Welcome to The Shoe Ministries.
This website contains the teachings and letters, videos, and testimonies of The Shoe Ministries of whom Dr. Ron van Zyl is the founder.
Ron gave his life and his artistic talent to God in 1974 and ever since has been used mightily in bringing spiritual truths to people through his art.
Today he has written numerous books, writes monthly letters, conducts seminars, and guided tours through his man-made Cave (The Alpha Omega Cave) at The Shoe Ministries and still carves and paints artworks in order to teach people the spiritual truths God reveals. All of these are available on this website.
Click on one of the categories to get started or just scroll down to start reading all about The Shoe Ministries.

Welcome to The Shoe Ministries. We are located at The Shoe, in South Africa, Limpopo, on the beautiful scenic route called the Panorama Route, home to the Blyde River Canyon and many other beautiful nature scenes.
Here on the R36 Main Route to Kruger Park, Artist Ron van Zyl has built a Shoe! This Shoe was once just a curio shop but today it is so much more…
The Purpose of this website is to to reach as many people as possible with the knowledge of Jesus Christ! We are a ministry but we are also a business. For clarity and for practicality we have now separated the Business from the Ministry although it is all running from the same place. So be sure to check out our main business website to see what we do. www.theshoe.org

The Shoe is the face of our Ministry. It was built by Dr Ron van Zyl in 1990. Ron is an artist who has a unique gift to create inspired artworks based on Godly inspired dreams and visions. His artworks is the result of The Shoe Ministries. In a practical and easily understandable way, we can teach anyone how to live above the problems of everyday life.
Through using the divine revelation called ‘THE LINE’ we are now all able to divide between the power of self (Soul) and the power of God (Spirit) in our lives. With the use of Ron’s unique artistic tools we can teach everyone how to pray and be in contact with our Father in Heaven.
We offer all-inclusive seminars and Teaching Materials.
Visit our Official Website to learn more about us, our products and our place: www.theshoe.org

We care about people. We care about who you are and who you want to be but more importantly we care about your emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. Our goal is to help every person to ‘prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers’. (1 John 1:3)
We believe that our physical lives is a representation of our mentality and the way that we think. Every person is capable of change, if they would only know how and where to begin.
We believe that we are in possession of truths that every person needs in order to live a holistic prosperous life. We wish to make our material available to everyone. Too few people know that God loves them and too few people really understand what Jesus Christ came to do for us. By using our materials you can be enlightened and encouraged. We aim to pick you up! We aim to help you live above the drag of your own feelings and most of all we aim to help you understand what it means to be SAVED!
This website contains the books and DVD’s of Ron van Zyl and his ministry teachings. It contains the revelation of the ‘Line’ which came to him through divine inspiration and more information and videos about his man made Cave. The Alpha Omega cave is the center of the Shoe Ministries in which we teach people more about Jesus.
We love you and we wish that you will find something that will help you. Join the discussions and leave a reply! We love to hear from you!
Yours truly
Michell Botha (The Daughter of Ron van Zyl)
The Shoe Ministries