Colossians 1:27: “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
In other translations, the secret of the gospel is Christ in you.
Christ in me is part of my daily meditation. I know that if I can fully comprehend the meaning of Christ in me, I will do what Jesus did when he was on earth. With the Holy Spirit in him, he could turn water into wine, walk on the sea, and translate 13 people and a boat from one place to another in a flash. He healed the sick, raised the dead, and gave up his life to die on the cross so we may also have this Holy Spirit that can do anything.
The original calling of man was to have dominion on the earth and to have authority and rulership.
Adam lost this ability but Jesus came to show us how we should rule. If Adam had taken up his authority, he would have drawn the line and told Eve that they cannot sin, they must love God, obey their conscience, and live with integrity. He had no authority because when God asked him why they sinned he said it was the woman God gave him. That is the argument of a passive person. He had no authority. He is like most people today. They are afraid they hurt the feelings of other people. We should speak the word of God because the word is God-breathed and is the will of God.
Perhaps the reason why most people live without authority is because Christ has not yet been formed in them.
Gal 4:19: “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.”
This is why I say that the greatest part of my daily meditation is Christ in me, it takes time for the mind to be transformed. (Rom 12: 1-2)
The way the Old Testament people went to God was via the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was a physical way to approach God, today we approach God the same way, the only difference is we do it spiritually. We do it in the imaginations and thoughts of our hearts. (Gen 6:5)
This way of praying brings order to our thoughts and prayer life.
We first deal with sin in the outer court. In the Old Testament Tabernacle, the priest offered the sacrifice in the Outer Court. Today our First step or Room is Calvary. We follow Jesus we lay down our lives in the way he showed us. The second room is the Holy Place where we honor the Holy Spirit and in the Third Room which is the Holy of Holies, we honor our Father in heaven. It is a place of thanksgiving because we have left our problems on the cross, we are saved from it. In the Holy of Holies, we are thankful that we have been saved—INTO CHRIST! It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me (Gal 2:20)
In the spirit, we can imagine ourselves looking like Jesus and doing what he did. I meditate on this in the Holy place. When I enter, I meet the Spirit of Jesus on the beach, because my mind garden is the seaside. Here I meditate that He is the same spirit who raised Jesus from the dead and that He quickens my mortal body. (Rom 8:11) He guides me continually and satisfies my soul that I am like a watered garden like a spring of water that never dries up. (Isa 58:11) That I have an unction from the Holy One to Know all things. (1 John 2:20) That he is the Spirit of wisdom who teaches me the power that I possess in Christ. (Ef 1:17) (Read John 14:26.)
I keep meditating on what the Word says about Christ in me and say it out loud. If I say it, I hear it. It’s in my mouth it’s in my heart. The same heart where Christ is enthroned in, the dwelling of God. I am the temple of God. As I meditate in this way, I experience the Spirit becoming stronger and rising in me, faith comes and I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth, Jesus is Lord of my life. This kind of meditation causes Christ-like authority. Now I begin to meditate on Mark 11:23-25. That if you would say to this mountain be thou removed and thrown into the sea it will obey joy. This scripture is saying that we have authority with Christ in us over all things. It means that nothing will be impossible for us. (Mat 17:20)
Mark 16 says we lay hands on the sick and they must heal. We have authority over our own bodies. Sickness cannot live inside us. We have authority over our finances.
Jesus spoke to the storm and it obeyed him. The disciples marveled at this and said: “What kind of person is this that the weather obeys him?” This kind of meditation will cause faith to rule over circumstances.