February 2020

February 2020

This Month Ron wrote:

Welcome to all new comers to this monthly letter where our theme is to guard the heart.  You may have seen the explanation of the cross, the blood and the line for the first time and you are comparing scriptures you know from both testaments to compare to the Line. God has given us this tool with which to discern between flesh and spirit.

While doing this I hope that you will be using E-sword the electronic sword so you can understand the real meanings of all words written in the Bible. (www.e-sword.net)

It is important to note that all physical things explain spiritual things. For instance when the Bible talks about a physical tree it is explaining that we are spiritual trees. Always remember that the Bible is a spiritual book that uses the historical events of the Old Testament to explain the way we grow spiritually. We compare to the Israelite’s who were slaves in Egypt in the same way we were naturally ruled over or enslaved by the flesh.

God has a promised land for us with many great and wonderful promises,  we however spend most of our time in the wilderness because we look at physical circumstances and not through the eye of faith. In the same way the physical Red Sea parted for the Israelite’s our spiritual sea should part for us when we apply the blood of Jesus.

To understand the system or way of living God has for us is to think like children, because the Kingdom of God belongs to children. Children can imagine and can live above the things of the world. Once they give their lives to Jesus, Jesus becomes real to them. They realize Jesus lives in them , which is the mystery of the gospel for Christ is in you and this is the hope of glory. (Col 1:27) It means that the fullness of God lives in our bodies.  (Cor 2:9) If Christ is in you the God head lives inside you!

Now, to do the work of God we must believe on Jesus. We should do the things Jesus did. He did not pray for people when they were sick, He simply told the sickness to go. He understood that he had to show the will of God in the earth. God’s will is that we should heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead. I know wonderful people who love God but simply do not rule in this world because of crutches.

For this reason I suggest that we start by guarding the heart. Do introspection daily. Find out why you do not have this kind of confidence that can rule. The Bible teaches that if the conscience is clear we have confidence toward God.

Trust the Lord to show you what He wants you to die too. Rom 12:1

Learn to die daily to weaknesses or problems (Luke 9:23) and learn to rise in Christ. It is no longer I who lives, I move and live and have my being in Christ. Meditate on what you look like in Christ in the spirit and then begin to rule over personal circumstances in your own life. You need to have a testimony. If you have a problem in your body, aches and pains you tell it to go. Command it to go in Jesus name!  Same way with your finances. If it does not go immediately you just keep on prophesying to it. Tell it what God says about you and do it all the time. Josh 1:6 teaches we should speak Gods word day and night.

Jesus has given you power and authority over all the work of the devil. You are no longer part of the world system, you are part of God’s system which is the kingdom of God that is in you.  God’s plan for you is for you to rule in the earth, for you to speak God’s word. God is not speaking His word any more, we must do it. Mark 11;22-25.

You may be saying that you don’t feel you could live this way, rule and be this confident, but if you will begin to speak the word of God the life in the Word will create your future in the same way God created the world by speaking.

In closing, learn to guard your heart by listening to the Holy Spirit. It is the inner man that must change. Thoughts are important, we cannot say one thing and think another. We must be single minded. Try to be aware of where your thoughts are at all times. Are you above the line or are you below. When you struggle, use the cross to die to the flesh and rise in the spirit in the same way Jesus showed you to do by His crucifixion. He died to the flesh but he rose in the spirit. In this way we become the new creation.



What is this letter?

Dear Reader. This is a monthly e-mail letter which was sent out to our subscribers on the date indicated in the header. You can find an archive of previous letters on our Monthly E-mails tab.

You can also subscribe to receive these letters in your inbox.

Usually we only send these mails to persons who have visited us and have been into our Man Made Cave: The Alpha Omega Cave, to whom we have shared our revelation about The Line. If you have not visited us in person you can watch a video of our Cave tour. In doing so you will be able to understand our letters much better. Please leave your comments below! We love to hear from you!


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