January 2020

January 2020

We are grateful for all the people who came to visit The Shoe and our Alpha Omega Cave this holiday. Each one that came were humble and meek hearted. All understood that keeping the heart is our main priority and that becoming a living sacrifice to be a reasonable service to God. (Rom 12)

Understanding the power of the cross will assist each one to cut the flesh and live in the spirit.

There is excitement in heaven for the sons of God is being manifested.

Rom 8:19:  “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

Growing out of the flesh into the spirit is what we were created to do so that God would be


We would like to wish each one of our readers to understand the authority we posses in Christ Jesus.

Col 1:11:  “Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.”

That each one of us will bring forth the fruit of the spirit as we get a greater understanding that Satan is a conquered foe.

Col 1:13:  “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness”,  — in order that we shall rule and have dominion in the earth.

A sanctified heart is the place where the power of God is present. The power of God is present within us to bring forth the promises of God.  Also we see the vision of what these following years are going to be like in a sanctified heart.

The years that follow are going to be the time that each one of us are going to refuse to ever be sick again. We will never again experience lack in any form for we are the sons of God who have power and authority over every work of the devil. (Mat 16:19, Mat 18:18) We will do this because Christ in us is the hope of glory. (Col 1:27) God must be glorified and the only way this is going to happen is if Christ is in us. Even though our part of the earth may not seem perfect we will look at the things that are not as though it were. We will keep praising God and speaking His word until our earth looks exactly the way God said it would be for we are the blessed, everything we do will prosper and God will receive the glory.

You may be thinking that it is easy for me to say because I do not know your life. But I would like to encourage you to not look at your present situation, only look through the eye of faith at your perfect future. Always keep that perfect vision in your heart and God will give you the desires of your (sanctified) heart.

Do this by refusing to live in the flesh and live in the spirit!

Until next month… Ron


What is this letter?

Dear Reader. This is a monthly e-mail letter which was sent out to our subscribers on the date indicated in the header. You can find an archive of previous letters on our Monthly E-mails tab.

You can also subscribe to receive these letters in your inbox.

Usually we only send these mails to persons who have visited us and have been into our Man Made Cave: The Alpha Omega Cave, to whom we have shared our revelation about The Line. If you have not visited us in person you can watch a video of our Cave tour. In doing so you will be able to understand our letters much better. Please leave your comments below! We love to hear from you!


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