July 2019

July 2019

Ron wrote:

This month Ron Wrote:

The soul of man is that part of us that wants to be pitied. It also longs to be fulfilled with all the universe has to offer. It worships itself and is self centered as it boasts about itself. Yet at the same time can fall into deep self loathing as it wallows in self pity. The psalmist cries out to be delivered from the pit.

 This is the deep dark of Genesis 1 that is described to be chaotic. Each one of us has been here, perhaps you have forgotten how far you have come since the Spirit of God moved upon your deep and called light into being.

Remember how great it was when you gave your life to Jesus and your heart was washed with His blood to have a clear conscience that could pray with great confidence to receive things that you might be struggling to do today? Perhaps the tribulations of life has taken the wind from your sails, perhaps you are finding it real hard to be thankful at all times.

I would like to remind you that we are a work in progress. I know this because I saw Jesus dancing after I passed through a particular hard time. I struggled to understand this because I never thought of Him as dancing exuberantly until I found this following scripture.

Zep 3:17:  “The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.”

A study of this scripture shows that He dances and rejoices over us as we begin to live and move and have our being in Christ, God rejoices. After all God gave His only begotten Son so that we may live in Christ. (John 3:16) As we lay down our old sinful nature God rejoices over us. The soul no longer boast of himself.

Ps 34:2:  “My soul shall make her boast in the LORD…”

In myself I am empty and powerless. Even when I achieve things I thought were important and will fulfill me, I find that I am empty! As I die daily to myself I rise in Christ.

These things have to happen in us so that we may be as Jesus was in the earth. God has plans for us, a hope and a future in Christ. Because the same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead lives in us, we are to be the faith of God, we are to be the Word of God in the earth. This is why the heavens rejoices over us when we die to self, so that we may speak God’s word and create with His word and bring forth life into the earth.

 I now realize that when I saw Jesus dancing it was because we were speaking the word continually in the face of tribulation. Even though the flesh was screaming “What about me?” I concentrated on what does the word say. The word says that they that find the word find life and it is health to all their flesh. (Prov 4:22)

 The word, is still creating as it created in the beginning but God is not saying it anymore, He expects us to say it and create with it. In this way the sons of God are revealed in the earth. Rom 8:19:  “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

I cannot stretch the importance of the Word of God enough.



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Dear Reader. This is a monthly e-mail letter which was sent out to our subscribers on the date indicated in the header. You can find an archive of previous letters on our Monthly E-mails tab.

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