As I was browsing the internet trying to find nice pictures of Noah’s Ark for my fridge magnet I also came across a whole range of interesting things about Noah’s Ark and I thought I would compile it into a post for you.
They actually found the location of the Ark. Here is video about it.
The story of Noah and his ark is actually documented across various nations and is included in the oldest of History. It is not only documented in the Bible. It was a world disaster and every person on this earth is a descendant of Noah. If you don’t believe the Bible you will quickly believe that Noah and his ark was real once you start finding all the documented facts from other nations.
They found pictures of the Ark drawn in caves and in Pyramids. Scientist say there are at least 270 documented stories about Noah across cultures world wide.
Robert Ballard, one of the world’s best-known underwater archaeologists, also found archaeological proof that the flood did happen.
But what I personally found the most interesting was the coins found with depictions of Noah’s ark.
The first known coins were produced in the 7th century BC. Ever since, images on coins have represented various items valued by the nation for which they were minted—for instance, its religion, politics, head of state, and various symbols or historical events thought to be important. Even today that still happens in countries who mint their own coins.
This large bronze medallion was struck 1700 years ago at Apameia Kibotos in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) near the mountains of Ararat where, it is said, Noah’s Ark came to rest after the flood. This coin is on display at the Israel Museum.
The Image above features a collection of Roman coins with the images of Noah’s Ark on them. You will notice a square box with two people inside the box. The ark is portrayed by the square box and on the Box is written ‘Noah’ in Greek. Then you also see two people standing beside the box, that is again Noah and his wife after the flood. The coins are about 3 cm in diameter and were produced during the reigns of the five Roman Emperors covering the period AD 192-253. (61 years) The Emperors were Septimius Severus, Macrinus, Gordian III, Philip, and Trebonianus Gallus.
More modern coins were also minted. Here are some images below.