How to get the River of the Spirit flowing

In the Old Testament God spoke through his prophets about this day that the Spirit of God would live inside his people. This Spirit is the power of life, it is life. Jesus could do no miracles until the Spirit of the Lord came upon Him. Once the Spirit came upon Him, he became like Isaiah prophesied; The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, he has anointed me to preach good tidings, bind up the brokenhearted, and set the captives free. (Luke 4:18 and Isa 61:1) Once the Spirit came upon Him, he could heal the sick and do great miracles to show the will of God on the earth. God’s will is that all be healed and be provided for. God wants us to enjoy our lives and the wonders of nature. We are compared to nature and we are supposed to become like it.

With the Spirit of God in us, we would become like watered gardens, like wells of living water. I believe that many believers have been given the Spirit the same way Jesus received it, but are not walking in the power of the Spirit. The Word of God was written by the Spirit, by the hands of people who made themselves available to the Spirit. The prophets saw this generation and described us as a chosen generation of kings, priests, and prophets. That the Holy Spirit would guide us continually and satisfy our souls in drought, make strong our bones and we would be like watered gardens like fountains of water and wells of living water.

We have fountains that run with a pump in our gardens. This fountain of waters that is life and life abundantly is forever flowing and is the life of God that heals and provides all we need. No one knows how it works. He who meditates the Word of God, day and night, is like a tree planted by the streams of water (Ps 1). To get my river to flow I start early in the morning with Psalm 103 and see where my healing comes from. If you meditate on the Word of God it is as if new understanding comes from just thinking what each word means.

 Ps 103:1: “Bess the Lord all my soul and all that is within me.” 

It sounds a lot like the First Commandment. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and everything in you.

Then he names the benefits of doing this –

Ps 103:3: “He forgives my sins AND HEALS ME!”

Remember these words were written by the Holy Spirit. The way to get healed and be provided for is by having a clear conscience.

Ps 103:4: “…He crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies.”

We are filled with the understanding that God loves us dearly. We are crowned with the knowledge that we are sons and daughters of God to rule over our bodies and thoughts with the Word of God.

Ps 103:5:  “He fills my mouth with good things…”

If we speak the Word and meditate on it continually we become like the fountain of gardens of living water. Finally, he says that he “Restores our youth like the eagles”.

Pro 4:10:  “Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many.”

Pro 4:22:  “Keep my words, For they are life unto those that find them, and health unto all their flesh.”

Pro 4:23:  “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” 

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and now lives inside us to guide us continually and satisfy our souls in drought. He makes strong my bones and He makes me like a watered garden like a spring of living water. (Isa 58:11) The physical Tabernacle is where the presence of God was with the people in the wilderness. Today we are the tabernacle of God. In the morning we go to the outer court and have our sins dealt with at the cross where we use Communion.

After this, we go to the Holy place to honor the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit looks like Jesus and is the Spirit of Christ. He waits for us in our favorite garden and teaches us all things. He is the one who inspires us and guides us if we will only give Him time. Read Paul’s prayer in Eph 1;17: That we should have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation of the power that we possess in Christ. We have an unction from God to know all things. It is important to honor the Holy Spirit and live in his peace. After this, we go to the Holy of Holies to walk in the courts of God, bathe in the great fountain of life, and be thankful for the Love of God.

Does this help you to become a fountain of the living waters of God?