June 2018

June 2018

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Ron wrote:

Last month I wrote to you concerning exercising discipline in our lives as a way of dying to our flesh. Previously I mentioned that I have been reading the work of Martin Luther.  Luther has a very deep understanding of the flesh.

Luther accuses the Pope of his time to have darkened the word “flesh”, to mean only sexual lust or lechery.

The monks divided themselves into different religious orders which followed different teachers and church leaders very much the way we still do. They wore their hair differently, believed themselves to be holier than all others while some lashed themselves to kill the flesh, others did not think it was bad to be obese. Luther concludes by saying “that these are works of the flesh.”

In this same way the word flesh is still darkened and hardly mentioned in sermons. Popular teachers are motivational speakers that use the Word, but the cross and sanctification is never mentioned. I am leaving it to the reader to decide which of these things are of the “flesh”. I would like to add that we are not to judge others but rather avoid.

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