weg na geestelike waarheid gebaan.
Hulle het van die Here ontvang, die openbaring van die gewete, wat bewys word in die grot waar, onwetend, ‘n lyn ingebou is deur die Heilige Gees. Sonder dat hulle geweet het, het hulle vir tien jaar duisende mense deur die grot begelei en niemand het ‘n benul gehad dat dit oor die GEWETE gehandel het nie.
Hierdie boeke het gelei tot Ron en die kinders se grade. (Beide Aldo en Michell het hul teologiese grade in 2008 verwerf aan die Universiteit van Common Wealth en Trinity waar Ron se boeke deel van hul studies was en beide staan tans by Die Skoen in diens van die Here). Maar so min mense het tyd om dit alles te bestudeer en dit is hoekom hierdie agtste boek, DIE GEWETE, in die onderwerp ‘Die Lyn’, tot stand gekom het. Net ‘n vinnige insig in die fondamentele kennis wat alle Christene behoort te hê. Vir dieper insig moet u die hele reeks bestudeer en u sal glad nie spyt wees nie. Daar is werklik vaste spyse vir die persone wat die kennis van God soek. Dit is natuurlik die opdrag. Ons moet eers die Koninkryk soek, sodat alles bygevoeg mag word.
Hier volg Michell se weergawe van die ‘lyn’-skildery en daarna sal Ron sy bydrae lewer.
Die Lyn deur Michell
Dit was ‘n geweldige interessante en ook lewensveranderlike ervaring om saam met my gesin in hierdie skildery, in te groei. Ek stel ook voor dat u, die leser, die moeite doen om ook self die pad te stap wat ons gestap het om hierdie skildery se dieptes te verstaan. Dìt wat ons dusver verstaan, want ek dink nie dat ons al klaar is met hierdie skildery nie. As ‘n inleiding op my eie bydrae in hierdie boek, wil ek u graag herinner daaraan, dat tussen ons drie gidse, wat nou vir elf jaar lank reeds begeleiding in hierdie spesiale Alfa Omega Grot doen, het ons aldrie in die tussentyd self gegroei in ons eie tipe bedienings. Ons het aldrie ‘n unieke en eie manier en ook vlak van bediening ontwikkel deur die jare. Ek self hou daarvan om alles so eenvouding as moontlik te sê sodat dit kan aanklank vind by selfs die mees eenvoudigste denkers en ook kinders. En dan vra ek u ook: Lees asb die ‘gees’ van ons skrywe raak. Geeneen van ons bedoel om u, of iemand, te na te kom, te ontstel of selfs te oordeel in hierdie boek nie. Ons skryf almal ons toere, wat ons daagliks aan besoekers oordra, neer. Selfs die toere wat ons oor die afgelope elf jaar gedoen het is getrou neergeskryf. Maar meer belangrik, ons skryf ons eie ervarings neer, van die pad wat ons elkeen self sover met God gestap het in hierdie proses van groei in ons persoonlike verhoudings met die Vader self.
Dit het alles begin met die Psalms. Ons was nog altyd groot aanhangers van Psalm 1. Maar ek dink nie dat ons werklik die Psalm verstaan het totdat ons uiteindelik begin het met hierdie skildery nie.
Die berg in die middel (A) van die skildery, het ons uiteindelik geleer, is die berg Sion. Psalms is ook vol van hierdie berg Sion. Niemand het dusver Sion verstaan nie want Sion, in hierdie sin, is die geestelike berg. Dit is die berg wat swaarkry voorstel. God wil hê dat ons oorwinnaars of konings moet wees van dié berg Sion. My vraag is dan, waarom word ons nie sommer dadelik, wanneer ons gebore word aan die voet van die berg geplaas sodat ons dadelik kan begin klim nie?
In plaas van dadelik die berg te klim, word ons gebore by die Psalm 1-boom (E). (Links in die middel van die skildery). Net bokant die boom is God se hand in die wolk (D). Dit sê vir ons dat ons gebore word uit God uit en deur Sy hand, word ons in die wêreld in gebore en nie daarop nie. (Jer 1:5; Ps 139:15; Jes 94:1) Let op dat God se hand wolke is, ons weet dat wolke uit water bestaan en dat God se Woord water is. Net soos ons in die baarmoeder in water gegroei het, is ons gevorm deur God se woord totdat ons gebore word in die aarde in. Ons moet eers leer om ‘n Psalm 1-boom te wees voordat ons kan aanskuif na Psalm 2 toe. By die Psalm 1-boom leer ons dat ons die boom is en dat ons by die water, wat die woord van God is, geplant is. En omdat ons kennis het van die Woord van God kan ons aanhou vrug dra al is daar droogte en swaar tye.
Ps 1:3: “En hy sal wees soos ‘n boom wat geplant is by waterstrome, wat sy vrugte gee op sy tyd en waarvan die blare nie verwelk nie; en alles wat hy doen, voer hy voorspoedig uit.”
Daarna leer ons toe wat Psalm 2 sê. In my eie woorde sê Psalm 2 dat God Sy koning (ek), gevestig het bo-op berg Sion (B), en Hy het my ‘n ystersepter gegee waarmee ek die wêreldse dinge (G) sal verslaan. Daar waar die kruis staan bo-op die berg, dis waar ek ‘n koning moet wees. Maar daar is ‘n woestyn (I) tussen Psalm 1 en Psalm 2. En ons dink dis die kortpad om gou-gou ‘n koning te word, deur die woestyn… maar daar kry ons swaar.
Ps 2:6 – 9: “Ek tog het my Koning gesalf oor Sion, my heilige berg. Ek wil vertel van die besluit: Die HERE het aan My gesê: U is my Seun, vandag het Ek self U gegenereer. Eis van My, en Ek wil nasies gee as u erfdeel en die eindes van die aarde as u besitting. U sal hulle verpletter met ‘n ysterstaf, U sal hulle stukkend slaan soos ‘n erdepot.”
Ek vra toe die Here op ‘n keer: “Waarom is dit so moeilik in die woestyn?” Ek leer toe dat die Bybel vertel ook dat die tye in die woestyn, vir die Israeliete en ook vir Jesus, moeilike tye was. Uit ondervinding weet ons ook dat mense verdwaal in die woestyn. Die Here het toe vir my geleer, ons word nie sommer dadelik aan die voet (K) van die berg geplaas om dadelik die berg uit te klim nie, want Hy laat ons gebore word by Psalm 1 sodat ons self kan kies of ons die berg wil klim of nie. Maar Hy maak die woestyntyd in ons lewe dan ook moeilik, want Hy wil ons nie eintlik rêrig in die woestyn hê nie. God gebruik Sy Gees om ons die hele tyd te lei en ook hoër, en nader aan Hom te roep. So daar in die woestyn sien u dan die hand van God vir ‘n tweede keer (J) en die storms onder die hand wat weer eens soos wolke lyk. Alhoewel elke persoon deur die woestyn moet gaan, as deel van die groeiproses, is ons nie veronderstel om in die woestyn te bly nie. Die weerlig onder die hand van God sê eintlik vir my dat God ons half uit die woestyn uitjaag om af te val daar ver agter sodat ons onder by die voet van die berg kan begin klim.
Die linker onderkant van die skildery het twee voorbeelde van verdwaalde mense (G en H). Die eerste voorbeeld is die groep mense wat as ‘waarheid-soekers’ bestempel word (H). Hulle wil graag die waarheid hê, maar hulle verstaan ook nie die Woord (water) van God daar by die Psalm 1- boom (E) nie, dus gaan soek hulle toe maar na ander diep waarhede, daar by die diep waterval onder die berg (H) van Sion. ‘n Voorbeeld hiervan is soos die mense wat in Oosterse gelowe gaan dolwe of in filosofie betrokke raak. My pa het my vertel hoe hy ook een van hierdie mense was. (Hy was ‘n hippie in die vloot in die 1960’s en op die ou einde ‘n student in filosofie).
Dan is daar die tweede groep mense. Hulle woon in die mooi huis met die mooi kar (G). Hulle bly naby die Psalm -1 boom en hulle gaan darem Sondae kerk toe (na die water toe) in die hoop dat hulle die Woord van God eendag sal verstaan, maar die res van die tyd moet hulle die brullende leeu baklei. Die probleme raak te veel en die kerk kan nie hulle vrae antwoord nie. Die mannetjie wat weergegee word in die skildery moes eventueel saans kroeg toe hardloop, sodat hy ten minste net ‘n goeie nagrus kan inkry. Die probleme kom saam met die mooi materiële dinge maar eindelik verloor die outjie sy kop. (links onder in die hoek) Hoekom sy kop? Hier begin ons toe so stelselmatig leer dat die mind (denke) van ‘n mens die hele tyd onder aanval is.
Hierdie twee voorbeelde is maar net hedendaagse voorbeelde van mense wat die woestyn beleef. Dit maak nie saak watter tipe woestyn jy beleef nie. Soos ek reeds gesê het: God se hand (J) is oor jou in die woestyn. Van die dag af toe jy jou lewe vir God gegee het, daar by die water, by die Psalm 1- boom, sal hy jou nooit laat gaan nie. Hy sal jou altyd op een of ander manier terug- lei na Hom toe, en dan nog jou swaar tye gebruik in jou lewe. So kom ons eendag tot die besef dat daar meer in hierdie lewe is as net die mooi goed en dat die ware waarheid waarna ons gesoek het net in God te vinde is, en ons besluit toe om die berg te klim. Ons daag op aan die voet van die berg (K), en ons is reg om te begin klim.
Hier heel onder aan die voet van die berg is die kerk. In die kerk ontmoet jy al hierdie groen goggas. (Prentjie regs) Onder andere is daar ‘oordeel’ (1), ‘siekte’ (2) en ‘beskuldiging’ (3). Hierdie dinge is in die kerk, en hierdie dinge is die rede waarom so baie mense, kort nadat hulle weer die Here gevind het weer terugkeer na hulle ou leefstyl, omdat hulle geen verskil sien in die kerk nie, of sommiges omdat hulle aanstoot vind in hul verhoudings met ander mense in die kerk. Dieselfde duiwel is maar daar ook. Maar gelukkig vorder dié wat uitgehou het na die tweede vlak, halfpad teen die berg op, (L). Omdat ek as kind nie grootgeword het in die kerkstruktuur nie, kon ek nie werklik die rede vir die verskillende stappe hier teen die berg verstaan nie. Toe ek my pa vra wat die halfpadmerk hier teen die berg dan is, toe sê hy dat dit stel die ‘charismaties en pinkster’-vlakke voor. Ek het nie eintlik verstaan wat hy daarmee bedoel het nie, maar ek het gou agtergekom dat wat hierdie tipe kerke anders maak as die ander is maar grotendeels die manier waarop hulle lofprysing doen. (Oppas, moet my asb. nie verkeerd verstaan nie, ek deel net my siening uit die oogpunt van ‘n onervare kerkganger). Ek het besluit om dit te probeer en in my kamer het ek my lofprys-CD in die radio gedruk en toe ek by die derde liedjie kom, terwyl ek in danksegging en lofprysing staan voor God, sien ek, hoe ek hoog bo-op ‘n berg staan en die kruis is ook daar by my. Ek was verslae…hier staan ek bo-op die Sionberg en ek weet nie wat ek hier doen nie! Dit was dan so maklik! Hoekom loop almal dan daar onder rond as dit so maklik is om tot hier bo op die berg te kom?
Nadat ek die dinge met my pa bespreek het, het hy begin vertel dat volgens hom, is hierdie berg in die skildery nie net Sion die geestelike berg nie, maar dit kan Golgota ook wees omdat die kruis bo-op die berg staan. Na ‘n lang redenasie het ons uitgevind dat die woord ‘Golgota’ beteken ‘skedel’. En as u nou kyk na die skildery en u verbeel uself dat die kruis bo-op ‘n skedel staan, dan sal die volgende vers verduidelik word:
Lev 17:11: Want die siel van die vlees is in die bloed, en Ek het dit aan julle op die altaar gegee om vir julle siele versoening te doen; want die bloed bewerk versoening deur die siel.
In my eie woorde: Die bloed van Jesus op die kruis, het geval op die skedelkop, – dit is vir die vergewing van jou siel. Die bloed is vir jou kop! Vir jou gedagtes, jou gewete, jou denke! Maar die eintlike woord wat ek wil gebruik is mind! Die Afrikaanse woord vir ‘mind’ is ‘siel’. (Vir die doel van hierdie boek en ter verduideliking maak ons deurgaans gebruik van die woord mind, waar van toepassing.) Maar min mense weet wat die siel is. Iemand het eendag gesê dit is in sy groottoon!
My siel is die deel van my wat krag besit, dit is dié deel van my wat die wêreld wil hê en dit is die deel van my wat God ook wil hê. My siel is so belangrik vir God dat hy Jesus laat sterf het op Golgota, die skedelkop, om te sê hy soek my mind! Maar wanneer ek daaroor dink, besef ek dat my gedagtes is die een plek wat ek nie vir God wil gee nie want dit is mos myne. Dis privaat. Ek mag mos dink wat ek wil. En God sê nee, Hy wil jou gedagtes bewoon. Ons moes toe noodgedwonge ‘n studie maak van die woord ‘siel’ sodat ons dit kon verduidelik aan mense. Die tweede maal wat hierdie woord ‘siel’ gebruik word in die Bybel is in Genesis toe God asem in Adam in geblaas het en Adam ‘n lewende siel geword het. U kan die hele studie van die siel in my pa se tweede boek gaan nalees, maar in kort: Die woord ‘siel’ beteken volgens Strongs: Wil, intelek, emosie, wellus en dier. Hierdie is nie mooi dinge nie. Die woord ‘asem’ soos in Genesis beskryf as die asem van God word vertaal as: siel en gees. Na aanleiding van ons studie het ons tot die slotsom gekom dat God in ons ingeblaas het die vermoë om deur middel van ons gedagtes (mind) met God te kommunikeer en dus geesvervuld te wees. Maar hierdie selfde gedagtes kan ook donker en negatief wees. Die slotsom is dus dat as jy ‘gees’ is, beteken dit jou gedagtes is gevul met God, maar as jy ‘siels’ is, beteken dit jou gedagtes is donker. En om hierdie rede moet die siel gered word. En slegs die bloed van Jesus kan jou siel (mind) red!
Hierdie kennis van wat die siel is, het ons eers heelwat later geleer. So voordat ek hiervan geweet het, wou ek dan weet:
Wat het dan gebeur dat ek sommer so vinnig bo-op die berg kon staan?
U sien; in lofprysing word jou hele mind vol met Jesus, die fokus is Jesus. Dit veroorsaak dat jy ‘n koning van die berg word en bo-op die berg, by die kruis kan staan.
Hebreërs 12 praat van hierdie berg. Eintlik kom almal bymekaar bo-op die berg wanneer ons gedagtes gefokus is op Jesus. Al die verskillende kerke kom hier bo op die berg bymekaar wanneer hulle vergader, want almal begin met lofprysing en aanbidding wat help om die mense se gedagtes te fokus op Jesus, en dit maak hulle konings van die berg.
Heb 12:22-24: “Maar julle het gekom by die berg Sion en die stad van die lewende God, die hemelse Jerusalem en tien duisende engele, by die feestelike vergadering en die gemeente van eersgeborenes wat in die hemele opgeskrywe is, en by God, die Regter van almal, en by die geeste van die volmaakte regverdiges, en by Jesus, die Middelaar van die nuwe testament, en die bloed van die besprenkeling wat van beter dinge spreek as Abel.”
Dit is glad nie moeilik om ‘n koning van die berg te wees nie. Ons maak net ons gedagtes vol met Jesus – die probleem is egter om heeldag ‘n koning te bly! Op daardie stadium het ons net geweet dat lofprysing en aanbidding of selfs om aanhoudend in jou taal te praat, jou ‘n koning bo-op die berg sal hou. ‘n Ander manier waarop ons dit ook verduidelik het, was dat jy moet Jesus ‘awe’. Dat jy Hom moet eerbiedig wees in alles wat jy doen. Maar ons het agtergekom dat dit baie moeilik is en ek was versteld met die hele ding, want hoe kan ek ‘n koning wees in die môre, nadat ek my stiltetyd gehou het, maar twee ure later baklei ek met my broer, en dan bevind ek maar net weer myself aan die voet van die berg. Dieselfde geval met kerktoe gaan. Sondag bring die vergadering van die heiliges my op na die berg toe, want gedurende die diens ‘awe’ ek Jesus, my mind is vol van Jesus, maar na die diens is ons net weer terug onderaan die voet van die berg. Dit het ons baie lank gevat om te leer hoe om heeldag ‘n koning te bly. Iets soos 3 maande later leer ons toe vir die eerste keer hoe om heeldag ‘n koning te bly. My persoonlike ondervinding is soos volg:
Op daardie stadium het ek deur ‘n slegte tyd gegaan en ek was so gefrustreer, want ek was heel bewus daarvan dat ek meer tyd aan die voet van die berg spandeer het as bo. En die môre is ek van diens af en ek gaan sit toe in lofprysing by die kruis. Ek was vasbeslote om daar te bly totdat God my help. Later het ek nie meer geweet wat om te doen nie en begin toe al smeek. Naderhand daag Jesus op. Hy vat my toe en tel my van die grond af op en hang my aan die kruis. En al wat Hy sê is: “Ek is die deur en niemand gaan na die Vader behalwe deur my nie.” Hy druk my vas teen die kruis en laat my daar hang. Hy sê toe dat ek moet my mind vir Hom gee dan hou hy dit veilig. Ek het nie verstaan nie, maar ek gee toe oor op die kruis daardie môre, en terwyl ek agteroor deur die kruis val word ek soos die asem van God en gaan in deur die kruis, binne in Jesus in.
Die volgende oomblik toe staan ek voor die troon van God en ek lyk toe soos die man in die skildery (O). Jesus staan reg voor my en hy is besig om die wapenrusting vir my aan te trek. Toe hy klaar is, staan hy terug en gaan sit aan Vader se regterhand (soos julle hier in die skildery kan sien). Hy begin my toe was met sy bloed. Dis waar ons moes leer dat die wapenrusting van Efesiërs 6 eintlik baie belangrik is, maar tog eenvoudig om te verstaan, want eintlik het ek nou vir Jesus aangetrek. Elke stukkie van die wapenrusting is Jesus. Ek staan voor die troon van God. Vader kyk na my deur die bloed van Jesus wat van die kruis af drup, en waarmee ek gewas word. Hy kyk deur die wapenrusting wat ek aan het en eintlik sien God glad nie vir my nie maar, Hy sien Jesus, omdat ek nou net soos Jesus lyk. Die volgende oomblik kom die Heilige Gees (wat hier in die skildery uitgebeeld is as die hare van God), en Hy kom sit om my heupe en sê: “Ek is die waarheid en ek gaan jou gou ‘n les in geregtigheid leer.” (Borsplaat van geregtigheid). Ek wou net protesteer en kla dat ek nie nou lus is vir lesse nie… en die volgende oomblik dwaal my gedagtes af en ek begin dink aan dinge wat ek nog vandag moet doen en oor wat ek sal kook vir middagete. Ek begin kyk na die horlosie, en my gedagtes dwaal weg na gister se dinge en terwyl al die gedagtes nog kolk, toe sê die Heilige Gees: “Jy is nou alweer onder aan die voet van die berg.” Ek wou net moedeloos word en dink, maar dan is dit onmoontlik om heeldag bo te bly, as ek nou al klaar weer onder is. Toe sê die Heilige Gees : “Sê net jammer en maak jou gedagtes weer vol met God.” Ek maak toe so, keer terug na my lofprysing en onmiddellik is ek weer terug in my posisie voor Vader se troon. Verbaas kyk ek na Jesus en vra hom hoe dit dan moontlik is dat ek net so vinnig weer kon terugkeer na hierdie posisie? Hy verduidelik toe aan my dit is omdat ek nie geregtigheid verstaan nie. Jesus verduidelik toe aan my dat as ek in die môre by die regte deur, die kruis, ingekom het binne-in Hom in, is ek nou die geregtigheid van Christus. Geregtigheid beteken dat ek reg voor God staan. Hier staan ek geklee in Christus, gewas met die bloed en dus lyk ek net soos Jesus, ‘n kind van God. Daarom kan niks my wegvat uit hierdie posisie nie. Ek is geregtig daarop om voor God te mag staan, die hele dag lank. Met die Heilige Gees se hulp kan ek nou heeldag lank gehelp word om terug te keer na my posisie voor God. Maar môre-oggend sal ek weer deur die kruis, die regte deur, moet ingaan om weer heeldag bo, in Christus, te kan bly.
‘n Paar dae later kom my pa en vertel my dat hy ‘n droom gehad het. In die droom het God gesê ons moet na die horisontale
swaard in die skildery kyk. Ons kyk toe na die horisontale swaard van die engel hier aan die linkerkant van die skildery. Na ‘n lang gewonder kom ons toe agter dat die swaard, presies in lyn met die horisontale balk van die kruis, waaraan Jesus se arms vas gespyker sou gewees het, is. Dit vorm dan ‘n lyn regdeur die middel van die skildery wat die skildery dan duidelik in twee verdeel. Die Koninkryk van Lig (Bo) en die Koningkryk van Donker (Onder). Verder kry ons toe ook die volgende geskrif uit die Woord van God:
Heb 4:12: “Want die woord van God is lewend en kragtig en skerper as enige tweesnydende swaard, en dring deur tot die skeiding van siel en gees en van gewrigte en murg, en is ‘n beoordelaar van die oorlegginge en gedagtes van die hart.”
Ons vra toe die Here oor hierdie skeiding tussen die twee koninkryke van lig en donker. Hy verwys ons toe na:
Kol 1:19 tot 20: “Want dit het die Vader behaag dat in Hom die ganse volheid sou woon en dat Hy deur Hom alles met Homself sou versoen nadat Hy vrede gemaak het deur die bloed van sy kruis – ek sê deur Hom – die dinge op die aarde sowel as die dinge in die hemele.”
Dan tesame met Kolossense 1 hierbo en ook Hebreërs 9 se verduideliking van hoe Jesus in die geestelike tabernakel ingegaan het om sy bloed te sprinkel as ewige offer, begin ons toe verstaan dat hierdie lyn, of skeiding, veroorsaak is deur die bloed van Jesus. Ons word toe ook herinner daaraan dat God in Genesis alreeds die lig en die donker van mekaar geskei het. En toe het Hy gesê dat dit goed was. Die bloed van Jesus wat gestort is op die kruis bring vrede tussen die twee koninkryke.
Op hierdie punt kry ons nou perspektief. Wanneer ons wakker word in die môre, word ons aan die voet van die berg wakker omdat ons donker is, en omdat ons vlees is. Die woord ‘vlees’ beteken in hierdie sin: “Donker Natuur”. Maar die probleem is dat wanneer ons wakker word, begin ons soms dadelik bid, maar ons bid dadelik oor ons probleme. Ons het nog nie eers ‘n koning geword van die berg nie, ons is nog nie eers geregtig voor God nie en ons bid al klaar oor die probleme. Dit veroorsaak dat ons gebede geen krag het nie en meeste van die tyd is hierdie gebede onbeantwoord. Nou het ons geleer dat as ons wakker word, begin ons lof en aanbidding, en in die proses klim jy dan die berg uit en kom staan voor die kruis. Jy het nou vir Jesus as die senter van jou denke en jy is ‘n koning van die berg. Deurdat jy na die kruis toe gekom het en jou gedagtes vol gemaak het met Christus, oorwin ons dan die berg, dus oorwin ek die eie-ek. Die berg is dus dan ek. Ek is Sion. Die heeltyd lees ons in Psalms hoe God in Sion wil bly, dit Sy woning maak, en dat Hy Sion verlos en vele meer. Hier plaas ek net ‘n paar skriftuurplasings oor Sion. U kan gerus hierdie studie oor Sion doen. Ek hardloop nou bietjie vooruit maar ek wil net noem: Die Stad is bo-op die berg. Dit sal u aan die dink sit. Onthou ons praat van geestelike dinge hier.
Ps 20:2: “(20:3) Mag Hy u hulp stuur uit die heiligdom en u ondersteun uit Sion!”
Ps 48:2: “(48:3) Skoon deur sy verhewenheid, die vreugde van die hele aarde is die berg Sion, aan die noordekant, die stad van die groot Koning!”
Ps 48:11: “(48:12) Laat die berg Sion bly wees, laat die dogters van Juda juig oor u oordele.”
Ps 50:2: “Uit Sion, die volkomenheid van skoonheid, verskyn God in ligglans.”
Ps 69:35: “(69:36) Want God sal Sion verlos en die stede van Juda bou; en daar sal hulle woon en dit besit.”
Ps 102:21: “(102:22) sodat hulle in Sion die Naam van die HERE kan vermeld en sy lof in Jerusalem.”
Ps 126:1: “‘n Bedevaartslied. Toe die HERE die lot van Sion verander het, was ons soos die wat droom.”
Ek oorwin die eie-ek deur, aan die kruis te gaan hang en te sterf in Christus. Verbeel saam met my, jy hang aan die kruis net soos Jesus daar gehang het. Jou kop net mooi daar op die kruising van die twee kruishoute, en deur jou hele siel (mind) vir Jesus te gee aan die kruis, kom die bloed van Jesus nou soos die lyn wat ons hier verduidelik en sny net onder jou ken deur en seël nou jou gedagtes van die donkerte aan die onderkant af. Jou kop is so klein, daar op die kruis, maar nou word jou gedagtes die koninkryk van God en dit word nou net so groot soos wat jy kan verbeel dit is! Dit is dus waarom ons moet leer waar, en ook wat, die siel is. Want alles gaan oor die siel.
Heb 4:12: “Want die woord van God is lewend en kragtig en skerper as enige tweesnydende swaard, en dring deur tot die skeiding van siel en gees en van gewrigte en murg, en is ‘n beoordelaar van die oorlegginge en gedagtes van die hart.”
Hier plaas ek die betekenis van die woord ‘hart’ hier in die bogenoemde teks:
G2588, kardia, kar-dee’-ah
Prolonged from a primary κάρ kar (Latin cor, “heart”); the heart, that is, (figuratively) the thoughts or feelings (mind); also (by analogy) the middle: – (+ broken-) heart (-ed).
Die woord ‘hart’ verwys dus ook na die mind of siel.
Luk 2:35: “Ja, ‘n swaard sal deur jou eie siel gaan – sodat die gedagtes uit baie harte openbaar kan word.”
Vandat ons nou meer kennis het oor wat Jesus se bloed vir my gedagtes doen, kan ek beter my gedagtes gefokus hou op Christus. Dus kom ek nou elke môre na die kruis en word geseël met die bloed, my gedagtes is nou kalm en my gewete skoon. Ek stap met vrymoedigheid in die troonkamer van God in en verbeel myself hoe ek daar staan net soos die man hier in die skildery. Ek is geklee met Christus, daar is niks wat my aankla nie. Hier is ek volkome beskerm. Op my kop is ‘n helm van verlossing, ek dra ‘n kroon. Psalm 103 praat van hierdie kroon. Die kroon beskerm my van alle kante. Jesus het ‘n doringkroon gedra en nou dra ek ‘n goue kroon van glorie en heerlikheid. En ek het nog die bloed van Jesus ook wat my seël van die donker, aan die onderkant. Nou is my gedagtes veilig en heilig. Ek mag nou verbeel, want ek het die krag wat in my siel is, oorgegee aan God. Die Heilige Gees neem nou oor en ek verbeel my dat ek soos God lyk want ek is in sy beeld geskape. Nie deur krag of deur geweld nie, maar deur my Gees (Sagaria 4:6). Daar onder in die wêreld (G) gebruik mense hulle eie krag (mind power) om dinge te vermag. Maar ons gee die krag vir God op die kruis en daarom word my denke vernuwe.
Ek staan nou hier voor God se troon, ek lyk net soos Jesus. Vader kyk na my deur die bloed waarmee ek gewas word en deur die wapenrusting wat ek aan het en Hy sien Jesus daar staan. Ek is inderdaad sy beeld. Nou lees ek die Woord van God, voorgestel deur die skild. Terwyl ek die Woord lees, ervaar ek hoedat die Woord wat ek lees deur die Heilige Gees, wat ook daar is om my te verteenwoordig, aan my geopenbaar word. Die Woord van God verkwik my siel. Ek is nou so beïndruk omdat ek die skrif vir die eerste keer verstaan, dat ek dit sommer herhaal. Die oomblik toe ek die Woord van God herhaal en verstaan, is dit soos in Jesaja 58:11: “En die HERE sal jou gedurigdeur lei en jou siel versadig in dor plekke en jou gebeente sterk maak; en jy sal wees soos ‘n tuin wat goed besproei is en soos ‘n fontein van waters waarvan die water nooit teleurstel nie.”
En dis nie al nie! Want toe spring die Engele op aandag! (T) En toe ek weer sien, vertrek hulle met ‘n vaart en hulle gaan maak toe my vyande ‘n voetstoel vir my voete. Ek draai na Jesus met ‘n vraagteken op my gesig en Hy verduidelik toe dat hier, waar ek voor God staan, geklee met Hom, klink en lyk ek net soos Jesus. Die engele luister en doen die Woord van God. Dus is dit hoe ek my engele aan die gang sit elke dag. Dit help tog nie ek probeer die duiwel baklei nie. As ek die probleem toelaat in my mind dan kyk ek af! Ek redeneer altyd dat die engele en duiwels is van dieselfde soort en daarom moet die engele van hulle ontslae raak. My werk is nie om te baklei nie, maar om as ‘n oorwinnaar voor God te staan en om ‘n verhouding met Hom te hê. Om by Hom te kuier en in Sy Liefde te rus.
Hier voor God leer ek al hoe meer en meer van Hom en van Sy Woord. Die Heilige Gees help my om te onderskei. Die swaard van die Gees wat jy hier in jou hand hou is nie vir baklei nie, maar vir onderskeiding. Hoe meer kennis ons kry van die Woord van God hoe beter kan ons onderskei tussen siel en gees. Die Heilige Gees help ons sodat ons kan weet wanneer ons afkyk en wanneer ons opkyk. Hy help ons onderskei tussen donker gedagtes en help my om ‘n Jesus-mind te kry.
Die eerste keer wat ek ervaar het hoe die engele aan die gang kom en my probleem aanvat, staan ek daar voor God en wonder so by myself: Nou maar wat doen ek dan nou? Die engele het nou daai probleem gaan aanvat en wat doen ek nou? Ek het besef dat ons eintlik maar baie selfsugtig in ons gebede is. Ons hardloop hier voor die troon in en gee ons bevele vir die dag en daar gaan ons weer aan met ons dag. Maar Jesus roep my toe en sê vir my dat Hy het my gemaak vir ‘n rede. Hy wil hê ek moet by Hom kom sit, want hy het my gemis. Hy wil graag ‘n verhouding met my hê. Dus gaan sit ek nou soos ‘n kind op Jesus se skoot, in Hom. Hier deel ek my hart met Jesus. Hier vind ek uit wat is die begeerte van my hart. Onthou ‘hart’ beteken ‘ senter mind’. Die fisiese hart pomp bloed maar die geestelike hart is die een waarop God se gebooie geskryf moet wees. Dit is in my hart en in my siel. Wanneer ek by Jesus sit en Hy vra my wat is die begeerte van my hart?. Dan weet ek dat die begeerte wat ek by Hom gekry het, om meer tyd by Hom te spandeer, die begeerte van my hart is, en daarom ook Sy begeerte vir my. Vandat ons die kruis verstaan is dit baie makliker om uit te vind wat die wil van God vir ons lewens is. Ons gaan dit doodeenvoudig net sit en verbeel wanneer ons hier by Jesus sit. In die begin is dit moeilik om hier by Jesus te sit want ons is nooit geleer hoe om gees te wees nie. Nou moet ons, ons siel leer hoe om te luister na die Gees. In die begin het ek geweldig gesukkel om God se stem te hoor en om bewus te wees van Sy nabyheid. Ons kom toe af op ‘n boek geskryf deur Madam Guyon. By haar het ek geleer om by Jesus te gaan sit. Sy sê jy kry ‘n gemaklike plek en verbeel jou jy sit op Jesus se skoot. (Natuurlik moet ons eers deur die kruis ingaan voor ons dit kan doen). Dan vat ons sommer Psalms en ons lees die Psalms terug vir onsself asof God dit direk vir ons sê. Byvoorbeeld Psalm 23: “Ek is die Here jou Herder, niks sal jou ontbreek nie. Ek laat jou neerlê in groen weivelde…” Deur dit so te doen, leer ons die stem van God ken. Later as ons eers Sy stem leer ken het dan sal ons nie meer nodig hê om die Psalms of ander verse vir ons- self terug te lees nie, ons sal self kan hoor. Ons lees altyd al hierdie boeke van mense wat wonderlike ondervindinge gehad het saam met God, en dan skryf hulle daaroor. Eintlik is dit dieselfde ervaringe vir almal. Hierdie persone wat die boeke skryf het dit reggekry om in hierdie plek, hier bokant die lyn, in te kom. Maar nou verstaan ons wat die kruis beteken en dat die bloed van Jesus my gedagtes beskerm sodat ek ‘n lewendige, werklike verhouding met Christus kan hê. Al die mense wat ek tot dusver ontmoet het, wil almal graag so ‘n tipe ondervinding of ontmoeting met God hê, maar min mense kry dit reg, want ons gedagtes is so besig met die dinge onder die lyn, dat wanneer ons uiteindelik tyd vir God maak, dan staan ons voor Hom met ‘n skuldige gewete. Dit bederf alles. Maar nou is ek vry van my skuldige gewete, ek is vry van donker gedagtes en ek is vry van vrese en probleme wanneer ek op die regte manier ingekom het, deur die kruis.
Op ‘n dag gaan sit ek by Jesus en voel toe baie magteloos oor iemand se hardkoppigheid. Ek begin te kla by Jesus oor die persoon. Dadelik het Jesus sy kop weggedraai. Ek stop toe onmiddellik en vra wat wil Hy hê moet ek doen. Hy verduidelik toe aan my dat ek die persoon hier op Sy skoot moet sit. Dan sien (verbeel) ek hoe die Heilige Gees se wind oor hom waai en hoe die persoon daar rondloop en baie sag van geaardheid is. Ek sien hoe die persoon liefdevol is en mooi dinge doen en sê. ‘n Paar dae lank doen ek presies dit. Ek plaas hom op Jesus se skoot. Elke keer wat ek daarna by Jesus kom, dan sien ek hierdie persoon is ook daar. Tot my uiterste verbasing sien ek hoe hierdie persoon verander. Oornag, presies soos Jesus belowe het. Tewens, soveel so, dat hy aan almal sy verskoning vir sy hardkoppigheid, aangebied het.
So leer die Here ons dat hierdie plek waarheen ons kom as ons by Hom kom sit, dieselfde plek is waarvan Hy gepraat het in al Sy gelykenisse in die Bybel. Dis die goeie grond van die Saaier. Dis die Koninkryk van God. Dis soos ‘n wingerd. Onder mekaar noem ons dit ‘Die Tuin’. Maria het Jesus verwar met die ‘tuinier’ na sy opstanding in die tuin waar hy begrawe is. Hierdie plek bokant die lyn is soos om onder die skaduwee van die Almagtige te sit soos in Psalm 91. Dit het baie name, die 5de boek deur my pa geskryf, verduidelik al die name. Hier in die goeie grond plant ons goeie saad, dan oes ons ‘n oes wat ‘n honderdvoudig is. Soos ons dink, so sal ons wees (Spreuke 23:7). Alles in die fisiese wêreld is ‘n direkte gevolg van wat ons gesien het in die geestelike by God. Natuurlik is die gevolg van, wat ons hierbo gesien het, dat die aarde gevul (regs onder in die hoek) word met God se heerlikheid. As ons dit kan sien in die hart, mind, siel, dan kan ons dit hê op hierdie aarde. Nou sal elke knie buig en tong bely dat Christus die Here is, want ons kan dit sien (R), ons oorwin vir Vrees (P) en ons name staan geskryf in die boek van die Lewe, want ons kan dit sien (S). Om hier te staan voor God en te sê hoe my dag gaan wees is soos om outoriteit te neem oor die dag. Ons kan dit doen want ons het eers gesterf op die kruis, maar nou het ons opgestaan in Christus. Ons is geregtig en ons het outoriteit oor elke ding in die hemel en op die aarde.
Die kennis van die kruis het ons vrygemaak. Ons was nog altyd Christene of kinders van God, maar ons het altyd so sleg gevoel oor onsself; want ons meen dat ons graag wil hê dat die wêreld moet sien ons is anders. Maar na ‘n ‘blou Maandag’ voel ons heeltemal verslaan. Hoe is dit moontlik dat ons wat onsself Christene noem dan nie anders kan wees as die wêreldse persoon nie? Die antwoord is, dat ons nooit verstaan het dat dit die kruis is wat skeiding tussen die twee koninkryke bring nie. Noudat ons die bloed van Jesus aanwend as ‘n seël op ons gedagtes, kan die donkerte nie meer vrye toegang tot ons gedagtes hê nie. En omdat ons gedagtes aan God behoort sal die Heilige Gees die hele dag lank vir jou onderskei tussen siel en gees. Om siels te wees is om toe te laat dat die donkerte jou gewete vuil maak, maar om gees te wees, is om saam met Jesus te regeer oor die donkerte, in ‘n veilige bloed-gewasde mind.
Een van die groot foute wat ons gemaak het, was om verby die kruis te hardloop na die Tuin toe. Die ervaring saam met Jesus was so lekker dat ons sommer wil begin verbeel en saam met Jesus wil loop en dan vergeet ons om deur die kruis in te gaan. Maar ongelukkig word selfs hierdie ervaring ook harde werk. Want as ons nie die eie-ek afsterf by die kruis nie, gaan ons alweer selfsugtig wees en nie volgens die gees saam met Jesus loop nie. Dan beteken dit ook niks nie. Daar is nie ‘n maklike oplossing nie. Dit is ‘n leefstyl in Christus en ons kan nie verby die kruis loop sonder om self af te sterf nie. Die vleeslike natuur binne ons, wil ons die hele tyd aftrek, terug die wêreld in. As jy nie deur die kruis ingegaan het vandag nie, doen jy al jou verbeel- en bidwerk hier onder aan die voet van die berg, en dit beteken niks, want dit dra geen krag nie. Net ‘n skoon, bloedgewasde gewete kan ‘n gebed van geloof bid.
Hierdie skildery is nou maar eers die laaste 5 jaar die inleiding vir die grot. Voorheen het ons niks geweet van die lyn nie. Maar tot ons verbasing loop die lyn toe reg deur die grot ook.
Bestel die boek en lees verder. Jy kan ‘n vinnige video kyk van die grot op regter kant van die skerm is ‘n video op die ‘side bar’.
Omdat dit vir my noodsaaklik is om ‘n aanvegbare stelling in hierdie boek te maak, is dit nodig om die leser, in die vorm van ‘n samevatting, te herinner aan die openbaringe wat gedurende die vorige ses boeke na my toe gekom het.
Ek kan dit aanvaar dat enigiemand wat nie die vorige boeke gelees het, hierdie opsomming sal verstaan nie. Dit is nietemin noodsaaklik dat ek al die gebeure wat plaasgevind het in oënskou moet neem sodat ons weer eens die hand van God kan sien in die openbaringe van die kennis van die glorie van God, sonder dat ons daarvan bewus was.
In die eerste skildery, is die ‘lyn’ op ‘n wonderbaarlike wyse aan ons geopenbaar. Die ‘lyn’ skei die gees van die vlees en hiervan word breedvoerig, in die boek ‘DIE LYN’ verslag gelewer. Ons is deur die Heilige Gees geleer van hoogtes en laagtes, van die verhewe en die benede. Jesus het aan Nikodémus, ‘n owerste van die Jode gesê: “Voorwaar, voorwaar Ek sê vir jou, as iemand nie gebore word uit water en Gees nie, kan hy in die koninkryk van God nie ingaan nie” (Joh 3:5) — julle moet weer gebore word.
Joh 3:6: “Wat uit die vlees gebore is, is vlees; en wat uit die Gees gebore is, is gees.”
Dit is veral die laaste versie wat duidelik moet word in die boek.
Gedurende besigtigingstoere en veral met die onderwerp van die ‘Lyn’ was ons verstom om te sien hoe dat siek mense genees word, deur net op te kyk, deur ‘n natuurlike gedagtewêreld te verander in Christus-gedagtes. Dit wil sê die vleeslike gedagtes moet vervang word met bo gedagtes. Ons moes ook leer dat ten minste twee mense, oor enige onderwerp moes saamstem (Matt 18:19). Ons het geleer om ‘op te kyk’ en het die nadelige gevolge begin waarneem wanneer ons af gekyk het.
Op hierdie wyse, deur ‘op te kyk’, het gesinne begin leer hoe om mekaar te help, hoe om mekaar lief te hê en hoe om hul diepste drome met mekaar te deel om die dinge te bereik waarna hulle streef. Dinge wat in die diepste wese versteek was het nou geleidelik na vore gekom en is in die fynste detail van die onvervulde drome en behoeftes, met die gebedsvennoot gedeel. Dit het begin om ‘n gesinsaak te word om saam op te kyk en te sien hoe die Here voorsien wanneer die basiese beginsels reg toegepas word. En deur te leer hoe om ons gedagtes te dissiplineer, het ons terselfdertyd die Here verheerlik deur na die oplossing te kyk en nie die probleem nie, om die vyand te oorwin deur die bloed van die Lam en die woord van hul getuienisse (Openb 12:11). Die rede hoekom die kerke vandag nie die tog van oorwinning bewandel nie, is omdat die laaste gedeelte van die teksvers “en hulle het tot die dood toe hulle lewe nie liefgehad nie”, nie verstaan is en toegepas is nie. Ons moet deel wees van die sterwensproses, wat in hierdie boek breedvoerig verduidelik sal word.
Die eerste skildery het baie mense gehelp, want dit het verduidelik dat die dwarsbalk van die kruis, wat die skildery in twee definitiewe dele verdeel, bevestig het dat die LYN die bloed van Christus is. Ons moes die les leer dat die verhewe toestand van die gedagtes, slegs behou kon word deur die werking van die kruis en die bloed. Ons het geleer dat die verhewe toestand van die gedagtes, waar ons veilig in ‘n omheinde area is, die tuin is, en dat dit die dimensie is wat deur Adam verloor is. Dit is tot ons begrip gebring dat, om in hierdie verhewe toestand te kan leef, dit vir ons noodsaaklik is om Christus-gedagtes te hê. Ons het ook besef dat ons hele gedagtewêreld getransformeer moes word deur onsself te dissiplineer om op te kyk. Die dwarsbalk van die kruis het verduidelik dat die tuin (die verhewe), wat die eerste Adam verlore laat raak het, weer toeganklik gemaak is deur die laaste Adam. As die mens Golgota kan verstaan, sal hy weer eens in die teenwoordigheid van God kan lewe.
Die volgende ontdekking wat ons gemaak het, was dat die Lyn reeds regdeur die grot geloop het, ‘n kreasie van die kunstenaar en sy gesin, ses jaar voordat die lyn die eerste keer ontdek is en sonder dat een van hulle daarvan bewus was. Ons het gevind dat die lyn regdeur die grot, deur elke kamer sny en vlees van gees skei.
Die grot is onder inspirasie en bemiddeling van die Heilige Gees deur myself, die kunstenaar en skrywer van hierdie boeke, gebou. Ek was so oorwerk dat ek besig was om fisies te sterf. Deur hierdie fisiese toestand was ek bruikbaar vir die Gees gemaak en die grot is gebou as ‘n monument vir die skeiding van vlees en gees, want hierdie belangrike boodskap van Romeine 6 word selde, indien ooit vanaf ons kansels gepreek. (Illustr. 1)
Deur hierdie nuut-gevonde kennis van die lyn tot die Bybel toe te pas, het dit algaande verbreed en skielik was groot gedeeltes van die Bybel, wat voorheen nie verstaan is nie, klinkklaar en duidelik. Dit was die aanloop wat gelei het tot ‘n groot aantal skilderye en sketse, sowel as die boeke ‘Die Tuin’ en ‘Die Kort Swaard’. Hierdie studies het voortgegaan en bewys dat die Bybel nie net profeties, argeologies en histories korrek is nie, maar dat dit ook geestelik korrek is. Deur die figuur van ‘n mens oor die grondplan van die tabernakel te teken, het ons gevind dat ons die tabernakel van God is, net soos die Bybel dit vir ons sê. (Illustr.2) (1Kor 6:19)
Op hierdie wyse is dit vir ons moontlik gemaak om te kon sien dat die omheinde tuin wat verlore gegaan het, die Allerheiligste van Heiliges is. Ons kon ook sien dat ons ooreenstem met die drie-verdieping tempel waar ons uit die buitehof groei na die Heilige plek en daarvandaan na die verhewe plek, in die teenwoordigheid van God, wat die Allerheiligste van Heiliges is. Dit vergelyk ook presies met die drie-verdieping ark wat Noag gebou het. Om selfs meer van hierdie waarheid te verstaan, is dit noodsaaklik dat ons by die Genesis-skepping begin. In die begin was dit donker (boos, hartseer, onkundig – Strong) en toe God sê, laat daar LIG wees, het dit geskied soos ‘n Oggendson, blydskap, vreugde en soos weerlig.
Hierdie het gelei tot die Genesis-sketse, wat bewys het dat toe God die aarde geskape het, het Hy gesê hoe ons geestelike groei sou geskape word uit chaotiese donkerte, in ‘n sewe-dag leefstyl, in die rus. (Illustr.3)
Verder het dit aan ons die rede vir die doringkroon getoon. Adam was omhein[getuin]. Job was omhein en het soos Adam dit verloor, maar Jesus het die doring-heining gedra om ons in die skaapkraal te kry. (Illustr.4)
Dit is in hierdie hoogtes waar ons binnegaan, via die Christus-gemoed, om konings in die Koninkryk van God te word.
Dit was tydens die openbaring van hierdie kinderlike sketsies, waar dit aan ons duidelik gemaak is hoe ons kan sien waar elke Christen in die berg van God is. Ons hoef maar net in die gesig van ‘n persoon te kyk. Hierdie berg-vorm in die gesig van die mens (Illustr.5), noem die
skoonheidskundiges die A-sone en dit is hier waar hulle die ouderdomslyne sal uitverf. Verf kan egter nie die gees bedek wat in die persoon heers nie. Hierdie berg-vorm word ook dikwels in die rolprentbedryf gebruik. Dink byvoorbeeld aan Paramount Pictures se sneeu-bedekte bergpiek. Na die berg vertoon word, verskyn daar ‘n aantal sterretjies wat in die vorm, soos geteken (Illustr.6) is, vorm aanneem. Dit simboliseer dat dit in hierdie berg-hoogtes is waar die verbeelding soos ‘n arend sweef. Ander rolprentmaatskappye teken kastele, somtyds bo-op die berg en dan asof dit ‘n terloopse gedagte is, verskyn daar ‘n oggendson om die logo af te rond en in die
gedagtes te plaas. Moses het die wette van die Tien Gebooie op ‘n berg ontvang, Abraham het sy seun op ‘n berg geoffer, Jesus het Sy eerste diens op ‘n berg gelewer en Hy is op ‘n berg verhef en het vandaar opgevaar. Die verskil tussen die piramides en die berg van God is maklik te verstane as gevolg van die vergelyking tussen die twee. (sien foto, illustr.7&8) Die piramiede-struktuur verteenwoordig die onwrikbare wette van die wêreldstruktuur. Leen geld en betaal dit terug met rente of verloor al jou besittings. Maar die berg van God verteenwoordig die heilige teenwoordigheid van God, wat is waar Sion is. Met ander woorde daarbo. Ons is ‘n stad op ‘n heuwel en wanneer die son soggens oor die berg opkom, is dit ‘n daaglikse herinnering dat Jesus ‘n oggend-persoon gewees het. Dit was dan ook die tyd toe die opstanding plaasgevind het. Vreugde kom in die oggend en daar is te veel tekse op te noem wat dit bewys, behalwe vir hierdie:
Hoogl 6:10: “Wie is dit wat daar opkom soos die dageraad, mooi soos die maan, rein soos die son, verskriklik soos slagordes met vaandels?”
Toe Farao in die Rooi See verdrink het, het die son opgekom.
Mark 16:2: “En baie vroeg op die eerste dag van die week, net ná sonop, kom hulle by die graf.”
Die vorm van die gedagtes is dieselfde vorm as die opkomende oggendson. Baie dinge het nou in plek begin val en maklik verstaanbaar geraak, te veel om op te noem. Die belangrikste ding om egter te onthou, is wanneer die kruis op die voorhoof van ‘n persoon geteken word, is die sentrum elke keer daar waar Goliat deur die klip getref is, waar die Hindoes die kol verf en daar waar die Jode die vierkantige dosie met hul gebede dra. (Illustr.9)
Kleuterrympies en storietjies begin nou ook in hierdie sketsies pas, byvoorbeeld Jan en die Boontjierank. Die reus het ‘daarbo’ gelewe en is ‘onder’ oorwin. Neem kennis van waar die rykdom was!
In hierdie geval was die vertikale balk van die kruis, die boontjierank en die dwarsbalk die ‘daarbo’ wat deur Adam verlore laat gaan is aan die vlees of die reus en wat later deur Christus oorwin is. Daarna het Hy Sy siel uitgestort vir die sondes van die mensdom. Baie meer word hiervan vertel in die boeke ‘Die Kort Swaard’ en ‘’n Kamer met ‘n Uitsig’.
Die volgende wonderbaarlike ding wat gebeur het, was dat die uwe, as kunstenaar, moes begin skilder deur inspirasie van Bo en die resultaat was skilderye wat gespreek en bewys het dat al die skrifture praat van die ‘daarbo’ en die ‘benede’, net op verskillende wyses. Die kunstenaar het dinge begin skilder waarvan hyself nie eers bewus was nie, byvoorbeeld die geestelike see. Hy het ook begin verstaan dat alle mense soos ‘n see van emosies is en ook dat dit die taal van die Bybel is, byvoorbeeld ‘die gedierte of draak of hoer is op die see’.
Terwyl u hier lees, het u seker begin agterkom dat ons besig was om te ontdek dat fisiese dinge die geestelike openbaar. In die sesde boek ‘Die Geestelike See’, het ons tot die volle besef gekom dat ons ‘n see van emosies is, wat tot aan die nek reik (Jes 30:28).
In die dae van Noag, praat die Bybel van die see as ‘n vloed. Noag was gered in ‘n geseëlde ark, tot die pieke van die berge. Hierdie vergelyk met die verklaring wat Jesus gemaak het aangaande die vloed: “…die huis moet op die rots gebou word”, (berg of ‘daarbo’), sodat dit die aanslag van die vloed kon oorleef. Die vloed is ook die emosionele storms van die lewe. Die woord ‘lewe’ in hierdie sin, is die een wat ons moet verloën, neerlê en ons kruis opneem (Luk 9:23-24), en beteken ‘dier’ en is vleeslik. Elkeen van ons het ‘n see van emosies binne-in ons en dit kom van onder en styg na bo. Ons is soos ‘n rots in die see wat voortdurend deur die storms van die lewe gebombardeer word. Somtyds kalm, maar altyd blootgestel aan die gemoed-stemmings van die magtige dieptes. Ons is almal in dieselfde bootjie op die see. Gruwel stories word opgemaak deur slymerige dinge wat uit die dieptes van die see kom, ‘Jaws’ is in die see, en so ook die wrakke van ons verlede wat op die bodem van die see lê. Nie een van hierdie seemonsters word by die troon van God genoem nie, maar Baäl is die visgod. Ek laat dit aan die verbeelding van die leser oor om vas te stel watter belangrike geloof steeds die hoed wat soos ‘n vis gevorm is, tydens hulle seremonies dra. Die punt is, dat ons ‘n see van emosies is, wat in die verhewe, of gedagtes van ‘n persoon wil heers.
Die woord ‘emosies’ word nie in die Bybel gebruik nie, maar dit is die VLEES. Om die geheimenis van die vlees te verduidelik, het Jesus nooit direk van die geestelike of die vleeslike gespreek nie, maar dit aan die ganse mensdom oorgelaat om opreg te soek na die Koninkryk van God, asof ons op soek is na ‘n
groot skat (Illustr.10). Hy het eers tot die fisiese storm gespreek en dit gekalmeer en daarna, oor die meer na die berg aan die anderkant gegaan, waar Legio tussen die grafte gewoon het, met ‘n duisend demone wat hom regeer het. Alhoewel Hy die fisiese storm gekalmeer het, toon dit die geestelike werk wat Hy so graag aan ons almal doen en waarvan Hy ons leer. Na dit, het Hy die geestelike see in die waansinnige, naakte man van Gadara, se gemoed gekalmeer. Neem kennis van waar die demone was – hulle was in die berg. Vergelyk dit met die Heilige berg van God in Jes 14:13 en Eség 28. Die demone was in die man en het volgens hulle wil storms in hom veroorsaak terwyl hy tussen die grafte gewoon het. Die man was naak soos Adam geword het, wat ‘n vergelyking is met ons geestelike toestand. Ons is naak en blootgestel aan die kom en gaan van die see van emosies. Ons het nie geweet hoe om enigiets daaraan te doen nie. Dit is soos die kleuterrympie ’Itsie Bitsie Spider’. Ek glo dit moes ‘n moeder gewees het, wat aan haar kind vertel het dat die gedagtes sommige dae kalm is en ander dae stormagtig is, en dat ons niks daaraan kan doen nie. Maar dit is nie waar nie, want dit is waarvoor die kruis ontwerp was om te doen. Wanneer daar geen lewe in die berg is nie, is daar die dood, en dit is die vleeslike. Na dit het Jesus die demone toegelaat om die varke binne te vaar en hulle het terug in die see gegaan. Die gewete – Die Lyn, het sy waarheid bewys algaande ons uitgevind het dat die Lyn die oppervlak van die see is waarop Jesus geloop het. Dit is die Lyn waarop die son opkom en dit is waar ons ‘n kroon of ‘n hoofbedekking dra. Die Lyn is dus bokant die oë en word die onderwerp in die Bybel op verskeie maniere. Dit kan geteken word as ‘n sirkel binne die kop en vergelyk met die sirkel van die horison, waar bokant dit, die ‘lug’ is. Bokant die lyn is die verhewe gedagtewêreld in Christus, en onder dit is die emosies, intellek, wil en gevoelens (Illustr.11). Dit is ook die onderbewussyn, want in die see lê al die wrakke van ons verlede waarvan Jesus ons graag wil red.
Wanneer die son in die oggend opkom, vra die Here ons, hoe is ons gedagte-toestand vandag? Kon ons daarin slaag om dit te behou, of het die benede weer die verhewe betree? Adam, kan jy jou gedagtes behou? Geen persoon op aarde kan sy gedagtes behou nie, daarom, kom na die kruis (Illustr.12).
Soos ons daagliks gedagtes gevange neem, is ons eerlik met onsself en laat die tweesnydende swaard toe om tussen vlees en gees te onderskei. Ons kan op hierdie stadium al onderskei wat sonde is! Sonde is wanneer ons toelaat dat die benede die verhewe betree. Wanneer ons gesondig het, gaan ons na die kruis en kruisig die sonde in Christus, en word op hierdie wyse gered van die gevolge wat sondige gedagtes op die kondisie van die hart of gewete het. Ons gaan daagliks na die kruis om in Christus te sterf en om dan in Christus op te staan. Op hierdie wyse word met ons gedagtelewe gehandel en word dit getransformeer tot Christus-gedagtes. As ons gewillig is om tot die vlees te sterf, word daar met die effek, wat die verlede op ons gehad het, gehandel deur Jesus wat ons Tuinier is. Hy sal ons red van die marteling van die verlede wat ons daagliks wil vernietig en ons daarvan vrymaak. Dit kan alleen bereik word deur ‘n verhouding met die Here te hê, wie ons voorberei om na die Vader te gaan, deur die kruis en die bloed.
Die gewete moet skoon kom, heilig word en dit moet kan vergelyk met ‘n poel suiwer water na die reën. Skoon en kalm en wat die reënwolke en die reënboog reflekteer na die reën. As slegs die kleinste blaartjie op die oppervlak van ons gewete sou val, moet ons dadelik daarvan bewus wees ten einde te kan onderskei tussen vlees en gees.
Hierdie studies word breedvoerig in die sesde boek, ‘Die Geestelike See’ hanteer. Dit is ongelooflik, maar verskeie predikers van ouds, het ook hierdie taal van paralelle gepraat en die outeur vind gerustelling in hul werk, wat bewys dat hy nie alleen in sy denke gestaan het nie.
F B Meyer:
“Daar is ‘n magtige oseaan van krag reg rondom ons, maar vir een of ander rede kan ons nie daaruit put nie. Dit is soos ‘n elektriese stroom, wat weier om ons te help, tensy ons die regte instrumente, wat presies aangepas is om die dryfkrag uit te straal, het nie. Geloof is absoluut noodsaaklik vir die uitdra van God se krag om in die behoeftes en sondes en hartseer van die wêreld te voorsien.”
Die woord ‘oseaan’ word hier in ‘n geestelike sin gebruik en moes eintlik ‘lug’ gewees het, want elektrisiteit is in die weerlig, in die ‘lug’. Die woord ‘weerlig’ is ‘n beskrywende Hebreëuse vertaling van ‘Lig’. Toe God in Genesis 1:3 gesê het: “Laat daar lig wees”, was dit ook waar die krag was. Wanneer ons, ons harte aan God gee, kom daar lig en ons sondes is vergewe as gevolg van die werking van die kruis. Ons is nou in die ‘lug’ in Christus en die KRAG omgewe ons, die hart is bloed-gewas en in verbinding met die hart van God. Omdat ons sondes vergewe is en ons harte gereinig is, het ons geloof. MAAR! Ons verloor hierdie verhewe posisie in Christus die oomblik wanneer ons weer vleeslik of dierlik raak! As ons nie die hart bewaak nie, word ons weer naak, naak en blootgestel aan die see.
Lees die stukkie van Meyer weer en u sal sien dat hy onder die indruk was dat geloof alleen die wye oseaan van krag sou bring. Maar daar kan slegs geloof wees as die hart rein is. Die onderwerp van die Bybel is, dat die hart bewaar moet word. Die woord ‘behou’ word vertaal as ‘bewaak’.
Gen 2:15: “Toe het die HERE God die mens geneem en hom in die tuin van Eden gestel om dit te bewerk en te bewaak.”
Spr 4:23: “Bewaak jou hart meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe.”
Hierdie boek, ‘Die Geestelike See’ is soos die vorige vyf boeke in die reeks ‘Die Lyn’, in dagboek-styl geskryf. Nadat ons die vorige boek, ‘Kamer met ‘n Uitsig’ voltooi het, was ek en Yvonne op pad na ons huisie by die see. Ons het ons klaargemaak vir ‘n paar weke se harde werk, want daar was heelwat instandhoudingswerk en aanbouings wat ons beplan het. As ‘n nagedagte het ek gedink, nou gaan ek regtig ‘Kamer met ‘n Uitsig’ by ons ou plekkie aanbou.
Gedurende hierdie tyd, kon ek my hande op ‘n eksemplaar van die boek ‘The Spiritual Man’ van Watchman Nee, lê. Ek het hierdie boek egter, eenvoudig onmoontlik gevind om te lees. Ek kon nie vir meer as ‘n halwe bladsy op ‘n slag konsentreer nie en dit het vir my gevoel of ek na slegs ‘n paar reëltjies, aan die slaap wou raak. Dit het ek toegeskryf aan die moegheid wat ons aan ons lywe kon voel. Ek sou die volgende oggend maar weer probeer. Maar die resultaat was dieselfde. Ek het gedink, dit kan mos nie gebeur nie en ek besluit toe om elke woord wat ek kon verstaan, liggies met ‘n potlood te onderstreep. Daarna gaan stap ek ‘n entjie om die huis en wanneer ek terugkom, lees ek weer daardie gedeelte wat ek onderstreep het. Hierdie keer beklemtoon ek dit egter met ‘n pen. Toe vind ek dat die betekenis, totaal verskillend van die vorige potlood-onderstreepte betekenis is.
Hierdie ondervinding het my genoop om die kwessie na die Here te neem. Onmiddellik antwoord Hy my en sê vir my, dat die enigste manier waarop ek hierdie boek sal verstaan, deur die tabernakel is. Dit het my houding jeens die boek heeltemal verander en ek het toe die boek op ‘n heel ander manier, met meer sorg, benader. Maar na ‘n rukkie, het ek gevoel my brein kan hierdie nie absorbeer nie. Dit het gevoel of dit versluier en vaag was. Weer het ek die Here genader vir leiding. Hy verduidelik aan my dat daar ‘n paar dingetjies is wat ons moet bespreek. Ek was natuurlik verkeerd en moes my lewe weer van voor af toewy aan God. Dan moes ek leer om met die gees te luister en nie met die intellek nie en ek moes aanhoor dat ek nie genoeg tyd spandeer en luister in die tuin, soos tevore nie. Ek noem hierdie dinge, sodat jy jou eie verhouding met die Here in oënskou kan neem. Jy weet, ons werk so hard vir die dinge van die Here, dat ons nie by die Here van die dinge uitkom nie.
Watchman Nee is ‘n Sjinees en as jy die vorige boeke in die reeks gelees het, sal jy onthou hoe ‘n Sjinees met die naam van Francis Coo, die reeks ‘Die Lyn’, afgeskop het.
In ‘Die Lyn’ se eerste skildery is dit die dwarsbalk van die kruis wat die skeiding tussen die Koninkryk van Lig en die Koninkryk van die Duisternis aandui en aan die ver regterkant van die skildery, is daar die engel met sy swaard, op presies dieselfde hoogte. Wanneer ‘n mens nou ‘n lyn horisontaal op daardie hoogte deur die skildery trek, is al die persone betrokke, se koppe bokant die lyn.
Dit is waar die geestelike skeiding tussen die gees en die siel is (Illustrasie A).
God het hierdie openbaring, van hoe om die gees en siel van die mens te skei, aan Watchman Nee gegee. Nee het dit sy besigheid gemaak om hierdie belangrike, geestelike aksie te bestudeer deur mense soos Madam Guyon, F B Meyer, G H Morrison, Jesse Pen-Lewis and Evan Roberts.
Sy boek ‘The Spiritual Man’ is op 25 Junie 1928 gepubliseer. Sy boek is deur ‘n Engelsman van die tyd geredigeer en ek kan sonder huiwering sê, dat dit die moeilikste boek is wat ek nog ooit gelees het. Na ‘n tydjie het ek egter agtergekom ek kan verstaan wat die man sê, wanneer ek die ‘Kort Swaard’-prentjies teken, terwyl ek sy verduidelikings van die siel en gees, lees. Dit was vir my ‘n groot verligting toe ek agterkom die man se ervarings van die geestelike realm kom baie ooreen met my eie ervarings daarvan. In die laaste tyd het ek begin eensaam voel en ek kon doen met die geselskap van iemand wat die geestelike wêreld in dieselfde lig as ek sien. Ek het op ‘n stadium gedink ek moet die geselskap van ander teoloë opsoek, maar ek het dit van tevore gedoen en nie kans gesien om dit weer te probeer nie.
Nadat ek met ander mense, wat Nee se boek gelees het, gepraat het, het ek agtergekom dat hulle almal sy werk as ‘diep’ beskou en mense wat dit lees (indien hulle het) sê, hulle voel heropgewek en ingelig, maar val altyd weer terug op hul ou weë. Laat ek vir die rekord sê, ek het al van die ouer priesters gehoor wat sommige van Nee se woorde gepreek het, maar dit was lank gelede en niks onlangs nie.
Dinge soos “Verloën jouself, neem jou kruis op en volg My”, en leringe wat sê, om na ‘n dokter te gaan is nie vir die gelowige nie. Ongelukkig het Watchman Nee nooit die volle openbaring van die tabernakel ontvang nie en daarom is daar baie gepraat oor hoe ons, ons moet dissiplineer en in staat wees om ons eie gedagtes te behou. Ons kan egter nie ons gedagtes self behou nie, selfs Adam en Eva kon nie en dit is waarom ons die kruis moet verstaan.
Presies vir daardie rede, kom ons begin hierdie studie deur die geheue weer te verfris met die tabernakel in hoofstuk 1.
Om al die lesers se gedagtes weer te verfris, lys ek vinnig etlike woorde wat gedurig en dikwels gebruik word om die mens se ‘gedagtewêreld’, of ‘die plek daar bokant die lyn’ waar ons saam met God leef, te beskryf. Ons kan dit ter verduideliking selfs die ‘verbeelding’ noem, of enige van die volgende woorde:
Die Siel, Die Koninkryk van God, die Geheime Plek, Koelte van die dag, Fort, Rots van Saligheid, Horing, Die Lug, Wegkruipplek, Tuin, Die Noorde, Sion, Daarbo, Kop, Hoof, Top, Die Reguitpad, Hoë Plek, Die Baarmoeder van Begrip, Moederskoot van die Oggend, Huis van die Son, Hemelse Plek, Kamer, Die troon, Die Stad op die Heuwel, Jerusalem, Tent, Vesting, Skaapstal, Boonste Kamer, Derde Verdieping, Heiligste van Allerheiliges, Tempel, Huis, Gebou, Boog ens.
Ons almal weet dat die Bybel in prentjies geskryf is en hier is ‘n lys wat in die Bybel genoem word, en die betekenis daarvan:
Boom: Dit is ons. Ons is soos bome wat by waterstrome geplant is. Daar word ook na Jesus as die Bome in die Tuin, verwys.
Die Tuin: Dit is die plek in ons gedagtes, waar ons saam met Jesus, in die koelte van die dag, loop.
Water: Dit is die Woord van God.
Berge/Heuwels: Dit is ook ons. Ons moet die berg (self, trots) oorwin. Dit is die groeiproses waarin ons opgroei om ‘n koning van die berg te word.
Sion: Dit is die naam van die geestelike berg, wat ek/ons is.
See: Die see van emosies wat binne-in ons, onder die lyn is.
Dier/Draak: Emosies binne-in ons, wat die gedagtes wil regeer.
Let wel: Ons sal regdeur die boek van Watchman Nee se woorde gebruik. Dit sal in kursief en in ‘n ander lettertipe aangedui word.
Jesus is die Tuinier en net Hy alleen kan Christus-gekruisig, verduidelik. Met die aanvang, begin ons met die kruis. Ons gaan, soos ‘n kind, deur die kruis binne en met verloop van die tyd, leer Hy ons om te sterf soos Hy gesterf het en om die volle implikasies van Golgota te begryp. Die tabernakel, wat deur God in die woesteny ontwerp was, is die plek waar God se teenwoordigheid gewees het. Vanaf Sy genade-sitplek op die ark, in die Heiligste van Allerheiliges het Hy met Sy volk gepraat. Wanneer die priester moes offer, het hy die tabernakel vanaf die ooste betree, en in die Buitenste Hof, direk voor hom sou die offeraltaar staan.
Wanneer ek die plan van die tabernakel teken, lyk dit soos hierdie illustrasie hier onder.
Wanneer ek nou die buitelyne van ‘n menslike figuur oor die plan van die tabernakel plaas, soos in illustrasie 3, kan ons begryp dat ons, ná die kruisiging, die tabernakel van God en Sy woonplek is. Waar ons verstand sit, is die Heiligste van Allerheiliges en dit is hierdie skeidende voorhangsel wat gedurende die kruisiging geskeur het en ons vrye toegang tot die Heiligste van Allerheiliges gegee het. Neem ook kennis dat die verstand nou die vorm van die opkomende son het.
Noag moes ‘n drie-verdieping ark bou. Dit het al die diere, homself en sy gesin van ‘n gewisse dood gered. Wanneer ek hieroor nadink, besef ek dat die tempel waarvan Eségiël praat, ook drie verdiepings gehad het en as ons God se tempel is, dan het ons ook drie verdiepings. Oorpeins my skets in illustrasie 4.
Wanneer ek die berg in die Heilige Plek plaas, word hierdie tweede verdieping, of berggebied die gevangeneskap van die berg Sion (Psalm 126:1), want dit is in die middel, tussen die boonste en onderste ‘verdiepings’. Ons groei van hier af op binne-in die Heiligste van Allerheiliges. Ons moet die berg uitklim. (Ons weet almal reeds teen hierdie tyd, dat die berg die moeilike tye in ons lewens verteenwoordig). Die berg kan in illustrasie 5 gesien word.
Moses het die wette op die top van berg Sinai gekry, daarom is die gedagtes van hierdie Ou Testamentiese mense, deur die wette gevange gehou.
Noag het vir seker in die boonste verdieping van sy ark gewoon, van waar hy die diere daarbinne gevoer het (Illustrasie 6).
Kom dit nie baie ooreen met ons verhaal nie? Ons is veronderstel om hoog te lewe en hoog te bly, maar ons voed die diere in ons. Hoe anders sal hulle aan die lewe bly? Wel, ons doelwit is dat die see van emosies, die Dooie See moet word.
Noag is gered op die top van ‘n berg.
George H. Morrison: “Dit was op die top van ‘n berg waar Abraham bereid was om sy seun Isak te offer en waar die mensdom die Wette van Moses gekry het en die Wette van Christus vanaf ‘n berghang. Die bittere konflik tussen Elia en die profete van Baäl, was op die berg Karmel. Johannes was op ‘n hoë berg toe hy die Nuwe Jerusalem gesien afdaal het en op ‘n berg het Jesus se hemelvaart plaasgevind.
Dit was die einste liefde van God wat Moses en Elia na die berg gestuur het, want Moses en Elia was die verlede. Hulle was die geeste van die wet en die profete. Nou het die verlede die werk aan Jesus oorhandig. Alles wat die wet vergeefs gestreef het om te doen en alles wat die profesie van ver af sien kom het, is op die berg Golgota gekroon.”
‘n Ander interressante punt is dat God uit ‘n wolk gepraat het.
Mark 9:7: “En daar kom ‘n wolk wat hulle oordek; en uit die wolk kom ‘n stem wat sê: Dit is my geliefde Seun, luister na Hom!”
1 Kor 10:1: “Want ek wil nie hê, broeders, dat julle nie sou weet nie dat ons vaders almal onder die wolk was en almal deur die see deurgegaan het…”
1 Kor 10:2: “…en almal in Moses gedoop is in die wolk en in die see…”
Maar hulle het nooit aan die water geraak nie, want hulle is in Moses gedoop.
Heb 12:1: “Daarom dan, terwyl ons so ‘n groot wolk van getuies rondom ons het, laat ons ook elke las aflê en die sonde wat ons so maklik omring, en met volharding die wedloop loop wat voor ons lê…”
Die gewig van die las van die sonde, is sekerlik ‘n bewolkte gewete en die verlede wat in ons gedagtes kom. Dit is net die kruis wat hierdie sondes kan hanteer.
1 Thess 4:17: “Daarna sal ons wat in die lewe oorbly, saam met hulle in wolke weggevoer word die Here tegemoet in die lug; en so sal ons altyd by die Here wees.”
‘n Hemelse leefstyl reg hier op die aarde, terwyl ons saam met Christus in hemelse plekke sit.
Wel, ons weet dit is waar, selfs kindertjies weet dit is waar, maar hoekom kry ons dan nie alles wat ons begeer as God in ons woon nie? God is goed en sekerlik behoort ons mos dan alles te kry wat ons benodig, per slot van sake, ons is mos Sy woning. Ja, dis reg, maar dan moet daar mos ‘n rede wees hoekom God nie alles vir ons wil gee nie. Dit is die doel van hierdie boek om die antwoord daarop te vind.
Waarskuwing!: As u, die leser ernstig is om die antwoord op hierdie vraag te vind, wees voorbereid om emosionele omwentelings te ervaar soos nooit tevore in u lewe nie!
Dit was tydens die skryf van hierdie boek, dat vriende van ons skielik siek geword het en ons toe vinnig van die sappigste stukkies, wat in hierdie boek vervat is, moes uithaal vir onderskraging. Dit het gelei tot die totstandkoming van die tweede boek in die reeks, Die Lyn, naamlik ‘DIE KORT SWAARD’. DIE KORT SWAARD, bied Bybelbegrippe in kort vorm, maar op so ‘n wyse dat selfs ‘n kind dit sal verstaan, aan en ek vertrou dat u op hierdie stadium reeds vertroud met die boek is.
Hierdie is die vyfde boek in die reeks. Dit is geskryf in dagboekvorm, presies soos ek persoonlike openbaringe van Die Lyn, van God ontvang het. Dit bevat in diepte Bybelstudies op die meeste kontroversiële Bybelonderwerpe, sonder enige vooroordeel. Die boek is vol ongelooflike openbaringe wat die liggaam van God, onmiddellike behoefte aan het.
Die boek is vir volwasse Bybellesers en soekers na die waarheid, dieselfde mense na wie Jesus verwys het, toe hy met die vrou by die put gepraat het. Hy het gesê dat daar ‘n tyd sal kom dat wanneer hulle aanbid, hulle dit in die gees en in die waarheid sal doen. Die doel van die boek is om al die teologiese gapings te vul en om ‘n nuwe fondasie te lê, sodat u, u eie persoonlike vrae kan formuleer. Alles wat u in hierdie boek vind, is binne-in ons en u sal die noue verwantskap tussen ons en die aarde hierin sien. GEESTELIK GROEI ONS VAN BINNE ONSSELF, WANT DIT IS WAAR GOD BEGEER OM TE LEWE; BINNE IN ONS. En jy weet, die Koninkryk van God is binne ons.
As studieverwysing, gebruik ek altyd E-Sword, waarsonder die skryf van hierdie boeke, ‘n feitlik onmoontlike taak sou wees. E-Sword kan gratis afgelaai word by As u die ‘PDF’-pakket gekoop het, sal u die installasie- instruksies op die skyf vind.
Deur hierdie program het u toegang tot al die belangrikste Bybel-vertalings, wat ooit geskryf is, asook die kommentare van die belangrikste Bybelstudente, nl. Wesley, Henry, Matthew en nog talle woordeboeke. Bo en behalwe dit, het Nelson se Vinnige Bybelverwysingswoordeboek, enorme waarde tot hierdie studie bygedra. Wanneer u ‘n G of ‘n H met nommers by, sien (Bv. G1442 of H6643), weet dat dit verwys na die Grieks en Hebreeuse vertalings en die nommer is Strong se Woordeboek-verwysing. Deur E-Sword te gebruik, kan u hierdie vertalings naslaan, deur net die verwysingsnommer te gebruik.
Om die boek van Openbaring te verstaan, en ek is oortuig daarvan dat ons daarheen oppad is, moet ons die boek Genesis verstaan. Ek is verskriklik lief vir Genesis. Ek sal gewoonweg die res van die Bybel vinnig lees, sodat ek weer by die begin, Genesis, kan begin. Ek is oortuig daarvan, dat die sleutel om God se Woord te verstaan, lê opgesluit in Genesis. U sal binnekort sien, dat Openbaring, in Genesis geopenbaar word.
Ons weet dat die krag in die gedagtes lê en dat baie mense genesing, deur vertrouende suggesties aan die gedagtes, bewerkstellig het. ‘n Besondere persoon met ‘n leweraandoening kan byvoorbeeld deur aanraking genees word, terwyl ‘n volgende persoon met ‘n nieraandoening ook deur aanraking genees word, maar die genesing in die eerste persoon gaan voort, terwyl dit met meer mense gedeel word. In gevalle soos hierdie, kan ons aflei, dat dit geskied deur geestelike suggesties en dit is hoe baie Nie-Christene en Christene geloofsgenesing ervaar. Ek is seker daarvan dat u van baie sulke gevalle weet, waar mense hulself eenvoudig gesond sien en dan gebeur dit so, sonder dat hulle hul lewens aan Christus gegee het. Hulle dink voortdurend aan die dinge wat hulle benodig en dan kom dit op bonatuurlike wyses na hulle toe. Al die ‘positiewe denke’-boeke, vertel van sulke ware gevalle, terwyl die meeste van hierdie mense nie eers glo dat God bestaan nie.
Maar wat van ons, die Christene? Ons wil ons heling en sukses deur Christus ervaar, daarom bestudeer ons nie die ‘mind’ nie en ons is bang die gepeuter met die denke sal veroorsaak dat ons deur demone beset sal raak. In die tussentyd, stap al die ander weg met die wonderwerke!
Kan dit wees dat ons so gebonde geraak het deur allerhande tradisies en gelowige denke, dat hierdie eenvoudige waarhede oor die krag van die ‘mind’ en die eenvoud van kinderlike verbeelding, so ver van ons verwyderd geraak het, dat dit heeltemal buite ons hedendaagse begrip val? Watter deel van wat Jesus gesê het: “Die koninkryk behoort aan die kinders”, verstaan ons nie? En die volgende een: “Soek eers die koninkryk en alles sal vir jou bygevoeg word”? Kan ‘alles’ regtig beteken ALLES!?
Ek wil u graag op hierdie stadium herinner aan die Eerste skildery in die boek DIE LYN, waar ons tot die konklusie gekom het, dat die siel, die gedagtes is. In al die daaropvolgende boeke, het ons deurgaans gesien dat God die wêreld so lief gehad het, dat Jesus Sy lewe vir die siel van die mens gegee het. Die volgende is ‘n sleutelskriftuur:
Ef 3:20: “En aan Hom wat mag het om te doen ver bo alles wat ons bid of dink, volgens die krag wat in ons werk,…”
Waar vra of dink ons? Waar is die krag? Ek glo ons sal almal saamstem, dit moet die gedagtes wees. In beide die Ou- en Nuwe Testament, word die ‘siel’ en ‘hart’ vertolk as die ‘gedagtes’ en die ‘sentrum’. Dan het ons nog woorde soos ‘bewussyn’ en ‘onderbewussyn’. Ons sal mettertyd ook hierdie woorde bestudeer, maar ek is oortuig daarvan dat dit ons weerhou van die begrip en verstaan van die krag van die gedagtes. Daarom, vir die doel van hierdie studie, moet ons aanvaar, die gedagtes is wat jy mee dink en verbeel. (Asof jy dit nie reeds weet nie). Kom ons gee vir u ‘n voorbeeld: Ons sal sê, hierdie persoon het ‘n kwaai gees. Hoekom is hy kwaai? Want dit is die wyse wat hy dink. Wanneer jy na sy gesig kyk, kan jy duidelik sien waaroor hy die heelnag gedink het.
Die volgende is ‘n gebed wat ek gebruik om alle studies mee te open:
Ef 1:17-19: “…dat die God van onse Here Jesus Christus, die Vader van die heerlikheid, aan julle die Gees van wysheid en openbaring in kennis van Hom mag gee, verligte oë van julle verstand, sodat julle kan weet wat die hoop van sy roeping en wat die rykdom van die heerlikheid van sy erfdeel onder die heiliges is; en wat die uitnemende grootheid van sy krag is vir ons wat glo, na die werking van die krag van sy sterkte.”
Ons bid Ef 1:17-19, dat ons die gees van wysheid en openbaring van die kennis van die krag (G1411, Wonderbaarlike krag) mag ontvang.
Matt 6:13: “Want aan U behoort die koninkryk en die krag en die heerlikheid tot in ewigheid. Amen.” (Ook G1411).
Ons wil graag God se denke hê, want dit is waar die krag is.
Matt 10:1: “En Hy het sy twaalf dissipels na Hom geroep en aan hulle mag gegee oor onreine geeste, om hulle uit te dryf en om elke siekte en elke kwaal te genees.”
Die krag wat God aan hulle gegee het, is die kennis van wie satan is. Hierdie krag wat God aan hulle gegee het, is G1849, wat beteken: Mag, Vryheid, Meesterskap, Magistraat, Outoriteit en Jurisdiksie.
Hierdie is die outoriteit waarmee ons praat, wanneer ons die kruis aan mense verduidelik. Neem eers outoriteit, maak seker dat die donkerte sy knieë buig en praat dan reguit en onbeskroomd. Ons is almal tot ‘n mate omsluier, maar dit is die kennis van die waarheid wat ons loskoop.
Wat het gebeur met die dissipels? Hul denke is verander in die teenwoordigheid van hul God en hulle het geleer om hoog te dink, of verhewe denke te hê. Laat ons terugkeer na die krag wat in alle mense gesetel is.
Sag 4:6: “ Nie deur krag of deur geweld nie, maar deur my Gees, sê die HERE van die leërskare.”
In die skets hier langsaan, word die krag in ons, aangedui deur die kleurbaan in die kop (Illustrasie 1).
Gen 2:7: “And the LORDH3068 GodH430 formedH3335(H853) manH120 of the dustH6083 ofH4480 the ground,H127 and breathedH5301 into his nostrilsH639 the breathH5397 of life;H2416 and manH120 becameH1961 a livingH2416 soul.H5315”
Gen 2:7: “En die HERE God het die mens geformeer uit die stof van die aarde en in sy neus die asem van die lewe geblaas. So het dan die mens ‘n lewende siel geword.”
Die Geamplifiseerde Bybel, noem die mens ‘n lewende wese en die King James Bybel, noem hom ‘n lewendige siel. Hierdie woord ‘siel’ is H5315 en word vertaal as: ‘kreatuur wat asemhaal’ (kan ook dierlik wees); ‘eetlus’; ‘gedierte’; ‘wese’; ‘vis’; ‘gees’ of ‘wellus’. Al hierdie dinge is soos ‘n lewende wese kan wees. Die mens het nou ‘n wil en emosies. Wat is ‘n wil en emosies? Dit is die asem van God! Alle emosies is die asem van God. Ons het nie net goeie emosies nie, sommiges is baie sleg en ons verwys na hulle as die dier of die see binne ons.
In boek twee, ‘DIE KORT SWAARD’, het ons die see van emosies binne ons vir u gewys. Hier volg enkele skriftuurplasings om hierdie waarheid, wat daagliks geopenbaar word, te staaf:
Hab 1:14: “So maak U dan mense soos visse van die see, soos kruipende gedierte wat geen heerser oor hulle het nie.”
Hier is die kommentaar van Vines se Woordeboek oor die see (H3220 – Yam). Ek vertaal vrylik uit die oorspronklike Engels en dit is wat Vines sê: “In sommige gevalle word die woord yam (see) dalk verteenwoordig deur die Kanaänitiese god Yamm. “(Job 9:8) wat alleen die hemel uitspan en stap op die golwe van die see.”
Neem kennis van die woord ‘see’, wat ‘n Kanaänitiese god, Yamm voorstel. In sy volgende paragraaf, identifiseer Vines, die see as die vyand. Vines sê:
“As ons hierdie verklaring omtrent Yamm, as korrek aanvaar, kan die teksvers Job 9:8 soos volg lees: “…wat alleen die hemel uitspan en stap op die rug van Yamm.” Die paralelle tussen ‘hemele’ en ‘seë’ lei ons desnie- teenstaande, tot die gevolgtrekking dat hier, na die letterlike see verwys word.”
“Psalm 89:9-10, is ‘n meer realistiese plek om na die verwysing van die woord ‘Yamm’ te kyk, want hier word die woord geïdentifiseer as een van die vyande van God, in die onmiddellike nabyheid van die godin Rahab: “U heers oor die trotsheid van die see; as sy golwe hulle verhef, bring U hulle tot bedaring. U het Rahab verbrysel soos een wat verslaan is, met u sterke arm u vyande verstrooi.”
Let veral op die volgende teksvers, waar Job vra of hy dan die see is? Hy besef dat daar iets verskriklik binne hom is.
Job 7:12: “Is ek ‘n see (Yamm), of ‘n groot seedier, dat U ‘n wag teen my opstel?” (sien ook Job 26:12 en Ps 74:13).
Ps 74:13: “U het deur u sterkte die see geklief; U het die koppe van die seemonsters op die waters verbreek.”
Die woord ‘see’ word deur Strong se woordeboek, vertaal as: ‘Slang’ of ‘Jakkals in die waters.’ ‘Water’ word vertaal as: ‘Afval’, ‘Urine’ en ‘Semen’. Om Job 7:12 verder te bestudeer, kyk na Adam Clark se kommentaar.
Adam Clark: “Yam is in die groot waskom, direk voor die Heilige Plek, gebruik. Verder het die Chaldeërs die koperpilare wat in die huis van die HERE was, en die afspoelwaentjies en die kopersee wat in die huis van die HERE was, stukkend gebreek en die koper daarvan na Babel weggevoer.” (2 Konings 25:13). In 1 Konings 7:23 word dit ‘n see van gietwerk genoem, terwyl Jeremia 27:19, dit eenvoudig net ‘n see genoem het.”
Ons moet gewas word van die see, voordat ons die Heilige Plek kon betree. Yam wat gebruik is, kom van magtige riviere soos die Nyl.
Jes 19:5: “En die waters sal uit die groot waterplas verdwyn, en die rivier sal uitdroog en droog lê.”
Soos ons in my boek, DIE KORT SWAARD geleer het, wil ons innerlike emosies beheer oor ons gedagtes neem en die uitdaging wat voor ons lê, is om ons ‘minds’ te kan behou. Adam, behou jou tuin, want ons het ‘n see van innerlike emosies binne ons!
Die ‘mind’ is die siel. Die woord ‘siel’, word 682 keer in die Ou Testament alleen gebruik en dit is genoeg stof om ‘n geweldige studie van te maak, want hierdie woord is nie net siel nie. Dit sal ook jou insig verbreed en help om die Bybelse, geestelike wêreld te betree.
Om die gedagtes van ‘n vis te hê, is waarskynlik Dagon (Visgod). Maar ons het ‘n dier in ons. Neem as voorbeeld: Vetsug, woede ens.
In die Nuwe Testament het ons die volgende:
Rom 8:6: “Want wat die vlees bedink, is die dood, maar wat die Gees bedink, is lewe en vrede,…”
Om ‘n geesbeheerde gedagte te hê is G4151 en word vertaal as: ‘’n Stroom van lug’, ‘Asem’, ‘Super mensengel’, ‘Demoon’ en ‘Heilige Gees’. Daarteenoor is ‘n vleeslike gedagte, die dood. Ons gaan steeds fisies dood en die laaste vyand is die dood. As Adam van die verkeerde boom eet, sal hy sekerlik sterf. Om vleeslik te dink is die dood en nie lewegewend nie. Ons moet kan skep in ons gedagtewêreld, met lewensdenke.
Hy is nou ‘n lewendige wese wat asemhaal (H5315). Die krag wat in hom is. Is God in hom. Die asem van God is die krag binne ons. Hy is die ‘EK IS’. So het Hy Homself aan Moses voorgestel, EK IS! Ek is wat? Ek is die krag binne jou!
Die naam van hierdie krag is LIEFDE en Hy gee ons alles wat ons kan dink. Daar is wel mense wat hierdie krag van binne gebruik, sonder om die eer aan God te gee. Sommiges buig yster en ander loop op gloeiende kole terwyl ander heling vind en hulle noem dit die krag van die denke, of positiewe denke. Alles behalwe om aan God die Glorie daarvoor te gee. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Marconi en Mark Twain het almal die Oneindige Krag vir inspirasie gevra, voordat hulle gaan slaap het. Hulle het hul gedagtes gevul met dit wat hulle wou gehad het en die volgende oggend, vol verwagting wakker geword. Nie een van hierdie beroemde mense, was erkende Christene nie. My eie swaer, was ‘n nie-Christen. As ‘n baie suksesvolle besigheidsman, het ons hom eenmaal gevra, om tydens ‘n naweekseminaar by die Skoen, ‘n groep mense toe te spreek. Hy het gesê, daar is ‘n krag binne elkeen van ons, hy weet nie wat dit is nie, miskien is dit God. Maar hy glo nie in God nie. Hy het deur selfdissipline, homself geleer om hierdie Krag vir finansiële gewin aan te wend. Hy het elke oggend, vroeg opgestaan en winter of somer, in die swembad geduik. Hy sê, hy het dit gedoen om homself te oefen om sy ‘mind’ gefokus te hou op dit wat hy ookal nagejaag het. Hy sou sê: “Daar kom my nuwe kar,” sy hande in afwagting vryf en dan kry hy dit!
Hierdie nie-Christenmens het die volgende stelling gemaak: “As jy eenmaal besluit het wat jou doelwit is, moet jy aanhoudend daarna kyk. Moet nie bekommerd wees as daar nie geld is nie, die geld sal kom.” Hy was nooit afgunstig of jaloers op iemand anders nie, maar hy het ook GEEN BENUL VAN NEDERIGHEID gehad nie. Hy het daarin geglo om goed te wees en het altyd van ‘Ou Niek’ gepraat asof dit sy persoonlike kastyder was. As jy my boek, ‘Die Geheimenis van die Eeue’ gelees het, sal jy ‘n idee hê van die innerlike oorloë wat binne ons woed. Daar was egter ‘n baie diep, persoonlike hartseer in my swaer. Dit was iets wat nie deur besittings of ‘n kompeterende leefstyl, vervul kon word nie. In my persoonlike studies deur die jare, het ek nog nooit een van hierdie suksesvolle persone, ooit fisies hard sien werk nie. Hulle spandeer geweldig baie tyd aan die vertroeteling van hul persoonlike drome en om hulle self daarmee te vul. Hulle is ook gewoonlik verskriklik kompeterend en moet altyd uitblink in wat hulle ookal hulle gedagtes op gesit het. Hy was egter ook nie so gelukkig in die ander areas van sy lewe nie en sy huwelik en ander verhoudings het daardeur skipbreuk gely. Die doel van hierdie voorafgaande les, was om ons te leer om holistiese voorspoed te geniet.
Sag 4:6: “Nie deur krag of deur geweld nie, maar deur my Gees, …”
‘Geweld’ is: Ek gaan vandag hierdie probleem oplos met my persoonlike wil en mag.
‘Krag’ is: Om deur positiewe denke te bereik wat ookal ons as doelwit gestel het.
‘Gees’ is: Om teen die berg uit te gaan en instruksies van God te ontvang.
Ons as Christene, word nie aangemoedig om die Krag te gebruik nie, want ‘n duiwel kan ons beset en in alle geval klink dit darem te Oosters. Maar ons bid nogtans Ef 1:17: “…die Vader van die heerlikheid, aan julle die Gees van wysheid en openbaring in kennis van Hom mag gee,…” In Psalm 1 word ons geleer om te mediteer. In die grootste deel van die samelewing word lesse in die krag van die gedagtes, nie geduld nie. Selfs as kinders, leer ons om geld by die bank te leen. Die banke sê: “Kom na ons toe, julle het God nie nodig nie. Ons sal vir julle geld leen en dan kan julle die res van julle lewe in skuld gedompel wees.”
Selfs die Bybel leer ons nie deur geweld of krag nie, maar deur die Gees. Baie van die ‘krag van die ‘mind’-boeke’, probeer om die krag te verduidelik en hulle gebruik dit ook suksesvol, selfs terwyl hulle skriftuur aanhaal. Ons weet egter dat ‘n mens enigiets uit die Bybel kan bewys. Ons wil egter weet hoe doen ons dit deur die Gees en die Waarheid.
‘n Studie van die woord ‘siel’ in die Hebreeus en Griekse konkordansie, het tot die volgende ontdekkings gelei.
Die siel is die ‘mind’. As ek hierdie waarheid as kind geweet het, sou my lewe waarskynlik heeltemal anders daaruit gesien het, want die mens is wat hy dink. Sigmund Freud, die vader van die hedendaagse psigologie, is grootliks verantwoordelik vir die verwarring. Die meeste mense vermy die onderwerp en laat dit oor aan die geleerdes, maar hy het ons ten minste uit die donker eeue gehaal en mense word nie meer op brandstapels, as hekse verbrand nie. Maar kom ons kyk wat die Bybel daaromtrent sê.
Vines se woordeboek oor die SIEL:
Vines oor Spreuke 16:2: “Die woord skyn meer as slegs die element van die lewe te beteken, dit wil voorkom asof dit ‘Siel’ beteken.”
Spr 16:2: “Al die weë van ‘n man is suiwer in sy oë, maar die HERE toets die geeste.”
Vines gaan voort en sê dat daar 28 Bybelname vir die woord ‘siel’ is, maar hy sê nie wat dit is nie. Daarom het ek dit my taak gemaak om hulle vas te stel en sal dit mettertyd in hierdie boek met u deel.
Ek het gevind dat die gedagtes, SENTRUM is en 666 keer as die hart vertaal word. Die siel en gees van die mens is een van die verwarrendste onderwerpe op die aarde. Wanneer die meeste mense gevra word, waar die siel geleë is, wys hulle na hul bors en wanneer ons hulle vertel dat die siel die gedagtes is, maak hulle of hulle dit nog altyd geweet het. Dit is eintlik belaglik, ons moes as kinders reeds hierdie fundamentele waarheid geleer gewees het.
Die woord ‘hart’ word as ‘gedagtes’ vertaal.
Spr 4:23: “Bewaak jou hart meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe.”
Hierdie woord ‘hart’ word vertaal as ‘gedagtes’ en ‘sentrum’ (H3820). In hierdie konteks, word die woord 666 keer, in die Ou Testament gebruik. Hierdie syfer sal later vir u meer betekenis kry. Wanneer ons nou Spreuke 4:23 reg lees, sal dit só klink: “Bewaak jou ‘gedagtes’ meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe.” In ander woorde, soos die mens dink, so is hy.
In Psalm 21:2, gee God ons die begeertes van ons harte, maar die woord beteken eintlik ‘mind’.
In Ex 7:3, verhard God die hart van Farao. Ons weet nou dat ‘hart’ beteken ‘mind’. Ons verhard ook ons gedagtes, byvoorbeeld wanneer ons sê, ons sal nooit weer iemand, vir een of ander rede vertrou nie.
Gen 6:6: “…het dit die HERE berou dat Hy die mens op die aarde gemaak het, en daar was smart in Sy hart (‘Mind’).
Spr 3:5: “Vertrou op die HERE met jou hele hart (‘Mind’) en steun nie op jou eie insig nie.”
Hierdie lei ons nou na die mees belangrikste teksvers van almal. Die woord ‘siel’ is ‘gedagtes’ en is Strong se nommer H5315. Die ander betekenis daarvan is ook, ‘’n lewende wese wat asemhaal’. Dit is dieselfde asem wat in Adam geblaas is. Die woord is ook dieselfde lewe in alle lewendige wesens. DIE ASEM VAN GOD.
Jes 53:10: “Maar dit het die HERE behaag om Hom te verbrysel; Hy het Hom krank gemaak; as sy siel ‘n skuldoffer aangebied het, sal Hy ‘n nakroos sien; Hy sal die dae verleng, en die welbehae van die HERE sal deur sy hand voorspoedig wees.
Sonde is die wyse wat ons dink.
Illustrasie 2 is waarnatoe ons op pad is, ons wil God se Koninkryk, Krag en Glorie wees. Ander mense moet sien ons is anders, want die Koninkryk is binne ons.
Die wetenskap vertel ons dat ons elke elf maande, ‘n nuwe liggaam bou. Maar as ons defekte soos vrees, jaloesie en woede in ons ‘nuwe’ liggaam bou, kan ons mos niemand anders as onsself verantwoordelik hou nie. Wetenskap kan ons egter nie vertel hoe ons, ons gedagtes kan behou nie.
Die Goddelike krag binne ons is goed en oorvloedig, vol van alle goeie dinge wat ons, ons ookal kan verbeel, dink of voor vra (Ef 3:2). Dit is voordurend besig om te skep en te por vir ‘lewensdenke’. Tradisies en gelowe het ons egter beroof van hierdie konstante, lewegewende krag en het dit vervang met vrees. Deur die lewens van suksesvolle intrepreneurs, groot kunstenaars, digters, sprekers en skrywers, te bestudeer, sal jy hulle altyd kry, waar hulle die innerlike krag vra om dinge te openbaar, wat niemand nog van geweet het nie.
Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dale Carnigy, Giacomo Puccini, Johannes Brahms, om net enkeles te noem, het almal gesê: “Die idees het onmiddellik reguit in my ingevloei, direk vanaf God.” Hulle was nie noodwendig Christene nie en het beslis nie die werk aan die kruis verstaan soos ons dit vandag verstaan nie. Hulle het nie van die bloed geweet nie, maar hulle het aan die krag van die ‘mind’ geglo. Hulle het geglo om goed te wees. Maar is goed, goed genoeg om jou in die hemel te kry?
Die meeste van hulle het gesê, hulle is die kapteins van hul eie siele. Anders as met ons. Ons het ‘n Kaptein wat alle dinge aan ons openbaar, deur Sy inwonende Gees. Ons word voortdurend gelei deur Sy waarheid en ons is die nuwe generasie, waarop die aarde gewag het om geopenbaar te word (Rom 8), en die nasies sal stroom na hierdie lig (Jes 55:5), want in hierdie mense is die lig van die wêreld (Matt 5:14). Daarom, staan op, jou lig het gekom, want die Glorie van God het in jou verrys (Jes 60:1). Die kennis van die Heerlikheid van God, het nou na ons toe gekom (Hab 2:14).
In die eerste skildery, is die siel en gees aan u verduidelik. Ek verfris net u geheue gou. Die siel se geslag is vroulik. Wanneer ons dan ‘n Hebreeuse, of Griekse woord vind, wat verwys na die vroulike, weet ons dit verwys na die siele-realm, soos ons sal vind met die musiekinstrumente wat na bewering in Satan gevind is (Eseg 28:13), vroulik is. Daarom kon hy (Satan) in die siel (‘mind’) wees. Ek is seker u verstaan teen hierdie tyd, dat ons denke hemel of hel kan wees. Wanneer die duiwel uit die hemel gewerp word, beteken dit eenvoudig dat hierdie persoon, die kennis en begrip van die kruis en die bloed ontvang het. Dat sy siel met die bloed besprinkel is. (Die duiwel is uit die gedagtes van die persoon gewerp as gevolg van die bloed).
Nog ‘n voorbeeld wat in die gedagtes kom, is Jesus wat gesê het, hulle moet die net aan die regterkant van die skuit, werp. Die regterkant is vroulik. Daarom het Jesus verwys na die siele-realm, wat vroulik is, want die is die moederskoot van begrip en die plek waar ons verbeel.
Ons is ‘n boom wat geplant is by strome van water (Woord). Dit beteken ons word geweek in die Woord, begryp dit in die baarmoeder van begrip (‘mind’) en dan sal ons manlike deel, die gees, reageer soos ‘n koning.
Soos ons dink (Vroulik), so is ons (Manlik). Wat ookal jy vandag in die gedagtes ontvang en begryp, sal in die hart aanbid word. Waar is die hart? Dit is die plek waarnatoe al die vooropgestelde idees, eventueel kom. Dit is natuurlik ons sentrum. Strong se vertaling van die ‘hart’, in die Ou Testament, is ‘gedagtes’ of ‘sentrum’.
Die Koninkryk behoort aan die kinders, daarom is hierdie dinge nie so moeilik soos ons, onsself wysmaak nie. Soos ons aangaan met hierdie studie, sal alles wat ons geleer het, van wat die gedagtes is, later bymekaar uitkom.
Spr 23:7: “Want soos hy in sy siel bereken, so is hy…”
Hierdie studie is gedoen in die boek, ‘Die Kort Swaard’ en die woord ‘hart’ is 666 keer vertaal as ‘gedagtes’ of ‘sentrum’, in die Ou Testament. ‘n Goeie voorbeeld van die Bybelse konotasie van die woord ‘hart’ is Strong se nommer H5315, wat ‘mind’ beteken.
Die woord ‘gedagtes’ is 162 keer vertaal as ‘hart’ in die Nuwe Testament, en behoort van enorme waarde te wees, wanneer in die regte konteks gelees word, byvoorbeeld:
Matt 5:8: “Salig is die wat rein van hart is, want hulle sal God sien.”
Vervang die woord ‘hart’ met ‘gedagtes’ (Strong H2588) wat beteken: Gevoelens; denke; gedagtes en gebroke hart. Ons het ‘n gebroke hart, wanneer die dinge wat ons so getrou aan glo, verkrag word.
Matt 5:28: “Maar Ek sê vir julle dat elkeen wat na ‘n vrou kyk om haar te begeer, reeds in sy hart (‘mind’) met haar egbreuk gepleeg het.”
O! So, die egbreuk is nie so diep nie, dit is slegs in die gedagtes (‘mind’), maar wie op aarde kan dan ooit suiwer gedagtes hê? Dit is hier waar Jesus inkom. Hy het vir die gedagtes van die mens gesterf en net Sy bloed kan die suiwer hou. Ek maak hierdie stelling, gegrond op al die voorafgaande konklusies wat gemaak is in die vorige boeke en skilderye.
Matt 6:21: “…want waar julle skat is, daar sal julle hart (‘mind’) ook wees.”
Hierdie skriftuurplasing, hou ‘n geweldige implikasie vir alle Bybellesers in. Dit beteken inderwaarheid dat, wat ookal in jou gedagtes oorheers, is die koning van jou gedagtes. Die Bybel leer, ons moet die gedagtes van Christus kry.
Matt 9:4: “En toe Jesus merk wat hulle gedagtes was, sê Hy: Waarom bedink julle slegte dinge in julle harte?”
Hierdie is die eerste vier skriftuurplasings in slegs Matthéüs en as u voortgaan met hierdie studie, sal dit u lewe verander. Ek het nog nooit die Bybel verkeerd kon bewys nie, dit is net die manier waarop ons dit vertolk. Hier is nog ‘n teksvers, net om u te wys dat die Bybel aan die hand van die Griekse en Hebreeuse konkordansie gelees moet word.
Matt 11:29: “Neem my juk op julle en leer van My, want Ek is sagmoedig en nederig van hart (‘mind’), en julle sal rus vind vir julle siele (minds’);”
Gen 2:7: “En die HERE God het die mens geformeer uit die stof van die aarde en in sy neus die asem van die lewe geblaas. So het dan die mens ‘n lewende siel geword.” Strong vertaal hierdie woord as ‘mind’. As ek die siel op hierdie stadium sou probeer verduidelik, sal dit vir u soos ‘n feëverhaal klink. Daarom is dit belangrik dat u die boek, biddend lees, sodat u die skriftuurlike agtergrond kan kry en dan sal die verstaan daarvan, en die eenvoud van die siel se funksies en die ooreenkoms met die natuur daarvan, vir u soveel makliker wees.
Bostaande sal in die volgende boek, ‘Die Geestelike See’, waarby Watchman Nee se werk ingesluit en opgesom is, breedvoerig verduidelik word.
Dit is die verskil tussen ons en diere. Hierdie krag wat God in ons geplaas het, om te kan doen, alles wat ons dink ons kan. Daar is krag in die siel, of jy gered is of nie. Alle mense kan hulle wend na die krag van binne, om byvoorbeeld hulle genesing te vind ens. Daar is natuurlik baie metodes en tradisionele genesers behandel hul pasiënte met danse, toorkrag en beswerings. So ‘n persoon kan genesing vind deur die aanraking van towerbeeldjies, deur spesiale klere aan te trek, drink van doepas, of enige ritueel, solank as wat dit die denke weglei van vrees en bekommernis, na geloof en afwagting. Dan vind genesing plaas. Alles is omdat ons ‘n lewendige siel is (Illustrasie 3). Die klein sonnetjie in die ‘gedagtes’ van die skets, illustreer, wat ookal die persoon dink, solank as wat hy lank genoeg daaroor dink, sal sy liggaam oorspoel. Hy sal wees wat hy dink hy is (Illustrasie 4).
KRAG: Hulle gebruik die krag van hul denke, maar die Woord sê: “Nie deur krag of geweld nie, maar deur My gees (Sagaria 4).
In ons geval, as Christene, probeer ons om soos die skets hierbo te wees. Die Koninkryk van God, word die oggendson genoem en die resultaat van hierdie Koninkryk van God sal veroorsaak dat ons heeltemal oorspoel sal word met hierdie hemelse lig en riviere van lewende waters sal in en uit ons vloei. Maar ongelukkig het ons ook die laer emosies binne ons, wat ons Noorde (gedagtes) wil oorheers en die son verhoed om binne ons op te kom.
Jes 41:25: “Ek het uit die Noorde een verwek, en hy het gekom; van die opgang van die son af een wat my Naam sal aanroep; en hy kom oor die owerstes soos oor modder, en soos ‘n pottebakker die klei trap.”
En die ergste van alles is, God het die donkerte gemaak.
Jes 45:7: “…wat die lig formeer en die duisternis skep, die heil bewerk en die onheil skep: Ek, die HERE, is dit wat al hierdie dinge doen.”
Job 12:22; 30:36; 38:19; Ps 18:28; 112:4; 139:11; 139:12; Jes 5:20; 9:2; 42:16; 50:10; 58:10; 59:10; Jer 13:16; Dan 2:22; Joh 1:5; 3:19; 8:12; 12:35; 12:45; Hand 26:18; Rom 2:19; 13:12; 1 Kor 4:6; 1 Pet 2:9; 1 Joh 1:5; 2:8; 2:9.
Die rede vir al bostaande verwysings is, omdat daar steeds mense is wat nie wil glo dat God die donkerte geskape het nie.
Hierdie boek sal jou wys wie die duiwel is en dat jy hom nie langer hoef te vrees nie. Ook sal jy hierin leer hoe die gedagtes volgens die skrifture, werk. Dit word gewaarborg om jou vry te stel en om hier op aarde in die Heiligste van Allerheiliges te woon, en dit sal elke bewering wat hierin gemaak word, bewys deur honderde skriftuurplasings en sketse.
Voordat u probeer om die Bybelverhale en die mense daarin te verstaan, is dit nodig dat u moet verstaan hoe die geografiese kaart van Israel, ook die geestelike storie van die groei uit die donkerte na die lig, verduidelik.
Illustrasie 5: Kaart (Volgende bladsy).
Die eerste stap wat u moet neem, is om die kaart te memoriseer. Neem veral kennis van waar die berg Ararat is. Dit is natuurlik waar die ark tot ruste gekom het, ver Noord en na die Weste van die kontinent, waar Israel eventueel gevestig sou word.
Dit is waar God die belofte aan Noag gemaak het, dat hy en sy nageslag, hoog, in die kleure van die ‘Oggendson’ sal lewe.
Die Geheimenis van die Eeue is natuurlik die geestelike wêreld. Christenkerke kan steeds nie die vraag beantwoord: “Hoe is dit moontlik dat ek in die oggend so heilig is en in die middag die duiwel vanself is nie?” Ons staan op met die beste voornemes, maar verloor op die een of ander manier beheer gedurende die dag. Ons word siek. Ek het persoonlik mense geken wat gely het aan epilepsie, bitterheid, depressie en wat gesterf het van kanker. Ons glo in God, maar het bitter min antwoorde vir die wêreld wat ‘n bespotting van ons maak.
Wat is dit dan wat ons verskillend van al die ander gelowe maak?
En waar is die hemel in alle geval?
Hierdie en sommige ander vrae sal deur hierdie boek beantwoord word.
Ek is persoonlik geleer dat die hemel op ‘n ander planeet is en dat ek daarheen sal gaan as ek goed is. Jy moet net vasbyt my broer en suster, een van die dae is ons in glorieland! Die enigste rede hoekom ek as Christen volhard, is omdat my moeder vir my op vyfjarige ouderdom, Bybelverhale voorgelees het. Sy het vir my gesê dat, as ek wil, kan ek op my knieë gaan en my lewe vir Jesus gee. Vir my, as kind, het dit geklink asof Jesus die grootste held van alle tye is en ek het gewillig my lewe vir Hom gegee. Onmiddellik het ek hierdie Hoë Plek gesien. Dit was van goud en vol van liefde. Jesus was daar en dit was ‘n plek waar daar geen bekommernis was nie. Dit was ‘n plek waar jy enigiets kan kry wat jy begeer. As ‘n kind, kon ek nie ophou praat van hierdie wonderlike plek nie, want ek was onder die indruk dat almal van hierdie plek geweet het.
My moeder het my egter op ‘n dag vasgetrap en uitgevra omtrent dié plek waarvan ek so baie praat. Ek het aan haar verduidelik dat dit in my gedagtes is. Sy was baie ontsteld en het gesê dat ek dit nie weer mag doen nie, want dit is meditasie en meditasie is Oosters en sonde, direk van die duiwel af.
Ek het aan haar gevra hoekom sy kerk toe gaan? Sy het geantwoord: “Hulle het vir my gesê dat ek nie hemel toe kan gaan as hulle my nie begrawe nie.” Toe ek die eerste keer kerk toe gaan, lyk die priester vir my eerder na Batman en nie naastenby soos Jesus nie. Ek was die hele tyd ongemaklik in die kerk. By nabetragting het ek gedink ek moes miskien ‘n ander kerk probeer het, want sommige priesters en hul gades is soos engele op die aarde. My vader het die kerk gehaat en het hulle bedrieërs genoem. Hy het sy eie soort van geloof gehad en het dit ‘ wees goed en doen goed’ genoem. Hy het my aangemoedig om eerder die hoenderhokke op Sondae skoon te maak en daarom het ek nooit kerk toe gegaan nie. Ek het egter steeds geloofskonsepte en tradisies op skool geleer.
Ek het regdeur my hele lewe soekend gebly na iemand wat my meer van dié plek, wat ek as kind gesien het, kon vertel. Ek het almal gemeet teenoor dit wat ek in die hoë plek gesien het. Ek het daarna by die Vloot aangesluit en baie mense van regoor die wêreld ontmoet. Daar was egter niemand wat dié plek geken het nie. Daar was somtyds van die ouer garde wat verstaan het wat ek bedoel, maar hulle het ook nie geweet hoe om daar te kom, of hoe dit werk nie. Na ses jaar het ek die Vloot verlaat en stoksiel alleen in die bos gaan bly, waar ek totaal van God afhanklik was. Indien ek in die proses sou sterf, sou dit ook aanvaarbaar wees, want ek het ten minste ‘n punt probeer bewys. My filosofie was: “Laat God, God wees en gee God ‘n kans.”
Dit was ‘n beter lewe as die dag tot dag voortploeter volgens mensgemaakte reëls en wette en vooropgestelde idees, van wie God is en hoe om ‘n lewe te maak. Die groot probleem was, ek was siek en sat van die sosiale strukture wat so min geweet het hoe om te oorleef en gelukkig te wees, sonder om afhanklik van ‘n bank te wees. Ek het ‘n nege tot vyf werk gehaat, want dit is so onvervullend. Wil God regtig hê ons moet soos marionette aan iemand anders se toutjies dans?
Ek het gedroom dat ‘n mens selfonderhoudend kan wees. Alles self kan doen en totaal van God, as bron, afhanklik kan wees. Ek wou self die argitek, bouer, loodgieter, elektrisiën en skrynwerker van my eie huis wees. Ter selfdertyd sou ek vir my gesin sorg deur die werk van my hande en in die proses uitvind wie God is. Ek het gedroom dat my kinders sou kon terugkyk op ons lewe en sê: “Dit is die ware Jakob.” Ek wou lewe sonder pretensies en God ‘n kans gee om God te wees. Ek het geglo dat indien ek dit sou regkry, dit die baie mense wat ons ontmoet, wat nie die antwoorde van die lewe met sy baie fasette ken nie, sou kon help.
Later in my lewe het ek kennis gemaak met die Pinkster Protestante en die Charismatiese bewegings. Hulle het my geleer van die duiwel. Hoe hulle hom beveg en uitdrywe, maar hy keer elke keer terug. Ek wou weet, as daar ‘n duiwel is, waar is hy? Ek is geleer dat hy enige plek kan wees. In ‘n deurhandvatsel, of dat hy die oorsaak is dat die motor gebreek het. Ek is geleer dat alles wat sleg is, is die duiwel se make, maar is dit?
So het ek nag vir nag en dag vir dag, die duiwel beveg. Maar dit het ook nie gehelp om my gesin te versorg en ander mense te help nie. Een nag, het ek die duiwel uitgedaag om my te vermoor, as hy soveel krag het. Dit kon hy ook nie regkry nie. Dit het ten minste bewys dat hy nie oor soveel krag beskik nie. Beslis nie genoeg om my te kon dood nie. Al wat vir my oorgebly het, was om uit te vind, hoekom so baie slegte dinge met my gebeur as die duiwel geen krag het nie.
Ek het probeer om alle onsinnige leringe te vermy. Ek het probeer om my eie lewe te leef, sonder gelowe en tradisies met vooropgestelde idees van wat God sê. Ek het gesê: “Indien God, God is en Hy werklik is, laat Hy met my praat en my Sy reëls leer.”
Dit is wat my laat besluit het dat, indien ek my lewe gaan wy, om uit te vind wat die geheime van die lewe is, en indien ek van God persoonlik wil hoor, ek God persoonlik sal moet leer ken. Ek was gewillig om hard te werk en het dit baie geniet om my eie huis te bou en toe te sien hoe God al die boumateriaal verskaf. Toe ek begin beeldhou, is ek gelei deur ‘n innerlike wete. Dit het gesê: “As jy gaan beeldhou, moet jy die anatomie van die mens gaan bestudeer.” Ek het dit gedoen soos vir my gesê is. Dit was vreemd dat die regte boeke altyd op die regte tyd daar was.
Ek het begin agterkom dat wanneer ek ‘n nuwe projek wou begin, Hy altyd voorsien het. Toe ek begin skilder het, moes ek leer om verf op die doek te plaas en dit voor my bed te laat voordat ek gaan slaap het. Wanneer ek in die oggend wakker word, het ek figure en karakters in die kleure gesien. Dit is die goed wat ek geskilder het. Die enigste probleem was, ek het dinge geskilder wat ek nie verstaan het nie. Ek het dinge gedoen waarvan ek, op daardie stadium, geen skriftuurlike kennis gehad het nie. Ek het eers jare later agtergekom dat ek besig was om die Tuin te skilder.
Toe ek begin eensaam word, het ek God gevra om vir my ‘n lewensmaat te gee. Tot op daardie stadium het ek nooit ‘n gelukkige huwelik gesien nie en tweedens het ek geweet dat geen persoon, self daardie keuse kon maak nie. Waar sou ek in alle geval ooit ‘n persoon kry wat so mal is om met my te trou? Ek het myself op daardie stadium as ‘n totale, sosiaal wanaangepaste beskou, terwyl ek myself oortuig het, dat ek maar net onkonvensioneel was. Maar hierdie verhaal het ek reeds in my boek Die Lyn vertel.
Ons kon aanvoel dat ons gelei word en so het ek en Yvonne van krag tot krag gegaan. Desnieteenstaande, het ek fisies harder en harder begin werk deur beelde uit harde hout te sny, nuwe huise en besighede te bou, vir my gesin te sorg, na die bekommernisse van verbygangers te luister, soveel so, dat ek weens uitputting, nie langer vir God kon hoor nie. Toe ek uiteindelik klaar maak met wat ek gedink het, ek vir Jesus moes doen, was ek uiters moeg en sterwend. Ek het my vrou, Yvonne gevra om met my saam te stem dat ek Jesus sou vra om my liewer te neem na die huis van my Vader in die hemel. Ek het in daardie afgelope dertig jaar, meer vermag as wat tien mense in ‘n leeftyd sou regkry. Die Here het op Sy sagte manier my geleer dat ek nou, onmiddellik, deel kan hê in die hemel.
Op hierdie stadium, het ons pas klaargemaak met die bou van ons huis en die besigheid op ons huidige perseel, hier by Die Skoen. Ons het die Grot ook klaargemaak. Die Grot het talle mense gehelp en ek het gedink dat ek nou gedoen het, wat ek veronderstel was om te doen met my lewe. Yvonne en die kinders sou hier kon lewe en aangaan om ‘n vriend en helpende hand te wees vir die eensames, die verwardes en die depressiewes. Ek was doodmoeg en kon God nie meer hoor nie. Daarom het ek besluit om my te wend tot iemand wat wel kon.
Ons het al die pad Kaapstad toe gery. ‘n Duisend-agt-honderd kilometers, waar ‘n bejaarde dame haar hande in haar skoot gevou het en vir die Here gevra het, hoekom Hy nie meer met my praat nie. Na ‘n rukkie het sy opgekyk en gesê, die Here sê: “Sê vir hom, Ek wil nie met hom praat nie.” Die dame het gesê: “Ek het nog nooit van so iets gehoor nie.” So het ons al die pad terug gery huis toe. Oppad terug, het sy gebel en vir my Job 11:16 gegee. Dit sê basies die volgende: ‘Wanneer die oggendson kom, sal al die probleme verdwyn.’ Ons was baie verward.
Ek het huis toe gery en ‘n kamer vir my gaan bou, waar ek alleen kon wees en waar ek op God kon wag. Twee weke later het Hy met mening daardie kamertjie binnegekom en my ‘mind’, wat ek aan harde werk oorgegee het, kom terugeis. Hy het gesê: “Ek het aan die kruis gesterf, sodat Ek altyd by jou kan wees.” Hy het my vir weke in trane gehad. Sedert daardie dag, gee ek die eerste drie tot vier ure, elke dag aan Hom. Dit is hoe ek die kennis kry wat ek in die vorige boeke met u kon deel en so ook in hierdie boek, Die Geheimenis van die Eeue.
Die ‘oggendson’ waarna verwys word in Job, is een van die name vir die Koninkryk van God. Volgens Strong se woordeboek, is die ander name ‘blydskap’ en ‘weerlig’. Die eerste plek waar hiervan, in die Bybel melding gemaak word, is in Genesis 1:3, toe God gesê het: “Laat daar lig wees.”
Hierdie boek sal vir u nuwe insig gee in die volgende:
Wat gedurende die kruisiging in die geestelike wêreld gebeur het en hoekom Jesus moes sterf.
Dit sal u wys hoe diep ons is.
Hoekom gebeur slegte dinge steeds met my, al is Jesus die Here van my lewe?
Waar is die hemel en hoe lyk dit daar?
Waar is die hel?
Wat is epilepsie?
Kan die kragte van die hemel, nou in my lewe werk?
U sal al die antwoorde tussen die lyne vind en die Gees wat in u woon, sal verduidelik terwyl u biddend lees. Ek belowe u, baie mites sal te ruste gelê word.
Hierdie boek is die resultaat van deur ‘n maand by die Here deur te bring. Ek kon duidelik in die gees sien, hoe dit met my gesin en vriende gaan, dog ek het geen openbaringskennis gedurende die tyd ontvang nie. Hierdie boek het myself geweldig baie gehelp, daar ek altyd gewonder het, wat het gedurende die kruisiging, in die geestelike wêreld gebeur? As jy voel die ‘Passion’-fliek het dit nie vir jou gedoen nie, hierdie boek sal die prentjie vir jou voltooi.
Hierdie boek is geskryf asof dit die draaiboek van ‘n rolprent moes wees. Ek het bloot net die dinge geskryf wat ek in die gees gesien het. Ek het gedink dat dit iets soos ‘The Lord of the Rings’ sou wees. Die grootste probleem was egter dat niemand die boek kon verstaan nie. Dit is die rede waarom ons die eerste drie boeke moes skryf om hierdie boek te verduidelik. Ook die skildery wat u weldra sal sien, is aan my gegee deur hierdie boek en dit sal ook help om die boek te verduidelik.
Ons het geen probleem met demone buite ons nie, maar wat gebeur as ons na ons innerlike self kyk en sien dat ons hierdie plek alte goed ken?
Dit is die ‘mind’ van die ongeredde persoon…
Kry die boek en lees ook die visioen wat ek gehad het oor die Kruisiging en sien hoe die prentjie hier bo van die ongeredde mens verander in ‘n geredde mens.
Hierdie boek is ‘n geen nonsens, geen duimsuiery, op die man af, soliede Bybel-gegrondveste lering, wat net een doel voor oë het. Dit is om u in staat te stel om Jesus Christus, die GROOT TUINIER, self in u eie denkbeeldige tuin te ontvang. Om Hom van nader te leer ken en ‘n beter verhouding met Hom op te bou. Hierin gaan ons leer hoe om die tuin binne te gaan en om die dinge wat ons begeer, te kry. Ons gaan in hierdie tuin leer om die antwoorde te vind op al ons lewensvrae. Verder gaan ons in die tuin leer hoe om te bid, om te visualiseer, om geestelike instruksies te ontvang, om bemiddeling van Jesus self te ontvang en om inspirasie te kry.
Al die skilderye wat in hierdie boek gebruik word is die oorspronklike werk van die kunstenaar, Ron van Zyl en is die resultaat van meer as vyftig jaar se soeke, na die tuin wat hy reeds as kind gevisualiseer het. Hierdie kunswerke is nie te koop nie en kan slegs by DIE SKOEN, hul huis, besigtig word, waar u op ‘n begeleide toer deur die GROT, wat spesiaal vir hierdie doel gebou is, geneem sal word.
Daar is ook ‘n DVD-seminaar oor hierdie onderwerp beskikbaar.
Na bestudering van hierdie boek sal u saam met die outeur kan uitroep en sê dat ons nie net gelowig is nie, maar dat ons in ‘n noue verbintenis met die Here ons God lewe!
Hersienend tot die vorige twee boeke, weet ons nou dat die koninkryk van lig, bo is. Dit is die verblindende lig, die oggendson, vreugde en blydskap!
Onder, of benede, is die donkerte, die bose, hartseer en onkunde.
Ons het gesien dat Jesus ons red en verhef tot ‘n hoër lewe in Christus, wat beteken dat die Kruis die poort is tot ‘n hemelse leefwyse. Daar sit ons saam met Christus in hemelse plekke, soos uitgebeeld word in die eerste skildery in DIE LYN. Die enigste wyse, wat enigeen wat hierdie hemelse leefwyse begeer, dit is die lewe in God, is om die hoogte bokant die lyn te bereik. Die enigste manier om dit te kan doen, is om die BERG uit te klim.
Die berg vorm dus die verbinding tussen die hemel en die aarde. Dit is die berg van God. Dit is die berg Sion van Hebreërs 12:22 , waar ons inwoners van die hemel is. Laat U wil geskied op die aarde soos in die hemel (Illustrasie 1).
Wanneer ons nou ‘n skets van die menslike skedel oor die lynskildery lê, plaas dit die koninkryk van God, presies daarbinne. (Illustrasies 1 en 3)
Die kruis is nou ons sentrale punt en dit is waar Dawid vir Goliat gedood het, en ons sentrale brein is die hippothalamus. (illustrasie 4). As ons nou op hierdie punt ‘n vierkant teken, (illustrasie 4), kom die afmetings presies ooreen met dié van die hemelse stad Jerusalem in Hebreërs 12:22.
Ef 3:17: “…sodat Christus deur die geloof in julle harte kan woon, julle wat in die liefde gewortel en gegrond is.”
Ef 3:18: “…en julle in staat kan wees om saam met al die heiliges ten volle te begryp wat die breedte en lengte en diepte en hoogte is.”
Ef 3:20: “En aan Hom wat mag het om te doen ver bo alles wat ons bid of dink, volgens die krag wat in ons werk,…”
Ons het ‘n Christus-denkwyse nodig en daarom word ons gedagtes en denkwyse só verander tydens die ervaring wat ons beleef as ons, ons berg uitklim.
Om die berg suksesvol uit te kan klim, moet die volgende instruksies sorgvuldig nagekom word:
1 Pet 5:6: “Verneder julle dan onder die kragtige hand van God, sodat Hy julle kan verhoog op die regte tyd.”
1 Pet 5:7: “Werp al julle bekommernis op Hom, want Hy sorg vir julle.” (Al jou angste, bekommernisse, belange, eens en vir altyd).
Ps 55:22: (55:23) “Werp jou sorg op die HERE, en Hy sal jou onderhou; Hy sal nooit die regverdige laat wankel nie.”
U sien, God lewe in diegene wat oor ‘n nederige en boetvaardige gees beskik. Hy lewe saam met hulle in hoë en verhewe plekke (Jes 57:15).
Ons moet toelaat dat Christus die kaptein van ons gedagtes word. Ons moet toelaat dat Christus die kaptein van ons gedagtes word. Ons moenie eers so min as vyf minute vooruit probeer dink, sonder om Hom daarin te ken nie.
Sedert ek as kind hierdie verhewe plek gesien het, het ek bly soek. Verkeerdelik het ek gemeen dat ek ‘n kortpad vir my gesin en geliefdes kan vind. Ja, my vrou en kinders is geestelik saam met my en hulle is geestelik waar ek is, maar hulle moet die berg nog uitklim. Om te sterf in jouself is baie moeilik en dit neem ‘n bergklim-proses om jou geloof in God volkome te maak. Dit is, dat jy glo met jou hele hart en siel en nie dalk ‘n Ismael maak nie. Abraham en Sara het God probeer help om Sy belofte na te kom, maar hulle kon, net soos ons, nie op God se tydsberekening wag nie. Die bergklim-proses is moeilik, maar ‘n werklikheid en ons moet mekaar liefhê terwyl ons daarmee besig is.
Die sewe Genesis-sketse (uit die Kort Swaard), bewys dat ons op hierdie planeet geplaas is om geestelik te groei. Hoekom is dit dan so moeilik om ons lewes oor te gee aan God se volkome beheer?
Omdat ons donker en diep is!
Ons het ons eie gedagtes (mind), ons eie wil, intellek en emosies (Illustrasie 5). Om te sê, nie langer my wil nie, maar God se wil, is nie maklik nie. Ons het uitgevind dat ons oor baie emosies en gewaar-wordinge beskik en ons intellek wil aanmekaar beheer oor ons gedagtes neem. Hierdie probleem spruit dalk uit ons verlede. Waar kom hierdie emosies en her-inneringe van die verlede vandaan? Dit kom uit ons binneste!
Onthou u nog Genesis? Ons is ‘n diep, baie diep, bruisende massa. Ons emosies is voortdurend rusteloos.
Gen 1:2: “En die aarde was woes en leeg, en duisternis was op die wêreldvloed, en die Gees van God het gesweef op die waters.”
Gen 1:2: “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
Ons is in die donkerte gewees! In die Engelse teks sê die Bybel dat God beweeg het op die gesig (face) van die waters. ‘Face’ meen die gedeelte wat beweeg. Die Gees van God het beweeg, gesweef, oor die gesig van die dieptes. Want ons is gevul met ‘n see van emosies wat aanmekaar probeer om beheer oor ons gedagtes te neem.
Kom ons herinner onsself kortliks aan die Genesis-sketse:
Ons dra in ons rond, ‘n see van donker emosies wat ons gedagtes probeer oorheers. Dit is waar die klein sonnetjie in illustrasie 7 skyn. Die Genesis-sketse wys ons geestelike groei uit die donkerte (A), deur na die eerste ontdekking van lig (B), dan die begrip van God se Woord (C) . Ons gaan deur geestelike droë plekke (D), om te groei in die kennis van wat binne ons is (E) en dan word ons tuinbewoners (F), wat steeds die keuse het of ons op God, volkome, met hart en siel vertrou, en sodoende ‘n ewige sewende dag van rus ervaar (G), en of ons steeds op ons eie intellek en begrip van dinge gaan bly steun.
Die see van emosies, binne ons gaan eventueel eindig as die dooie see. Die onderwerp word verder bespreek in die boek: “‘n Kamer met ‘n Uitsig”.
In die Kort Swaard het ons uitgevind dat Adam met presies dieselfde probleem geworstel het. Solank hy bereid was om van die boom van die Lewe te eet, (skrynwerker, Jesus, Illustrasie 8), sou hy ‘n skoon en veilige gewete (mind) hê. Deur gemeenskap met God te hê, word ‘n veilige tuin geskep. Die woord ‘tuin’ beteken ‘omhein’.
Adam mag die tuin-gewete behou deur slegs met sy Here God gemeenskap te hê en op Hom te vertrou. Dit kon hy nie doen nie, verloor sodoende sy tuin en staan dit af aan die slang wat later so groot word deur die verbeelding van die mens, dat hy die monster, die draak van die see word. (Illustrasie 9)
Watter see? Die see van emosies wat regeer oor die gedagtes en denke van die mense van Israel. (Illustrasie 10). Aan die linkerkant van illustrasie 10, sien ons die draak is op die see en aan die regterkant word ‘n Egiptenaar uitgebeeld.
Geestelik is ons Israel. Ons is slawe van ons emosies net soos die Israeliete slawe van Farao was. Dit is vir ons nodig om die Bloed en die Paaslam te verstaan sodat die see rooi kan word, kan skei, sodat ons in die Beloofde Land kan lewe.
Ons is die nakomelinge van Abraham wat ‘n ster-volk bedink het, deur in God te glo en op Hom te vertrou, die sterre getel het (Illustrasie 11), om geloof in sy verbeelding te skep, waar die krag van God gesetel is om te voorsien in al die begeertes van ons harte (minds).
Later het die Wet deur Moses gekom en die gedagtes van die mens is nou gevul met die Wet, in plaas van die slang (Illustrasie 12).
My vrou, Yvonne en ek het besluit om in die platteland te woon en om ons kinders ‘n gehalte manier van lewe te gee. ‘n Plaaslike boer het vir ons ‘n stukkie grond gegee om op te bou en te lewe. Ek het in die omliggende berge, droë hardehout versamel en beelde daaruit gekerf. Yvonne het dit in die padstal wat ons gebou het, verkoop. Alhoewel ons arm aan wêreldse besittings was, het ons ‘n gehalte lewenstyl gehad en die hoop op ‘n blink toekoms.
Ons was egter nie toegerus vir die ‘bagasie’ wat besoekers en toeriste by ons agtergelaat het nie.
Yvonne, met haar sonnige geaardheid, het graag na die besoekers geluister en vir my gevra om met hulle oor hul probleme te praat en hulle te bemoedig. Dit het ons gedoen en hulle probeer versterk deur hulle te vertel hoe ons, ons probleme hanteer, deur te lewe in die geloof en by wyse van ons persoonlike getuienisse. Ons het hulle aangemoedig om die Bybel te lees, God se krygstuig aan te trek en om die Bloed te verstaan. Ons staan vandag nog stomgeslaan oor hoeveel van God se volwasse kinders nie eers hierdie basiese dinge doen nie en dan blameer hulle vir God. Ons frustrasies het al hoe meer toegeneem en toe smeek ons God vir ‘n wyse, om die mense wat ons so ontmoet, te kan help.
Om drie-uur een oggend, het ek buite onder die sterre gesit en mediteer. Die volgende oomblik het ek die Geestes-Wêreld gesien wat in ‘n grot verduidelik word. Ek het gesien hoe dat baie mense op dié manier gehelp word. Van daardie oomblik af, het dit ons strewe geword om ons eie eiendom te besit en om die grot te bou. Hierin het ons uiteindelik geslaag, gepaardgaande met baie beproewinge waarvan ons u in die boek, ‘Die Lyn’ vertel.
Saam met ons kinders Michelle en Aldo, het ons vir ses jaar, duisende mense deur die grot begelei, voordat die Here aan ons ‘n skildery en ‘n bonatuurlike wyse gegee het om te bewys dat daar ‘n geestelike skeidingslyn tussen die Koninkryk van die Lig en die Koninkryk van die Duister is.
Vir die eerste keer het ons nou al die werk wat op Golgota gedoen was en die Kruis verstaan. Al ons persoonlike probleme is deur die openbaringe opgelos. Ons het ook, deur middel van die bekendmaking van hierdie kennis, kon sien hoe ons vriende genees word en van hulle laste verlos word. Ons het nie meer nodig om iemand te besoek vir genesing nie. DAAR IS ‘N HOë PLEK IN ONS GEDAGTES waar ons die Here in die koelte van die dag ontmoet en waar ons genesing ontvang en instruksies kry om probleme op te los.
Die ‘Kort Swaard’ is die resultaat van ons bereidwilligheid om ons geestelike groei te saai en met ons naaste te deel. As jy saai, sal jy maai.
Daar is so baie siek, arm en depressiewe Godvresende mense, wat om een of ander rede, skynbaar nie kan begryp waaroor die Bybel eintlik gaan nie. Die doel van hierdie boek is dan ook, om nie net as ‘n handleiding te dien nie, maar om aan u die kerngedagte van elke Bybelverhaal, makliker te laat verstaan en hoekom God dit hoegenaamd in die Skrif opgeneem het. Verder sal dit u aanmoedig om die Bybel te bestudeer en om uit te vind hoe elke storie lei tot die Christusstorie.
Dit is algemene kennis dat daar krag in ons denke is. Ons weet ook, dat daar baie mense is wat hierdie krag suksesvol aanwend. Hulle is egter meestal nie-Christene en dit is wat my daarvan weerhou het om die ‘mind’ te bestudeer. Vir ons Christene is dit ‘n ongekarteerde gebied en ons wil ons nie blootstel om deur demone beset te word nie.
Dit is daarom vir my ‘n groot verligting gewees toe ek uitvind dat die ‘siel’ die ‘mind’ is. Jesus het Sy siel vir die mens se sondes geoffer. Sonde is in die wyse wat ons dink. Dit is hoe ek tot die gevolgtrekking gekom het dat Jesus vir ons gedagtes gesterf het.
Soos ons aangaan met hierdie studies en jy ernstig genoeg is om die waarheid vir jouself uit te vind, sal dit baie baat as jy e-Sword op jou rekenaar aflaai. Dit is gratis vir almal. Kyk op ons kolofoonblad (bls.2) vir die posadres. Dan kan u al die stellings en bewerings vir uself nagaan en sommer hoor wat Die Gees van die Waarheid hieroor te sê het.
Ek wens ons kon net die kerngedagte van elke Bybelstorie vasvang vir u gerief. Maar ons hoop om die aandag te kry van mense op elke vlak van geestelike groei en daarom moes ek redelike agtergrond van elke storie gee. Die doel van die boek is om as handleiding te gebruik vir die teken van eenvoudige sketsies, of om selfs net te deel met diegene wat u op u pad ontmoet. Dit laat my altyd so magteloos, as ek nie al die gereedskap het om die hulpbehoewendes te kan help nie. As jy van nou af besoek by ‘n hospitaal aflê en die Here gee jou die geleentheid om Sy Woord te bedien, haal eenvoudig net jou ‘Kort Swaard’ uit en wys hulle die prentjies. Daar is baie krag in ons denke.
Gen 2:7: “En die HERE God het die mens geformeer uit die stof van die aarde en in sy neus die asem van die lewe geblaas.” So het dan die mens ‘n lewende siel geword. (1Kor 15:45-49)
Hy is nou ‘n wese wat asemhaal (H5315). Hierdie nommers in hakies word vir u gerief gegee. Tik dit in jou e-Sword, daar waar die verkykertjie is en kyk wat die konteks is in die Hebreeus Griekse woordeboek. Die Ou Testament is vertaal uit Hebreeus en die Nuwe Testament uit die Grieks.
Die krag wat in Adam is, is God in hom. Die asem van God is die krag in ons. Hy is die ‘EK IS’. Hy het Homself aan Moses voorgestel as ‘EK IS!’ – DIE KRAG BINNE JOU. Laastens, my persoonlike waarneming; Hierdie krag in ons, is God in ons. Dit is die enigste rede waarom ons harte klop. Sonder Sy teenwoordigheid in ons, sal ons sekerlik sterf.
Daar is mense wat die krag van binne hulself gebruik tot groot sukses en God nie die eer daarvoor gee nie. Sommiges kan met die krag selfs ysters buig, oor gloeiende kole loop, genesing ontvang en dan noem hulle dit, die krag van die ‘mind’. Mense soos Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Marconi, Mark Twain en andere het almal die ‘eindelose krag’ gevra vir inspirasie voordat hulle gaan slaap het. Hulle het almal baie tyd spandeer, deur na hul persoonlike droom te kyk en hulself daarmee te vul. Nie een van hierdie mense was bekend gewees vir hul toegewyde geloof nie, hulle het eenvoudig net die negatiewe geïgnoreer en op die positiewe gekonsentreer. Een jong knaap van ongeveer agt jaar oud, het die situasie mooi opgesom deur te sê: “Oom, dit klink baie maklik, maar dit is nie so maklik nie, nê?”
My eie swaer was ‘n nie-Christen, ‘n suksesvolle besigheidsman. Ons het hom eenkeer gevra om ‘n groepie, tydens ‘n naweek seminaar, toe te spreek. Hy het gesê, daar is ‘n krag binne ons. Hy weet nie wat dit is nie, miskien is dit God, maar hy glo nie in God nie. Deur persoonlike dissipline het hy hierdie krag aangewend vir finansiële gewin. Hy het elke oggend, winter of somer, in die swembad geduik. Dit was om homself te oefen om sy gedagtes gefokus te hou op, wat ookal hy na gestreef het. Hier kom my nuwe kar, sou hy sê, terwyl hy sy hande in afwagting vryf. En dan het hy dit gekry!
Hierdie nie-Christen het eenmaal die volgende stelling gemaak: “Wanneer jy besluit het wat die doelwit is, moet jy konstant daarna kyk. Moet nie bekommer omdat daar nie geld is nie, die geld sal kom.” Hy het nooit iemand iets beny nie, nooit jaloers op iemand gewees nie en HET GEEN BENUL VAN NEDERIGHEID GEHAD NIE.
Hy het daarin geglo om goed te wees en het altyd van ‘ou Niek’ gepraat as sy persoonlike kastyder.
Hy was egter nie so gelukkig in ander gebiede van sy lewe, soos sy huwelik en verhoudings met ander mense nie. Daar was ‘n diepe, persoonlike hartseer in my swaer, wat nie gevul kon word met besittings en ‘n kompeterende leefstyl nie.
As u my ander boek ‘Die Misterie van die Eeue’ gelees het, sal u ‘n idee hê van die oorlog wat binne ons plaasvind. Die doel van hierdie boek is, vir ons om ‘n holistiese voorspoed te beleef.
In my persoonlike studies, het ek nie op een van hierdie suksesvolle mense afgekom, wat fisies hard gewerk het nie. Hulle spandeer baie tyd aan hulle persoonlike drome en doelwitte.
As Christene word ons nie juis aangemoedig om die krag van die denke te gebruik nie, want ons is bang ons word deur ‘n duiwel of ‘n demoon beset en bowendien, dit klink darem baie Oosters. Ten spyte daarvan bid ons Ef 1:17:
Ef 1:17: “… die Vader van die heerlikheid, aan julle die Gees van wysheid en openbaring in kennis van Hom mag gee, …”
As kinders word ons nooit geleer van die krag van die ‘mind’ nie, maar ons word aangemoedig om geld by die bank te leen. Die banke sê: “Jy het God nie nodig nie, leen by ons geld en bly die res van jou lewe in skuld.” Dit mag dalk net die rede wees hoekom ons in skuld beland, want ons wil dit nóú hê. In kontras hiermee, leer die Bybel ons: ‘Nie deur krag of mag nie, maar deur My Gees.’
Baie van hierdie ‘krag van die verstand’-boeke, verduidelik wel die krag wat in ons is en gebruik dit wel baie suksesvol. Hulle gebruik selfs aanhalings uit die Bybel. Ons weet egter dat ‘n mens enigiets uit die Bybel kan bewys. Wat ons graag wil weet, is hoe kan ons dit doen deur die Gees en die waarheid en aan God die eer gee?
Hierdie tipe boeke vertel in baie gevalle van bonatuurlike gebeure, wat plaasgevind het omdat dit deur die brein gewil is en daarvoor, in afwagting gehoop is. My vriend Trevor Thomson het my van so ‘n geval vertel. Hy sê dat hy een Kersfees vir die kinders ‘n verrassing gebou het. Daarvoor het hy egter baie goiingsak benodig. Terwyl hy oppad is om van die goed in die hande te probeer kry, vind hy ‘n hele baal daarvan in die pad. Nou wat is die kans dat so iets gebeur? Ek kan maar net aflei dat dit die Hemel is wat voorsien het, maar Trevor staan nie sterk op Christenskap nie. Miskien het hy die krag van sy brein gebruik. Hy sê dat hy juis op daardie oomblik geestelik sterk gevoel het. Hy was duidelik op daardie tydstip seker daarvan, dat wat hy doen, reg is en hy het op die Hemel gehoop om te voorsien. Wat is dan die doel van die kruisiging as ons hierdie krag kan gebruik en regkom daarmee, sonder die kruis in elk geval? Vir hierdie rede is dit noodsaaklik dat ons moet uitvind wat die ‘mind’ is.
‘n Studie van die woord ‘siel’ in die Hebreeus en Griekse Konkordansie het gelei tot die volgende ontdekking: Die Siel is die ‘Mind’. As ek hierdie feit as kind geweet het, sou my lewe waarskynlik heeltemal anders daaruit gesien het, want soos die mens dink, so is hy.
Die Vines Woordeboek het die volgende van die SIEL te sê:
Vines oor Spreuke 16:2: “Die woord blyk baie meer te meen as slegs die element van lewe, dit blyk te meen ‘Siel’. In die mens se oë is al sy weë skoon, maar God oorweeg die Gees.”
Die ‘King James Version’ gebruik alleen meer as agt-en-twintig verskillende terme vir hierdie een Hebreeuse woord. Ons sal dit met u deel gedurende die loop van die boek en ook in die diep studie wat gemaak word in die volgende boek oor die LYN, ‘ ‘n Kamer Met ‘n Uitsig’. Dit is dan ook om hierdie rede dat ons deurgaans, waar dit moeilik is om ‘n goeie Afrikaanse ekwivalent te vind, die term ‘mind’ gebruik het.
Die Siel en die Gees van die mens is van die verwarrendste onderwerpe in die wêreld, maar na alles gesê is, bly dit steeds die krag van die ‘mind’ wat jou in staat stel om ysters te buig en oor gloeiende kole te loop.
Wat is dan die GEES?
Wanneer iemand byvoorbeeld sy woede mediteer, dan kyk ons na hom en sê hy het ‘n kwaai gees. Dit beteken dat sy woede-denke nie bloot meer gedagtes is nie, maar dat dit die meditasie van sy hart geword het.
Soos ‘n mens dink, so is hy. Kom ons kyk nou wat die HART is (3 Joh 1:2).
Wanneer jy die meeste mense vra waar die siel in jou geleë is, sal hulle na die hart wys.
Spr 4:23: “Bewaak jou hart meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe.”
Hierdie woord ‘Hart’ word ook vertolk as ‘mind’ en ‘kern’ (3820) en in hierdie konteks word dit 666 keer in die Ou Testament gebruik. Kom ons lees bostaande skriftuurplasing nou reg:
Bewaak jou ‘mind’ (kern) meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe.
In ander woorde, soos die mens dink, so is hy. In Psalm 21:2 sê dit dat God ons die begeertes van ons harte gee,maar die woord beteken eintlik denke (mind).
Dus, God gee aan ons dit wat ons in ons harte dink. Hy gee aan ons diep gemediteerde denke, of dit nou goed of sleg is. As ons dink ons is siek, dan is ons siek. As ons dink dat ons gesond is, dan is ons gesond. Dit is hoekom ons die Bybel moet lees, want ons wil God se denke dink, tyd by Hom spandeer in ‘n verhouding met Hom, wat gelei word deur die Gees, in die koelte van die dag. Die eindresultaat is ‘n Geesgeleide lewe. Ons doen dit nie deur krag of mag van die ‘mind’ nie, maar deur die Gees van die Waarheid. (Sag 4:6).
God het die hart van Farao verhard (Eks 7:1). Hy het nie die pompende spier in Farao se liggaam verhard nie, maar sy denke (mind) teenoor die Israeliete. Ons doen dit ook dikwels bv. wanneer ons sê ons sal nie weer iemand om een of ander rede vertrou nie. Hierdie is ‘n persoonlike keuse en is nie geesgelei nie.
Gen 6:6: “…het dit die HERE berou dat Hy die mens op die aarde gemaak het, en daar was smart in Sy hart.” (Mind)
Spr 3:5: “Vertrou op die HERE met jou hele hart (mind) en steun nie op jou eie insig nie.”
Dit bring ons by die belangrikste vers. Die woord ‘siel’ is ons ‘gedagtes’ (mind). Strong’s nommer 5315. Dit beteken ook ‘wese wat asemhaal’. Dieselfde asem wat in Adam geblaas is. Hierdie woord is ook dieselfde lewe wat in alle lewende skepsels voorkom. DIE ASEM VAN GOD.
Jes 53:11: “Weens die moeitevolle lyde van sy siel sal Hy dit sien en versadig word; deur sy kennis sal my Kneg, die Regverdige, baie regverdig maak; en Hy sal hulle skuld dra.”
Die wyse wat ons dink, is sonde.
Sonde is nie lewensvatbare denke nie. Niks skeppend kan uit sondige denke kom nie, as jy ongeluk dink, gebeur ongeluk. As ons denke oor so ‘n geweldige krag beskik, wat die lewe of die dood kan veroorsaak, is dit nie nou die tyd dat ons besin oor wat ons dink nie?
Deut 30:19: “Ek neem vandag die hemel en die aarde as getuies teen julle; die lewe en die dood, die seën en die vloek het ek jou voorgehou. Kies dan die lewe, dat jy kan lewe, jy en jou nageslag,”
In Openbaring 1:18, sien ons Jesus Christus hou die sleutels van die lewe. Dit beteken dat net HY aan ons ‘n veilige ‘mind’ kan gee waarin ons lewegewende denke kan dink. (Joh 10:10)
Illustrasie 2 is waarna ons hunker. Ons wil God se Koninkryk wees, Sy krag en Sy glorie. Ander mense moet kan sien die Koninkryk is in ons. Hierdie son in die sentrum van ons wese (mind), is die naam van die Koninkryk van God. (Gen 1:4).
Matt 16:19: “En Ek sal jou die sleutels van die koninkryk van die hemele gee; en wat jy ook op die aarde mag bind, sal in die hemel gebonde wees, en wat jy ook op die aarde mag ontbind, sal in die hemel ontbonde wees.”
Wanneer ons lewe dink en praat, verloor ons die hemel in die aarde.
Het Jesus werklik vir ons ‘minds’ gesterf?
Die krag is in die ‘mind’. Daarom is dit seker die magtigste kragbron op aarde. Maar hierdie kragbron staan onder konstante aanval van nie-lewensgewende, persoonlike en dierlike gedagtes. Gedurende die res van die boek, sal dit bewys word dat DIE WERK WAT BY DIE KRUIS GEDOEN IS, VIR ONS ‘MINDS’ WAS.
Dr J. Murphy se boek ‘The Power of the Mind’ sê: “Wetenskap lig ons in dat ons elke elf maande ‘n nuwe liggaam bou. Maar as ons defekte in ons liggaam inbou deur negatiewe gedagtes soos vrees, jaloesie en woede, dan kan ons niemand behalwe onsself daarvoor blameer nie.”
Die Goddelike krag binne ons is goed en oorvloedig. Dit is vol van elke goeie ding wat jy jou ookal kan verbeel, dink, of voor wens (Ef 3:2). Dit is voordurend besig om te skep en ons te druk vir lewensdenke. Tradisies en geloof het ons egter beroof van hierdie konstante bron van lewegewende mag en dit vervang met vrees.
Wanneer jy die lewens bestudeer van die grootste, suksesvolle besigheids-manne, digters, kunstenaars, sprekers en skrywers, sal jy altyd vind hulle het hulle beroep op die ‘innerlike kragte’ om dinge te openbaar, wat niemand van geweet het nie. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dale Carnegy, Giacomo Puccini, Johannes Brahms, om net ‘n paar te noem, sê almal dieselfde, nl: “Dadelik het die idees my begin binnevloei, direk vanaf God.” Hulle was nie noodwendig groot Christene nie en hulle het nie die Kruis verstaan soos ons dit vandag verstaan nie. Ook het hulle die beginsel van die Bloed nie verstaan nie, maar hulle het geglo in die krag van die denke.
Die meeste van hulle het geglo dat hulle self die kaptein van hulle siele is. Ons glo nie so nie, want ons het ‘n Kaptein wat dinge aan ons openbaar deur Sy indringende Gees.
Ons word voortdurend gelei deur Sy Waarheid en is die nuwe generasie, wat die wêreld voor gewag het om geopenbaar te word (Rom 8). Nasies sal kom na hierdie LIG (Jes 55:5). In hierdie generasie is die Lig van die wêreld (Matt 5:14).
Daarom, staan op, want jou lig het opgekom. Die glorie van God het oor jou gekom (Jes 60:1). Die kennis van die glorie van God het nou na ons toe gekom (Hab 2:14).
Dit is nie aldag dat ‘n mens iemand teëkom op wie se verbintenis jy so kan vertrou nie, iemand wie se woord nog sy woord is.
Iemand, so opreg in die waarheid wat hy verkondig, met onwrikbare geloof, wat daardeur in staat is om die groot Waarheid van God te ervaar in eenvoudige opregtheid. ‘n Man wat dit durf waag het om die twyfelagtige metodes van die praktiserende ‘Christenskap’ te bevraagteken en voort gegaan het om te bewys dat God geen leuenaar is nie. In der waarheid, verder gegaan het en bewys het dat God se Woord die waarheid is en dat Sy beloftes in geglo kan word. En glo dat ons bedoel is om altyd te lewe in die ‘Guns van God’.
So ‘n man is Ron van Zyl. ‘n Baie talentvolle kunstenaar in wie God die verstommende gawe geplaas het om Sy Waarheid op ‘n unieke wyse te verklaar en uit te lê. ‘n Man van integriteit, wat sy God van naderby ken en gereeld saam met hom wandel. ‘n Man wat deurentyd van die Groot Skrywer van sy werk, hoor.
Moontlik die grootste vermeldbare eienskap van Ron is die toewyding waarmee hy sy kinders onderrig en leer van ‘God se Beginsels van die Lewe’. Die bewys hiervan kan gesien word in die lewens van Yvonne en hul kinders, Michell en Aldo, wat elk op hul eie wyse, die paadjie saam met God stap, op die fondasie wat deur hul man en vader gelê is. Wanneer gaan die res van ons ooit die kuns aanleer van sulke onbelemmerde, Christelike integriteit?
Vir my is dit ‘n groot eer om betrokke te wees met die produksie van hierdie ‘Kunswerk’.
Dit is (as ek dit mag sê) met groot trots dat ek my so bevoorreg vind om hierdie werk,
Die Lyn deur Ron van Zyl
aan u te bring.
Wees geseënd deur die ‘God van die Heelal’ terwyl u hierdie ‘kunswerk’ geniet.
Dankie Ron,
Nils Gregersen
Hierdie boek is heeltemal buitengewoon. Dit is die lewenstaak van ‘n man wat as kind, ‘n visie van God en Sy Heerlikheid gehad het. Nodeloos om te sê, sy wedervaringe is nooit verstaan deur diegene rondom hom nie, veral nie gesien in die lig van toendertyd se ‘menslike persepsies van die bonatuurlike’ nie. Gevolglik is hy deur sy meerderes die swye opgelê sodra hy oor sy ervarings met God gepraat het. Maar die visie het nooit vervaag nie, tewens dit het met die tyd net duideliker geword.
Hierdie boek is nie ‘n lang, uitgerekte outobiografie nie, maar vertel eerder op ‘n praktiese, op die man af, Bybel-gegrondveste wyse van ‘n lewenswyse wat gely word deur ‘n gesin wat bewys het hulle kan leiding neem, sonder om gebuk te gaan onder die druk van hedendaagse stres en norme van die gemeenskap.
Hierin sal u hul storie interessant, boeiend en vinnig bewegend vind. Maar u kan dit nie vinnig lees en ten volle verstaan nie. Daar is eenvoudig net te veel inligting. U sal hierdie boekie altyd byderhand wil hou en as ‘n gereedskapstuk gebruik, om aan almal wat u ontmoet, die ‘Evangelie van God se Koninkryk’, aan die hand van die baie skilderye wat deur die skrywer verskaf is, te verduidelik. Hierdie skilderye en beelde is deur Ron, onder die leiding van God self, gemaak.
Vir die eerste keer het ons, as Christene, nou prente van die Geesteswêreld wat ons geloof bewys en bevestig dat ‘n ‘diepe kennis’ van ons besit neem as ons, ons lewens vir Jesus gee. U kan dit nou deel met u geliefdes en diegene wat u nooit vantevore kon bereik nie.
U sal nou saam met almal wat reeds Die Skoen besoek het, hul bevindings kan bevestig en getuig dat die openbaringe slegs van God self af moes kom. Geen mens kan self hierdie dinge weet, tensy dit vanaf God direk, ontvang is nie.
Na baie jare se wag, kan ons nou uiteindelik sê dat God vir Ron van Zyl en sy gesin op ‘n merkwaardige wyse gebruik het om ‘n visionalisering te skep, wat net met een woord beskryf kan word nl: Uniek.
As ‘n seuntjie van ongeveer vyf jaar oud, het my moeder my ‘n Bybelstorie vertel. Die een van Samuel wat as seuntjie, die stem van God gehoor het. My moeder het my vertel dat ek ook my lewe vir Jesus kan gee en dat Hy dan ook met my sal praat. Ek het op my knieë gegaan en nadat ek my lewe vir die Here gegee het, het ek hierdie hoë plek gesien. Dit het die kleur van goud gehad en Jesus was daar. Dit was gevul met blydskap, liedere, vreugde en vrede. Dit was ‘n plek waar jy enigiets kon kry, wat jy ookal benodig het. As ‘n vyfjarige het ek gedink dat almal van die plek geweet het, daarom het ek vrylik en die heel tyd daarvan gepraat. Uiteindelik het my moeder my vasgetrap en gevra: ”Waarvan praat jy?” Ek het haar vertel: “Dit is die prentjie wat ek gesien het toe ek my lewe vir Jesus gegee het. Dit is hier in my gedagtes!”.
Sy was baie ontsteld en het my vertel om dit nooit weer te doen nie, want dit is meditasie, en meditasie is van Oosterse afkoms, dat dit direk van die duiwel af kom, ensovoorts. My moeder het uit ‘n baie streng gelowige agtergrond gekom, maar het min of geen begrip van die ‘Geestes realm’ gehad nie. Daarom was enige ervaring wat vir haar ‘bonatuurlik’ geklink het, direk van satan af en nie God nie.
Maar ek het steeds almal wat ek in my lewe raak geloop het, gemeet aan dit wat ek daardie nag, as kind gesien het. Toe sy my eenkeer saamvat kerk toe, het ek daar niks gesien of gehoor wat vir my hoegenaamd gelyk of geklink het soos dit wat ek daardie nag gesien het nie. Die hemel vol vreugde, liedere, geluk en vrede! Godsdiens glad nie!
Sonder om enige substansie in die alledaagse lewens van die gewone mense rondom my te vind, het ek my geboortedorp, Kaapstad verlaat om my eie spasie te skep. Ek het my gaan vestig in die Oos Transvaal, wat nou ingesluit is by die Limpopo, waar ek die eensame lewe van ‘n kunstenaar geleef het. In ‘n plattelandse boeregemeenskap is ek geïgnoreer en afgemaak as eksentriek.
Op die ouderdom van 24 het ek besluit om al my talente en my lewe aan God die Vader te wy. Ek het my by my broer, wat ‘n sendingstasie in Limpopo het, aangesluit en daar het ons saam ‘n Bybelbeeld-Tuin as toeriste-attraksie gebou.
Dit is eintlik net logies dat ‘n kunstenaar wat die heeltyd in die teenwoordigheid van die Heilige Gees lewe, in staat sal wees om deur middel van sketse, skilderye en beelde, die Geestelike realm te kan uitbeeld. Maar dit was eers in 1974, negentien jaar na my eerste visie van ‘Hemelse Plekke’ as seuntjie, wat ek deur God toegelaat is om onder instruksie en leiding van die Heilige Gees, die ‘Geestes Wêreld’, deur my kuns bloot te stel.
My eerste probeerslag was ‘n beeldhouwerk teen ‘n rotswand van vyftien meter hoog. Dit is voltooi op die ouderdom van ses en twintig en ons het dit ‘Die Hel’ genoem. My broer Paul het my gehelp om ‘n steier te bou en agter ‘n skerm, om nuuskieriges weg te hou, het ek van bo begin met die werk. As gevolg van die skerm, kon ek nie terugstaan om perspektief van die werk te kry nie. Die skerm was egter noodsaaklik, want toeriste het my dikwels uit die werk gehou. Die nadeel was dat ek nie die werk op ‘n afstand kon oordeel vir eenvormigheid of balans nie.
Terwyl ek een naweek weg was, het my broer die steiers afgebreek en gesê, dat teen die tempo wat ek werk, ek dit nooit gaan klaarkry nie. Deur dit te doen, het hy die voltooiing van die taak afgedwing. Toe ek terugkeer, het ek tot my verbasing gesien dat alles in perfekte balans en verhouding is. Die figure aan die bokant was presies sewe voet ses duim (2,3 meters) en die aan die onderkant presies vyf voet ses duim (1,7 meters). Dit het sommer vanself so gebeur en toe het ek tot die besef gekom en die hand van God in my werk gesien.
Hierdie rotswand is waar ek van die frustrasie, deur nie die hemelse plek wat ek as kind gesien het te vind nie, ontslae geraak.
Dit het twee jaar geneem om Die Hel te voltooi en in die tussentyd het ek anatomie bestudeer. Dit het my egter gedwing om die skriftuur te bestudeer om uit te vind wat die hel is. Uit hierdie studies het interessante onderwerpe om te skilder, gekom.
Die meeste mense is bekend met die Bybelstories en my kuns het geblyk ‘n goeie manier te wees om kontak met die toeriste te maak.
Vreemd, daar was nie ‘n enkele persoon wat bereid was om te sê wat hy hiervan dink nie. Soveel so, dat ek naderhand gedink het dat ek hiermee aanstoot aan mense gee, tot een oggend toe my vader kom kyk het hoe dit lyk. Hy het net gesê: “Dit is ‘allright’”. Hy was ‘n baie harde man en as hy gesê het, iets is ‘allright’ dan is dit presies wat dit is. Dit was die naaste wat ek gekom het aan enige wyse van ‘n kompliment. Maar ek het weer God se hand hierin gesien, ook Sy waarskuwing aan my, dat as ek vir Hom wil werk, moet alle eer Hom toekom, Hom alleen. Ons Groot en Genadige God was besig om my te beskerm van die euwel, TROTS.
Twee jaar later, in 1978, is ek en Yvonne getroud en ons het vir ons ‘n huis gebou. Saam met my vrou het ons alles wat ons nodig gehad het, eiehandig ‘geskep’. Saam het ons geleer om in geloof te lewe. Van die berge rondom ons het ons die klip om die huis te bou en die hout vir die beelde gaan haal. By wyse van harde werk en die geloof in ons Skepper, die Almagtige God, is ons deur moordende woestyne van die lewe, deur die Heilige Gees gelei. Ons het ontdek dat jy alles wat jy benodig, van die Groot Verskaffer, die Vader, die Almagtige God, kan kry.
Die eindresultaat was, dat ons as gesin, Yvonne, ekself en ons twee kinders, Michell en Aldo, ‘n toring van krag geword het vir diegene rondom ons, in ‘n wêreld waar antwoorde opgedroog het. Deur die verduidelikings en lewende getuienisse wat hierdie boek bevat, sal u as leser ook uitvind hoe om enigiets wat u benodig, te kry. Ja, enigiets wat jy benodig sal deur die Vader, die Almagtige God aan jou verskaf word. Dit is Sy begeerte vir jou!
Dit is die ‘Hart van God’, soos opgesom in die woorde…. “Vader van barmhartigheid” (Strong’s 3628) en “die God van alle vertroosting” (Strong’s 3874). Ook 2 Kor 1:3.
Ondersoek dit vir jouself. Die woorde ‘barmhartigheid’ en ‘vertroosting’ word somtyds vertaal as net ‘genadige’ soos in ‘genadige Vader’ of ‘genadige God’, maar dit dra inderwaarheid die hart van God en sluit onder andere in die volgende:
Bejammering – soos in ‘God bejammer ons in ons omstan-dighede’.
Medelyde – soos in ‘God ly mede (met ons) in ons omstan-dighede’.
Begeer – soos in ‘God begeer om ons alle goeie dinge te gee’.
Is dit nie hoog tyd dat ons die ‘Hart van Vader’ vasvang, wie in elk geval die Almagtige God is, en dan voortgaan in ‘n ‘Lewe’ in en leef in ‘Sy Begeerte’ vir ons nie?
Jy sal baie gou die algemene foute wat ons as Christene maak, agterkom. Jy sal nie langer jou seëninge in die kerk gaan soek nie, maar ‘n seëning vir die kerk word.
Die enigste vereiste wat van jou verlang word, is om Die Here Jesus Christus met jou hele hart te ken en te verstaan.
Die doel van hierdie boek is om jou stap vir stap daarnatoe te neem. Ons sal jou daarnatoe neem met behulp van reekse beelde, skilderye, tekeninge, stories en praktiese wenke vir toepassing en dan toekyk hoe jy ‘ hoog en vry’ loop terwyl jy alle eer aan God gee.
Ons is nie gelowig nie! Ons het ‘n verhouding met God! Gelowigheid is nie Vryheid nie!
As iemand ons gelowig noem, beskou ons dit nie as ‘n kompliment nie. Die Sadduseërs en Fariseërs was gelowig en hulle is deur Jesus gehaat as gevolg daarvan. Hy het hulle skerpioene en adders genoem. Ons het ‘n verhouding met Jesus Christus en Sy Gees leer ons alles wat ons nodig het om te weet. Dit is dan ook ons gebed vir jou.
Geniet asb. hierdie boek as ‘n openbaring van die ‘groter dinge’ wat vir ‘n ieder en elk van ons beskikbaar is in Christus Jesus.
This book is completely out of the ordinary. It is the life’s work of a man, who, as a child, had a vision of God and His glory. Needless to say, his experiences were not understood by those around him because of the then ‘popular human perceptions’ toward anything supernatural. Consequently he was ‘shut down’ by his superiors from verbalizing his experience with God. However, the vision never faded; in fact it grew over time.
This is not a long drawn out autobiography but rather tells of a practical, down to earth,
Bionically based lifestyle lived out by a family which has proven that they can lead without bowing to the social pressures and norms of society.
You will find this story intriguing, fast-moving, spell binding, but you cannot read it quickly with full understanding, as there is simply too much information.
You will want to keep this book with you always and use it as a tool to show the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom of God’ to anybody you meet, by simply explaining the many pictures provided by the artist/sculptor.
For the first time we Christians will have pictures of the Spirit world that prove our faith, and confirm that deep ‘knowing’ that comes to you when you give your life to Jesus. You can now share it with all your loved ones, and those you could never reach before.
You will, along with all who have visited “The Shoe”, echo their findings that these revelations can only be from God. No person could ever know these things unless they had been given by God.
After so many years of waiting we can finally say, God has used Ron van Zyl and his family in an exceptional way to create a visualization of, what can only be referred to as Unique.
The Artist’s Story
When I was a boy of about 5 years old my mother told me a Bible story. The one about Samuel who as a boy heard the voice of God. My mother said that I could also give my life to Jesus and He would talk with me. I went on my knees and after giving my life to the Lord, I saw this “High Place”. It was gold in color and Jesus was there. It was full of joy, song, happiness and peace. It is a place where you can have anything you need. Being only five years old, I thought everybody knew about that place and so I talked about it freely all the time. My Mother finally cornered me and asked me: “What are you talking about?” I told her ‘it’s the picture I saw when I gave my life to Jesus, its here, inside my mind’!
She was very upset and told me never to do that again because it was meditation and eastern of origin, that it was from the devil and so on. My Mother had come out of a strict religious background with little or no understanding of the “Spirit Realm”, thus, any such ‘mystical’ experiences were, in her opinion, from Satan, not God.
But still I measured everybody I met in life against what I had seen as a child. When she took me to the church, nothing that I saw or heard there looked remotely like what I had seen that night. Heaven is full of joy, song, happiness and peace, not so religion!
Not finding anything of substance in the everyday lives of ordinary people around me, in the town of my birth, Cape Town, South Africa. I set out to find my own space, settling in the Eastern Transvaal, now called Limpopo. Here I lived the solitary life of an artist. It being a farming community, I was ignored as an eccentric.
At the age of 24 I decided to give my life and talents to the Lord Jesus. I joined my brother who had a mission station in the Eastern Transvaal (Limpopo) and together we built a Bible Sculpture Garden as a tourist attraction.
It is logical, that an artist, who remains in the presence of the Holy Spirit, will be able to reveal through drawings, paintings and sculptures, what the ‘Spirit Realm looks like’. But it was only in 1974, 19 years after my childhood vision of ‘The Heavenly Realms’ and with Holy Spirit instruction and guidance, that I was allowed, by God, to ‘expose the spirit world’ through my art.
My first attempt was a 15 meter high rock face sculpture, completed at the age of twenty six and named “The Hell”. My brother Paul helped me build a scaffold and I started at the top working downwards behind a screen for privacy as the tourists would keep me out of my work. Because of the screen I could never stand back and look at the work. I was not able to examine it from a distance for uniformity or balance.
While I was away on a weekend trip my brother broke the scaffold down saying that at the speed I was going I would never finish. By so doing he forced completion of the work. On returning I was amazed to see that all the work was in perspective, the figures at the top were seven foot six inches (2,3 metres) tall and at the bottom five foot six inches (1,7 metres). That happened by itself and I began to recognize the Lord’s hand in my work.
This rock face is where I got rid of the frustration of not finding that heavenly place I had seen as a boy. It had taken two years to complete, as I was studying anatomy at the same time. It also put me on the path to reading scripture to find out what hell is. Out of these studies came intriguing subjects to paint and sculpt. Most people are familiar with bible stories and my art proved to be a great way to connect with tourists.
Strangely, there was not even one person who would say what they thought of it, and I began to think that it offended people, until one day my Father came to look at it and he said: “It is alright”. He was a very hard man and if he said that something was alright, that is exactly what it was. That’s the closest I got to receive any compliment, but again I recognized the Lord’s hand in it – warning me – if I wanted to work for Him the glory would always belong to Him – and Him alone! Our Merciful and Gracious Lord was protecting me from pride.
Two years later, in 1978, I married Yvonne and built a house for us. Along with my wife, we ‘created’ everything we needed with our own hands, together we learnt to live by faith. From the mountains we took rock to build our home and wood from which to carve. By means of very hard work and faith in our Creator, God Almighty, we were led through grueling deserts of life by the Holy Spirit. We discovered that you can haveanything you need, supplied by your Father – Almighty God.
The end result is that we as a family, Yvonne and I and our two children, Michell and Aldo, have become a tower of strength to those around us in a world that has run out of answers. Through the explanations and living testimonies contained is this book you too will see how you can get anything you need, Yes, anything you need, supplied by your Father – Almighty God – it is His Desire for you.
This is the ‘Heart of God’, summed up in the words “ .. Father of mercies,3628 and the God of all comfort;3874 … “ – 2 Cor 1:3 (KJV) (Strong’s Numbers).
Check it out for yourself. The words ‘mercy and comfort’, sometimes translated only as ‘merciful’, as in ‘merciful Father’ or ‘merciful God’, carry with them the heart of God, which include, interalia, the following:
‘Pity – God pities us in our circumstances’,
‘Compassion – God has co-passion together with us in our circumstances’, and
‘Desire – God desires to give us all good things’.
Isn’t it time that we captured the ‘Heart of our Father’, who is after all God Almighty, and hence enter into ‘Life’ living in ‘His Desire’ for us?
You will quickly find out the general mistakes we Christians make. You will no longer search for your blessings in the church, but will become a blessing to the church.
The only demands on you, is a disciplined dedication to know and understand the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart.
This book is meant to take you there, step by step. We will take you through a series of sculptures, paintings, drawings, stories, and practical application to where we will watch you walking ‘high and free’ – giving God alone the praise.
We are not religious! We have a relationship! Religion is Not Freedom!
When they call us religious it is not a complement. The Sadducee and Pharisees were religious and their religion was hated by Jesus. He called them scorpions and vipers.
We have a relationship with Jesus Christ; His Spirit teaches everything we need to know.
This is our prayer for you also.
Please enjoy this book as a revelation of the ‘greater things’ available for each and every one of us in Christ Jesus.