July 2020 – 15 Secrets of Divine Healing

July 2020 – 15 Secrets of Divine Healing

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Ron wrote:

The past year I have been studying the work of John G. Lake as presented by Curry Blake at JGLM.org.  Curry learnt about healing from Doctor Lester Sumrall who in turn learnt from Smith Wigglesworth. John G. Lake not only healed people in the name of Jesus but taught them how to do it. I have gleamed the following points from Curry’s work and have found  a remarkable change in my own life which I hope to pass on to our readers.

 I am writing the points down exactly the way John G. Lake did it while knowing that our readers realise the importance of having a clear conscience by the blood of Jesus before taking authority over the work of Satan.

I would suggest that you copy these 15 points below and read them over and over.

These are the 15 points that are changing our lives.


1.  Destroy sacred cows concerning traditions and religions. “By your traditions you make the word of God of none effect.” Mark 7:13  (You will know what your sacred cows are as you take each of the following points to heart)

2.  Recognize sickness, disease and aches and pains as the enemy that must be defeated. We are against these as we learn to become violent against it. 1 Pet 2:22,  Matt 8:16-17 We must eliminate these and live in divine health.

3.  Get fed up!  (I’m done with sickness! I shall never be sick another day of my life!) HATE SICKNESS, side with God against it. Command sickness to go and never beg for healing. In Christ you have authority over all sickness. You were healed. 1 Pet 2:24, Col 2:9-10

4.  Treat all sickness and disease the same. It is all the Devil, headaches and cancers are to be treated the same.

5.  Treat all sickness like a living being or entity. Talk with it with a voice of command Speak to it, it will obey!  The Devil cannot resist you!!!! Never back down.

6.  Do not pray for people, command the Devil to leave. You do not need God’s permission. God’s will is that all people be healed.

7.  Speak to the problem not to others about the problem. Tell the problem what God says about it.

8.  Speak to people like oppressed prisoners of war. Is 61:1-3 Set the captives free. Get them free then disciple them. (Jesus healed everyone)

9. Get clean and stay clean. (Guard your heart have a clear conscience so you can have confidence.)

10.  Stay out of pride. Live by the fruit of the Spirit. You are not special merely God’s tool to heal the sick. Believe the word and make the Devil mad. Now stand there don’t run after other fads. You have an anointing that abides anyone can heal the sick.

11.  Develop aggression against sin sickness and the Devil. The wages of sin is death.

12.  Be led by God’s character and nature. The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God.

13.  Accept responsibility for your fellow man. We are sent to heal.

14.  Decide to obey the Bible. We have the ministry of reconciliation. We enforce the will of God. (Let thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.) Be obedient to lay hands on people.  Mark 16.

Do not obey feelings because feelings are subject to change.

15. Know God is with you. Emmanuel. God is for you-for the oppressed.


What is this letter?

Dear Reader. This is a monthly e-mail letter which was sent out to our subscribers on the date indicated in the header. You can find an archive of previous letters on our Monthly E-mails tab.

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Usually we only send these mails to persons who have visited us and have been into our Man Made Cave: The Alpha Omega Cave, to whom we have shared our revelation about The Line. If you have not visited us in person you can watch a video of our Cave tour. In doing so you will be able to understand our letters much better. Please leave your comments! We love to hear from you!


2 thoughts on “July 2020 – 15 Secrets of Divine Healing”

  1. Good morning

    I have passed the shoe for almost 42 years but never visited
    the cave.
    Recently May 2024 I passed there with Thea Coad on our way to
    our womans conference in Pretoria. She suggested as we had a lot of time
    that we visit the cave.

    OH WOW what a experience of a life time Ron God gave you a special talent
    to tell people about the light and the darkness and guess That was the theme
    of our conference – so already it begun in the cave.

    My sister in law was with us and she lost her brother by suicide on the 20th Dec 2023 after the family
    business went into serious trouble.
    Your word about the darkness healed all the WHY!
    The darkness just took over on him..
    Now we all know where to take people that is in the darkness.
    Sometimes the healing is in a weekend away and not
    with all the doctors, phisiatrists and specialists!

    Keep on your ministry and we will defnitely visit again
    I would defnitely spend some more time in Room 12.

    Elsa Marx

    1. Hi Elsa. Thank you for your beautiful testimony! So great to hear! I am so happy that you had a great experience. I hope that all people would come and see the cave for themselves and have their special meeting with the Holy Spirit.

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