March 2020

March 2020

Ron wrote:

In the last letter I spoke about people who are not ruling over the flesh. We are probably all guilty of this at times for we would rather keep the peace and let things slide.  It’s easier to take a pill than to cast the devil out of your body. It’s far more convenient to let the proud be as proud as they want to and never teach them the error of their ways.

Fact is that God has given us power over all the power of the devil. If you are not in agreement with this statement it is because you do not have the knowledge of God in this area.

2 Pet 1:3:  “According to his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:”

We should live by faith for this is the only way to please God. However your level of faith will never exceed the knowledge you have of God. The only way to know more about God is to read the Bible and do the Bible.

The only time that I truly astounded other believers was when I was completely convinced that I had complete authority  in the earth in the name of Jesus. It would be exactly the way I said it would be, because that is what Mark 11:23 said. It is written in the Bible, it is God’s word, therefore believe and do—It is this kind of boldness and confidence that heal the sick and causes miracles. You have to stir up your faith.

2 Tim 1:6:  “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God…”

The gift is the Holy Spirit  who explains the word.

If we search the scriptures with having the God kind of faith in mind the Holy Spirit does the searching because He is always finding a way to not limit God.

Firstly understand that you do not need more faith for we all have the same measure of faith. (Rom 12:3) You need to use the faith  you already have.  As we teach people in the cave:  “If the conscience is clear you are half way there”.  Now meditate the armor of Ephesians 6 and realize that you are in Christ. We no longer live, we are hidden in Christ. If you abide in me and my word abides in you, you may ask what you will and it shall be done to you.  (John 15:7) Nothing is impossible!

Now we begin to hope because faith is the substance of things hoped for. (Heb 11:1) Hope is in the imagination. See the things you are believing for in the imaginations and thoughts of the heart and see it continually. Live there, walk and talk it. You are looking at the unseen. Never ever listen to people who say it is impossible for that is the flesh that is talking.  In fact you can expect people to try and talk you out of it. They don’t like it if we accomplish things, it makes them look bad.

Now begin to fill your mind with all the scripture you can find that promises that You Are blessed. (Duet 28)  and able to do all things.( Josh 1:6,  Ps 1, Ps 103, Eph 3:20, 2 Pet 1:4, 2 Tim 3:16,  2 Cor 4:18) If you look  these scriptures up it will lead to others.  Whenever other thoughts enter your mind speak those scriptures out loud. The word of God  is full of life and it is Spirit. (Joh 6:63)  This is how to move things by faith. Never give up and you will bring glory to God.

You are most welcome to comment! Tell us what you think!

Ron van Zyl


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Dear Reader. This is a monthly e-mail letter which was sent out to our subscribers on the date indicated in the header. You can find an archive of previous letters on our Monthly E-mails tab.

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Usually we only send these mails to persons who have visited us and have been into our Man Made Cave: The Alpha Omega Cave, to whom we have shared our revelation about The Line. If you have not visited us in person you can watch a video of our Cave tour. In doing so you will be able to understand our letters much better. Please leave your comments! We love to hear from you!


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