I was recently asked to comment on a paper where many commentaries wrote about their ministries, on how to tackle the problem of pornography in churches. I am pleased that not one of these commentaries said that the problem is the devil. They all agreed that it is the flesh or sinful nature as they quoted from Romans 6 to 8.
According to Galatians 5:19, it is a work of the flesh. If we live according to the flesh it becomes our fruit. We are not eating from the Tree of Life, we are not bringing forth the fruit of the Spirit. (Which is named in Gal 5:22) Jesus made disciples, it’s all about discipline.
You might be asking: “But how can I keep all these things out of my mind?”
The work of the cross divides between flesh and spirit. It divides between the sinful nature and the things of the Spirit of God. It divides between below and above things. Jesus was crucified on Passover and He became the sacrificial Lamb. He poured out His blood for the sins of all mankind.
Remember when the Israelites had to paint the blood of the lamb on the lintel and door posts of their houses, this caused death to pass them by and only the firstborn of the Egyptians died.
Today we apply the blood of Jesus to the doors of our hearts so that sin cannot enter in. We do this by using communion.
We enter our prayer closet and close the door behind us. We are now in one of the rooms of the heart. We take a cracker and grape juice and hold it before God to bless it. We say: “we will follow Jesus, we will die to the flesh and rise in the spirit in the same way Jesus did.”
We meditate on how He overcame all mental anguish in the garden until He sweated blood. He then rose as a warrior King and gave himself up to the temple guards to be mistreated. They beat Him and spat upon Him, making fun of and tormenting Him. During all this He never once complained, He did not shout at them or curse or beg. He practiced self-control and prayed for them. He bowed His back at the whipping post and endured terrible wounds so that we may never be sick again. All this time His blood was flowing. Then He took up His cross and had the Roman soldiers crucify His hands and feet to the cross. Do you see?
He crucified the flesh!
For six hours He hung there where He overcame the flesh completely. He overcame the spirit of death and decay as well as all sickness and mental anguish and the entire sinful nature of man. He became poor so that we may never be without the things we need. Then they stabbed Him in the side and out poured blood and water. This blood He carried into the most Holy Place and sprinkled it in the hearts or conscience of all people on the earth for the forgiveness of sins. Anyone can partake of the blood of Jesus and be forgiven.
Heb.10:22: “He sprinkles my thoughts from an evil conscience and washed me in pure water.”
Daily, we follow Jesus and crucify the evil nature and then live in the Spirit in the presence of God with a blood-washed conscience. Read Gal5:19-24. What is better than having a clear conscience?
If you struggle with the flesh crucify it!!!!!
This is why He said take up your cross, follow me and lay down your life daily. Luke 9:23.
What do you think? Leave your comments! We love to keep the conversation going!
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