Meditating on the image of Christ

Colossians 1:27:  “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

In other translations, the secret of the gospel is Christ in you.

Christ in me is part of my daily meditation. I know that if I can fully comprehend the meaning of Christ in me, I will do what Jesus did when he was on earth.  With the Holy Spirit in him, he could turn water into wine, walk on the sea, and translate 13 people and a boat from one place to another in a flash. He healed the sick, raised the dead, and gave up his life to die on the cross so we may also have this Holy Spirit that can do anything.

The original calling of man was to have dominion on the earth and to have authority and rulership.

Adam lost this ability but Jesus came to show us how we should rule. If Adam had taken up his authority, he would have drawn the line and told Eve that they cannot sin, they must love God, obey their conscience, and live with integrity. He had no authority because when God asked him why they sinned he said it was the woman God gave him. That is the argument of a passive person. He had no authority. He is like most people today. They are afraid they hurt the feelings of other people. We should speak the word of God because the word is God-breathed and is the will of God.

Perhaps the reason why most people live without authority is because Christ has not yet been formed in them.

Gal 4:19:  “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.”

This is why I say that the greatest part of my daily meditation is Christ in me, it takes time for the mind to be transformed. (Rom 12: 1-2)

The way the Old Testament people went to God was via the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was a physical way to approach God, today we approach God the same way, the only difference is we do it spiritually. We do it in the imaginations and thoughts of our hearts. (Gen 6:5)

This way of praying brings order to our thoughts and prayer life.

We first deal with sin in the outer court. In the Old Testament Tabernacle, the priest offered the sacrifice in the Outer Court. Today our First step or Room is Calvary. We follow Jesus we lay down our lives in the way he showed us. The second room is the Holy Place where we honor the Holy Spirit and in the Third Room which is the Holy of Holies, we honor our Father in heaven.  It is a place of thanksgiving because we have left our problems on the cross, we are saved from it. In the Holy of Holies, we are thankful that we have been saved—INTO CHRIST! It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me (Gal 2:20)

In the spirit, we can imagine ourselves looking like Jesus and doing what he did. I meditate on this in the Holy place. When I enter, I meet the Spirit of Jesus on the beach, because my mind garden is the seaside. Here I meditate that He is the same spirit who raised Jesus from the dead and that He quickens my mortal body. (Rom 8:11) He guides me continually and satisfies my soul that I am like a watered garden like a spring of water that never dries up. (Isa 58:11) That I have an unction from the Holy One to Know all things. (1 John 2:20) That he is the Spirit of wisdom who teaches me the power that I possess in Christ. (Ef 1:17) (Read John 14:26.)

I keep meditating on what the Word says about Christ in me and say it out loud. If I say it, I hear it. It’s in my mouth it’s in my heart. The same heart where Christ is enthroned in, the dwelling of God. I am the temple of God. As I meditate in this way, I experience the Spirit becoming stronger and rising in me, faith comes and I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth, Jesus is Lord of my life. This kind of meditation causes Christ-like authority. Now I begin to meditate on Mark 11:23-25.  That if you would say to this mountain be thou removed and thrown into the sea it will obey joy.  This scripture is saying that we have authority with Christ in us over all things. It means that nothing will be impossible for us. (Mat 17:20)

Mark 16 says we lay hands on the sick and they must heal. We have authority over our own bodies. Sickness cannot live inside us. We have authority over our finances.

Jesus spoke to the storm and it obeyed him. The disciples marveled at this and said: “What kind of person is this that the weather obeys him?” This kind of meditation will cause faith to rule over circumstances.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for.

1 Corinthians 2:2:  “For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him Crucified.”

Paul teaches the cross and that He no longer lives but that Christ lives in him. In the book of Galatians, we are taught that the flesh is the enemy, and as we die to the flesh and sinful nature, we live in Christ bringing forth the fruit of the Spirit. All of this is so that we can have a clear conscience and confidence to stand before God to get our prayers answered and live a blessed life in Christ.

This is a short enough message, so easy that even children can understand it to live the blessed life in Christ.

God’s grace is a constant, all of it is always at our disposal. All we have to do is to partake using our faith. We all have the portion of faith, we all have the same faith, but this is where most of us miss it. We believe for things and then we don’t have the discipline to live in the hope that it is mine! Paul starts the faith chapter of Hebrews this way. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for.”

Our hope is in the imagination and thoughts of the heart which must be continually filled with what we hope for. We cannot say that we are believing, and then start talking about the problem with other people. Your hope must be so complete that you see only the answer to the problem. Many storms will arise while you are looking at what you hope! The problem will get worse. This is proof that heaven has started working on the problem.

Jesus told us to take up our cross and lay down our life. (Luke 9:23) Our life is the problem we need to get sorted. Now the cross was a violent affair. Jesus was mutilated, tortured, and executed most horrifically. He took all of the flesh or any problem that could result from fleshly or carnal behavior upon himself. In the garden of Gethsemane, his sweat became blood as he overcame fear. The blood sealed him from his carnal nature, in the same way, he was sealed at birth in the blood of his mother’s torn virgin blood. He rose from that garden and faced the world to challenge it to do its worst. And they did!  He faced all of the worst that the Romans and Priests could do to Him. He never said a word against them and was led like a lamb to the slaughter. The only sinless man who ever lived on the earth took all of the jealousy of the priests upon himself. All of the wickedness of the Romans was poured out on him and he gave his back to be beaten and flayed with a led-tipped whip.  He took all sickness that would ever be onto himself. The Bible says that he did not look like a man anymore. But that is what He wanted, He wanted all of the sinful nature of man and then He crucified it. When all the terrible things had been done to him, He prayed for them.

This is the Jesus whom I serve, and I follow Him daily, to lay down my life. No matter how big my problems are, I crucify them as Jesus was crucified, and then I leave the problem there! This is how Jesus saves us, the problem is no longer yours. When you start talking to people about your problems you are taking the problem down again. Once we crucify it, we leave the problem on the cross, the problem should be crucified violently. Now leave it there! Now give God thanks and praise Him because God is going to work all things out. He will fix the problem in a way that we could never have dreamt. But remember God can only work if your hope remains perfect.

Look at the things you hope for and never stop giving thanks. In this way, believe God, believe His Word, and know He loves you. You know it is impossible to please God without faith. We must have trials in our lives so we can have testimonies. The Bible teaches that nothing will be impossible for you.  Believe God, God is a good God and He wants you to have a great life full of victories and testimonies.

September 2020

September 2020 – The Knowledge of Christ causes all things

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Ron wrote:

How wonderful it must have been for the disciples when they saw that the demons obeyed them and all the sick were healed! I have been writing on the subject of healing for the past three months. Catch up on them if you missed them. 

Do you realize that you are the disciples of Jesus. You have exactly the same power the disciples had.  You have it now!  The only thing that keeps us from laying hands on the sick is that it did not always work in the past.

 2 Pet 1:3:  “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue…”

Working the works of God is ministering healing and life but above all; it is the knowledge of Christ in us that causes divine healing and life.

Eph 1:17:  “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.”

Continue reading “September 2020”

Boek 2 – Die Kort Swaard – Voorwoord


My vrou, Yvonne en ek het besluit om in die platteland te woon en om ons kinders ‘n gehalte manier van lewe te gee. ‘n Plaaslike boer het vir ons ‘n stukkie grond gegee om op te bou en te lewe. Ek het in die omliggende berge, droë hardehout versamel en beelde daaruit gekerf. Yvonne het dit in die padstal wat ons gebou het, verkoop. Alhoewel ons arm aan wêreldse besittings was, het ons ‘n gehalte lewenstyl gehad en die hoop op ‘n blink toekoms.

Ons was egter nie toegerus vir die ‘bagasie’ wat besoekers en toeriste by ons agtergelaat het nie.

Yvonne, met haar sonnige geaardheid, het graag na die besoekers geluister en vir my gevra om met hulle oor hul probleme te praat en hulle te bemoedig. Dit het ons gedoen en hulle probeer versterk deur hulle te vertel hoe ons, ons probleme hanteer, deur te lewe in die geloof en by wyse van ons persoonlike getuienisse. Ons het hulle aangemoedig om die Bybel te lees, God se krygstuig aan te trek en om die Bloed te verstaan. Ons staan vandag nog stomgeslaan oor hoeveel van God se volwasse kinders nie eers hierdie basiese dinge doen nie en dan blameer hulle vir God. Ons frustrasies het al hoe meer toegeneem en toe smeek ons God vir ‘n wyse, om die mense wat ons so ontmoet, te kan help.

Om drie-uur een oggend, het ek buite onder die sterre gesit en mediteer. Die volgende oomblik het ek die Geestes-Wêreld gesien wat in ‘n grot verduidelik word. Ek het gesien hoe dat baie mense op dié manier gehelp word. Van daardie oomblik af, het dit ons strewe geword om ons eie eiendom te besit en om die grot te bou. Hierin het ons uiteindelik geslaag, gepaardgaande met baie beproewinge waarvan ons u in die boek, ‘Die Lyn’ vertel.

Saam met ons kinders Michelle en Aldo, het ons vir ses jaar, duisende mense deur die grot begelei, voordat die Here aan ons ‘n skildery en ‘n bonatuurlike wyse gegee het om te bewys dat daar ‘n geestelike skeidingslyn tussen die Koninkryk van die Lig en die Koninkryk van die Duister is.

Vir die eerste keer het ons nou al die werk wat op Golgota gedoen was en die Kruis verstaan. Al ons persoonlike probleme is deur die openbaringe opgelos. Ons het ook, deur middel van die bekendmaking van hierdie kennis, kon sien hoe ons vriende genees word en van hulle laste verlos word. Ons het nie meer nodig om iemand te besoek vir genesing nie. DAAR IS ‘N HOë PLEK IN ONS GEDAGTES waar ons die Here in die koelte van die dag ontmoet en waar ons genesing ontvang en instruksies kry om probleme op te los.

Die ‘Kort Swaard’ is die resultaat van ons bereidwilligheid om ons geestelike groei te saai en met ons naaste te deel. As jy saai, sal jy maai.

Daar is so baie siek, arm en depressiewe Godvresende mense, wat om een of ander rede, skynbaar nie kan begryp waaroor die Bybel eintlik gaan nie. Die doel van hierdie boek is dan ook, om nie net as ‘n handleiding te dien nie, maar om aan u die kerngedagte van elke Bybelverhaal, makliker te laat verstaan en hoekom God dit hoegenaamd in die Skrif opgeneem het. Verder sal dit u aanmoedig om die Bybel te bestudeer en om uit te vind hoe elke storie lei tot die Christusstorie.    



Dit is algemene kennis dat daar krag in ons denke is. Ons weet ook, dat daar baie mense is wat hierdie krag suksesvol aanwend. Hulle is egter meestal nie-Christene en dit is wat my daarvan weerhou het om die ‘mind’ te bestudeer. Vir ons Christene is dit ‘n ongekarteerde gebied en ons wil ons nie blootstel om deur demone beset te word nie.

Dit is daarom vir my ‘n groot verligting gewees toe ek uitvind dat die ‘siel’ die ‘mind’ is. Jesus het Sy siel vir die mens se sondes geoffer. Sonde is in die wyse wat ons dink. Dit is hoe ek tot die gevolgtrekking gekom het dat Jesus vir ons gedagtes gesterf het.

Soos ons aangaan met hierdie studies en jy ernstig genoeg is om die waarheid vir jouself uit te vind, sal dit baie baat as jy e-Sword op jou rekenaar aflaai. Dit is gratis vir almal. Kyk op ons kolofoonblad (bls.2) vir die posadres. Dan kan u al die stellings en bewerings vir uself nagaan en sommer hoor wat Die Gees van die Waarheid hieroor te sê het.  

Ek wens ons kon net die kerngedagte van elke Bybelstorie vasvang vir u gerief. Maar ons hoop om die aandag te kry van mense op elke vlak van geestelike groei en daarom moes ek redelike agtergrond van elke storie gee. Die doel van die boek is om as handleiding te gebruik vir die teken van eenvoudige sketsies, of om selfs net te deel met diegene wat u op u pad ontmoet. Dit laat my altyd so magteloos, as ek nie al die gereedskap het om die hulpbehoewendes te kan help nie. As jy van nou af besoek by ‘n hospitaal aflê en die Here gee jou die geleentheid om Sy Woord te bedien, haal eenvoudig net jou ‘Kort Swaard’ uit en wys hulle die prentjies. Daar is baie krag in ons denke.

Gen 2:7:   “En die HERE God het die mens geformeer uit die stof van die aarde en in sy neus die asem van die lewe geblaas.” So het dan die mens ‘n lewende siel geword.  (1Kor 15:45-49)

Hy is nou ‘n wese wat asemhaal (H5315). Hierdie nommers in hakies word vir u gerief gegee. Tik dit in jou e-Sword, daar waar die verkykertjie is en kyk wat die konteks is in die Hebreeus Griekse woordeboek. Die Ou Testament is vertaal uit Hebreeus en die Nuwe Testament uit die Grieks.

Die krag wat in Adam is, is God in hom. Die asem van God is die krag in ons. Hy is die ‘EK IS’. Hy het Homself aan Moses voorgestel as ‘EK IS!’ – DIE KRAG BINNE JOU. Laastens, my persoonlike waarneming; Hierdie krag in ons, is God in ons. Dit is die enigste rede waarom ons harte klop. Sonder Sy teenwoordigheid in ons, sal ons sekerlik sterf.

Daar is mense wat die krag van binne hulself gebruik tot groot sukses en God nie die eer daarvoor gee nie. Sommiges kan met die krag selfs ysters buig, oor gloeiende kole loop, genesing ontvang en dan noem hulle dit, die krag van die ‘mind’. Mense soos Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Marconi, Mark Twain en andere het almal die ‘eindelose krag’ gevra vir inspirasie voordat hulle gaan slaap het. Hulle het almal baie tyd spandeer, deur na hul persoonlike droom te kyk en hulself daarmee te vul. Nie een van hierdie mense was bekend gewees vir hul toegewyde geloof nie, hulle het eenvoudig net die negatiewe geïgnoreer en op die positiewe gekonsentreer. Een jong knaap van ongeveer agt jaar oud, het die situasie mooi opgesom deur te sê:  “Oom, dit klink baie maklik, maar dit is nie so maklik nie, nê?”

My eie swaer was ‘n nie-Christen, ‘n suksesvolle besigheidsman. Ons het hom eenkeer gevra om ‘n groepie, tydens ‘n naweek seminaar, toe te spreek. Hy het gesê, daar is ‘n krag binne ons. Hy weet nie wat dit is nie, miskien is dit God, maar hy glo nie in God nie. Deur persoonlike dissipline het hy hierdie krag aangewend vir finansiële gewin. Hy het elke oggend, winter of somer, in die swembad geduik. Dit was om homself te oefen om sy gedagtes gefokus te hou op, wat ookal hy na gestreef het. Hier kom my nuwe kar, sou hy sê, terwyl hy sy hande in afwagting vryf. En dan het hy dit gekry!

Hierdie nie-Christen het eenmaal die volgende stelling gemaak: “Wanneer jy besluit het wat die doelwit is, moet jy konstant daarna kyk. Moet nie bekommer omdat daar nie geld is nie, die geld sal kom.” Hy het nooit iemand iets beny nie, nooit jaloers op iemand gewees nie en HET GEEN BENUL VAN NEDERIGHEID GEHAD NIE.

Hy het daarin geglo om goed te wees en het altyd van ‘ou Niek’ gepraat as sy persoonlike kastyder.

Hy was egter nie so gelukkig in ander gebiede van sy lewe, soos sy huwelik en verhoudings met ander mense nie. Daar was ‘n diepe, persoonlike hartseer in my swaer, wat nie gevul kon word met besittings en ‘n kompeterende leefstyl nie.

As u my ander boek ‘Die Misterie van die Eeue’ gelees het, sal u ‘n idee hê van die oorlog wat binne ons plaasvind. Die doel van hierdie boek is, vir ons om ‘n holistiese voorspoed te beleef.

In my persoonlike studies, het ek nie op een van hierdie suksesvolle mense afgekom, wat fisies hard gewerk het nie. Hulle spandeer baie tyd aan hulle persoonlike drome en doelwitte.  


As Christene word ons nie juis aangemoedig om die krag van die denke te gebruik nie, want ons is bang ons word deur ‘n duiwel of ‘n demoon beset en bowendien, dit klink darem baie Oosters. Ten spyte daarvan bid ons Ef 1:17:

Ef 1:17:  “… die Vader van die heerlikheid, aan julle die Gees van wysheid en openbaring in kennis van Hom mag gee, …”

As kinders word ons nooit geleer van die krag van die ‘mind’ nie, maar ons word aangemoedig om geld by die bank te leen. Die banke sê: “Jy het God nie nodig nie, leen by ons geld en bly die res van jou lewe in skuld.” Dit mag dalk net die rede wees hoekom ons in skuld beland, want ons wil dit nóú hê. In kontras hiermee, leer die Bybel ons: ‘Nie deur krag of mag nie, maar deur My Gees.’

Baie van hierdie ‘krag van die verstand’-boeke, verduidelik wel die krag wat in ons is en gebruik dit wel baie suksesvol. Hulle gebruik selfs aanhalings uit die Bybel. Ons weet egter dat ‘n mens enigiets uit die Bybel kan bewys. Wat ons graag wil weet, is hoe kan ons dit doen deur die Gees en die waarheid en aan God die eer gee?

Hierdie tipe boeke vertel in baie gevalle van bonatuurlike gebeure, wat plaasgevind het omdat dit deur die brein gewil is en daarvoor, in afwagting gehoop is. My vriend Trevor Thomson het my van so ‘n geval vertel. Hy sê dat hy een Kersfees vir die kinders ‘n verrassing gebou het. Daarvoor het hy egter baie goiingsak benodig. Terwyl hy oppad is om van die goed in die hande te probeer kry, vind hy ‘n hele baal daarvan in die pad. Nou wat is die kans dat so iets gebeur? Ek kan maar net aflei dat dit die Hemel is wat voorsien het, maar Trevor staan nie sterk op Christenskap nie. Miskien het hy die krag van sy brein gebruik. Hy sê dat hy juis op daardie oomblik geestelik sterk gevoel het. Hy was duidelik op daardie tydstip seker daarvan, dat wat hy doen, reg is en hy het op die Hemel gehoop om te voorsien. Wat is dan die doel van die kruisiging as ons hierdie krag kan gebruik en regkom daarmee, sonder die kruis in elk geval? Vir hierdie rede is dit noodsaaklik dat ons moet uitvind wat die ‘mind’ is.


‘n Studie van die woord ‘siel’ in die Hebreeus en Griekse Konkordansie het gelei tot die volgende ontdekking: Die Siel is die ‘Mind’. As ek hierdie feit as kind geweet het, sou my lewe waarskynlik heeltemal anders daaruit gesien het, want soos die mens dink, so is hy.      

Die Vines Woordeboek het die volgende van die SIEL te sê:

Vines oor Spreuke 16:2: “Die woord blyk baie meer te meen as slegs die element van lewe, dit blyk te meen ‘Siel’. In die mens se oë is al sy weë skoon, maar God oorweeg die Gees.”

Die ‘King James Version’ gebruik alleen meer as agt-en-twintig verskillende terme vir hierdie een Hebreeuse woord. Ons sal dit met u deel gedurende die loop van die boek en ook in die diep studie wat gemaak word in die volgende boek oor die LYN, ‘ ‘n Kamer Met ‘n Uitsig’. Dit is dan ook om hierdie rede dat ons deurgaans, waar dit moeilik is om ‘n goeie Afrikaanse ekwivalent te vind,  die term ‘mind’ gebruik het.

Die Siel en die Gees van die mens is van die verwarrendste onderwerpe in die wêreld, maar na alles gesê is, bly dit steeds die krag van die ‘mind’ wat jou in staat stel om ysters te buig en oor gloeiende kole te loop.

Wat is dan die GEES?

Wanneer iemand byvoorbeeld sy woede mediteer, dan kyk ons na hom en sê hy het ‘n kwaai gees. Dit beteken dat sy woede-denke nie bloot meer gedagtes is nie, maar dat dit die meditasie van sy hart geword het.

Soos ‘n mens dink, so is hy. Kom ons kyk nou wat die HART is (3 Joh 1:2).


Wanneer jy die meeste mense vra waar die siel in jou geleë is, sal hulle na die hart wys.

Spr 4:23:  “Bewaak jou hart meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe.” 

Hierdie woord ‘Hart’ word ook vertolk as ‘mind’ en ‘kern’ (3820) en in hierdie konteks word dit 666 keer in die Ou Testament gebruik. Kom ons lees bostaande skriftuurplasing nou reg:

Bewaak jou ‘mind’ (kern) meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe.   

 In ander woorde, soos die mens dink, so is hy.  In Psalm 21:2 sê dit dat God ons die begeertes van ons harte gee,maar die woord beteken eintlik denke (mind).

Dus, God gee aan ons dit wat ons in ons harte dink. Hy gee aan ons diep gemediteerde denke, of dit nou goed of sleg is. As ons dink ons is siek, dan is ons siek. As ons dink dat ons gesond is, dan is ons gesond. Dit is hoekom ons die Bybel moet lees, want ons wil God se denke dink, tyd by Hom spandeer in ‘n verhouding met Hom, wat gelei word deur die Gees, in die koelte van die dag. Die eindresultaat is ‘n Geesgeleide lewe. Ons doen dit nie deur krag of mag van die ‘mind’ nie, maar deur die Gees van die Waarheid. (Sag 4:6).

God het die hart van Farao verhard (Eks 7:1). Hy het nie die pompende spier in Farao se liggaam verhard nie, maar sy denke (mind) teenoor die Israeliete. Ons doen dit ook dikwels bv. wanneer ons sê ons sal nie weer iemand om een of ander rede vertrou nie. Hierdie is ‘n persoonlike keuse en is nie geesgelei nie.

Gen 6:6:  “…het dit die HERE berou dat Hy die mens op die aarde gemaak het, en daar was smart in Sy hart.” (Mind)

Spr 3:5:  “Vertrou op die HERE met jou hele hart (mind) en steun nie op jou eie insig nie.”

Dit bring ons by die belangrikste vers. Die woord ‘siel’ is ons ‘gedagtes’ (mind). Strong’s nommer 5315. Dit beteken ook ‘wese wat asemhaal’. Dieselfde asem wat in Adam geblaas is. Hierdie woord is ook dieselfde lewe wat in alle lewende skepsels voorkom. DIE ASEM VAN GOD.

Jes 53:11:  “Weens die moeitevolle lyde van sy siel sal Hy dit sien en versadig word; deur sy kennis sal my Kneg, die Regverdige, baie regverdig maak; en Hy sal hulle skuld dra.” 

Die wyse wat ons dink, is sonde.

Sonde is nie lewensvatbare denke nie. Niks skeppend kan uit sondige denke kom nie, as jy ongeluk dink, gebeur ongeluk. As ons denke oor so ‘n geweldige krag beskik, wat die lewe of die dood kan veroorsaak, is dit nie nou die tyd dat ons besin oor wat ons dink nie?

Deut 30:19:  “Ek neem vandag die hemel en die aarde as getuies teen julle; die lewe en die dood, die seën en die vloek het ek jou voorgehou. Kies dan die lewe, dat jy kan lewe, jy en jou nageslag,”      

In Openbaring 1:18, sien ons Jesus Christus hou die sleutels van die lewe. Dit beteken dat net HY aan ons ‘n veilige ‘mind’ kan gee waarin ons lewegewende denke kan dink. (Joh 10:10)

Illustrasie 2 is waarna ons hunker. Ons wil God se Koninkryk wees, Sy krag en Sy glorie. Ander mense moet kan sien die Koninkryk is in ons. Hierdie son in die sentrum van ons wese (mind), is die naam van die Koninkryk van God. (Gen 1:4).

Matt 16:19:  “En Ek sal jou die sleutels van die koninkryk van die hemele gee; en wat jy ook op die aarde mag bind, sal in die hemel gebonde wees, en wat jy ook op die aarde mag ontbind, sal in die hemel ontbonde wees.”

Wanneer ons lewe dink en praat, verloor ons die hemel in die aarde.

Het Jesus werklik vir ons ‘minds’ gesterf?

Die krag is in die ‘mind’. Daarom is dit seker die magtigste kragbron op aarde. Maar hierdie kragbron staan onder konstante aanval van nie-lewensgewende, persoonlike en dierlike gedagtes. Gedurende die res van die boek, sal dit bewys word dat DIE WERK WAT BY DIE KRUIS GEDOEN IS, VIR ONS ‘MINDS’ WAS.

Dr J. Murphy se boek ‘The Power of the Mind’ sê: “Wetenskap lig ons in dat ons elke elf maande ‘n nuwe liggaam bou. Maar as ons defekte in ons liggaam inbou deur negatiewe gedagtes soos vrees, jaloesie en woede, dan kan ons niemand behalwe onsself daarvoor blameer nie.”

Die Goddelike krag binne ons is goed en oorvloedig. Dit is vol van elke goeie ding wat jy jou ookal kan verbeel, dink, of voor wens (Ef 3:2). Dit is voordurend besig om te skep en ons te druk vir lewensdenke. Tradisies en geloof het ons egter beroof van hierdie konstante bron van lewegewende mag en dit vervang met vrees.

Wanneer jy die lewens bestudeer van die grootste, suksesvolle besigheids-manne, digters, kunstenaars, sprekers en skrywers, sal jy altyd vind hulle het hulle beroep op die ‘innerlike kragte’ om dinge te openbaar, wat niemand van geweet het nie. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dale Carnegy, Giacomo Puccini, Johannes Brahms, om net ‘n paar te noem, sê almal dieselfde, nl: “Dadelik het die idees my begin binnevloei, direk vanaf God.” Hulle was nie noodwendig groot Christene nie en hulle het nie die Kruis verstaan soos ons dit vandag verstaan nie. Ook het hulle die beginsel van die Bloed nie verstaan nie, maar hulle het geglo in die krag van die denke.

Die meeste van hulle het geglo dat hulle self die kaptein van hulle siele is. Ons glo nie so nie, want ons het ‘n Kaptein wat dinge aan ons openbaar deur Sy indringende Gees.

Ons word voortdurend gelei deur Sy Waarheid en is die nuwe generasie, wat die wêreld voor gewag het om geopenbaar te word (Rom 8). Nasies sal kom na hierdie LIG (Jes 55:5). In hierdie generasie is die Lig van die wêreld (Matt 5:14).

Daarom, staan op, want jou lig het opgekom. Die glorie van God het oor jou gekom (Jes 60:1). Die kennis van die glorie van God het nou na ons toe gekom (Hab 2:14).

To Be continued…

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Boek 1 – Die Lyn – Voorwoord

Boek 1 – Die Lyn

‘n Huldeblyk aan die Skrywer

Dit is nie aldag dat ‘n mens iemand teëkom op wie se verbintenis jy so kan vertrou nie, iemand wie se woord nog sy woord is.

Iemand, so opreg in die waarheid wat hy verkondig, met onwrikbare geloof, wat daardeur in staat is om die groot Waarheid van God te ervaar in eenvoudige opregtheid. ‘n Man wat dit durf waag het om die twyfelagtige metodes van die praktiserende ‘Christenskap’ te bevraagteken en voort gegaan het om te bewys dat God geen leuenaar is nie.  In der waarheid, verder gegaan het en bewys het dat God se Woord die waarheid is en dat Sy beloftes in geglo kan word. En glo dat ons bedoel is om altyd te lewe in die ‘Guns van God’.

So ‘n man is Ron van Zyl. ‘n Baie talentvolle kunstenaar in wie God die verstommende gawe geplaas het om Sy Waarheid op ‘n unieke wyse te verklaar en uit te lê. ‘n Man van integriteit, wat sy God van naderby ken en gereeld saam met hom wandel. ‘n Man wat deurentyd van die Groot Skrywer van sy werk, hoor.

Moontlik die grootste vermeldbare eienskap van Ron is die toewyding waarmee hy sy kinders onderrig en leer van ‘God se Beginsels van die Lewe’. Die bewys hiervan kan gesien word in die lewens van Yvonne en hul kinders, Michell en Aldo, wat elk op hul eie wyse, die paadjie saam met God stap, op die fondasie wat deur hul man en vader gelê is. Wanneer gaan die res van ons ooit die kuns aanleer van sulke onbelemmerde, Christelike integriteit?

Vir my is dit ‘n groot eer om betrokke te wees met die produksie van hierdie ‘Kunswerk’.

Dit is (as ek dit mag sê) met groot trots dat ek my so bevoorreg vind om hierdie werk,

Die Lyn deur Ron van Zyl

aan u te bring.

Wees geseënd deur die ‘God van die Heelal’ terwyl u hierdie ‘kunswerk’ geniet.

Dankie Ron,

Nils Gregersen      


Hierdie boek is heeltemal buitengewoon. Dit is die lewenstaak van ‘n man wat as kind, ‘n visie van God en Sy Heerlikheid gehad het. Nodeloos om te sê, sy wedervaringe is nooit verstaan deur diegene rondom hom nie, veral nie gesien in die lig van toendertyd se ‘menslike persepsies van die bonatuurlike’ nie. Gevolglik is hy deur sy meerderes die swye opgelê sodra hy oor sy ervarings met God gepraat het. Maar die visie het nooit vervaag nie, tewens dit het met die tyd net duideliker geword.

Hierdie boek is nie ‘n lang, uitgerekte outobiografie nie, maar vertel eerder op ‘n praktiese, op die man af, Bybel-gegrondveste wyse van ‘n lewenswyse wat gely word deur ‘n gesin wat bewys het hulle kan leiding neem, sonder om gebuk te gaan onder die druk van hedendaagse stres en norme van die gemeenskap.

Hierin sal u hul storie interessant, boeiend en vinnig bewegend vind. Maar u kan dit nie vinnig lees en ten volle verstaan nie. Daar is eenvoudig net te veel inligting. U sal hierdie boekie altyd byderhand wil hou en as ‘n gereedskapstuk gebruik, om aan almal wat u ontmoet, die ‘Evangelie van God se Koninkryk’, aan die hand van die baie skilderye wat deur die skrywer verskaf is, te verduidelik. Hierdie skilderye en beelde is deur Ron, onder die leiding van God self, gemaak.

Vir die eerste keer het ons, as Christene, nou prente van die Geesteswêreld wat ons geloof bewys en bevestig dat ‘n ‘diepe kennis’ van ons besit neem as ons, ons lewens vir Jesus gee. U kan dit nou deel met u geliefdes en diegene wat u nooit vantevore kon bereik nie.

U sal nou saam met almal wat reeds Die Skoen besoek het, hul bevindings kan bevestig en getuig dat die openbaringe slegs van God self af moes kom. Geen mens kan self hierdie dinge weet, tensy dit vanaf God direk, ontvang is nie.  

Na baie jare se wag, kan ons nou uiteindelik sê dat God vir Ron van Zyl en sy gesin op ‘n merkwaardige wyse gebruik het om ‘n visionalisering te skep, wat net met een woord beskryf kan word nl: Uniek.



As ‘n seuntjie van ongeveer vyf jaar oud, het my moeder my ‘n Bybelstorie vertel. Die een van Samuel wat as seuntjie, die stem van God gehoor het. My moeder het my vertel dat ek ook my lewe vir Jesus kan gee en dat Hy dan ook met my sal praat. Ek het op my knieë gegaan en nadat ek my lewe vir die Here gegee het, het ek hierdie hoë plek gesien. Dit het die kleur van goud gehad en Jesus was daar. Dit was gevul met blydskap, liedere, vreugde en vrede. Dit was ‘n plek waar jy enigiets kon kry, wat jy ookal benodig het. As ‘n vyfjarige het ek gedink dat almal van die plek geweet het, daarom het ek vrylik en die heel tyd daarvan gepraat. Uiteindelik het my moeder my vasgetrap en gevra: ”Waarvan praat jy?” Ek het haar vertel:  “Dit is die prentjie wat ek gesien het toe ek my lewe vir Jesus gegee het. Dit is hier in my gedagtes!”.

Sy was baie ontsteld en het my vertel om dit nooit weer te doen nie, want dit is meditasie, en meditasie is van Oosterse afkoms, dat dit direk van die duiwel af kom, ensovoorts. My moeder het uit ‘n baie streng gelowige agtergrond gekom, maar het min of geen begrip van die ‘Geestes realm’ gehad nie. Daarom was enige ervaring wat vir haar ‘bonatuurlik’ geklink het, direk van satan af en nie God nie.

Maar ek het steeds almal wat ek in my lewe raak geloop het, gemeet aan dit wat ek daardie nag, as kind gesien het. Toe sy my eenkeer saamvat kerk toe, het ek daar niks gesien of gehoor wat vir my hoegenaamd gelyk of geklink het soos dit wat ek daardie nag gesien het nie. Die hemel vol vreugde, liedere, geluk en vrede! Godsdiens glad nie!

Sonder om enige substansie in die alledaagse lewens van die gewone mense rondom my te vind, het ek my geboortedorp, Kaapstad verlaat om my eie spasie te skep. Ek het my gaan vestig in die Oos Transvaal, wat nou ingesluit is by die Limpopo, waar ek die eensame lewe van ‘n kunstenaar geleef het. In ‘n plattelandse boeregemeenskap is ek geïgnoreer en afgemaak as eksentriek.

Op die ouderdom van 24 het ek besluit om al my talente en my lewe aan God die Vader te wy. Ek het my by my broer, wat ‘n sendingstasie in Limpopo het, aangesluit en daar het ons saam ‘n Bybelbeeld-Tuin as toeriste-attraksie gebou.   

Dit is eintlik net logies dat ‘n kunstenaar wat die heeltyd in die teenwoordigheid van die Heilige Gees lewe, in staat sal wees om deur middel van sketse, skilderye en beelde, die Geestelike realm te kan uitbeeld. Maar dit was eers in 1974, negentien jaar na my eerste visie van ‘Hemelse Plekke’ as seuntjie, wat ek deur God toegelaat is om onder instruksie en leiding van die Heilige Gees, die ‘Geestes Wêreld’, deur my kuns bloot te stel.

 My eerste probeerslag was ‘n beeldhouwerk teen ‘n rotswand van vyftien meter hoog. Dit is voltooi op die ouderdom van ses en twintig en ons het dit ‘Die Hel’ genoem. My broer Paul het my gehelp om ‘n steier te bou en agter ‘n skerm, om nuuskieriges weg te hou, het ek van bo begin met die werk. As gevolg van die skerm, kon ek nie terugstaan om perspektief van die werk te kry nie. Die skerm was egter noodsaaklik, want toeriste het my dikwels uit die werk gehou. Die nadeel was dat ek nie die werk op ‘n afstand kon oordeel vir eenvormigheid of balans nie.

Terwyl ek een naweek weg was, het my broer die steiers afgebreek en gesê, dat teen die tempo wat ek werk, ek dit nooit gaan klaarkry nie. Deur dit te doen, het hy die voltooiing van die taak afgedwing. Toe ek terugkeer, het ek tot my verbasing gesien dat alles in perfekte balans en verhouding is. Die figure aan die bokant was presies sewe voet ses duim (2,3 meters) en die aan die onderkant presies vyf voet ses duim (1,7 meters). Dit het sommer vanself so gebeur en toe het ek tot die besef gekom en die hand van God in my werk gesien.

Hierdie rotswand is waar ek van die frustrasie, deur nie die hemelse plek wat ek as kind gesien het te vind nie, ontslae geraak.

Dit het twee jaar geneem om Die Hel te voltooi en in die tussentyd het ek anatomie bestudeer. Dit het my egter gedwing om die skriftuur te bestudeer om uit te vind wat die hel is. Uit hierdie studies het interessante onderwerpe om te skilder, gekom.

Die Hell – 20 km Noord van Ohrigstad op die R36 hoofpad, oppad na die Eggo Grotte

Die meeste mense is bekend met die Bybelstories en my kuns het geblyk ‘n goeie manier te wees om kontak met die toeriste te maak.

Vreemd, daar was nie ‘n enkele persoon wat bereid was om te sê wat hy hiervan dink nie. Soveel so, dat ek naderhand gedink het dat ek hiermee aanstoot aan mense gee, tot een oggend toe my vader kom kyk het hoe dit lyk. Hy het net gesê: “Dit is ‘allright’”. Hy was ‘n baie harde man en as hy gesê het, iets is ‘allright’ dan is dit presies wat dit is. Dit was die naaste wat ek gekom het aan enige wyse van ‘n kompliment. Maar ek het weer God se hand hierin gesien, ook Sy waarskuwing aan my, dat as ek vir Hom wil werk, moet alle eer Hom toekom, Hom alleen. Ons Groot en Genadige God was besig om my te beskerm van die euwel, TROTS. 

Twee jaar later, in 1978, is ek en Yvonne getroud en ons het vir ons ‘n huis gebou. Saam met my vrou het ons alles wat ons nodig gehad het, eiehandig ‘geskep’. Saam het ons geleer om in geloof te lewe. Van die berge rondom ons het ons die klip om die huis te bou en die hout vir die beelde gaan haal. By wyse van harde werk en die geloof in ons Skepper, die Almagtige God, is ons deur moordende woestyne van die lewe, deur die Heilige Gees gelei. Ons het ontdek dat jy alles wat jy benodig, van die Groot Verskaffer, die Vader, die Almagtige God, kan kry.  

Die eindresultaat was, dat ons as gesin, Yvonne, ekself en ons twee kinders, Michell en Aldo, ‘n toring van krag geword het vir diegene rondom ons, in ‘n wêreld waar antwoorde opgedroog het. Deur die verduidelikings en lewende getuienisse wat hierdie boek bevat, sal u as leser ook uitvind hoe om enigiets wat u benodig, te kry. Ja, enigiets wat jy benodig sal deur die Vader, die Almagtige God aan jou verskaf word. Dit is Sy begeerte vir jou!

Dit is die ‘Hart van God’, soos opgesom in die woorde…. “Vader van barmhartigheid” (Strong’s 3628) en “die God van alle vertroosting” (Strong’s 3874). Ook 2 Kor 1:3.

Ondersoek dit vir jouself. Die woorde ‘barmhartigheid’ en ‘vertroosting’ word somtyds vertaal as net ‘genadige’ soos in ‘genadige Vader’ of ‘genadige God’, maar dit dra inderwaarheid die hart van God en sluit onder andere in die volgende:

Bejammering – soos in ‘God bejammer ons in ons omstan-dighede’.

Medelyde – soos in ‘God ly mede (met ons) in ons omstan-dighede’.

Begeer – soos in ‘God begeer om ons alle goeie dinge te gee’.

Is dit nie hoog tyd dat ons die ‘Hart van Vader’ vasvang, wie in elk geval die Almagtige God is, en dan voortgaan in ‘n ‘Lewe’ in en leef in ‘Sy Begeerte’ vir ons nie?

Jy sal baie gou die algemene foute wat ons as Christene maak, agterkom. Jy sal nie langer jou seëninge in die kerk gaan soek nie, maar ‘n seëning vir die kerk word.

Die enigste vereiste wat van jou verlang word, is om Die Here Jesus Christus met jou hele hart te ken en te verstaan.

Die doel van hierdie boek is om jou stap vir stap daarnatoe te neem. Ons sal jou daarnatoe neem met behulp van reekse beelde, skilderye, tekeninge, stories en praktiese wenke vir toepassing en dan toekyk hoe jy ‘ hoog en vry’ loop terwyl jy alle eer aan God gee.

Ons is nie gelowig nie! Ons het ‘n verhouding met God! Gelowigheid is nie Vryheid nie!

As iemand ons gelowig noem, beskou ons dit nie as ‘n kompliment nie. Die Sadduseërs en Fariseërs was gelowig en hulle is deur Jesus gehaat as gevolg daarvan. Hy het hulle skerpioene en adders genoem. Ons het ‘n verhouding met Jesus Christus en Sy Gees leer ons alles wat ons nodig het om te weet. Dit is dan ook ons gebed vir jou.

Geniet asb. hierdie boek as ‘n openbaring van die ‘groter dinge’ wat vir ‘n ieder en elk van ons beskikbaar is in Christus Jesus.

Ron van Zyl.

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Book 1 – The Line – Foreword

Book 1 - The Line
The Line – Book 1

This book is completely out of the ordinary.  It is the life’s work of a man, who, as a child, had a vision of God and His glory. Needless to say, his experiences were not understood by those around him because of the then ‘popular human perceptions’ toward anything supernatural. Consequently he was ‘shut down’ by his superiors from verbalizing his experience with God. However, the vision never faded; in fact it grew over time.

This is not a long drawn out autobiography but rather tells of a practical, down to earth,

Bionically based lifestyle lived out by a family which has proven that they can lead without bowing to the social pressures and norms of society.

You will find this story intriguing, fast-moving, spell binding, but you cannot read it quickly with full understanding, as there is simply too much information.

You will want to keep this book with you always and use it as a tool to show the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom of God’ to anybody you meet, by simply explaining the many pictures provided by the artist/sculptor.

For the first time we Christians will have pictures of the Spirit world that prove our faith, and confirm that deep ‘knowing’ that comes to you when you give your life to Jesus.  You can now share it with all your loved ones, and those you could never reach before.

You will, along with all who have visited “The Shoe”, echo their findings that these revelations can only be from God.  No person could ever know these things unless they had been given by God.

After so many years of waiting we can finally say, God has used Ron van Zyl and his family in an exceptional way to create a visualization of, what can only be referred to as Unique.  


The Artist’s Story

When I was a boy of about 5 years old my mother told me a Bible story.  The one about Samuel who as a boy heard the voice of God.  My mother said that I could also give my life to Jesus and He would talk with me.  I went on my knees and after giving my life to the Lord, I saw this “High Place”.  It was gold in color and Jesus was there.   It was full of joy, song, happiness and peace.  It is a place where you can have anything you need.  Being only five years old, I thought everybody knew about that place and so I talked about it freely all the time.  My Mother finally cornered me and asked me: “What are you talking about?”  I told her ‘it’s the picture I saw when I gave my life to Jesus, its here, inside my mind’! 

She was very upset and told me never to do that again because it was meditation and eastern of origin, that it was from the devil and so on. My Mother had come out of a strict religious background with little or no understanding of the “Spirit Realm”, thus, any such ‘mystical’ experiences were, in her opinion, from Satan, not God. 

But still I measured everybody I met in life against what I had seen as a child.  When she took me to the church, nothing that I saw or heard there looked remotely like what I had seen that night.  Heaven is full of joy, song, happiness and peace, not so religion!

Not finding anything of substance in the everyday lives of ordinary people around me, in the town of my birth, Cape Town, South Africa. I set out to find my own space, settling in the Eastern Transvaal, now called Limpopo. Here I lived the solitary life of an artist.  It being a farming community, I was ignored as an eccentric.

At the age of 24 I decided to give my life and talents to the Lord Jesus. I joined my brother who had a mission station in the Eastern Transvaal (Limpopo) and together we built a Bible Sculpture Garden as a tourist attraction. 

It is logical, that an artist, who remains in the presence of the Holy Spirit, will be able to reveal through drawings, paintings and sculptures, what the ‘Spirit Realm looks like’.  But it was only in 1974, 19 years  after my childhood vision of ‘The Heavenly Realms’ and with Holy Spirit instruction and guidance, that I was allowed, by God, to ‘expose the spirit world’ through my art. 

My first attempt was a 15 meter high rock face sculpture, completed at the age of twenty six and named “The Hell”.   My brother Paul helped me build a scaffold and I started at the top working downwards behind a screen for privacy as the tourists would keep me out of my work.  Because of the screen I could never stand back and look at the work.  I was not able to examine it from a distance for uniformity or balance. 

While I was away on a weekend trip my brother broke the scaffold down saying that at the speed I was going I would never finish.  By so doing he forced completion of the work.  On returning I was amazed to see that all the work was in perspective, the figures at the top were seven foot six inches (2,3 metres) tall and at the bottom five foot six inches (1,7 metres). That happened by itself and I began to recognize the Lord’s hand in my work. 

This rock face is where I got rid of the frustration of not finding that heavenly place I had seen as a boy.  It had taken two years to complete, as I was studying anatomy at the same time.  It also put me on the path to reading scripture to find out what hell is.  Out of these studies came intriguing subjects to paint and sculpt.  Most people are familiar with bible stories and my art proved to be a great way to connect with tourists. 

Strangely, there was not even one person who would say what they thought of it, and I began to think that it offended people, until one day my Father came to look at it and he said: “It is alright”. He was a very hard man and if he said that something was alright, that is exactly what it was.  That’s the closest I got to receive any compliment, but again I recognized the Lord’s hand in it – warning me – if I wanted to work for Him the glory would always belong to Him – and Him alone!  Our Merciful and Gracious Lord was protecting me from pride.    

My son Aldo – Standing at the bottom. The Doomed 20km North of Ohrigstad just off the R36 Mainroad, on the way to the Echo Caves.

Two years later, in 1978, I married Yvonne and built a house for us.  Along with my wife, we ‘created’ everything we needed with our own hands, together we learnt to live by faith.  From the mountains we took rock to build our home and wood from which to carve.  By means of very hard work and faith in our Creator, God Almighty, we were led through grueling deserts of life by the Holy Spirit. We discovered that you can have anything you need, supplied by your Father – Almighty God

The end result is that we as a family, Yvonne and I and our two children, Michell and Aldo, have become a tower of strength to those around us in a world that has run out of answers.  Through the explanations and living testimonies contained is this book you too will see how you can get anything you need, Yes, anything you need, supplied by your Father – Almighty God – it is His Desire for you.

This is the ‘Heart of God’, summed up in the words “ .. Father of  mercies,3628 and the God of all comfort;3874   … “  –  2 Cor 1:3 (KJV) (Strong’s Numbers).

Check it out for yourself. The words ‘mercy and comfort’, sometimes translated only as ‘merciful’, as in ‘merciful Father’ or ‘merciful God’, carry with them the heart of God, which include, interalia, the following:

Pity – God pities us in our circumstances’,

Compassion – God has co-passion together with us in our circumstances’, and

Desire – God desires to give us all good things’.

Isn’t it time that we captured the ‘Heart of our Father’, who is after all God Almighty, and hence enter into ‘Life’ living in ‘His Desire’ for us?

You will quickly find out the general mistakes we Christians make.  You will no longer search for your blessings in the church, but will become a blessing to the church.

The only demands on you, is a disciplined dedication to know and understand the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart. 

This book is meant to take you there, step by step.  We will take you through a series of sculptures, paintings, drawings, stories, and practical application to where we will watch you walking ‘high and free’ – giving God alone the praise.

We are not religious!  We have a relationship! Religion is Not Freedom!

When they call us religious it is not a complement.  The Sadducee and Pharisees were religious and their religion was hated by Jesus.  He called them scorpions and vipers. 

We have a relationship with Jesus Christ; His Spirit teaches everything we need to know.

This is our prayer for you also.

Please enjoy this book as a revelation of the ‘greater things’ available for each and every one of us in Christ Jesus.

Ron van Zyl

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How to pray – Practical lesson on how to pray


The Previous lesson was about spending time with God. How to spend time with God by seeking Him and being disciplined. Read lesson 1 first here.

By now we have established that you are earnest about seeking God and that you have started giving Him your time.  The problem is that now you are sitting there and you are giving God an hour every morning but it feels like you don’t know what to do, your mind keeps running away with you and you sit there staring at the Bible but you are not getting anything from it. We are going to look at how to pray. How to spend time with God. Once again I am sharing with you our own personal experience.

How to Pray

I usually start with Communion. I get a cracker and a little juice. Then I start by imagining. Using your imagination is very important. We are to take every thought captive. Seeing in your imagination while you pray is the best way of keeping your thoughts captivated.

Sometimes I imagine the crucifixion as we saw it in the movie The Passion, sometimes I see how Jesus served communion to his disciples on the last evening before he was crucified.

I see how I lay my life down with Jesus. As I eat his flesh, I lay down my sin, problems, heart aches and sickness. I see how my flesh is consumed by his flesh. Then I drink the blood of Jesus and I start to think about all the scriptures I have on the blood of Jesus.

I pray this: Thank you Lord for your blood that you shed for me. Your blood is for the forgiveness of my sin, it is for my salvation. You saved me, washed me with your blood. You also healed me, you redeemed my life and made me righteous. Your blood brings peace! The Spirit of Christ is within me and the peace of God which fills my heart and mind and soul is within me.

I see how I am now clothed with the risen Christ Jesus. I am seated with him in heavenly places, my mind is the Kingdom of God, I am the temple of God and I am righteous before God. Righteousness means I am in right standing with God and I get to stand in the presence of God without feeling ashamed or guilty.

I believe that I am now a new creation and that I am completely saved. Now I must also believe that I am like Christ.

1 John 4:17: “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.”

So what should my prayers sound like if I am like Christ?

‘O dear God thank you for clothes and food and please give me a job…?’

No that is not the kind of prayer Jesus would pray. There is no mention that Jesus ever asked God for food or clothes. In facet Jesus said that we are not to worry about what we should eat or wear as our heavenly Father knows what we need. (Matt 6:25) There is also no mention that Jesus ever Asked God to heal any of the people Jesus healed. Jesus simply spoke to the sickness or the evil spirit and commanded it to leave. He never once prayed and asked God to heal the people. He is the Son of God, He did not need permission from his Father to heal and he did not need God to do it for him. He was God in the flesh and the Holy Spirit was upon him. As Jesus was in the earth so ARE WE!

We also have the Holy Spirit and the Power of God is also in us! We can just speak to our problems and command them to leave. That is how we should pray.

My prayer is: Thank you Lord that I have all the power over the enemy. Thank you that your Word is true and thank you that you accomplish every Word You have ever spoken. So now by the Power of the Spirit of Christ in me I command sickness to go! I command my body to receive healing!

So I continue. I keep on telling every one of my problems to leave and I call every good thing and every blessing of God into my life. I also pray out loud and I pray in tongues while I concentrate or imagine how the problem leaves and how the blessings of God arrive. This is how you pray with power and in the Spirit.

The Spirit of God in us can only accomplish the things of God when we move and when we speak. We must break through being ashamed of the things of God and we should start to accomplish the things of God.

Yes we should read the Bible and we should study the scriptures but we should also worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

I also recommend that you listen to some of the training supplied by John G Lake Ministries. They are based in the USA and the chair person is Curry Blake. He teaches people how to minister healing to others. I found a website who lists all his seminars for free. You can click here to go to that website.

Let’s Recap – Why pray like this?

So I started with Communion. Why?

Because I am a fleshly person who needs to get my mind into the spirit. I use communion because it reminds me of who I am supposed to be in Christ and it helps me to ‘Enter in’ to the presence of God. The Blood of Jesus washes me and it helps me to KNOW that I am righteous. No I did not loose my righteousness in the night and the Holy Spirit did not leave me every time I sin, but committing sin causes me to feel removed from God. Another way to say it is that your conscience is not clear towards God and you feel condemned. By using the communion daily helps me to move into my righteous position where I can not be condemned because I am in Christ. I actually need to convince my fleshly mind that I am no longer a person after the flesh but that I am in Christ and I am after the Spirit!

If your mind has not been renewed to this way of thinking you might need to spend more time reminding yourself that God is on your side! You can do that by praying the Word. For example I would pray Psalm 23 like this:

Thank you Lord that you are my Shepherd and I shall not want! You lay me down beside quiet waters where you give me rest. You restore my soul and you guide me in paths of righteousness for Your name sake! Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear evil, For You are with me! Your rod and Your staff comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies and you anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows! Surely goodness and mercy shall folow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

You can also pray Psalm 103 and Psalm 91 like this and keep on reciting and praying the Word until you believe it. It can only come to pass if you believe! Unbelief and doubt are the only things that can keep prayers from being answered. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God! Romans 10:17

Then once you believe we go over into action and then we start commanding and saying how things should be. We speak in tongues because it builds us up in our most holy faith! (Jude 1:20)

Please comment and reply. Feel free to email me if you have questions.

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The Reason for The Cross

Crucifix hand fridge magnet. 7 cm Wide.

I created another new magnet. It is the crucifix hand. While I was creating this magnet I was also studying the Holy Spirit at the same time.

A while ago I made a study on the Blood of Jesus and I was baffled that The Holy Spirit is actually accomplishing the same things in us, that the Blood of Jesus is meant to accomplish.

Let me show you what I mean.

The Blood of Jesus has the following purposes:

I am paraphrasing in my own words here so please go and read all the scripture references and make this knowledge your own. It really blessed me.

  • The Blood of Jesus gives us a clean Conscience and cleanses us from all sin. (Heb 9:14, 1 John 1:7)
  • The Blood of Jesus is for the remission of sins. (Mark 14:24, Mat 26:28, Luk 22:20)
  • The blood of Jesus in the form of Communion gives us life. (John 6:53-56)
  • We have been purchased with his blood. (Act 20:28)
  • We have been justified and saved from wrath by His blood. (Rom 5:9)
  • We have redemption and forgiveness of sin by the blood. (Eph 1:7)
  • By the blood we are brough near to God. (Eph 2:13)
  • His Blood brings peace and reconciliation. (Col 1:20)
  • By His death Jesus destroyed the Devil. (Heb 2:14)

So these are just a quick summary of what the bible says about the purpose of the Blood of Jesus and I use this list every day when I use communion. I think them over and remind myself what the Blood of Jesus did for me.

When I did a study on the Holy Spirit I did a search on the Greek reference number for the Word ‘Spirit’. (G4151) It gave me 385 scriptures to work through!

I use E-Sword. It is a free Bible program (App) available for computers and for I-phones. Download it at

The following is a short summary of the purpose of the Holy Spirit.

Once again I am just paraphrasing, please go read the references for a more extensive study.

  • John said that Jesus will baptize us with the Holy Spirit. (Mat 3:11, Mark 1:10)
  • Jesus was exalted by the Right hand of God, he received the promise of the Holy Spirit from God and then he poured it out on us. (Acts 2:33)
  • The Holy Spirit is given to believers, who ask an believe. (Luk 11:13, John 7:38, Gal 3:14)
  • The Holy Spirit always comes with Power. (Act 1:8, Rom 15:13, Rom 15:19, Eph 3:16, 2 Tim 1:7)
  • We are washed, sanctified and justified in the name of Jesus and by the Spirit. We are purified in soul. (1 Cor 6, 2 Tes 2:13, 1 Pet 1:22 )
  • The manifestation of the spirit is given to every believer. (1 Cor 12:7)
  • We all receive the same Spirit, we are one in the Spirit, the same spirit that rose Jesus from the dead lives in us. (1 Cor 12:3, 1 Cor 6:17, Eph 2:18, Eph 4:4
  • We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. (Eph 1:13 Eph 4:30, 1 Tess 5:23)

These are just a few things that stood out to me which are similar between the purposes of both the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus shed his blood for our redemption, forgiveness, cleansing and unifying unto Himself. The Holy Spirit accomplishes exactly that. When we give our hearts to God we also receive the Holy Spirit and thus we also receive redemption, forgiveness and unifying with God. We receive Peace, we are justified and we even receive the same spirit of Faith. Galatians 4:6 says we receive the Spirit of Christ.

How do you know if someone has The Spirit of Christ?

1 John 4:2 says if any man confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord and has come in the flesh, he is of God. Any person who speaks against God does not have the Spirit of Christ. And then of course a sign of the Spirit is speaking in tongues.

There are of course much more to say about this subjects. Feel free to leave your comments!

I can send you a full list of all 385 Scriptures if you want! Let me know down below!

PS – If you would like to own one of these magnets send me an email.


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Noah’s Ark

Fridge Magnet showing Noah's ark and the covenant rainbow.
Fridge Magnet 6cm x 6cm

I made this design because I want to remind people of the Covenant promise which was made to Noah and also to us. The first covenant ever recorded in the bible was when God promised Noah that he would never again destroy all the people of the earth.

Gen 9:13-15: “I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.”

You can read the entire story on Noah in Genesis 7 to 9. We have this covenant promise from God that he will not destroy all flesh ever again. God said while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis 8:22

God’s word is true and God can not lie. This promise was given to every living thing. Whenever disasters strike the earth remember God’s promise. The disaster does not come by God.

Isaiah 54 is one om my favorite chapters in the Bible. Please read the whole thing because it has so many great promises and contains great declarations we can pray for safety and protection. See my post on Safety and Protection.

Isaiah 54:9: “To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again. Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

This is a great promise. God’s unfailing love will not be shaken! If you read this same chapter further down it is the same place where He says that no weapon formed against us will prosper! It also says that all our sons will be taught of the Lord and they will have great peace! Another great promise we can declare over our lives.

Have you ever wondered why God made the flood to come in the first place?

Here is the reason:

Genesis 6:5-7: “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.”

Because the imaginations and the thoughts of men’s hearts were continually evil. When God blew breath into Adam, he became a living soul. The soul refers to the part in us where our Will, Intellect, Emotions and Feelings live. You can say Adam became a living will. He could have dominion over the earth after his own free will. Adam’s will was in line with God’s will as long as Adam obeyed God’s command. The same is true for us. We will be doing God’s will in our lives as long as we do what the Bible says we should do. But when we start to follow our own will then it means that our thoughts and intents of our heart (Mind) is evil. The word used in the Hebrew for ‘heart’ is translated directly as ‘mind’.

God by his grace does not destroy us when our hearts are evil but it does remove us out of God’s blessing. To return to God’s pure and perfect will simply means we must repent and lay down our will to him. Once our will is in line with God’s will again, we can return to our position of dominion and authority over all the power of the enemy as he promised us…

Luke 10:19: “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

Also have a look at my post about How to Pray with authority

As I made this little magnet my prayer was that people will be reminded of God’s sure promises. That they will start saying His promises out loud and that they will start to believe the promises. When we believe we can talk to a mountain and doubt not in our hearts and it shall be removed. Mark 11:23

If you would like to own one of my unique magnets or even sell them send me an email.

I would love to hear what you think! Leave me a comment!

More interesting facts about Noah’s Ark – Did you know they found the ark!?

John 3:16

John 3:16 Fridge Magnet 7cm high

I am sitting at home, it’s Lock Down around the World and the only thing I keep on thinking of is how sad it is that every body is focused on Covid-19 and not on the saving power of Jesus Christ!


So I began to pray. I have learnt how to take authority and how to pray the Word. So I am praying: ” In the name of Jesus I command this Virus to Stop and to Die! The Word of God says no weapon formed against us shall prosper! No Plague shall come near my dwelling! Angels of the Lord, I command you to go and stand between the sick and the healthy and stop this virus. Corona Virus I command you to stop and die!”

Then as I was praying I saw the cross on top of the World and I heard the words of John 3:16 in my spirit. FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, SO THAT WHO EVER BELIEVES ON HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE!

I saw how the blood of Jesus dripped off the cross onto the World. How the light that shined forth from the drops of blood started to envelope the entire earth until all the darkness in the world was replaced with pure light. 

I encourage you all to look to Jesus for he is the Healer. He is the savior. I would not mind to die because I know that I am going to Jesus to go and live with him forever and ever. I just hope that all the people who have died so far were able to say the same. But at the same time I know that no harm will befall me or my family because I have the promises of the Word of God and because I believe every Word that God has written for me.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but that of POWER and LOVE and a SOUND MIND! 

I urge you to not be afraid. There is no power in fear, the Holy Spirit comes upon us with power. That power is the power of Love, healing and salvation. God does not kill, steal and destroy, Satan does.  Jesus died and he concoured Satan, he declared all the power of the enemy void. Then Jesus gave us that power. We have power over all the power of the enemy. Believe it, be Bold and declare the Word of God over your life and your loved ones. Declare that you are protected and declare that you are healed! Let’s not give Satan any foothold in our lives. If you would like to get hold of my magnets send me an email

I just molded my new John 3:16 magnet now. I posted pictures below.

Post your replies down below! I would love to hear your thoughts.



This Magnet is named CREATION.

Creation Fridge Magnet 6 cm x 7 cm

I love John 1 that starts with:  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…and later in verse 14 it says and the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us…

In this magnet I am portraying how the same word of God who created the world as described in Genesis 1 is the same word who became flesh. (Thus the hand coming out of the Bible)

The fact that the Word of God creates everything it is sent to do and that it never comes back empty gives me Goose bumps. As I was thinking this over I suddenly realized that not only was I created by the Word of God, but that the same Word who became flesh died for me on the Cross.  Then Jesus ascended up to the Father where he sat at the right hand of God. Then according to ACTS 2:33 Jesus received the promise, the Holy Spirit which he then in turn poured out on us! Thus we did not only just receive the Holy Spirit but we received the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

When I studied all the scriptures I could find mentioning the Holy Spirit I found a few key facts:

The Holy Spirit abides in every believer, the Holy Spirit is always demonstrated with Power. Luke 4:14 says Jesus returned from the wilderness in the power of the Holy Spirit.  ACTS 1:8 says believers shall receive power after the Holy Spirit came upon them. Rom 15:19 says through the power of the Holy Spirit the apostles did mighty signs, wonders and miracles. Then the Holy Spirit is also the Word of God. Eph 6:17 says we should take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. 

Thus in the magnet I show how the Word became flesh but the same Word is also the Spirit of God(demonstrated by the Dove) which was sent forth with Power to create. This very same power is also in each of us for the Spirit of God was not poured out in measure John 3:34 and the manifestation of the Spirit is given to EVERY believer! 1Cor 12:7.

The power to create is in us, and it is in our words. We should be careful to speak only what is pure, lovely and truthful. 

My prayer I was praying over this magnet as I created it and over every one I paint is that you will be made aware of the Power of God in you! That we will start to use the Power of God, to accomplish the will of God in this world. 

If you would like to get hold of my magnets please email me. 

See more magnets.

I would love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below!


Welcome to The Shoe Ministries

Welcome to The Shoe Ministries. We are located at The Shoe, in South Africa, Limpopo, on the beautiful scenic route called the Panorama Route, home to the Blyde River Canyon and many other beautiful nature scenes.

Here on the R36 Main Route to Kruger Park, Artist Ron van Zyl has built a Shoe! This Shoe was once just a curio shop but today it is so much more…


The Shoe is the face of our Ministry. It was built by Dr Ron van Zyl in 1990. Ron is an artist who has a unique gift to create inspired artworks based on Godly inspired dreams and visions. His artworks is the result of The Shoe Ministries. In a practical and easily understandable way, we can teach anyone how to live above the problems of everyday life.
Through using the divine revelation called ‘THE LINE’ we are now all able to divide between the power of self (Soul) and the power of God (Spirit) in our lives. With the use of Ron’s unique artistic tools we can teach everyone how to pray and be in contact with our Father in Heaven.

We offer all-inclusive seminars and Teaching Materials.

Visit our Official Website to learn more about us, our products and our place:


We care about people. We care about who you are and who you want to be but more importantly we care about your emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. Our goal is to help every person to ‘prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers’. (1John1:3)

We believe that our physical lives is a representation of our mentality and the way that we think. Every person is capable of change, if they would only know how and where to begin.

We believe that we are in possession of truths that every person needs in order to live a holistic prosperous life. We wish to make our material available to everyone. Too few people know that God loves them and too few people really understand what Jesus Christ came to do for us. By using our materials you can be enlightened and encouraged. We aim to pick you up! We aim to help you live above the drag of your own feelings and most of all we aim to help you understand what it means to be SAVED!

We love you and we wish that you will find something that will help you. Join the discussion and leave a reply! We love to hear from you!

Yours truely

Michell Botha (The Daughter of Ron van Zyl)

The Shoe Ministries