How to Keep the heart (Part 2)

I recently saw a video of a preacher encouraging people to have a clear conscience. He then left it there without telling them how to do it.

This is the second letter on how to guard the heart. Click here if you missed the first one.

Once you understand how the conscience works you will see that it is the subject of the Bible. The Bible uses physical things to explain spiritual things. Now you will understand that the Garden of Eden is the Conscience. Out of the conscience comes everything we have need of. It compares to the soil in the sense that it must be weed-free in order to bring forth good things. It must be planted in and then it must be watered and kept clean. (Just like the Parable of the Sower who sowed the seed in different kinds of Soil in Matthew 13)

The first time God spoke to man He said: “Keep the garden!”

Prov 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. 

God is the great provider; He will give you everything you need if you keep your garden.

God’s laws are written in our hearts, we know right from wrong, and we know the Ten commandments instinctively.

When we learn to deal with sin the way Jesus showed us, the provision of God is like a river of life. The moment we allow sin to enter the heart, the river dries up. Living this life of guarding the heart pleases God and will always feel as if you are living in a garden. The original meaning for the word Garden means “fenced”. It’s like having a fenced mind, being in a safe place where you can talk to God in the cool of the day. In the New Testament, this place is called the Kingdom of God.

We are told that if we find this Kingdom first all things will be added (Matt 6:33). It is very much the like the Promised Land. Those people who eventually entered the Promised Land were living in a type of heaven. Everything was provided for them in a supernatural way.

God lives in the heart of man, it is His property, and we gave the heart to God. We cannot give the heart to anything else. If we allow fear in the heart we have a fearful heart. The same place we gave to God belongs to everything else we decide to give it to.  Many people do not think that it is bad to give your heart to your spouse or children. Perhaps we give our hearts to our goals or some people give their hearts to dogs. The subject of romance stories is broken hearts.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and everything in you.

Remember the first two commandments.  As we spend our time reading the Word of God the Holy Spirit explains it all, and the Word becomes alive. Now, this life in Christ becomes a blessed life with new ideas and opportunities. The first Psalm says He who meditates the word of God is like a tree planted by streams of water bringing forth his fruit in season and whatsoever he does prosper.  

However, the sinful nature lies at the door, always looking for an opportunity to slip a thought into the garden that can grow and cause a stronghold. The smallest thought can grow and cause the fall of mega companies. Lust can creep in, and if unchecked can cause adultery that can ruin the lives of many people. Greed can cause a country to be bankrupted while pride is blinding the eyes and the garden is closed to its occupants.

Learn to guard the heart. Learn to listen to the still small voice that will transform your mind and teach you to be a living sacrifice daily.

By daily doing introspection, taking thoughts captive, and crucifying the things of the flesh we are guarding our hearts.

Tell us what your garden looks like! We would love to hear your comments!

Until next month

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